-V' 'TfT.VT',.' V f ,. T Siilt M -v- rf lll DIB OJ-4 "" "" il W j .r rxtr - t r aiHnnaai .. n x " 7 X)WV ' 1 S S V. Si V - I " r-'J' r n , , ---I, i i hi - ,"""w""i,"i The Commoner. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 7 !. lligTt m'sa uw. I, - '" Tho tfoiiiomiflc stato commiUoo for Toniienseo In hohsIoii at Nashville February 220 ordered u gubernatorial convention, to nieel In Nashvlllo .Inly M. Tho committee also adopted n rowolution endorsing Mr. Uryan for tho democratic nomlnuLIon. 0. W. Morse, u Now York banker and former bead of tbo ico trusl and of tlie .sloaniHblj) trust, was arrested wlion be landed In Now York on bis return from lOuropo. Morso Is charged with grand larceny. IIo was released on $20,000 ball. All Is unl barmony In republican circles in Alabama. A IHrmingham dlspatcb to tbo Uhlcago Iteeord-Ller-ald follows: "As a preliminary to tbo meeting or tho state exocutlvo committee of the administration tac tion of the republican party here to morrow, Chairman .1. O. Thompson and former Congressman V. F. Aid rich, ongaged in a fist, tight in tho lobby of a hotel tonight. Aldrich received a blow under tho oyo. Aid rich Is leador of tbo anti-administration forces and fooling has boon bit tor between tho two men for months." Tho domocratlc stato central com mit too of Iowa In session at Des Moines ondorsed Mr. Bryan for tho domocratlc nomination for tho presidency. A St. Fotorsburg cablegram carried by tho Assoclatod Press follows: "Lieutenant General Stoessel was condemned to death this evening by a military court for tho surrender of Port Arthur to tho Japanese. Gen eral Foek, who commanded tho Fourth ISnal Siberian division of Port Arthur, was ordered reprimanded for a disciplinary offense, which was not connected w (ho surronder, and General Smirnoff, acting commander of tho fortress, and Major General Kolss, ehiof of staff to Genoral Stoes sel, wore acquitted of tho charges against thorn for lack of proof. Tho court recommended that tho death sontenco upon Lieutenant Genoral Stoessol bo commuted to ton years' Imprisonment in a fortress and that ho bo excluded from tho service. Gonoral Vodar, president of tho court, read tho sentence amid tonse silonco. Hy a great effort of self control General Stoessol maintained rigid, soldler-llko Impassivity. Gen eral Smirnoff was also seemingly un moved, but there wore tears in tho eyes of General Iteiss. Tho sentence of death was pronounced upon Gen eral Stoessel for surrendering tho fortress before all the means of de fenso had been exhausted: for failing to enforce his authority and for mil itary misdemeanors." An Associated Press dispatch from Washington says: "Rising in the senato to a question of privilege, Mr. Tillman today made complaint of the use of his name in connection with efforts to sell railroad grant lands in tho northwest, which might be affected by the inquiry he has set on foot concerning such lands. He said his attention had been called to a very adroit scheme of swindling, in which his name was used as a decoy, and that letters had come from Con necticut, Wisconsin, Virginia and Michigan. He declared that he had not invested one cent nor located a single quarter section for himself or any one. Senator Tillman has called tho attention of the postoflice de partment to the matter, with a view to the issuance of a fraud order." WHAT CAUSES IIEADACIIE From October to May, Colda nro tho most fro qncnt cnuso of Tlendncho. LAXATIVE 11IIOMO QUININE roinovcs causo. E. W. Qrovo on box 25& An Associated Press dispatch un der date of Philadelphia, February 20, follows: "The marching of nearly 1,000 foreigners upon the city hall, whore they said thev intended to make demands upon Mayor Rey burn for work, precipitated a riot in Broad street late this afternoon, in which twenty persons were injured before hA police dispersed tho marchers and arrested fourteen of them. Tho men, most of whom wore Italians and Polos, marched from the foreign settlement in the lower sec tion or the city. The leaders and a score of others carried rod flags hav ing a black border. When they reached Broad street, a few blocks below the city hall, several wagons attempted to pass through the line. Tho drivers were dragged from their seats ny the marchers and beaten. Policemen ran to the rescue and a riot call was sent in. The motor bi cycle police were sent through the center of the city and rounded up the ontiro mounted police squad, the big reserve street squad and all patrol men, who were hurried to the scene in wagons and automobiles. Private carriages were even pressed into ser vice. A number cf persons who were watching tho paraders got into the first disturbance and when the big re serves hurried down upon the march ers a general riot was in progress. Some of tho marchers drew revol vers and hegan firing at the police, and tho mounted officers, riding into the center of the fight, used their batons right and left upon the heads of tho leaders. Tn tho molno ti,rno policemen were shot and slightly wounded and Charles Munn, who was watching tho flcht, was struck in the J?m Pi Btmy lmllGt- Reserve Officer Piott wns beaten unmercifully and is in a hospital, as is Policeman Smith , who first went to the rescue of the drivers. Henry Druding, one of these, wns beaten and nearly str pped of his clothing. Fourteen participants in the demonstration wore severely clubbed and had to he sent to a hospital." Maps Which the New York World Has Not Published Showing the Political Complexion of the Coun try in 1893-4-5, 1896 and 1904 From the Buffalo New York Times. The New York World has issued a pamphlet in which it attempts to prove that the leadership of Mr. Bryan has made the democratic party small. It prints a number of maps showing some of the political changes Faint Spells nro very oft on attributed to blllous cuUmrtki h stonmt'h ' tilted to That's wrong. i.,,Jli,i1it s)ollH ,iU' "fton ncootmmnled by biliousness, but you will also i otleo shortness of breath nstlun itlo bmith" lag. oppressed feeling In chest weak or hungry spells, which are nil early symptoms of heart weakness. y Don t make tho mistake of treatlnr the. stonmoh when tho heart is tho source of tho trouble. U0 Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure sfs'irffVai,"; Speaker Cannon's presidential boom has been endorsed by tho re publican committee of Guilford coun- n j. l Wr' Cannon was born in that county. Crosby S. Noyes, editor of the tt E'IS Star, died at I'uur years apro T was verv low win. heart trouble, could 1 ardlv wi Ik One - V1'uu', luusworth Falls Maine. Tho first bottle will benefit If nn tho drusBlst will return 'your ILllSk f "T W,81ter- thG novelist, was de- SSSik w?t city council in " (lolplia. Wister was an independent candidate, but the republican ma jority was too large. The democratic stato central com mittee of Ohio adopted a resolution endorsing Mr. Bryan fo? tn?pPe dentlal nomination. l l Frank IT Hitchcock has resigned as first assistant postmaster genera lie will be succeeded by Chariot p Grandneld of Missouri. Mr hL?' boom:VlU tflk CharS of tho'Taft ? T r-----J.M , i I bH, -aexih)i l hrj tfJttSnttfiL -i : :;-:'.v2ivr1.. v;.- i ' in im i'h in i ii'iig m X1. '. ,.,jvJaiiV' fBuMSKKi;H(rviAii7rfjilE maBfcxvJBmryy x-ti.'v i. r. v .::: -.rcvj&EBu4Mht-i.tc(rutjaHP"mjaaEP.:imi. v. iw -MML-m mm -jiw vii; tiim:mx-?xmr'rTiB'er.iA - w3n Democratic S3S) Te UTl l T r n i c q czo Republican foi the1 den mT h would make a good showing accurate, compUed from thTBUpplleB, tllGSe maps which are historically needed liglit on the siZtion W YFk Wrld Almacs, which throw M, Ar&tSS esfflO8m0PGleXiOn f thG CUntry When at the XtTot M?DBnrvand'5PflISWB th?P"eal complexion of tho country The third m iJ 7 lst l)residential campaign. aside and the camig"ofd?904Chad"beeif had been SGt larger0 m themselvesCnmade the democratic map .';," f lilt '. Al. vj t.i i i ii'