t-vt-tiffl MAT 8, 190S , I--, ' The Commoner. Republican Publishers and the Paper Trust Evidence of the arbitrary raising of nrices to consumers by the paper trust and showing the understanding in the paper mills with respect to the limitation of output, was presented to a special house committee at Washington, April 28. This question will, perhaps, figure largely in the coming campaign. It will be well for every Commoner reader to inform himself upon it. The story is told by the Washington cor respondent for the Chicago Record-Herald (rep) in this way: "For the third day John Norris, chairman of the committee on legislation of the 'American Newspaper Publishers' Association, occupied the stand and has not even yet ex hausted his store of information, based on re ports from publishers, great and small, all over the United States, relative to the far-reaching effects of the combine's work. One of the important developments today was evidence showing that the Hearst publica tions, printed in several cities, have a special low price on paper they consume. In the house yesterday Mr. Dalzellread an editorial from one of the Hearst papers opposing the fight which the publishers of the country as a whole are making for the free listing of wood pulp. The republican standpatters have sought to make much of this and of similar editorials from the same source. COMMITTEE SnOWS HOSTILITY As the testimony piles up the fact is becom ing more perceptible that the investigating com mittee is hostile to those who in response to Speaker Cannon's long list of whereases were quick to volunteer all Information at their com mand with regard to the facts of. the paper sit uation. Chairman Mann, especially, is bent on rubbing in his opinion that the publishers ought to expect little consideration at the hands of the republican members of congress. Speaker Can non himself could not play the part better than Mr. Mann is playing it. There never has been anything purporting to be an investigation by a special committee of Congress so thoroughly characterized by lack, of judicial temperament and desire to treat what might be called the prosecuting witnesses fairly as this present affair. The committee sits dur ing the sessions of the house, and when the elec tric bell in the committee-room proclaims that there is a roll-call in the chamber Chairman Mann will remark to the witness, sneerlngly and sarcastically, that the "democratic filibus tering friends of the publishers" are assisting to delay the investigation, as the committee must adjourn in order to let the members vote. It happened twice today. When the bell rang the first time, about noon, Chairman Mann said: "That means that your telf-appolnted prophet and special ally (Minority Leader Williams) has demanded that we stop here, and he is doing It to help you hasten the hearing." TAKES A RAP AT MAJORITY Previously Mr. Norrio had ignored such re marks, but this time he said: "If our professed friends of the majority had done what they have avowed themselves extremely anxious to do, the wood pulp proposition would have been passed three weeks ago and thf-re would be no roll calls on that aecount." Right here Mr. Mann declared that he 'didn't see how the publishers could claim to have any friends among the majority after all the abuse they had heaped upon it. Despite the marked antipathy of the chair man of the inquisitors, Mr. Norris went ahead when opportunity offered laying the ground work for the specific cases of the combine's operations which it is Intended to present later. "NO WATER" AT NIAGARA Mr. Norris began his recital for the day by submitting further evidence regarding the shutting down of mills. Particular attention was called by him to the statement of the Ham ilton (Ohio) Daily Republican News, that it closed down because of "no water." Mr. Nor ris ridiculed the Idea of the claim of no water at Niagara Falls. Leaving this phase of the question, Mr. Norris quoted a number of publishers as having knowledge that the product of independent mills either had been acquired by large selling agen cies or the sale of their output merged. He submitted answers to a number of questions propounded to newspapers showing that agents stated that th6 Wisconsin- Mills had!" been sold tolthe International cbinpany; that "the output, of the Booth mill in Canada was con trolled by Allen McEnnery & Co., Chicago; that the Carthage, N. Y., mill (West End), was con trolled by the Central Ohio Paper Company and that the A. W. Butler Paper Company had a special mill in New York; that tho excess of the St. Croix company was taken by the Internation al company; that th.e International company was buying from tho St. Regis; that the treas urer or some other officer of tho International company had bought a block of Finch, Pruyn & Co. stock; that the Oswego Falls Pulp and Paper Company, supposed to bo independent, was represented at meetings of the manufac turers in New York and that the Finch interest in the Finch-Pruyn company had boon acquired by the International Paper Company. MEET TO FIX PRICES Turning his attention to the subject of dates of meetings of paper manufacturers to consider prices, Mr. Norris placed in evidence'' statements by many newspapers on the subject, showing that such meetings had been held. Statements relating experiences of publish ers with Canadian mills also were put in evi dence. Some publishers certified that they were receiving Canadian paper at the. same prices as from mills in the United States; others spoke of the disinclination of Canadian mills to take or ders or enter into contracts, preferring to sell in the open market. Another publisher had hoard of a Canadian agent in Chicago offering a better price than American mills, but said that when he was sought It was found that he had raised his price and left town. In one case, in 1904 05, a publisher bought satisfactory paper in Canada for less than he could, get It In the United States. Replying to Mr. Mann, Mr. Norris -said ho was unable to state how many Canadian mills were closed. The Sturgeon Falls mill, he said, had not been a financial success and was shut down. He understood this was not duo to any defects In manufacture, but primarily to "early and high financing." Mr Mann remarked that it tjeemed. rather strange that with the great advance in the price of paper and the opportunity, of the Canadian, mills to furnish paper at tho higher price they would be compelled to close at this time be cause they could not be operated profitably. He thought the Publishers' Association should seize the opportunity to acquire the mills. WANT MILLS STARTED . u To that suggestion Mr. Norris replied' that his association received on;San average of 'fareb propositions a week, containing opportunities for location of news print" paper mills in Canada with limitless timber tracts and nimerous power sites. He said that one consular report showed that in the province of Quebec there were 745,000,000 cords of wood pulp timber, "enough to keep the United States In spruce wood for all of its paper manufacturers for over 200 years if there was not a particle of reproduc tion in any other Canadian forests." "You don't share In the views of Mr.' Pln chot, the chief forester," said Mr. Mann, '"that the enormous consumption of print paper and wood pulp is going to deplete all the forests in North America within the next seven or ten years." $ Mr. Norris replied that tho chairman .,was anticlpatlng a branch of the subject to which ho would give special attention, "and on which we will excite your lively interest as affecting tho price of wood and the speculation In wood lands." According- to further statements by -publishers, as" submitted by Mr. Norris, in a major fty of instances they could get paper In sufficient quantities when they wanted it. Not a fewv" howeverj had their supply curtailed. PRICE MADE TO HEARST After Mr. Norris had submitted testimony showing that supplies of paper had been shifted from one mill to another or from one agency to another, he was subjected to a cross-fire of questions by the committee, bearing more par ticularly on the quantity of paper consumed by the Hearst publications. fr, Norris asserted that those publications took one-fourth of the entire output of the Internatiqnal Paper Cpm pany, or 300 tons aTday ' , u "Do you know at whatrate Mi. Hearst geta 'this paper?"' "Chairman Mfeba Inquired. ' Mr. Norris said he knew only from street gossip. fnilr n b&Mr. Stafford K there had boon any talk about Mr Hearst's contract, Mr. Norris sa d there had been considerable. Ho mentioned Jf8 f ?:92. $1.04 and $1.90 and said ho understood that somo comparatively recent set tlement had been mado, but whether it was an ?Ly a?X de? or th0 rcsalt ot n old con tract providing for a re-adjustment at a given timo ho could not say. Ho was not, ho said, informed as to tho length of tho contract period. u t ,Vor,r,s volunteorod tho statement that the New York Jburnal was not in sympathy with the present Inquiry. Answering further questions, Mr. Norris said tho rumorod prices to Mr. Hearst vcrc for paper delivered at tho newspaper offices. ALL WORK IN HARMONY Mr. Norris then put in evidence tho state ments of publishers from every part of tho coun-. try to tho effect that thoro was a constant in- terchango of information among papor-makors1 " respecting prices and that they know of quota tions mado by othor agencies or mills. Almost without oxcoptlon tho publishers stated that the paper makers wore in collusion and that tho quotations seemed to bo very uniform. Replying to a question by Mr. Mann, tho witness said that tho visits of soiling agents, which formerly had been frequent, had stopped, and added that no visits from paper-selling agen cies has boon mado for a considerable period bo foro tho several inquiries of the publishers had been mado. In roply to a question by Mr. Stafford, Mr. Norris declared It to bo tho contention of tho publishers that customers have been apportioned to particular mills. "How that was arranged through brokerage houses," Mr. Norris said, "we do not protend to know." Tho practice, ho declared, had been almost uniform. Tho various reasons given by tho paper-makers for tho adoption of an agreed scale was stated by Mr. Norris through quotations from a number of publishers, in which they ascribed tho in creased cost of labor and material as being prln- ; cipally responsible for the higher cost of paper. On tho other hand, some of tho publishers do-f clared that the dealers and jobbers had told' , them their prices were governed by uniform ad- vances by the mills, and that advices from ono company of a change would bo followed in twenty-four hours by similar advices from othor mills. SAYS MANN IS AMUSING Tho vast forest resources of tho Pacific , Mr. Norris. but he said that because of an iri sufficient water power advantage could not bo taken of the opportunity to use that timber. Mr. Mann called attention to tho proposi tion in congress for water rights on the Snako river, Washington, which, he said, tho president, had announced his Intention to veto. "Why dont you go up to tho president and use your influence with him?" ho Inquired. "If," said Mr. Norris, "you knew howf amusing your talk is to mo, you would appro- elate some of the things you are saying." "We are told now by Gifford Pinchot, who" in this matter speaks through tho voice and J tongue of the president of the United States," asserted Mr. Mann, "that there can bo no de- velopment of .water power in this country for'' some time to come." -' Mr. Norris said he did not know what .the purpose of the inland waterways commission was except for the creation of water powr. "The primary purpose," said Mr. Mann, ' 'ls to draw salaries." NOT DUE TO FREIGHT RATE Mr. Norris refuted tho contention of tho manufacturers that the increase in price has been partly due to higher fre'ght rates, and submitted a communication from the interstate commerce commission showing the freight rates from the principal mills to the larger consuming points, from which it appeared that with one or two exceptions there had been no increase for several years, and in two instances tho statement showed a reduction in rates. Mr. Nqrris next submitted an estimate. of- -the daily output of news print mills in tho, east,, and west. This showed that mills In New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine were .pro ducing, i60& tons a day. Including tbe Inter national Company, the production was 2,07 -tons. He estimated that the western mills' pfo- duced 800 tons, or a total of 3,607 tons a day. s " l.'i ' 1 ' J1 i , , i it J H W till i i i ' IW A.' ffm ,1 i '?f $& HP ; r- II ,