t- crrrr-Tfcrrx ."".,-. ' FEBRUARY 28, 1908 The Commoner. 13 mimmil 3lMjl"' " , n " "B ORNAMENTAL FENCE U51)E8IGNS, ALLBTKEL. Handfloino cheaper tlian wood more (Iambic. 8pcctal prices to churches atid ccmc tcrlcs. Don't buy a fenco until you get onr frco cntalogno. Koboilin Fl'IllW Mnnlllnn '.. a 498 North SU, Kokouio, Iud. r-'PATENTS that PROTECT- I Our 3 hooki for IaTaatori mailed on receipt of Get, itamps R.S.&A. B.LACEY.Washlngton.O.C. Estab. 1869. FENCE STROKCEST MADE. Bull- strong chick- on-tight Bold to tho user at Wholeitle rricti. We ry Freight. Catalogue free. COILED SPRING PENCE CO., Sox 231 Winchester, Indian. WE PAY $80.00 A MONTII SALARY and furnish rip and all expenses to Introduce poultry and stock powders In. packago find bulk; new plan; steady work; rellnblo manufacturer. BIQLERCO., X 111, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. (Ati iuriijll&.l.1UXS1 cAvn nwn-HAiR rT MORE IN COST and cot tho best steel woven wire fencing made, otrongest and moat lasting manu factured; buy It at about tho cost of a low strands of common dangorous hn.hiul inlm W(l TTIflRn It In our own factory. Look for it in ono pt our Dig Catalogues. It you haven't tho Big Book, get your neighbor's, or this moment In a letter to us say, "Mall mo you: wonderful woven wire steel fenco oner. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, ILL. mmmmm end Your Name s WKB incubator. SOLD ON 40 AND 60 DAYS' TRIAL Freight prepaid. 76 or bottor hatohoa fruarautooO. Writo today to M. M. JOHNSON, Clay Center, Nebrasna .to Johnson for hla big, frco Old Trusty Incubator LBook 176 pages. Every I pa.RO a poultry sermon, rl'ho Barest ana simplest NO LIMIT TO YOUR INCOME "Why" work for a salary of $50 to $75 per month, and no chance to climb higher? This mcnna'You: Married or Single. Become nn Electro-Medical SpcclnllNt. One yonr to srrntluiite; two diplomas granted; All Rcd-Tnpe cut out. A steady drill In actual facts, by Practical Experience on living subjects. And you don't need but little, to start With, in tho NorthivcHtcrn College of Electro-Therapeutic. Toil earn your way as you go along; A Partnership in an office, at tho end of six months, is Guaranteed; "Why" delay: write today for facts. Do it now. Address with stamp inclosed for reply. Northwestern College of Electro-Therapeutics. 1734 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Home and Farm The Great Semi-Monthly Agri cultural and Home Journal published at Louisville, Ky., is rapidly increasing its popu larity and influence through out the entire South. It covers: THE SOUTH THE SOUTHEAST THE SOUTHWEST thoroughly twice a month, reaching the most prosperous farm homes in this vast terri tory. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 50 CENTS P-R YEAR. (Twenty-four issues.) Subscribe today and get the best literature obtainable de signed especially for the South ern farmer. In clubs, three subscriptions, ono year, $1.00, or one sub scription, three years, $1.00. Home and Farm Louisville, Ky. JT v yJcp-y My Part I may not lead some great world-wide reform That benefits my fellowman; But I can show my sympathies are warm And cheer tho men who can. I may not have the brains to lead a fight Against the wrongs on every hand; But I can help tho man who has, all right I'll cheer to beat the band. I may not give to all who hunger feel A feast of viands rich and rare; But I can give some brother half my meal And banish one's despair. I may not slay the dragon's lust and greed That day by day oppress my fel lowman; But I can cheer and wish a warm God-speed Unto the man who can". I may not bo the man to point the way To nobler words and thoughts and deeds; But I can cheer, and thus help day by day The man who can and leads. I may not have the talent at com mand "To fire men's hearts to battle 'gainst the wrong; But when I see one, by him I can stand And help the workx along. Inexhaustible "Is Sincherly a rich man?" "Say, he's got money enough to publish a daily paper to boost his particular line of graft." Easy ! Railroad Magnate "I think the courts are perniciously active and Trust Magnate "Easy! As long as the courts are confining their ener gies to trust busting among the trades unions they are not hurting us. Of Course "Penheck says it is easy to give up a bad habit." "O, that's because Penheck don't dare smoke any cigars except those his wife gives him on Christmas and his birthdays." Happy Thought "I hope they will put George Ade on the resolutions committee and make him chairman," remarked Ker shaw, who was waiting for the mills to open again. "What for?" "Well, while waiting for that full dinner pail we can laugh at the plat form he brings in. That would help some." Fatal Oversight "I see that Scratcherly is look ing for a job. How did he come to leave the employ of Senator Snooks?" "He prepared the copy of the sen ator's speech for the printer and forgot to put in a lot of brackets around applause, loud applause, laughter, vociferous applause, loud and continued applause, and all that sort of thing." Much Hotter "I see that congress 1st going to put the motto back on the gold coins." "All right, but I wish congress would put back some of the coin it took from us by legalizing a lot of rank robbery." New Order Mrs. Bildad looked up over the evening paper which Mr. Bildad had thrown aside and asked: "I believe you arc an 'Eagle,' are you not?" "I am," proudly remarked Bildad. "And an Elk?" "That's right I am." " Well, I'm thinking about organ izing another society with a name something like them." "What are you going to call it?" queried Mr. Bildad. "I thing I'll call them 'Homing Pigeons'," replied Mrs. Bildad, "and I want you to be a charter member. I suppose you havo to go back to the office this evening?" But by this timo Mr. Bildad was in the hall, reaching for his hat and coat and muttering to himself. Sometimes Happens Willie Callow loved sweet Minnie Mellow. Willie determined to send Minnie a fine valentine. So Willie bought the valentine, and a few minutes later bought him self a shirt. Being a proud youth, Willie gave the two packages to a messenger boy, with minute directions as to the de livery of the packages. Of course the messenger boy was careless, as most messenger boys are. Tho messenger boy rang the bell at Minnie's home, and when she ap peared at the door he handed her the wrong package. An instant later, however, he saw his mistake, and gave Minnie the right package. Then he delivered the shirt at Willie's room. Despite the newspapers, this is the way it sometimes happens. Brain Leaks A hovel may be a home and a palace may ho purgatory. This is tho time of year when the city man makes a lot of garden. People who refuse to do as we say always lose life's best opportunities. The worst sham we have run against is "buttermilk" from a big creamery. Some people are very careful not to let their pocketbooks feel a re ligious thrill. The baby is taught a lot of cute things that are awfully impudent and saucy a few years later. Speaking of nature fakes, how about the minnow that bites like a two-pounder and then gets away? Were you ever in the position where you knew people didn't want you, and yet you couldn't get away? We will know that spring Is ap proaching just as soon as some one tells us that the peach crop is ruined. Whenever we hear sinners abusing a preacher for his activities we are quite sure he deserves an increase in salary. "You can not legislate brains into a man's head," is a favorite argu ment of those who thrive on special privilege. That may be the truth, but we can legislate the other man's hand out of our pockets. Nuycrn irntb tho1' W. If. Tsft" straw. ....-.. ....ii. . -.-.-"--- ' un;n i niriJNK Kruwiir: proline, firm, and a kxxI nhlp 2V?1 WSma YS9ESfey a, Vspr per. Hound, attractive rl. I)o- iiriuuH. i.imiuMi srocx. punts, 0' OOitlanln, Jl.OOj wllltrrovr ..,. ' --j i." r "' v ! a " u wrui, ni'ni ponipawi. vnin Iok all kln-la of fruit plant free. nmuiiANion hkkd oo. Boraourt BUHinghsintan, H. Y. gftj s EEDS that GROW Best quality narden, Howoranil Farm MB Bocdn, Alfalfa. Clovrr, Bl 1'cIaU.. AlMhaTofullllnoofKuritcryHtoolf. Large. nODBK. Pox 77, UKATRICK. Neb. URfr BRED Fifty years study enable us to offrr Iwst known Kmijia pure una ar.r.u t'OKN. No com grown Ifminln lowiv firn. Wii niltl v.i U.n..if w.ll I. .-":. "'' -v-',' "' iir(ucc;rn,iarge grrni,carrruiiygradeu. wriwior iiMumniuKBiiu ium imurmauon. W.W.VanSant&Son$,Box29,FarTagut,Iowi wind til rotir addrrie IflfflS we will l)w you III V '"'w to make 14 aday bwitutolr mrs: wt and teach run free.Tou work In the locality where youl le fond tit your addreu nd we will 2 a Day Si W& fiirnlih the work ai the localltr where youl Ive fan explain tilt hutlneu fully.rernefiilxtr we guarantor a clear profit of 13 for wary day'e work, alnoluUly aura, Writo tones, KOtALMiNUKACTUlUSUCO., Hox 1W0 Detroit, MUh. jWj; The WihMmKf SfSBBl II 1 .V U.L' l "OB BBW Kjop-.aavjrw btftB3ft2ftleMF yy MW-aiHgH' ' ' SP till' I I "miiY'f rM rOQcd 'Hook FOR 1908 1 contains dz specialties in Vegetables, fViin Flowers. 35 besides every- fining, cue ' good, old or n e w, w o r l h growing. You need II. It Is free to ail sending mc their address on a postal. Wm. Henry Maule "aggggg 1 3353EZ: VIRGINIA HOMES IF YOU are looking for an even climate, no ex tremes, long, pleasant, summers; never a prostra tion or a sunstroke, short and mild winters, either to do successful, general farm ing, or raise all kinds of fruits, berries, garden truck, poultry, peanuts and cotton; so to say, tho largest variety of crops, profitably or for a change to recuperate from long, cold winters and re gain health. Send 10 cents for a six months' subscrip tion to tho HI Virginia Farmer Box 716, Emporia, Virginia -!fittC JJ'ASKiZ 1