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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
The Commoner. 16 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 25 J IMPORTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS Read the lists "given below and for the same amount you are paying for The Commoner, secure another paper or magazine. For a small additional sum you can get several. Interest Your Neighbors Commoner readere, who ape willing to assist in the work of in croaslng Tho Commonor's circulation and influence will find It easy to intorost others, who are not now subscribers, by bringing to their attontion tho extraordinarily low prices at which standard periodi cals can bo socured in combination with The Commoner. CLASS A Regular Price. American, Nashvillo, Wookly, Dom. and Agrl..? .50 Commercial Appeal, Momphls, Weekly, Dom.. .50 Homo and Stato, Dallas. Monthly, Illustrated, Homo 50 Pralrlo Farmor, Chicago, Weekly, Agrl 1.00 Farm and Stock, St. Joseph, Monthly, Agrl... 1.00 Rollablo Poultry Journal, Qulncy, 111., Monthly .60 Tho Industrious Hon, Knoxvlllo, Monthly 50 American Swlnohord, Chicago, Monthly, Agri.. .50 Farm, Stock and Homo, Minneapolis, Soml Monthly, Agrl 50 Homo and Farm, Loulsvlllo, Soml-Monthly Agrl 50 National Farmor and Stock Grower, St. Louis, Monthly, Agri ,. .50 Southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Scml-Month- ly, Agrl 4 ,50 Southorn Fruit Grower, Chattanooga,, Tonn., . Monthly, Horticultural ..... .' .50 Amorlcan 1 Farmor, Indianapolis, Monthly, Agrl. .40 Farm and FIrosldo, Now York, Soml-Monthly, Agri , f :'.;-... 2fj Farm News, Springfield, Ohio, Monthly -Agri. ,'25 Agricultural Hpitomist, Spencer, Ind., Mo ... . 1.00 Modorn Farmor, Eldoh, Mo Monthly 25 Missouri Valley Farmor, Toppka, Monthly,- Agrl , " 20 Farm ProKross. St. Louis, Monthly .25 y.8 iffi&L Bi? In. 111.. Weekly, Juvenile ..... .50 .u. iuuwnj, uiut x-urK, ui juvenile ; .50 Modorn Prlsclll,, Boston, Monthly, Fancy P .50 The Commoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS A $1.00 Work Boston, Monthly, Fancy National Homo Jniirnnl Kf T.mia"ir4Ci.'.' rJ; Vick's Family Marino DaniVlllo ,'tf ' Y.', V Monthly, Florlcultural ' .?. ' ' .50 Peoples Popular Monthly, Dos Moines, Htfuse- r hold ..V. ... .25 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN GLASS A $1.35 CLASS B Jr Av fn. '.'f .-; " :- Iloprnlar Krlcc. m Worl?' Now York, Thrico-'a-weok..'. ,.. .".$1.00 Anu juiiLiuirur, uincinnau, WOeiCly ......... - 100 Tho Constitution, Atlanta, Thrlco-a-veok. ...'.' 100 8t? SKSTSfftfi,'8r(2&. ?ff t k.ljr Th0M?srAeTi!,c.0:..Kvttn3!n' "'.' somi: M' Lo" S??oTC5. '?"''' ''V.' ' and 1' Ohio Farmer. ninvniVn' ' '-mio:.'" V ' : 75 Livo Stock .. ......7. "UUJWJ' Asn. and x,auonat tockman and Farmer, Pittsburg, Southorn nnitivn VV ' V.'iVJ ' n'li: ,v 1 .75 00 00 thorn Cultivator, Atlanta, Semi-Monthly, It G rowVr. Hf ' iu ' r' ' VV ILV.V 1. The Commoner AND ANY ONlfl IN CLASS U $1.35 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS B $ 1 .85 The Commonen Any ONE In Cla a U? vll And wItu W ONE In Claaa n ) Jv7 The Commoner ahv a ln- Any ONE ln Clasa A Qj 111 And w"h n TWO In ?! D tI)Z I J The Commoiier Any TWO In Class A &- I SI - In Class n 1J I J J And 1Tlth py one m'lmmmMmammmm-.mmmHm'mmmm&tBBmmMaKmmamtMmm-mym 1 1 Prices Cheerfully Quoted On any combination of periodicals selected from this list. Periodi cals may bo sent to different addresses if desired. Your friends may wish to Join with you in sending for a Combination. All sub scriptions are for one year, and if new, begin with the current num ber unless otherwise directed. MISCELLANEOUS So y .orVi"5erald' Omaha $4.00 ?YJJ1,d-Ira,d' Except Sunday 3.00 Semi-Weekly World-Herald ...!.. .60 Tho Republican, Springfield, Mass., Dally 8.00 . r """ opringneia, Mass, Sunday 2.00 Tho Republican, Springfield, Mass., Weekly 1.00 Farraors News-Scimitar, Memphis, Weekly 50 Th PnftinKas Clt ,- Daily except Sunday. . . . 2.50 wntV2ic cJllca&9' Weekly, Fundamental Democracy 1.00 ffi i??SHor??la? Maeazlne. Atlanta, Monthly... 1.50 Tho Democrat, Johnstown, Pa., Weekly 1.00 News-Times. Denver, Weekly . 100 B-Lt5ra,ry' 0Bh New York' Weekly ;. 3.00 Pathfinder, Washington, Wookly A 100 Current Literature, New York, Monthly 3io0 The Post, Houston. Texas. Seml-Wookly -t . . 1.00 nSnOTS!6' R'- v.Vifl' Semi-Weekly.. :?."'. .50 nrnr ?,tte' Chlc4K Weekly, Stock and Farm.. 2.00 Orange Judd Farmer, Chicago, Weekly, Agricultural.. 1.00 Pir? dairyman, Ft Atkinson. Wis.; Weekly. ..... 1 00 w.H1!.8008"' sPrlni?flcld, Ohio, Monthly. 50 Wallace's Farmer, Des Moines, Weekly, Agricultural.. 1.00 The American Boy, Detroit, Mich., Monthly, Juvenile 1 00 Success Magazine, New York, Monthly.. ......... .7 1 00 J Field .and Stream, New York, Monthly, Sports 1.50 Health Culture, Passaic, N. J Monthly, I-Iyglonic 1 00 Recreation Magazine. Now York, Montnlyr... ...V.V lioo i?1mJnopende"t- Nw York, Weekly. Literary 2 00 ihniA?onia' Trtentn' ,N J- Monthly, Literary . 2 50 The Outlook, Now York, Weekly, Family 3 00 Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Nashville. Literarv Mo 100 ThmA0SllJan' Sqw Xk. Monthly LUeraryf.T.'.r:?:: lioS Thn ttfc1&,ne' S-owT,ork literary; Monthly .1.00 J.he Red Book, Chicago, Monthly, Literary 100 Metropolitan Magazine, Now York, Mo., Literacy 150 Pacific Monthly, Portland, Ord., Literarv L,st,ary. , . . 1.50 World's Events Mairazine Tnvton.V'- ''li.4' 1,0 Current Events 7 ...7. ' i,iU"i-"Y The Black Cat, Boston, Monthly.' Short Storipq " W2W'8Hom1 Companion, New ySJk, Sol Famliy ' MCCalls Magazine, New York, Monthly Fashions ' SSSiP-,JSat-S&..NS T?rkv Monthly!1 Fashions?! ! . ! ! Amrlni"U"Ii?I,i,nL V"' mly. &',,X!? Sturm'a OltlahiSa MasJSfno,' Monthly' f. !....: l '. t. Our Price Pabltnlicrs' with Price. Commoner. S4.00 3.25 1.25 8.10 2.00 1.70 1.20 2.50 1.45 1.85 1.25 1.(10 3.25 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.G0 1.50 1.15 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.85 1.45 2.35 2.20 2.50 3.G0 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.85 ' 1.45 1.15 1.20 1.50 1.20 1.75 1.70 1.00 l.GO 1.20 1.45 .GO .50 1.00 .50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 .GO 00 m tMXmmm one . .. ReyifwH?nSvi4ws Z SRS SnTUeP Worn sin fa h n """."' ' 3,u0 Tno Reader :i 00 nnRmnnnllfon " ii !. ,, x-eopies popular Monthly, Ur SPecial Price - - $3.00 Our Special Price - - $3.00 Boy AtlanetaarnnHCfnHS T P?fblJlc',.A,nericiln MaSazine, American xSv.Vvl , ConstItution, Health Culture, Hoard's Dairvman Pacific Jf??, 7, SuCuCeS8' Tayl-Trotwood, or any periodical lS 5m T A o? firasStS club "or'fheoiiff r man S Home SLSntoftaihJ tionVnot permuted mPtaU In th SeCnd club' 0ther subPtitu" Commoner 81.00 Courier-Journal., l.oo Taylor-Trotwood.. 1.00 OUR PIUOH ?.oS Commoner. ...... ..SI. 00 American Mag.... l.oo American Boy.... 1.00 our rmcE Iib Commoner. . , $1.00 Independent 2.00 Prairie Farmor... 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE 82.45 All Orders Must Be Addressed to TLe Commoner, Lirjcoln, Nebraska w. .V