v4WTnBj r, i - MAY 8, 1008? The Commoner. 15 ! f : yw WWT ,M WV "" )rr'i"!Tp """ r THE WORM) POWER Mr. Bryan brought up the subject of world power in. his St. Patrick's day address, and he was right In maintaining that this nation has been a world power for many years, and that its strength has come from the fundamental ideas of govern ment planted in American soil. Whatever the military needs or the military policy of the country may be, its power lies in its millions of free citizens. The possibilities were realized by intelligent foreign ers even before the civil war, and when that war put away forever the danger of internal strife and dis union the hopes of those who longed to witness a failure here were shat tered. With full play given the en ergies and activities of the inhabi tants, with an immense domain rich ly endowed by nature, with the un equaled attractions for emigrants, with the growth that was recorded after each decade there was no neces sity for any peculiar demonstration of force to" prove that the world power had been acquired. A foreign conflict may have em phasized the facts and elicited com ment that indicated a change of opin ion abroad, but it is the facts and not the opinions that count. It may be interesting to know that a Frenchman who writes for a Paris review recognizes a strength that he never recognized before. The revol ution, however, is in his mind and ,not in the oountry, and, as we have vindicated, not all foreigners have rbeen so tardy with their recognition. sj- .Those wiio imagine that the ex pansion has come suddenly by a -single stroke confuse the larger and 'the smaller expansion and give un t due -prominence to the latter. Those "' "who dwell most on the real sources of the world, power have no doubts ,;and demand no demonstrations save $ those that are occurring every day in tthe industries of the country and in its schools and other institutions, , in its government of, by and for the people. Chicago Record-Herald. BOOKS RECEIVED Persia, the Land of" the Magi. By ,Samuel K. Nweeya, M. D., of Urmia "City, Persia. Press of the John C. Winston Co., 1006 Arch St., Phila delphia, Pa. Daily Notes of a Trip Around the World. In two volumes. By E. W. Howe, editor of the Atchison Globe. Crane & Co., Topeka, Kan. The Scarlet Shadow. A story of the great Colorado conspiracy. By Walter Hurt. Published by the Ap peal to Reason, Girard, Kan. Price $1.60. A pocket book of the early Amer ican humorists. . Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, Mass. The Hook. Its application to oth- Dizzy Spells That dizzy spell Is an important mes sage from the heart a plea for help. If this message receives no attention others come; Shortness of breath, pal pitation, weak or fainting1 spells, smothering - or choking sensations, pains around the heart, in side or snoumers, ana so on, unm it retuivuo the necessary help, or is compelled to give up stop. You may furnish this aid with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure -which cures- heart disease in every Every day' -we read of sudden deaths from heart uijudase, yet it is a fact that the heart MadHbeen pleading for help, and gave upHhe struggle only when it had exhausted the last spark of vital ity and they call it sudden. "For more, than sjx years I was -troubled with my heart,. Iwduld have. Cdlzzy spells. 4en difllcultyjTh breath,-V-ing, .choking" sensations,? myv heart wouia nutter, become painful, x couia ers and to ourselves. A handbook for mental mechanics. By L. J. Bridgman. Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, Mass. Southern Lyrics. A series of orig inal poems on love, home and south land. By Robert Paine Hudson. Southern Lyrics Publishing Co., Nashville, Tenn. $1.50 net, postage 13 cents. The Federal Regulation of Child Labor. A criticism of the policy rep resented in the Beveridge-Paron's bill. (Pamphlet.) By Edgar Gard ner Murphy, Montgomery, Ala. The Alabama Child Labor Committee, P. O. box 347, Montgomery, Ala. Johann Schmidt. By Francis Du Bosque, Benjamin R. Tucker, Pub lisher, New York. Price 10 cents. Three pamphlets by C. V. Moline, Portland, Ore.: The Black Brother hood; The Two Races and Reincar nation; Capital and Labor. Price 40 cents. The King of Rome, A biography. By Victor von Kubinyi, South River, N. J. The Knickerbocker Press, New York. The Dreamer. By Philip Green Wright. The Asgard Press, Gales burg, 111. Price $1.00. Cash, Panics and Industrial De pressions. A defense of thr inde pendent treasury; a safeguard against bankers' inflation; a plea against bankers' contraction By Charles Thornton Libby, Portland, Me, (Pamphlet.) Three pamphlets: The Zionist Out look. Address delivered at the eighth Zionist congress, The Hague, August 14, 1907; by Dr. Max Nordau. Some Problems of Modern Jewry; by Dr. Emil Cohn. The Attitude of the American Zionist; two addresses by Dr. Henry Friedenwald. Publica tions of the Federation of American Zionists, 108 Second Ave., N. Y. The Art off Lecturing. By Arthur M. Lewisr Charles H. Kerr &r Co., Chicago (Pamphlet:) The Publisher Against the People. A plea for the defense. By William A. Jermer, New York. Christianity and Modern Culture. An essay in philosophy of religion. By Charles Gray Shaw, B. D., Ph. D., professor of philosophy and Butler lecturer on comparative religion, New York University. Jennings and Graham, Cincinnati. Eaton and Mains, New York, Publishers. Net price $1.25. JOURNALIST TWAIN- Henry H. Ashton, a, Virginia City capitalist, has in his library, richly bound in crushed Levant, those early volumes of tho Virginia City Enter prise to which Mark Twain con tributed. The faded pages contain innumer able specimens of tho famous writer's quaint humor. Mr. Ashton often points out tho first paragraph that Mark Twain wroto on his arrival in Virginia City. Tho paragraph runs: "A thunderstorm mado Boranger a poot, a mother's kiss mado Benja min West a painter and a salary of $15 a weok makes ua a journalist." Washington Star. E D Wo havo tnoro than lQO.Wf funded CMtotner In more than 17.009 cltfet. yntaRf and towns la the tultcd Htatoti who bre e&ca mtc1 from H fo if) ttw hnlflr n fain maa aMMai am mm .. W ij wiUnIAiBmirffDWTOVlIKUKUUU 360 DAYS APPROVAL Hrct from oar factory at actual factory prices. No storo or ran if a J 'VU5' icjiuuHijjiir RiTca uvuarBaiiiiacuon. x on run Iio riaic iu BATrrt aeaierr pront. Wopajr iholrelglit. Scndtofltal For Catalog No. 245 and boo Hit t toirnu wbcre wo Lato utlsflod cutoraen. Kia4Stova Company, Mfrs., Kalamaxoo.Mloh. Oorfataat T.n Uiramtlir ki VU1k a mu( Mjr. NO HAMMER TO HAMMER Free catalog of this whotgrun. Si shots in four Seconds. Tho six-shot hnmmerlGHl repeating shotgun shown In tho cut Is tho most ranld fire numn trim made, and has every known Imnrovoment. ....! r r nntttf Inlpn l.m f nn I . Ifinsw1 IvvAf.!. ltlt1r tin ..111 If 1 S1CJ I twl fflv Iauuil u.o tiu,ajf i.unv uvitu .1. v k u i v. , uint;u uiti.ii uiuvjv, iu uu 11 wi.-oit.u wm catalog shows other shotguns w6 make, doubles, singles, etc. $G to $27. Simply send postal lor it touay it's villain. 'txox. oreatne lying: down. I commenced talcing T)v. Mnsreart Curo dnd In a i'lew weeks I -was entirely-curSa." elv- !nMINNII3-B. JOHNSONTOlivia', Minn. rn nrst nottie win ueneut, lr not, tho druggist will return your money. LINGUISTIC A New York mechanical engineer, who has juct returned from a trip abroad, in which he visited Germany, tells an incident of his visit to the latter country. "I was inspecting a big plant there," he said, "and naturally I was interested in the machinery used to furnish power. I waa inspecting the engine room when I saw something which attracted me. An oil-be-grimmed workman was on top of a cylinder polishing some brass work, and him I approached for information. " 'Pardon me,' I said in my best German, 'do you have trouble in keeping up steam?' "The man stopped his polishing work and looked at me. " 'Nix, I no understand,' he said in English. " 'So you are an Englishman?' I exclaimed. " 'That's what I am,' the workman replied. 'I'm traveling and I am new on this job. I was taken in on ac count of' their, labor trriubJes , "Then, .asjhe'ilooked-me X)ter.'CarH fullyV So ?you speak c English,'.-, arid with a1 veryTpolIte smilej hjOiJaaddcH Excuse me for saying it,.' sir, but you speak very good English for a Dutchman.' " Pittsburg Leader. .'. Union F"ir A 15 Sylvan Ave., Toledo, Ohio 9 T .V' . f HW HB BB K Aw UB vBtw BWa HI HI BV1 h ih w h) m h h n m m m m v H I H WV mI'jSh'I ivfl I III B I The Saifest and Most Profitable of all Investments t FOR SALE A number of one-quarter,-.one . 'it if , '' ,' hnlfnd whole sections. of farm land In Perkins & 1 1 ' lils land is all rich prairie land, every acre of whicli'can be cultivated. The soil is black loam arid very productive. '; ' ; v The country Is healthful, the -land beautiful, and '''"" gulfed to diversified farming. There ore well improved farms, good neigh bors, good schools, good churches, and a good town all in sight of this land. This land Is located Horn one to five miles from Madrid, Nebr., a thriving town on the Burling ton railroad. There are three other good towns In Perkinj county. 45 BUSHELS OP CORN PER ACRE WAS RAISED LAST YEAR ON LAND ADJOINING THIS LAND. 50 BUSHELS OP WHEAT PER ACRB RAISED ON THE SAME KIND OP LAND IN THE SAME COUNTY IN 1907. ALFALFA GROWS IN PROFUSION NEAR BY ON THE SAME KIND OF' LAND. For each year during the past three years th crops raised on land In Perkins county sold for more than ihe COST PRICE of the same land. Farm this land one year and its present selling price would be doubled. It is as productive as the best land In Iowa or Illinois. Sell 20 acres In those states and your money will buy a quarter section of the land I am offering for sale. Excellent water at a depth of 40 feet No better country on earth for raising1 all kinds of stock. Do you want a farm while this land is within your reach? Cheap farm lands will soon be a thing of the past. I am offering this land for less than one-fourth what the same kind of soil, is selling for GO- miles distant I can verify every statement made above. If Interested call on me or write for prices and detail descriptions.. As an Investment or for a home it wJIJ pay you . to Investigate. Co-operation with other agents solicited. Audress I 4u3) Im Iwa Bm INI LINCOLN, NEB. Room 3G5, Fraternity BIdf. t . 4. I r. . Mrffs J.' tO l. . &t i 'i. t i a J I ! ( j J. j 1 i n 41 i rxtcLxudk &&& 'f . ., ::-; rSsj;Xk- y ..f rmwmrtiMMirfflWiftffftfa