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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
THfir ,,- JOLT 3, 1908 The Commoner. 13 ''' WITH'" iyrj nnp g-r "r dMWM Coming Fron old Vermont to Texas; From Oregon to Maine; From Idaho to Florida, And to the lakes again; "We hear the tread of marching feet In village and in city street. We hear the marchers shouting As down the streets they trail: "Empty, empty, empty - Is that once full dinner pall!" From Pittsburg to Chicago; From Lowell to Racine; From Birmingham to Muncie, From Homestead to Moline, (We hear the tread of marching feet In village and in city street. Wo hear the marchers shouting As down the streets they trail: "Fuller, fuller, fuller Grows each injunction jail!" From corporation council From broker, bull and bear; From Wall Street, New York City, There's borne upon the air The wild tumultuous applause Of those engaged in mammon's cause. We hear the' cohorts shouting As ifj with', glee grown daft: -, "Bigger, bigger, bigger Grows our hot-air dollar graft!" In Milwaukee "I read in the Milwaukee Sejntine of a yacht that! capsized on the' lake Two columns rgreat story." "Yes, but capsizing schooners is bo common up there that the papers never mention it." Political "That," remarked Colonel Tite wad, smacking his lips over the liquor he offered to his guest, "is the finest French brandy." "Indeed," said the guest., "It seems thoroughly naturalized." No Wonder Water intoxicating! No wonder we see pickled herring. American. And soused mackerel. Brooklyn Eagle. And Bkates. Boston Globe. And flounders. Houston Post. And empty wagons. Serviceable Our friend, John Wells, of Buffalo, Says there's no rhyme for Sher man. But we'd have our. good friend Wells know That as the campaign warm doth grow The g. q. p.'ll be squirmin'. birned a copple of holes in my shirt waist and held a crackir in my teeth granma says it wont leave a scar the crackirs they are selling this year are bully ones for noise i can git three pakidges for ten cents. Plese give my love to mama and tell her granma says I am being a good boy so she can send mo the quarter she promust me for the forth you can send moro for crackirs is ex pensif, and I have promist granma not to hold any moro in my teeth to. this is all for this time the aky rockits are ten cents apeece. Your loving son, Now there is at least one man in Lincoln who is loud in his demand for a "safe and sane" Fourth of July celebration. IEnvoi That Danville boom for Cannon Soon petered out, my son. It seems that the artillery Was but a "Quaker" gun. "My!" "My" candidate, "my" platform, . "My" people and "my" plan; "My" principles and policies, The candidate "my" man. "My" choice for the succession, , "My" ideals so high, "My" stork, "my" work, "my" duty; And the people say, "O, my!" Found Them "That platform is perfect!" shout ed tho partisan. ' "It was choke full of mistakes," growled the man in the end seat. "Well, I'd like to have you point 'em out." "I pointed 'em all out, and I made the compositors correct 'em, too,' said tho end seat man. Wise "Would you not accept an offer of remunerative employment?' queried me luuy oi me nouse WHO was worrying about the condition of the lawn. "Youse can't disguise work by no high-flown langwige, mum," replied Walker Boutte. "I went to school long' enough to be able V penetrate all dem little schemes." in America," moaned tho elephant. 'I move you tho appointment of a committee on platform," exclaimed tho Timber Wolf. Tho motion being put and carried tho committee wns appointed and re tired to deliberate. This is tho platform submitted and adopted: "Let Us alone!" Coincidently, the friends of tho elephant in this country are saying the same thing. Political A Boy's Letter A Lincoln man whose eight-year old son : is. visiting grandma in a country town, is in receipt of the following letter from his young hopeful: "Dear papa. Granma and me is having, lots', of f.un. She says I can shoot all the firecrackers I want; to forth of July if you will send me somo money to buy them. Please send me some money there iff lots of nice firewirks here, gillie Juck ins and me has got a toy canin whitch makes a big noise we are going to bo careful of the poudlr wo buy with the money you send me for the forth of July please send it rite- away ho I will have nlehty of time to. by' firewirks. Granma. give me a nidkle yesterday and I bdt iirecrackirs to see if they are selling good ones this forth of July. I "My dear Sophia," murmured Mr. Softleigh, "I am a candidate for your heart and hand." "That's all right, Mr. Softleigh; but does your platform include reci procity, emergency currency, arbi tration and referendum?" "Why, er-er-um, ah why, my dear Sophia " "That will do, Mr. Softleigh," ejaculated the fair Sophjr. Wiseone. "This is no time to accept candidates whe have no settled convictions of their own on such important mat ters," j Zoological The jungle 'convention was called to order by Chairman Chimpanzee, who at once stated the objects of the meeting. "We are gathered here to take cognizance of the fact that it has been announced thatupon his re tirement President Roosevelt will come tp Africa on. a big game hunt. We must do something." "Yes, I shudder to think of what will become of me if he gives me such a dose as he gave my brother Dido Down to Date A Trust, once upon a time, visit ed a new country, and boing fair to look upon and having a mouth full of fair promises, at once at tracted attention from tho ruling powers. "I am merely scouting around with a view to locating," explained the Trust, "and I am impressed with your beautiful country." "Surely wo would bo pleased to have you in our midst," responded tho people. "But it will bo necessary to offer mo some inducements," said the Trust. "Not that we do not realize tho wonderful advantages, but mero ly to show that you are interested in us." "And what inducements are need ed?" queried tho people. "O, nothing much; merely a lit tle protection. Not too much, but just enough to convince outsiders that you are determined to starfd up for home institutions." Thereupon the people granted tho protection demanded. A little later tho people's repre sentatives met in solemn conclave and decided that tho Trust was en titled to a little more. By and by it-became apparent that the people's representatives were, in fact, the representatives of the trusts, but by that time the protection wall had been built so high that the people on the inside were at the mercy of tho Trust. ' "It is unbearable," moaned the people. "But it's the making of us," re torted the Trust. With that the people are expected to bo content. But will they? It was Dido who was given all the land she could enclose in a bull's hide. She cut the bull's bide into thongs, soaked them in water, and enclosed enough land to found a strong city upon. The little wall of protection given the Trust has grown until it has tho great Chinese wall skinned both ways from the middle. ORGAN Of Suprtar Musical VaUf Th rii1 mnnntina been developed and perfected by un no that our latest models really crcnto a new standard. In (net, so ere at has been tho Improvement that we havo dlscon- tmucd all for mer styles. rOjfM Anyone now In the market f 11-f IWl 'or an onran should send - --- j Qu nw Orjjnn Catalog. It will bo a revelation. Tho beautiful Idyllic pipe orenntono of theso organs makes them n wise Investment for homes nnd churches. Also IJargatns in Slight ly Ihtd Organs, Hundrcdnof good Instruments taken InoxchanKO, offered at nominal prices. Write today, LYON & HEALY S Adams trt, CHICAGO COar3.kirrUvtaurmIMar'(lplar6clf. iUmb R.8.&A.B,LflCEY,W..hlnftton,P.C, EatabJitC I PA TENTS BEcuiusn or fek Free report m to Patentability. IJIiiUmted fluid Hook, and I.lnt of Invention Wnntcd, nontfroo. KVAN8, WILICKNH A CO., Washington, D. 0 TOBACCO fAc.tnt"sv SALESMEN (Jood pay. ntoiidy work and prmnottuu. ICxpcrlunca tiiinocpfxary un wo will tfvo complain Instructions. Dan villa f.tcc C., Bx X , Danville, Va. All About Texas. Oklahoma. Arkanmt. Loulxlana, Now Mexico Tlomea for tho hoinclcna, prosperity for tho indus trious. Tho home builders' Kulde. Bend stamp for rampla copy, FARM AND RANCH, Dallas, Texas. TEXAS STATE LAND Millions of ncnsflchool land to hoxold by thnfitato. tl.OO to 10.00 per acre; only onc-fortlctli canh and 40 years tlmo on balance: 3 per cent Intercwt: only IliOO cash Tor IfO acrrw nt f3.00 per acre, Greatest opportunity; splendid laud; mud to cent for Hook of Instruction nnd Now Htnto Law. J. J. Bnydar School land locator. 140 9th -t.. Austin, Texan Reference. Austin National Hunk, bIimj thin papur Brain "Leaks It takes but little platform bait to catch somo political suckers. A morose man may be religious, but he can not be a Christian. Satan works overtime when the churches close for the heated term. A lot of men look on homo as merely an eating station on life's road. A whole lot of us tove to lay the blame on "environment" and "heredity." Alfred Austin says he wants a rest. We'll trade even with Alf, if ho is willing. It may be old-fashioned, but we always did prefer our shirtsleeves to a "smoking jacket." It's a mighty mean man that will kick when he sees a hole in the toe of the baby's shoe. Just about the time a man begins to think he is "it" somebody comes along and slips on "n" In front of it. It is time to drop the "ake-the children-to-see-the-animate" on cir cus day joke when tho children get so big you havo to dig up the price of adult tickets. MANLOVE Automatic Gate Saves time, adds to value, safety beauty and picas lire of homo. MAN LOVE SATE CO., 272 . Hwen SI., CHICAGO, ILLS. It Is tho best policy holdcr'a com pany In tho United Statea. ASSISTS, f:,300,000j Twenty-orre yours old, WrJto The Old Line Bankers Life Lincoln, Nebraska Opportunity of a Lifetime. ' A HOME AND A PERMANENT INCOME. Thli AusocJatlon lias an option on 600,090 acre -of land. Two rivers, 100,000 acres of valuable timber. 1'crtJlo soil, delightful climate, Railroad now buljd liitf. Under our Plan you will hnvo a homo and farm of your own and an equal Interest In tho en' tiro enterprise Writo for Literature to-day 1 La Pro'uparldud Colony AH-oclut.on' '' Department X. C3C Chamber of Commerce isldg. Lob Alice lea, Calif. , PLATFORM TEXT BOOK Containing; the Declara tion of Independence, the CoBMfltutloH 4f (be United State, and all the National Platform of all nartlei ntHce the organisation of our kov-eraEHcat. ROUND IN PAPER, I1Y 31 AIL, POSTAGES PREPAID, TWENTY FIVB CENTS I'BR COPY. AddrcfiM all Order to The Commoner LINCOLN, NEB. 41 T n , tfjfc &Tl-U &-