The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 03, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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    UL 3, 1908
The Commoner.
Democratic Clubs
county democratic club was or-
lized at Los Angeles on March 5.
W. Fox. 214 East Washington
st, was elected president; Fred
Young, 641 North Bunker Hill
me, vice president: T. M. Knoies,
HL4 Santee street, was elected sec-
gpry. Tho resolutions adopted say
'imang other things:
t;rWe favor the Oklahoma system
ft curing bank deposits and rec
iaMkend that the system be applied
BLIUUUI MLmsO J Mib WA vo www.
rs denounce the protective tar-
iws as a scnemo wnereoy me
ifacturers are enabled to levy
ribution upon the people by
fging the American people higher
Ses for their products than the
s charged foreigners, wo favor
ig a duty on imports which will
ire tne greatest income tu me
fernment until the national
ded debt is fully paid and there-
r r, uniform scedule that will
ride ample funds for the admin-
ition of the affairs of government
rnomically administered.
iTWe favor penalties for forfeiture
SHfexistence and property for corpor
ESibns violating the law, the same
I individuals, and honest, faithful,
corous enforcament thereof.
i"We pledge unalterable fidelity to
e Jeffersonian and Jacksonian prin-
ples of democracy and we recognize
fact that the matchless orator,
te pre-eminent statesman, the great
imoner, William Jennings uryan,
II respond to the call of the peo-
and as the untrammeied aemo-
itic candidate for president of the
lited States le-.d the democratic
Hits to overwhelming victory."
pAt a largely attended meeting,
&ld at 74 Lee avenue, Brooklyn, N.
.. recently, the Bryan democratic
lub of the Fourth assembly district
as organized. The following offlc-
rs were elected: president, uaniei
cCleary: vice president, Isaac jn.
rerlman: secretary, Hugh P. McGin-
ly; treasurer, Patrick F. Carraher.
Speeches were made by Charles Ras
fnberger, Michael Conway, Charles
8&Wertheim and Henry Clay Peters.
iThe following resolutions were
nfinanimously adopted:
'Whereas, Nowhere in the united
Wtates are there two more typical
cponents of progressive democracy
aggressive honesty In the per-
frmance of public duty than Wil-
im Jennings Bryan of Nebraska
id William S. Jackson, the fear-
33 and energetic attorney general
New York state; and
"Whereas, We, the members of
te Jtfryan democratic ciud oi tne
mrth assembly district, believe
lat these two men would make ideal
of some kind are tho heritage of near
ly everv one. irom tne miant anu me
ollc, tho middle aged and tho distres
sing, miseraDio neaaacnes, 10 mo aguu
hrvith nervous, muscular and rheumatic
k A remedv to relievo In all cases
Imust bo founded on tho right principle.
'and that accounts lor tho wonderrui
success of
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
They never fail to cure all caseB of
Sain, because they treat tho Pain
ource the nerves. By soothing the
Irritated nerves they lessen tho tension,
build up tho strength, set tho blood
coursing through the veins, and thus
allay all pain.
'Periodic headache, that unfitted ,me
lor business several days at a time, has
been my life experience. I found first
relief in Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and
since then I invariably ward them off
by taking a pill when I feel them com
ing on."
rE. M. MOOBERItY. Windsor, 111.
Tho first package will benefit, if not,
the druggist will return your money.
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk.
candidates for president and gover
nor respectively; therefore, be it
"Resolved, That wo favor the nom
ination of William J. Bryan for presi
dent of the United States by tho next
democratic national convention; and
wo favor tho nomination of William
S. Jackson for governor of tho state
of New York by the next democratic
state convention; and bo it further
"Resolved, That we will use all
honorable means and our best en
deavors to bring about tho selection
of delegates pledged to their nomin-"
Tho Bryan democratic club of
Wellston, Ohio, was organized March
4 with a membership of fifty, which
it is expected will soon reach 300.
The following offlcers were elected:
President, B. B. Gillingham; vice
president, W. B. Braley; secretary,
W. J. Huske; treasurer, C. D. Mas
sie. The club adopted resolutions
favoring the nomination of Mr. Bry
an for tho presidency and pledged its
members to see that none but loyal
democrats, in favor of Mr. Bryan
and tho principles he advocates, were
sent to the various conventions.
A Bryan club was organized at
Imperial, Nob., and the following of
ficers were elected: Fred HofCmeis
ter, president; O. P. Shallenborger,
treasurer; H. S. Fliesbach, secretary.
Tho officers were instructed to ap
point a committeeman in each pre
cinct. Quite a noticeable feature was
the presence of a number of prom
inent republicans. A great amount
of applause was caused when 0. P.
Shallenberger, president of the Farm
ers & Merchants Bank, said that
"everybody in the United States was
for Bryan except Harriman and
Rockefeller." The object of the or
ganization is clearly stated in the
by-laws adopted as follows: "The
object of this organization shall be
to advance the principles of democ
racy as taught by Thomas Jefferson,
defended by Andrew Jackson and ad
vocated by W. J, Bryan. We invite
all those who believe In the princi
ples of W. J. Bryan and his election
to the presidency of the United
States to unite with us In this move
ment irrespective of their past po
litical affiliations."
At Fayetteville, N. C, the "Bryan
association of Cumberland" was or
ganized. E. J. Hale was chosen
president, W. B. Malloy, secretary,
H. McD. Robinson, treasurer. These
resolutions were adopted:
"It is apparent that the principles
of the democratic party, as expound
ed by William J. Bryan, of Nebraska,
and expressed in the Nebraska demo
cratic platform adopted on Thursday,
have come to bo accepted by the
great body of the people as the true
American doctrine; that the impend
ing political campaign will be fought
out upon the issue whether this gov
ernment shall be administered for
the benefit of the few, as now, or
for the benefit of the many, as form
erly; that Nature has endowed Mr.
Bryan with extraordinary gifts of in
tellect and with moral and physical
powers adapted to its use in behalf
of the people; that ho is the recog
nized leader of the millions who long
for reliet from the burden of class
legislation; and that these circum
stances and tho occasion pre-eminently
fit him for leadership of the dem
ocratic party as well as for the duties
of chief magistrate. Therefore be it
Resolved, That this convention of
representative democrats of Cumber
land county heartily endorse the ac
tion of his state of Nebraska in pre
senting the name of Mr. Bryan to
the democratic national convention
at Denver for the presidential nom
ination; That we approve and en
dorse the platform of principles
adopted by the said Nebraska demo
cratic convention as a correct state
ment of the fundamental principles
of the democratic party as applied to
the present needs of the country;
That we use our best endeavor to
promoto the unanimous acceptance
of tho views and purposes set forth
above, by tho voters of this county,
district and state, and that, for the
bettor execution of these aims, this
convention constitute itself a Bryan
Democratic association, to bo known
as tho Bryan Association of Cumber
land county; That wo respectfully in
vito tho democrats of tho other coun
ties in North Carolina to co-operate
with us by tho formation of similar
A Rose of the Old Regime and
other poems of home-lovo and child
hood. By tho Bentztown Bard.
(Folger McKinsey.) Doxey Book
Shop Co., Baltimoro and London.
Sprigs of Poetry. By Norris C.
Sprigg, L. L. D. The Balance Pub.
Co., Denver, Colo. Price, leather
ette, GOc, cloth, $1.00.
Fitz Randolph Traditions. A story
of a thousand years. Published un
der the auspices of tho New Jersey
Historical Society.
The Balsam Groves of tho Grand
father Mountain. A tale of the
Western North Carolina mountains.
Together with information relating
to tho section and its hotels, also a
vocabulary of Indian names and a
list of altitudes of important moun
tains, etc. By Shepherd M. Dugger.
An Average American. Being a
true history of leading events in the
life of Lafayette, who was born in
Kentucky, but "wont west to crow
up with tho country." By E. L. Do
honey, Paris, Texas.
Doniphan's Expedition and the
Conquest of New Mexico and Cali
fornia. By William Elsey Connol
ley, Topeka, Kan. Published by the
Mr. Jonathan Twlgg. A narrative
study. By Lyman Edwyn Davis. The
Winona Pub. Co., Chicago, 111.
The Devil Between tha White Man
and tho Negro. B. W. A. Freeman.
Freeman-Norwood Pub. Co., St.
Louis, Mo.
Patty of tho Palms. A story of
Porto Rico. By Adam C. Haesel
barth. Tho Kenny Publishing Co.,
1416 Broadway, New York.
A Sovereign People. A study of
Swiss democracy. By Henry Dema
rest Lloyd. Net, $1.50. Doubleday,
Pago & Co., New York.
All About Texas
Oklnliomn, ArluuLai. LouWnna, New Mexico.
Homes fortlio lioinolcm, prosperity for tho Induv
trioua. Tho homo builders' guide. 8cm! stamp for
saiuplo copy.
FARM AND RANCH, Dallas, Texas.
uurj iou ioriiTtuvoriBiuKinrtciiiof Act. iImm M
B.g.&A.B.UCEYtWhlnglon.O.C. Estab. 18B9. I
ADE. Hull
ontt(cht Sold to tlinuwr at naaWtaia
VrUtt, rr rr rrtirfci. ivjimopiio Tree.
Box 3 Winchester, Indian
It Is tho boot policy holder's com
pany In tho United States.
ASSETS f 2,000,000 j
twenty ycara old. Wrlto
The Old Line Bankers Life
Lincoln, Nchrnnkfi.
Jefferson's Bible
The Life and Morals of
Extracted Textually from the Coipcii, together with
a companion of hi doctrine with thoie of oilier.
Jeffcrton' minion wa leadcrthip. Without
an effort on hi part exprcrdoni from hi lip
that from other men' would tcarccly have at
tracted notice, became thenceforth axiom,
creed, and (athcring-crSe of treat mutes of Ida
countrymen. Hcnru S. Randall.
Jefferton't Bible U a book of 198 pafei, veil
printed and wbftaatially hound la doth. It was
puUiihed originally to be (old Tor 41.00 per
copy. By purchaaiuf the book in Jarfe number
we arc able to offer Commoner reader an ex
ceptional price of 75c per copy; tent by mail,
pottafe prepaid.
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11 kW IbLImL
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moat UUIdUIC ailU outlait any other kind. Tliouind of catiified cattomrrn ererywbere bare tproTen It
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Chraner ard more laitlnc than iblnale. Will
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I.BO 1 our Drlce for our No. 15 crad of Plat Seml-bardened Bteel JConfinx and t'dlnr, each thret 24 In. wldo and 21
In. lone Ourprlcoon tha Corrugated, like lllnttratlon. aheet 22 In. wide and 21 1 J. Ion. 3 1.78. For 25e per 1ro
additional wo will fornlah ahert 6 and 8 feet lonf. Bteel Prened IJrick Hldlnjr. PEN SQUARE, $2.00. Fine Steel
Traded Oolllnr. PER SQUARE, C2.00. AIo furnUh 8tandlng Beam and "V" Crimped JtooQn. At thee price
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Wecblpthl ronflnato anyone anwerlnjtbl Ad. O. O. D.,wltb pririlece of examination If yoo end o 25 percent
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aented.we will cheerfully refund your depoilt. ASK FOR CATALOS NO. C. K. 334. I,oweit price on UnoBaf. Bare
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