The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 03, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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    " "i''","r-"4jrKf-'" ? friy, fiwv Tr"- r-
The Commoner.
HIL S, 190S
grime of tho office or tho shop, but
tho real genuine dirt that God medo.
You want to pull an old slouch hat
down over your eyes, Uo a bandana
handkerchief around your nock, and
sprawl out under a tree and forgot
that you ovor studied etiquetto and
practiced small talk in my lady's
drawing room.
Fun and Health for Boys and Girl
Tho Secret
SEwas th' funniest thing, and the way
we laughed
FAs we sat there all alone,
would have made one think we both
were daft
' the truth were not made known,
the baby laughed 'cause she saw
it first,
iud she shook her sides with glee;
then the fun of it quickly burst
)n her old Dad that's me.
lie way it happened was just this
Baby and I were there,
10 in the crib on the pillows lay,
rl in my easy chair.
le warm sun shone in the cosy
'And lighted the baby's face
111 it looked as pure as the lily's
Fair as the lily's grace.
te baby looked at her dad a while,
Her blue eyes full of fun,
id over her face a little smile
Rippled and broke and run.
IDad smiled right back she smiled
some more
Then both just shook with glee;
EAnd mamma peeped in at the open
To see what the fun might be.
ffiBut the baby holds the secret well
Never a word says she.
?he joke was bully, and she won't
And neither will Dad that's me.
iBut, O, 'twas a wonderful joke we
'had- w - . .
Just shared between wo two,
Baby Blue Eyes and her Doting
And don't you wish you knew?
informs us of the ice man's word:
"Dig up tho price somehow!" We
sing our lilting songs to you, but
that's a towering bluff if wo should
pay you what's your due our lau
guago would be tough.
Put away tho old snow shovel,
Get the spade and hoe and rake;
Likewise oil tho old lawnmower
Grass to mow and beds to make.
Onion setts and peas and radish;
All the garden sass that grows.
Got to get tho garden ready
While the wind of April blows.
"How did you like the play?"
"It was fine. ' All the characters
twere killed in the first act and the
show was finished up with a lot of
moving pictures."
The boys aro spinning tops In tho
street, and
The boys are practicing base ball
on the vacant lots, and
The candidate is beginning to grow
numerous, and
I saw a robin yesterday, and
The clothing store windows aro
showing "spring styles," and
Every millinery store window is
full of new bonnets, and
My wife Is showing symptoms of
that peculiar annual distemper
known as housecleanltis, and
My mail is full of seed catalogues,
The girls are parading their doll
carriages on tho sidewalks, and
There are so many signs of spring
on every hand that I reckon I'd bet
ter overhaul my tackle box and see
that the old reels are In working
No time to lay off and visit some
rural retreat? Nonsense! You
haven't tlmo for anything else just
now. And you do not have to travel
long and weary miles to find what
you need. Just about a mile from
tho end of tho car lino, over the
brow of tho hill and down into that
clump of trees there's the place
you aro looking for. The fresh,
cold waters of tho creek come sing
ing around the bend and splash over
the stones with a rythm that takes
a year a minute off your stooped
shoulders. The April wind has
driven the moisture from the fresh
sod underneath the oak that bends
out ovor the water, and a finer, soft
er couch was never made by tho
hand of man. Just the place to lie
down flat upon your back, close
your eyes to everything visible and
your mind to everything thinkable,
and pump your congested lungs full
of real air air untainted by coal
smoke, city gases, flying dust and
metropolitan microbes. With ears
closed to the hum of business you
can hear the hum of tho bees and
the song of the birds, and unless you
aro a most miserable misanthrope
tho bees and the birds will furnish
you with a chorus that will make tho
chorus of "Elijah" sound like scour
ing the dishpan after mixing a batch
of bread.
The Brute
"Good gracious, Maria! Who
remptied that rag-bag on the couch
the sitting room?"
"Boo-hoo!" sobbed Mrs. Upta
fcDayte, "you brute, that is my new
Fspring hat."
V Tslnfiirnl lv onniicrh rill fhrif hfi
could do to square himself was to
pay the milliner's bill without bat
sting an eye.
Hail, gentle Spring! with balmy
breeze and buds that gently peep;
with cough and grip and shaking
sneeze, and mud just 'steen feet
deep. You bring us back to cheer
and hope; and also, I would state,
cigars made from Manila rope,
bought by the candidate.
You bring us back the warming
; rays of sun upon the hills; and also
gloom to him who pays steep millin
ery bills. You bring the color to
the rose, and scent the growing
brakes; you paint with red our ten
der nose and fill us full of aches.
Hail, gentle Spring! Our rounde
lay to you and yours is due; and eke
tho bill that we must pay for spring
apparel new. We love to sing of
your bright skies and waving bud
ding trees, but can't forget our home
way lies through mud up to our
Hall, gentle Spring! Each singing
bird that flits from bough to bough
, April Musings
Mr. Business Man you with the
worries and perplexities incident to
the daily grind isn't it a fact that
there is something about this April
atmosphere that makes you uneasy?
Of course there is.
You may think that is due to your
long months of close application to
business. You may think you are
worn out mentally and physically,
and that you feel badly because your
system Is run down.
Well, that isn't it that is, seldom.
It is the call of the primitive
the desire to get back to nature.
You just want to break loose and
get out into the woods and forget
all the conventionalities of life. You
want to don a soft shirt, an old pair
of shoes, some old and possibly
ragged clothes, and hike out Into
the woods where you can be some
thing of a nomad for a few hours at
You wheel around in your revolv
ing chair, tilt backwards and look
out at the April sky, and imagine
that the feeling you have is one of
weariness. Nothing to it. It is the
barbarian that lies just underneath
the thin veneer of civilization. You
have confined yourself to your tasks
until the real man revolts tho real
man that thinks more of tho green
woods, the running streams, the
singing birds, the chatter of squir
rels, the call of the quails, than he
does of tare and tret, of interest
and discount or of profit.
It isn't a rest that you need. Not
at all. What you need is real ex
ercise. You need to sneak out in
the early dawn with tho poorest
clothes you can find, and get into
the woods and fields where you will
tramp on the virgin sod, get cockle
burrs in your hair and beggar lice
on your clothes. You want to get
real dirt on your hands not the
Leave your vatch at home. De
pend upon the sun and your appetite
to mark the flight of time. You'll
be surprised how long and restful a
day will seem under these circum
stances. You might stick a fishing
line in one pocket, a small can of
worms in another and a sandwich in'
every other pocket. The more pock
ets for sandwiches tho better. Tho
fish in the creek will not be quite as
big as the ones you caught while
you were working so hard on your
midsummer vacation last year, but
they will give you a lot more fun.
Cut a willow pole and don't call to
mind the fact that there aro such
things as steel rods and multiplying
reels. Just imagine that you aro
playing hookey from school again,
and wonder what you will do with
tho fish. When you played hookey
for sure and caught a big mess of
fish you didn't dare take them homo.
Geo, don't you wish you could do
that all over again?
T I 11MTI i biSMTsnnB iTM Iiiib rl i MTSiiTti
S& lj - fl
m i , '
Children k'ot morn keen cidnyinc nl mure health
ful fun with thU nobby pony rJclliPitany other war
for tho money, bofo from tip-over, strong, nnd
roomy enough to enrry nil of thorn. Mado to hut
n- well as nobby mid limidxonic.
OUli PONY FAltAl hMirtooked In tlio Wort.
V...,nft.kP ""Ipmenls of I'ony Wen complete with
nil tho t rJmmliigx. I'onlon giinrnntprd, kind, -onnd
nml gentle. Klg-, tho best ii)ndo.Thiti-.imti of ploiwod
parent and happy children toll or beauty nml fun of
our rigs. Wrlto for now, benutlfiilly Illustrated frro
rntnlogtm. Our rcn-oiinhlii prices will surprise.
Mich ilf-nii Hukky Co., ; (jfllco Illdg., Knlamn
xoo, Mich. Largest makoru of pony rig In tho world.
MeS free
Wl ENTITl.nO to a full
ct of our sample
"In Tin BTwiMI " roofing fre, by
. . ' "m wwW fW .. - . -.
you nivo ainnuy received ii.c -ample you know with
our offer, our proposition, tho kind of roofing wo fur
nMh. tho Inducement wo glvo, you cannot -fiord to
two any other kind of roofing AT ANV PRICC.
If you havo any in for roofing and you haven't
received tlic-a wimples, then turn to Department ot
Hoofing In ono of our lato Dig Catalogue, if you
haven't ono, borrow your neighbor; othcrwhe this
mornont, on a postal card addrewed to uflmy."Mnll mo
yourfrcerooOngKamplcfl and your la teat roofing oflcra."
2 men can ran it
3 ton in one hoar
Eoy draft
Smooth b&lei
Will vo lu cot.
Shipped on trial
manoh Oricr. IBJI JV. 12th St.. Kansas Ctt. Mo
Ask ror CaUiocuo $j
IknA m your Atnt
utid we will ihowyoa
how U make 3 &kj
AltoluUIr lira: vra
f ornlili tli work and teuli tu f rt.-rou work Id
tba loctllty wlierojouilte. tand u jour juldmi and wa will
x plain tin builna 1 ully,remtmbr w (oaranlea a clar ircfll
of t? for every dar' work, alAolatolr iuro. WrlU atonoi.
lAttrfililMimilirV '
Iron and Wire Fences
Free report rw to Patentability. JIliMtrntod Ouldo
Hook, nnd IJatof Invention Wnntod, nontfroo.
KVANH, 1V1XKKN8 & CO., Washington. I. O.
ATKNTH SKCUJlKJJornll money back. In
eluding Oovt. feca no olhurii do thU.
Collaincr A Co., WO-Otli Street, Wiudi.. 1). O.
It will be a long day. For that
reason you'd better save a couple of
tho sandwiches until you think it
must surely be close to the middle
of the afternoon. Then eat them,
for it will be just about lunch time.
Then, when you think that you'll
have to hustle to get homo before
midnight, start back, get oa the car
and ride home. You'll get there
just about time for supper, and
you'll be so tired and happy that
you won't have time to finish a
hearty meal before you tumble off
to sleep. But my, how good you'll
feel next morning. A little stiff in
the joints, perhaps, but a score of
years younger and as fresh as a boy
just out of college.
"It's just a day next to nature
that you need not pills and potions.
You need to answer the call back to
tho primitive to get back to nature.
Can't leave your business?
O, fudge! "
You can't afford not to leave It
for a day and be a real, genuine
Aborigine for about twelve or four
teen hours.
to hear from owner having
for ealc. Not particular about location. Plcaxo
give price and description, and renxon for Bell
ing. Stnto when powotxlon can bo hod. Will
deal wlUi owners only.
L. DAniiVMiiiKK, Box 081N. ICochCJrtor, N. Y.
Texas State Land
Tcxna lion pawicd new School Laud Taw.
Million of acres to ho aohl by tho State, $1.00 to
$5.00 per acre; only one-fortieth canh and no
more to pay for 40 ycare uulew desired, and only
3 per cent Interest Only 112.00 cash to pay to
tho Slate on 100 ncreu at $3.00 per acre. Orcatcrt
opportunity. Land better than Oklahoma. Send
60 centH for Uook of Instructions nnd New Stato
Law. J. J. Snyder, School Land Iocnlor. 140 Jth
Street, Austin, Texas. Hcferenec, Austin National
nnrlonvn rrirpnTirnfltn. which mean a
one-half less than you pay at h&me.
$ffl$)fl TOP COATS
lUutl SUITS and
With 15 years ezpcrlenco In mak
ing men's clothing, we flt oar cus
tomers with the very newest, most
stylish, best fitting, and smartest
garments. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Every oarjnent U warranted Urll
tocU, look well and wear well.
Wrlto today for fhtk samplea,
meaauro chart, tapo and full In
structions how to take your own
National Clothing: Co.
20 E. 7th Stf eet, Cincinnati, Onto-
VjJi. - ,j.