The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 10, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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'APKH 10, 1ft
The Commoner.
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gre&s such legislation as will in
hibit men usurpation and restrict,
to tho supreme court of the Unted
States the exerctes of this great
"We aro opposed to all gambling
In futures. We present to all people
tho foregoeing declaration of princi
ples and policies as our deep, earnest
and abiding" convictions, and now be
fore the country and in the name
of the great moral arid eternal power
in the universe that makes for right
Pimples Will
Leave You
In 5 Days You Can Get Rid of All
Skin Eruptions by the New
Calcium Sulphide Wafers
thinking and right living and deter
mines the destiny, of nations, this
convention pledges that the people's
party will stand by theso principles
and policies in success and in defeat;
that never again will the party, by
the siren songs and false promises
of "designing politicians bo tempted
to change its course or be again
drawn upon tho treacherous rocks
of fusion."
vontion Charles Warren Fairbanks
as a candidate for president. Wo
know him. Distinguished place and
high commission revealed his worth.
His character, public service and
ability aro such as to stand the
thoughtful consideration of tho convention."
Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free
' If you are one of the unfortunates
who can't get away from your pim
ples, and you have tried almost
everything under heaven to get rid
of them, take a few of Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers every day. Do that
steadily for a few days, and in less
than a week look at yourself in the
You will then sa that Stuart's
Calcium Wafers are a wonder in get
ting rid of all eruptions.
These wonderful , little workers
contain the most effective blood
purifier ever discovered, calcium sul
No matter what your -trouble Is,
whether pimples, blotches, black
heads, rash, tetter, eczema, or scabby
crusts, you can solemnly depend up
on Stuart's Calcium Wafers as never
failing. - - -
Stuart's Calcium Wafers , have
cured noils ' in' three days and the
worst cases of skin diseases in a
week. Every particle of impurity is
driven out of your system complete
ly, never to ..return, and it Is done
without deranging your system" in
the slightest.
Tho Indiana republican state con
vention in session at Indianapolis
nominated for governor, James 3D.
Watson. Harry S. New was endorsed
for chairman of tho republican na
tional committee.
The twenty-six national delegates
selected February 4 at district meet
ings were elected and United States
"Senators Albert J. Beveridge and
James A. Hemenway, Governor J.
Frank Hanly and Chairman James
P. Goodrich of the state committee,
were elected national delegates-at-large.
The platform a'dopte'd by the con
vention included the following
"We unreservedly and enthusiasti
cally endorse the administration of
Theodore Roosevelt. Upon his initia
tive and under his guidance the Pan
ama canal has been begun and is
rapidly being driven to completion,
lipdh, his recommendation congress
hap passed many laws which secure
greater rights for the people and in
sure that honesty in business upon
which .alone permanent prosperity is
President Roosevelt's fearless and
impartial enforcement of law, re
gardless of the wealth and power of
the law-breaker, has secured not only
greater observance of and respect
for law than ever before, but has
quickened the moral sense of the
"The last convention of the repub
lican party in the state of Indiana
Most treatments for the blood and declared in favor of revision of the
fnV. elHr. ArnnHnnn nro m1sp.rn.hlv .utnu. wueuevtu ouuu icvimuu wuuiu
slow in their results, and besides,
many of them are poisonous. Stu
art's Calcium Wafers contain no
poison, or drug of any kind; they are
absolutely harmless, and yet do work
which cannot fail to surprise you.
Don't go around with a humiliat
ing, disgusting mass of pimples and
blackheads on your face. A face
covered over with these disgusting
things makes people turn away from
you, and breeds failure, in your life
work. Stop it. Read what an Iowa
man said when he woke up one
morning and found he had a new
"By George, I never saw anything
like it. There I've been for three
years trying to get rid of pimples
and blackheads, and guess I used
everything under the sun. I used
your Calcium Wafers for just seven
days. This morning every blessed
pimple is gone and I can't find a
blackhead. I could write you a vol
ume of thanks. I am so grateful to
Just send us your name and ad
dress in full, today, and we will send
you a trial package of Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers, free to tes. .After you
have tried the sample, arid -been con
vinced that all we say is true, you
ill go to your nearest druggist and
get a 50 c box and be, cured of your
facial trouble. They are in tablet
iorm, and no trouble whatever to
take. You go aboutyour work as
usual, and there you are-cured and
happy. j
Send us your nameanfr address
today and we will atonco send you
by nail a sample package free. Ad
dress F. A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart
Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
do more good than harm. Protec
tion was never a matter of sched
ules, and while re-affirming the time-
honored doctrine that there shall al
ways be discrimination in duties that
will fully protect the wage earner in
the United States, we have never de
sired a higher rate than would ac
complish that purpose and always
contemplated revision from time to
time as the ever-changing conditions
might make wise. We believe that
revision would be now beneficial, and
to minimize the harmful disturbance
that tariff changes necessarily pro
duce, we insist that revision be speed
ily done. We therefore favor the
calling of an extra session early in
November, 1908, to make such re
vision and recommend that congress
take immediate steps to secure the
proper data by experts for Intelli
gent revision as advocated by our
senators and representatives from
this standpoint, but we also Insist
that In such revision the protective
principles shall be maintained, and
that maximum and minimum rates be
imposed so that our export trade can
amply be protected and foreign dis
criminations against us be prevented,
"We favor the extension of the
United States mail service upon the
surrounding seas in the interest of
the public business and the establish
ment and extension of foreign trade
especially with Soutn America; out
we would limit the appropriation
therefor to legitimate services per
formed in carrying the mails on the
ocean in the same manner as for
carrying the mails on land.
"ihe republicans of Indiana pre
sent to tho republicans of the nation
and to the republican national con-
Wa fiavM mwa tk 1M AAA mAUmAmA imttntn iri Im vmsm 1am 19 AM lllu
Tillage and towns In the Un'tod States trbo hare oh mt1 trout W to
HO hj bujraiff a K&Um&xoe ttore or ntago oa
direct from oar factory M acta! factoryprlew. No boVo or rango hM
nuiKucr reputation or ritcs ucucr Miniacuon. xourun no
risic xou nil aeaiorrproflU. wopay iarreilu
Sead Postal Fee Catala Ne. 241
ud so Hit of towns where wo liars MtUfled caatoaaera.
K(mms Stava Cmay, Mfr., KaJmai,MIli.
Ou fUU tm tfcnMMlf MlM UUh
km rwn May,
cG2SSfi&i?3EailBBvSrSsiKHBBiHflB3Bt '
Awon&erfnl opportunity Is offered
bmy lumber and imlldlner supplies of i
vrvn fsi
buy lumber and (mlldine supplies of every
kind at Priam that will mava you mis
mammy. Hitch a chance eoldora occurs.
Lumber for your homo, church, barn, moot
Ins lipuM, crib, ntoro. factory, and In fact,
buildings of ovary kind. Wo can f urnlali
nbsolutolr nrnrvthlns nrawliwl In mnitHin.
tion matorlal. Jlavo our cfirnnntnr or
uuuuur iiinuu a compiou) lint Ol OViTjlIlinn
you ronnlro. Including Lumber, Htuih boon,
Kails, KooDnB. 8ldinff,Collln, In fact. any.
f lilntf .nn mnnnjul In ..l !f l .. aIm t
mcrchandhto of any kind.
Send us your Lumber Bill for Our Estimate.
Wo boueht at Manufacturers' Sale over 50.000.000 Feet of all kinds of Lumber and
Finishing Matcriaf. Wo aro making apodal concessions, to thoso who buy at once. Kron if yonliave
no uro for thin Inmboratonco, it will pay you to buy now. Our prices will aavo yon 80 to GO pur cent.
Wc cheerfully invito inspection of our Lumber stock and will bo glad to have yoa come to onr
warohouso and yards at Chicago, wo tho lumber wo aro offering, and you will rvcotmlxe that it Is all what
wo Bay of It; mako your own seloctlon and boo it loaded. It Is not necessary to come to Chicago: wo can
easily soil yon by mall. Wo can Quickly convince you of the wisdom of placing an, order with tw. 0it
Bond us your lumber bill, and we will easily" aw yow." On application we will send copies ot
letters from customers who haveboncht. They saved money why can't yout WrlUj us to-day. WK J"tW-
CHAatco mvmnY exposition, including thk,ooo r. louib
"History of. the United States" B3SSn,Y
We are ready to make to readers of The Commoner " a free distribu
tion of Patton's " History of the United States," by Dr. J. H. Patton,
assisted by James Bryce, John Lord, author of " Beacon
Lights of History," and other prominent contributors.
In addition to the narrative history, which is brought
down to very recent times, this work contains special
articles on the American government and its adminis
tration, tho history of political parties, and various
similar topics, such as can be found in no "other United
States history now before the public There arc four
large volumes, 0x0 inches in stec, strongly bound in
art cloth, and containing nearly 2,000 pages, over 100
full-page illustrations, numerous maps, and an index.
wc shall present a set oftbi "History of tho United States" to
every reader of " The Commoner" who forwards to us a sub
scription to our "Makers of American History," which records
In twenty line buckram volumes, containing 7,000 paces, the
Ilfe-storics of the heroes and patriots of the republic In the
Makers of American History " those having but limited knowl
edge of these representative characters may And them pictured
faithfully and vividly, each against his proper historic back
ground. Here, too, the more extensive reader may broaden his
acquaintance. This series is especially designed to combine
entertainment and instruction. Among the aulliors are such
well-known writers as Capt A. T. Hahan, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee
James Schoalcr, Prof. W. O. Sumner, Horace Greeley, Prof.
It. H. Thurston, Gen. James G. Wilson, and other dlstin
guished contributors. The "Makers" and the "History
constitute a complete and fully rounded Library of Ameri
can History, me two together are wortnraiiyw.OT. xou
may obtain them now for $10.50 and pay for them a little
at a time, is this not a bargain r Van you ajjora to
Yorki Yoa
raajr trad to ne,
miss the opportunity t
We offer to box and ship the 2 sets by pre
paid express for five days examination.
If you are disappointed, you may re
turn them at our expense. If you prepaid, for cx-
kcep them, you notify us and for- Instion. toe" Mskcrs
ward $1.00. The remainder is Joof ? JJjJHae
paidininstau2Sntsof$2.00per Hlitory of the Ualted
month. This is unquestion- , stat," in 4 vol, if suit
ably the greatest book offer J? I'SS
ever made to readers of until b be paid, other-
this paper; Note the whcIihaUaotlfy youBdfcI4the
...-l F t&m O.V fa. book jubject to your order. (If
coupon. We UK JOT S gpteUUy deilred, asoBUdy payatcau
HO montt HOW. 0f $tamy beade.)
The University Society
78 Fifth Ave.
Hew York
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