wmmrmmmmimmmi mmmmmmmmmm " Tvlf!trTr v K-,V The Commoner VOLUME 8, NUMBER 17 14 i PMi'WP'iMWMiiiiw' i' " '" mmmtwrnmwrnvw11 3-JfW. TUB PltESIDKNT'S MESSAGH (Continuod from Pago 12) ilo or private work by sending In what purport to bo gonulno bids, but what In reality aro collusive figures purposoly niado higher than the bid which Is known will bo subraittod by ono of the supposed competitors, Is an act of plain dishonesty. " 'To support theso misrepresenta tions by false afilrmations in writing that the bids aro submitted in good faith, and without fraud, collusion or connection with any other bidder, is a positlvo and deliberate fraud; tho successful bidder in the competi tion is guilty of obtaining money by falso protonses, and tho others have, mado themselves parties to a con spiracy clearly unlawful at tho com mon law. " 'Where, as In tho case of the "Boston agreomont," a number of tho most important manufacturers and dealers in structural steel in this country, including tho American Bridgo company, ono of tho constitu ent members of tho United States Stool corporation, havo combined to gether for tho purpose of raising Jefferson's Bible (The Life and Morals of JESUS OF NAZARETH Extracted Toitually from the Goirxli, together with comparison of his doctrine with those of others. By THOMAS JEFFERSON Jeflersou'i mission vrs leadership. Withowt a effort on his part expressions from his lips rtat from other men's' would scarcely have at irsctcd notice, became thenceforth axioms, creeds, and 'fathcring-crics of great masses of his countrymen. Henry S, Randall. Jefferson's Bible is a boot of 108 pages, well printed and substantially bound in cloth. It was published originally to be sold for $1,00 per copy. Uy purchasing the book in large numbers we are able to offer Commoner readers an ex ceptions! price of 75c pert copy t sent by mail, postage prepaid. ADDRESS- ALL ORDERS TO THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA prices by means of collusive bids and falso representations, their conduct is not only repugnant to common honesty, but Is plainly obnoxious to the federal statute known as the Shormau or anti-trust law. " 'The commission . believes that an example should bo mado of these men and that tho members ol tno "Boston agreement" or at least all those who, in October and Novem? ber, 1905, entered in tho fraudulent competitions for the Cove street draw span and tho Brooklyn street bridge, should be brought before a federal grand jury for violation of tho act of congress of July 2, 1890. Tho three years' limitation for par ticipation in theso transactions has not yet elapsed, and the evidence ob tained by the commission is so com plete that there should bo no diffi culty in tho government's securing a conviction in this case' "I havo submitted this report to the department of Justice for thor ough investigation and for action n action shall prove practicable. "Surolv such a stato of affairs as that above set forth emphasizes tho need of further federal legislation, not merely because or tno material benefits such legislation will secure, hut nhnvft nil hooniiRR thin federal action should be part, and a large! pure, ui. luu uuuiimi&u iu wuuou um people as a whole to a lively and effective condemnation of the low standard of morality implied In such conduct on the part of great business concerns. "The first duty of every man Is to provide a livelihood for himself and for 'those dependent upon him; It is from every standpoint desirable that each of our citizens should en deavor by hard work and honorable methods to secure for him and1 his such a competence's will carry with it the opportunity? to -enjoy in "rea sonable fashion the comforts and re finements of life; and, furthermore, the man of great business ability who obtains a fortune in upright fashion inevitably in so doing con fers a benefit upon the community as a whole and is entitled to reward, to respect, and to admiration. "But among the many kinds of evil social, industrial and political which it is pur , duty as a nation sternly to combat there is none at, tho same time more base and more dangerous than the greed which treats tho plain and simple rules of honosty with cynical contempt if they interfere with making a profit; and The Omaha World-Herald AHLY MIHT13P t-t NI3WSY -: DEMOCRATIC ur Special Offer . Publishers' Our Price Prlco Willi Tho Dally World-Hcvnid w 00 "sJSS" Dally World-Herald, Except Sunday ....;; 3.00 3.25 Seinl-Wcolcly World-Herald. ..... . !!!!!!.!.!! .50 l2 SEND SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW TO THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska WORD AND WORKS Published Monthly REV. IRL. R. HICKS, EDITOR Tho Rev. Xrl. R. Hicks' Almanac for 1,008 for Hicks' Almanac has iudrcased annually and : thd i dmriaMi?.?L.i Tho dmand rct'ulnr prlco of theso two periodicals Is arculaUonlsnowlarffoand general. Th Word ana Works nn Tho Commoner ' ." ' qq Total . .Y'Joo winSoT .Those who accept this offer ' lor loos will bo aantTYmilmilietima'x alao " of nicka' AlnWi THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. as a nation wo can not bo held guilt less if we condone such action. "Tho man who preaches hatred of wealth honestly acquired, who in culcates envy and jealous and sland erous ill will toward those of his fellows who by thrift, energy and industry have become men of means, is a menace to tho community. But his counterpart in evil is to be found in that particular kind of multi-millionaire who is almost the least en viable, and is certainly one of the least admirable, of all our citizens; a man of whom it has been well said that his face has grown hard and cruel while his body has grown soft; whoso son is a fool and his daughter a foreign princess; whose nominal pleasures are at best those of a tasteless and extravagant lux ury, and whoso real delight, whose real life work, Is the accumulation and use of power in its most sordid and least elevating form. "In tho chaos of an absolutely un restricted commercial individualism under modern conditions, this is a type that becomes prominent as in evitably as the marauder baron be came prominent In the physical chaos of the dark ages. We are striving for legislation to minimize the abuses which give this type its nourishing prominence, partly for the sake of what can be accomplished by tho legislation itself, and partly because the legislation marks our participation in a great and stern, moral movement to bring our ideals and our conduct into measurable ac cord. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT. "The White House, April 27, 1908." WHAT AUSTRIA DOES Ono of the greatest charitable in stitutions in the world has just been perfected In Austria, says the Wash ington Post. Por centuries the state has recognized the fact that a man, through no fault of his own, may be unemployed, and that, at the same time, there may be many willing and eager to give him employment. The state has recognized it as its duty to bring tho two together. For this purpose every small town in Austria nas at. least. one employment bureau; the larger towns have several, which are connected with one another by telephone. In nearly every town there is also a government work shop, and in the villages a govern ment farm, also under the labor de partment. Any man or woman who Is out of work may go to the near est bureau and learn in the course of a few minutes what chances he or she has of finding a job on that day. Those in need of employes reg ister at the nearest bureau, and their desires are telephoned throughout the district. If no place offers,, the work seekers may spend the day in the waiting room of the bureau or bo sent to the government workshop or farm, as the case may be, where .i Ps for hIa bdard and lodging until he is Informed that a place is waiting for him. When once a place has been found for tho worker, ho may not leave it for another without presenting satis factory reasons to the district super intendent. For the itinerant laborer if he Is a respectable man, Austria presents great advantages. When one arrives In a town he makes his way to a bureau and registers. If there is no work ready at hand, he Is provided with a good supper, a bath and a comfortable bed. If work still not be forthcoming he may eith er continue his journey to the next town or be assigned to the workshon or farm. In Austria Idleness, at the expense of society, Is considered a crime. The maximum sentence fqf loafing op begging is three years in the penal work house. The duration,. of the sentence may be lessened the mo ment the prisoner satisfies tho au thorities that ho has mended hii ways. Middletown (Wyo.) Argus. WHERE'S HIS MEDAL John D. Rockefeller, Jr., tells a story of his father: "Father tells many stories. Some times he tells a new one. Not long ago he related one to me that con cerned a man who had imbibed rath er too freely. The man, in this con dition, fell into a watering trough. To the officer who came to help him out as he wallowed in the water, ho said: " 'Offzer, I ken save self. You save women an' shildern.' " New York Observer. EXTORTING AN ADMISSION "Have you ever been bankrupt?" asked the counsel. "I have not.", "Now, be careful," admonished the lawyer, with raised finger. "Did you ever stop payment?" "Yes." "Ah, I thought wo should get at the truth," observed counsel, with an unpleasant smile. "When did this suspension of payment occur?" "When I had paid all I owed," was the naive reply of the plaintiff. London Opinion. GOOD OR BAD? A story is told of the famous Rich ard Brinsley Sheridan, that one day when coming back from shooting, with an empty bag, and seeing a number of ducks in a pond, whilo near-by a man was leaning on a fence watching them, Sheridan asked: "What will- you take for a shot at the ducks?" Well," said the man thouchtfullv. I'll take half a sovereign." "Done," said Sheridan, and ho fired into the middle of' the' flock, killing a dozen or more. "I'm afraid you made a bad bargain," said Sher idan, laughing. "I don't know about that," the man replied. 'They're not my ducks." The Christian Advocate. T1 A GOOD DEFINITION Jimmy had his weak points as an example of tho result of modern ed ucational methods, but his brain was of excellent quality. When the teacher looked at him and inquired, coldly, "What is a synonym, James?" he was ready with his answer. "It's a word that "you can uso when you don't know how to spell the one you thought of first," he re plied cheerfully. The Monitor. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-caso, n powdor. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet, and Instantly takes tho stln j put of corns and bunions. AUen's Foot-Easo makes ?? i.r nowsuoe3 feol easy. It Is a certain euro for ? iiSe:,a1,0,Ufl' 8?llon' rcd,.achlrier feet. Try It ?niwJ0 oldl)? n11 drugRtats and Shoo Stores. By mall for 25a In stamps. Don't accept any ub Btituto. For IT 11 15 E trial packairo, also Froe Sainplo of tho FOOT-EAStf SanltaW OOKN "AI), a now Invention, address Allen S. Olm sted, Ii Jttoy, N. Y. Subscribers flflwflsina - Dept. This department is for the exclusive uao of Commonor subscribers, and ft special rate of six cents a word per in sertion the lowest rate--has beea made for them. Address all communi cations to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. CAPETY TO DEPOSITORS GUAR f anteed under laws of Oklahoma. Four por cent interest , paid on time deposits. Write us dr particulars. Arkansas Valley National Bank, Brok en Arrow, Okla. OOR SALE -320 ACRE, .FARM NEAR town. Good notice, granary, and grove. W. D. Robertson, Velva, ,N. DJVRGAIN. SOUTHERN1 KANSAS 220 7 . .acr$a Sfood wheat C.arid grass land, right at station; school, stores, and elevator; 117.60 per acre. Address Os moro Stock Farm, Ladore, Va. v . k . I 4 i