. i m.inmt"im'9i0ii,.in -k FEBRUARY 28, 1908 of tho whole people, then the guaranteed bank ought to come and come to stay. If, however, legislation is to have for its object the securing of privileges to a few of the community at tho expense of the rest of the community, your arg ument is sound. 1 believe that it would bo perfectly safo for the federal government to guarantee de posits in the national banks, collecting from all the banks in proportion to deposits tho amount that it 'would have to pay out to the depository of banks that fail, and 1 believe that it would be safo for states to adopt a similar system to guarantee the depositor in state banks. In that case, the government .would have back of it the assets of all the banks. Experience shows that the loss has been less than one-tenth of one per cent in the case of national banks during the last forty years, and it ought to bo even less than that with the better regulation that would come with a guaranteed system. But if objection is made to an absolute guaranty by tho govorn ' ment, the same end can be reached by tho sys tem adopted in Oklahoma whereby tho banking board collects a guarantee fund and is then empowered to make such further assessments as may be necessary to restore the fund in case money is drawn from it to pay the depositors of a failed bank. This puts all of the banks behind each bank, without involving tho gov ernment in a direct guarantee. I thank you for your letter. Your position in the banking world is so prominent that I can assume that you have said all that can be said in opposition to the guaranteed" bank, and when you fail so completely to make out a case and show so conclusively that you take a one sided view of the subject and ignore the welfare of depositors and of the country at large, I need not expect that any stronger arguments will be presented by anyone else. I think your letter will make an excellent campaign document be cause it shows that the depositors must look out for their own interests and secure legislation for their own protection. This letter, like yours, is intended for the public as well as for the one to whom it is addressed, and I shall, therefore, give it to the press without waiting for it to reach you, and I shall take pleasure in printing your letter in full in The Commoner, that the readers of my paper may have the benefit of your views. Very truly yours, W. J. BRYAN. Mr. Forgan's letter will bo found on page 14 of this issue of The Commoner. oooo INHERITANCE TAX FOR THE PRESENT Aside from the remedies which are aimed at specific causes, there are some which are now intended to deal with conditions as they now ex ist. The inheritance tax, for instance, has been proposed as a means of compelling the holders of excessive wealth to turn over a part of it to the government at death. There can be no doubt of the right of the state governments to regulate, as they will, the descent of property, and many of the states now collect an inherit ance tax. It is probable that the supreme court would uphold a federal inheritance tax, although since the adverse decision on the income tax it is hazardous to say in advance just what tho position of the court might be upon a question of taxation. But while a federal inheritance tax is justified by existing conditions, it can hardly be defended as a permanent policy. It is advanced as a means of reaching fortunes already swollen, but it is wiser to prevent swollen fortunes than to prevent them to be accumulated and then seize upon a per centage as a penalty. If the federal government will cease to grant privileges to favored indi viduals, and content itself with the equal pro tection of all, there will be few fortunes large enough to constitute a menace. An income tax has also been suggested as a means of reaching fortunes abnormally large. While a graduated income tax would have this i effect, an income tax can be defended as a per manent part of our fiscal system. As both our import duties and our internal revenue taxes are collected on consumption, and, therefore, bear most heavily upon the poor, we need an income tax to equalize the burdens of govern ment and to compel wealth to bear its share. Upon a careful consideration of the subject one must be convinced that the remedy for swol len fortunes is to be found in a return to the Jeffersonian doctrine: equal rights to all and special privileges to none. Where we find un earned fortunes, we find that in nearly every case they rest upon favors granted by the gov ernment, and in too many instances the injus tice has been aggravated by inequalities in the The Commoner. tax law, so that the very ones who owe their great wealth to tho generosity of tho govern ment shirk their taxes and shift to tho shoulders i 0P!,rs tho burdens which they themselves should bear. Now that public attention has been turned to the ethics of money making, it is to be hoped that tho awakening will result in the inaugura tion of such thorough reform that all citizens will bo put upon the same footing and treated with equal consideration in tho creation of wealth and in the payment of the taxes neces sary to support the national government. OOOO INSTRUCT Herman Riddor, editor of a Now York paper, recently traveled through tho south urging, so tho New Orleans Times-Democrat says, the demo crats of that section to see to it that Mr. Bryan is not nominated at Denver. In an interview with tho Times-Democrat Mr. Ridder says: "I am convinced that Mr. Bryan can not carry a northern state, and I would like to suggest to our southern friends that they should not in struct their delegates for Mr. Bryan, but that they should go to Denver uninstructed, so that the democrats all over the country may consult and advise together In regard to the best man to put at tho head of the ticket. Perhaps by that time Mr. Bryan himself will come to the conclusion that by his public utterances he has made himself impossible and will agree with tho other democrats in nominating a winning ticket." But why should the rank and file of democ racy leave to their representaties the ''uty of doing what the rank and file should do? Tho men whom Mr. Ridder represents would, ac cording to tho Philadelphia Press, bo satisfied with "anybody but Bryan." Why not trust the rank and file to say what the party's course shall be? So far as Mr. Bryan is concerned lie has not asked and will not ask for the vote of any man or of :.ny state. He does say, however, that it is the duty of democrats in precinct, county and state convention to instruct their delegates as to their choice for the democratic nominee. The New Orleans Times-Democrat puts it well when in referring to Mr. Ridder's "no In struction plan" it says: "We think that the will of the constituencies can not be made tbo plain. An uninstructed convention would pre sent boundless possibilities of chicane. No can didate should be considered, unless his record will stand the probe of popular scrutiny. Under our primary system, we have learned to judge candidates on their merits and have forever fore gone the assistance of the middlemen who used to pack conventions and thwart the people's will. We once labored under the delusion that United States senators could not be chosen with out days and weeks of wrangling in state legis latures. But, happily, all that has been changed and we can not see why the democracy's standard-bearer should not be selected in like fash ion. Whatever is done, lot it be done in tho open. The dark horses should be kept in the stable and so should the jockeys who are too eager to mount." OOOO "BIX IS DEAD" Lovers of dogs Land who, indeed, Is not the lover of a dog? will be interested in the lines written by Edgar Howard, editor of the Columbus (Neb.) Telegram in tribute to a faith ful animal. Mr. Howard is one of Nebraska's best known democrats. When Commoner read ers have finished Mr. Howard's tribute to his dog they will not need to be told that he is a master of tho language of words, even as he is a master of the language of love: "Bix is dead. Bix was a dog in the animal kingdom, but a tall man in tho attributes of kindness and loyalty. He never spoke about his own virtues, but he showed them in his evry-day life. I wish I might know the man who gave the deadly poison to my dog. I have no desire to carry physical injury to that man, but only a desire to make him a better and a gentler man by painting for him a picture of poor Bix and his sufferings. For many days, under skillful treatment of a veterinary, and the nursing of those who loved him, Bix fought against the effects of the drug, never complain ing, never showing resentment, rewarding every effort in his behalf with a wag of his tail or with an expression of thanks from his kindly eye. In the lost effort of his life he dragged himself to my feet, raised his drooping muzzle and laid it in my hand, as oft I've seen a child repose a weary head on mother's knee. Thus he died, and in the death-glazo upon his brown eyes I thought I read a message of pardon for the whipping I gave him one day, when anger had driven from my head that fair senso of rea son which should direct tho movements of men, if not of dogs. I have never been able to accept the teaching of those ancients who held that at death-time tho souls of men and women some times are transfer-rod to the bodies of birds and dogs, but if I could accept that view I should then believe that one day there lived upon the earth a rare and radiant soul within the body of tho gentlest woman that ever came to bright en and to bless the earth with her good presence, and that when she died tho death of tho body the gods transferred her soul to the body of poor Iiix, so gracious and good he was. But I can't believe such things, and all that is left for mo now is to give to Bix in my memory garden u jilnce among tho roses, with a promise and a pledge to strive to make my own life among men reflect somewhat the lessons in loy alty and kindness acquired by contact with my dog. And so, good Bix, goodbye." OOOO LABOR ORGANIZATIONS NOT TRUST" The defenders of trusts are hiding Vflnrid labor organizations they Insist that -u organi zation of capital to control trade is identical in principle with co-operation between laborers or fanners. They overlook an important dis tinction, namely, that laborers combine to pro tect their own labor and that farmers v-wnnnim to protect their own labor, transmitted Into farm produce, while those who form trusts com bine to control the labor or products of others. Among our inalienable rights are tho right to life, tho right to liberty and the right to J.he pursuit of happiness. Men can lawfully com bine to protect their own lives, their own liber ties and their pursuits of happiness but they can not combine to control the lives of others, tho liberty of others or the pursuit of happiness by others. Those who unite for the protect Ion of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness do so only when driven to it by necessity and their organi zations have not secured for the producing masses more than a fair share of the wealth produced. Trusts are founded upon greed not upon necessity and these trusts have already enabled a fe.v manipulators to amass enormous, swollen and unearned fortunes. OOOO ATTENTION STANDARD OIL John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in his annual ad dress to the young people's society of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church, New York, February 18, deprecated the low standards of honesty In business methods of the present day. "One ot tho highest standards for us to follow is truth fulness," said he. "We must always tell tho truth whether it is expedient or not, whether it is to our advantage or disadvantage, whether it brings upon us success or ruin. Business hon esty of the present age Is a pretty low grade of goods. Our high standards should not be laid away like Sunday clothes, to be worn only at church and Sunday school. They should be like the workingman's overalls used during the whole week." The Commoner commends this to the care ful consideration of tho managers of the Stand ard Oil trust. OOOO MORE TROUBLE Someone has discovered that Jn 1891 (March G) and during the time when Uncle Joo Cannon was temporarily out of office Mr. Roose velt said: "Wo cannot escape from the fact that it was no credit to the republican party of the House that Mr. Cannon of Illinois should be one of its leaders." Now that's a nice thing to be bringing up just at this time. Hasn't the grand old party enough trouble on Its hands without inviting an open breach between the big stick and tho house gavel? OOOO WHAT ABOUT CRUSADER ROOSEVELT? The Sioux City (Iowa) Journal says: "If Crusader Bryan were put into the Roosevelt shoes his party would go back on him in a week's time." But what is the republican party doing to carry out the recommendations made by Cru sader Roosevelt? OOOO "FULL" With 88,000 men out of work in Chicago and 90,000 in New York the full-dinner-pail argument is likely to bo badly battered up be fore the next campaign opens. imw in i wsiwqmwmiMiimngwt tHmmgMMW j., ..uii j