The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 19, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner;
The Commoner.
William J. Uiiyan ,
Kdltornnri Proprietor.
ftJClIJll) h. MKTCAI.l'lC
Af FOclnto Kditor.
Kdllorfnl JtooniB mid DiiRlnom
OTlco 321-330 South 12tl Street,
Jfntcrcd nt llio l'oMofTcr nt Lincoln, Neb., n ficcoml-clnwi matter
im Year 91.00 Tliroo MondiH - - - - 5o
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THE COMMONER,' Lincoln, Nob.
, ffo ,
' Tho Tom Snell case should be deodorized.
The hole in tho doughnut is growing larger.
V$ Japan wants to; borrow 300,000,000 yen.
Japan. iri young nation jthat built a big navy
: ' and equipped a big navy in order to insure
"Money is in circulation," exclaims Mr:.
Taft. The trouble is that it circulates either
so rapidly or so stealthily that the innocent by
stander cannot get sight of it.
Tho Milwaukee "Wisconsin calls attention to
"the loncth of time durinc which- tho rprmi
havo entrusted" tho ronublican nartv with rnw.
er." The "Wisconsin, however, does not point to
tho' results.
-JpS The interesting discovery has been made
-"that the panic of 1907-08 began almost on the
date that President Roosevelt ordered the motto
taken from the gold coins. That ought to re
lieve the g. o. p. of responsibility.
The humble Indianapolis machinist who
was fined $1,500 for violation of the anti-trust
laws has been dispossessed of his home in order
that tho fine might be collected. The Standard
Oil Company has not yet paid its line.
p?estand vicTV31 lms .an order
, 2 hihad In 18C L ' in h0ie5lt- Wllat the co"n
arlSnod lnl86fc ,ro men in charge of the war
department wno oar better than six and three-
- . the
The Buffalo ir ,claims he can raise
the dead should -. , tiGnt to Washington and
allowed to try his hand on "tariff revision hv
Its friends.;; Also on "representative .govern
ment" as illustrated by the republican majority
under Speaker Cannon. JO!uy
No reduction in the price of steel" is tho
Announcement following tlie meeting of tho
directors of tho steel trust. "No restriction of
the opportunities to steal" is the announcemoSt
from tho republican majority in congiesl anen
the matter of tariff revision.
White Mountain rfisnrvn Mile o.i n.- .."..
put wood pulp on the free list. That is, the Wow
tjvas almost as fatal to the lumber trust Ts thSt
famous injunction was to the beef trust
President Roosevelt has congratulated
Czar Nicholas upon tho advent of another birth
day. Tho czar who can acquire another birth
day is entitled to congratulations.
A Now York scientist continues to worry
over the possible exhaustion of the world's sup
ply of coal. But it is tho next winter's family
supply that will cause the most worry.
The report from Now Jersey to the effect
that a hen recently hatched sixteen chicks from
thirteen eggs is calculated to-arouse John Bur
roughs to a point that will call for another
magazine message from the White House.
"Thou ehalt not steal" is a motto displayed
before tho passengers on the New York street
cars, the purpose being to remind them that
they- should call the conductor's attention when
ho misses them. But the signs ought to be dis
tributed through the office rooms at headquarters.
The Albany Herald says Eve must have
given Adam a green apple, judging from the
trouble it caused. The Montgomery Advertiser
opines that it was a wormy ..pple, and the Wash
ington Herald decides that it was a crab
apple. The Commoner's pomological expert de
cides that it was a Ben Davis apple.
President Roosevelt declares that "the
malefactors of great wealth have been pillor
ied. Hardly, Mr. President. We will admit,
however., that many of them have been in stocks
up to their neckswatered stocks, bogus
stocks, blue sky stocks any old kind of stocks
time would enable them to get" the monev
There is a difference between th'e pillories and
The Commoner will b) sent to any one ap
plying for it, from now until the close of the
1908 campaign, for 35 cents. It is hoped, that
through t io million army plan, The Commoner
athJ6unton! eVGry precinct in every Btte
CutW, sign and return the certificate
printed on page 6 for -your own memberihSn
Or if you do not care to mutilate yurTopv of
The Commoner send in a request asking for -I
number of blank certificates and they wil? be
forwarded to you, thus enabling you to cive
your acquaintances an opportunity to join in
the work of building up the "array o Vmmi J
Plan" and enabling them also 7o secui Tne
Sl?"86nePenta!m NVember' "08. to?
; Wisconsin claims the credit fpr having
launched the republican party. Otherwise it is
a good state. Atlanta Georgian.
"In God We Trust" goes back on our coins,
but the grocer who waits for them will be just
as sceptical regarding his creditors. Madison
. Journal.
More school houses would not make as
much fuss and feather as more battleships, but
schools turn out citizens, while battleships are
meant to havo an opposite effect when in action.
'Why delay tariff revision?" asks The Com
moner. Because the guardlai. angels. of the re
publican party need the money. Washington
Herald. . '
Just as we received the joyf-1 news tliat the
fruit crop would be bountiful, along comes the
announcement that sugar goes up in price.
How shall we be preserved from this continual
financial pickle?
That was an enterprising member of tho
Ananias club who killed a Georgia rattlesnako
wearing ten rattles and two campaign buttons.
Atlanta Constitution.
The republicans say if Bryan is elected an
extra session of congress will be called and the
tariff revised. That is the first argument we
have heard that inclines us to vote for Bryan.
Louisville Post.
The New York World is worrying over
whether the American mother is a failure," says
the Baltimore Sun. Some of them, are, or there
would be nobody to ask such foolish questions.
Washington Herald.
While this enlightened and powerful na
tion is building a great navy to overawe the
rest of the world, Brazil has passed an organic
Jaw that forbids its congress from declaring war
without first proposing arbitration. Columbia
The senate has saved from removal two
women postmasters in Georgia who are wholly
satisfactory to their people. What the senate
can not seem to understand is that the men
nominated to replace them could serve the ad
ministration better at political conventions.
New York, World.
With a special committee of a republican
r congress investigating the currency problem and
the ways and means committee, of a republican
house studying the tariff schedules during tho
presidential campaign, It seems unlikely that the
republican campaign fund will be small or hard
to gather. Washington Herald.
Banker Forgan says thai Bryan does not
understand the first principles of banking. This
in itself indicates one of the mest glaring faults
of the average banker he is never willing to
allow that any one else really understands tho
business or should be allowed to suggest how it
should be conducted. Oshkosh Northwestern.
Mr Dalzell's figures on suffragin Missis
sippi and Pennsylvania are impressl until he
attempts to prove by them that voting in Penn
sylvania has any relation, to population.- In
Mississippi, the will of the white voters con
trols; in Pennsylvania the will of the boss. In
Mississippi, the black voter is disfranchised be
cause of ignorance; in Pennsylvania, the white
voter is disfranchised to keep Quays, Dalzells
and Penroses in offico. Louisville Times
Hefe is
The Com
moner will be
sent from now
until Novem
ber, 1908, to
every one who
will sign .and
send Coupon
by 35 cents.
Your Opportunity to Help
Cfte Commoner Hrmy for 190$
T fcMMfm AMfit ... 4n. sr.. ....
vKvy tiiiii us u? commoner mmy ma pieaae my I
assistance in bringing success to Democratic arms.
Anew 35c to cover the expense of sending 7 he Commoner to my acUiress
until -the close of the jgoS campaign.
tunSlSS?fnW,Ubfl countorslpnca wltli Mr. Bryan printed Blenn
hunn nro, received at Tho Commoner ofllcoinnd they will
bcretuuicd nt tho eloo of tho campaign to thmembora who signed them. If requested.-