The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 28, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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    The Commoner.
iiiii m ' " w . rn
V r fr df'1 '""'ygft . .w
I saw
II 11
Tin First Sign
I Ik rod on maple
Jul 11 L Jlamo LluiL
The iiromlHP or Lho summer's blussiiiK
Lit first, while linger wlnttT miows.
And tiuii'konod, through lho bending
mnplo hough
Tho pulso of liro Koe throbbing
ltcsponslvo to lho call, to food U10
All careful at lho lighting new.
all tho vales and dis-
soon irom
tant hills
Will beacon lights forth signal
Anemones and blood-root, wintry
And meadow-rue in courage rash.
minute directions whereby the shop
ping may bo done by simply sitting
down in tho comfort of the home,
and, with a pencil and paper, order
whatever is wanted, from "a darning
thread to a thrashing machine," or
an automobile; in some cases, a
whole building, ready to be put to
gether when it reaches the customer.
They further give the guarantee that,
should the purchase not bo satisfac
tory, it may bo returned at the ex
pense, both ways, of tho firm, and
the purchase money refunded.
If you do not care to cultlvato the
good will of your customers by at
least offering the women and children
a shelter and warmth while they are
in lho village, you should not ex
pect them to feel particularly called
upon to undergo the hardships of a
long, tiresome ride in all kinds of
kinds of roads,
Nor snows may quench nor storms
heal oul lho (lame.
ISnkindled in (hose early days,
Ontil from out (ho length
breadth of land
Shall burst, triumphant, summer's
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
may have a genuine liking for a girl
or woman, and enjoy her society
very much, and still have no inten
tion of asking her to marry him.
Girls would have a much better time,
and more respectful attention, if
they would only accept little friendly
attentions for what they are worth,
not stopping to question if tho man
"moans something serious."
If only young people would be con
tent to enjoy each other's society,
overlooking the fact that they are
expected by match-making friends to
bo lovers if they look at each other
twice, they would profit by associa
tion with respectful members of the
opposite sex, developing an "all
aroundness" not otherwise obtain
able. Many men,' if they knew that
only friendly services were expected
of them, would be glad to give these,
to the mutual benefit of both: but
Meet your
with a Im
part, tli.y
best wav.
it wise or
iimrillinr nvoi- Jill lrinrlB nf
for tho pleasure (?) of sitting very often, these kindly acts of cour
fin I. Mmlr lime around the tosv are withhold hep.niiRn nf fpnr r,
The Nation's Children
A paragraph, whether truo or not,
is. going the rounds of tho newspapers
to this effect: "In one of our largest
cities, 'Hifi.OOO out of 1.00,000 school
children are physically defective. Of
these, -18,000 are suffering from mal
nutrition;' !):. 000 from defective eye
sight; 1ST, 000 from enlarged glands,
and 2 0,0 00 from defective breath
ing. Doubtless investigation would
show that similar conditions exist in
I lie majority of the largo cities of
the country." When wo look about
11a and sou the little ailing children
under our own oyos, few of them ab
solutely normal in physical or mental
hoalth, to say nothing of morals,
should wo wonder that "lnnrn fnml-
Uos are becoming tho exception," and
that tho "race is in danger of dying
out?" This condition of today is
not without a cause, and it gives a
poor promise for tho future genera
tions. Tho stream can not rise high
or than its fountain, and each gen
eration lias to bear tho weaknesses
handed down to it through tho physi
cal condition of tho mon and women
who are responsible for its being.
13erore undertaking to cleanse tho
Augean stables of tho nation, would
it not ho well to look to our own in
dividual nurseries?
around tho
not-al ways-clean stovo in tho store,
or out in the wagon in some alley,
or on the street. Country merchants
should think on these things, and set
to work to supply a comfortable wait
ing room for their women shoppers,
and where the little children, espe
cially the babies, may be loft while
the mother undergoes the fatigue of
the day's shopping. Don't leave the
work to tho women of the village it
is a work that should appeal to the
merchants who expect to profit by the
country custom. "Do it now." If
nothing bettor offers, a good, rain
proof tent could bo employed until a
suitable building could be erected or
tcsy are withheld because of fear of
unpleasant results from over-valuation.
Girls should by no means ask or
suggest that money should be spent
for them, at any time, for by this
means, they cheapen themselves in
the sight of the man, no matter how
much he might enjoy lavishing gifts
on them, unasked. And, lastly, all
men are not to be trusted implicitly.
They will not always advise a girl
tor ner best good.
a test
In tho matter of rest, rooms, in
many places they may be made self
sustaining under .the auspices of
some club or church society, bv the
sale to those wishing it, for a nom
inal sum, of a cup of tea, coffee, or
light lunches, or a small charge. for
caring for tho small children, the
charge to be paid in produce rather
than money, and it should not be
obligatory upon the wives and moth
ers to purchase anything, unless they
want it. Tho meeting place might be
a sort of woman's exchange, where
various articles might be left for sale,
and whoro other articles, not kept
at tho country stores, might bo
bought. "Help" might hero be
offered and aenuired. nnri or rl rAnri.
ing matter, contributed to the rooms,
distributed to those who would care
for it. Don't you think it would
"The Army of tho Unemployed"
Are you tired of hearing of the
"sufferings of the unemployed" in
the streets of the great cities? It is
not a pleasant thought, at best, that
there are thousands of people, right
at your own door, hungry and shiv
ering through the stormy days of
winter; but thero are always two
sides to a question. Thousands of
farmers are offering G-nnri lmmoo
and living wages, with many advan
tages which no lowly city dweller
can hope to have on the wages
earned in the city's businesses, and
these farm homes are waiting in vain
for these idle thousands of men
women, boys and girls. While every
avenue of trade and labor in the citv
. vr .. vu lv 1 m wmilfl-no wnrrow
"Kest Rooms"
Arc you doing anything
dhoso rest rooms for your
lamuies your out-of-town
ur wno must make frequent trips
to your towns for tho purposo of
trading? Do you do anything to
show your appreciation of their cus
tom, and to ameliorate tho hardships
of such trips? If not, you should
not complain when you find they are
patronizing the big mall order con
cerns In tho largo cities, for these
firms attend to tho comfort of their
patrons In every way they can. They
send out voluminous catalogues
wherein thousands of articles are
classified, illustrated and priced with
blank order shoots, and tho ' most
Mits. Widow's SnivriiiNn Syiiuv for elillilrou
tret unir .vlumhl nh ny bo used for rhlliliVi Vi.n
: t nij -ll t cents a bottle, luarmoia.
"Area Friends"
A frank, genuine friendship be
tween a man and woman, in which
neither sldo is misiimiftrotnnri e
oxccllent thing for both, and a man
has a great respect and liking for the
woman to whom ho can confide his
hopes and ambitions, feeling that his
attitude will not bo misunderstood,
while a woman takes great comfort
with a masculine friend whom she
may frankly ask to perform little
services without her action being
misconstrued. A man is not always
in love with tho girl to whom he
pays llttlo attentions, and very often
men aro deterred from offering cour
tesies, fearing his acts will be over
valued. When a man of principle
finds too much importance is Ukolv
to bo attached to his actions, ho backs
On tho other hand, every girl docs
not, and should not see in overv man
who shows a preference for her com
pany, a possible husband. Annan
eager for even the dangerously small
wago to bo earned in the work, the
farming population ic ivi,n .
anxious hands, pleading for the help
without which it can not hope to
sow and garner the food supply nec
essary for the world's consumption.
It is but a very short time now,
linn fnSrSrs m!,St begin Prepara
tlon for the seed-time of the year,
and the supply of farm help is never
Httnn t,? femand" Yot' if transpor
tation to tho wn.Hncr fli,i ....
offered to these idle men and women
--tnoso having neither property or
SSf1 nh0W ?any of them wou
accept, think you? i-Tnw m tt,i
eraiwhT V ,thG fam -1ob' no K
ter what their condition in the
ZTTA qunrtora of tlle vese city
fiat or how Insufficient tho comforts'
heir wages would bring them And
,?ry qmirter' tne y"ng people,
especially, are crowding into tho al
ready over-crowded avenues, bring
ing upon themselves, in most case!
untold wretchedness. Why? '
The mere iteration of the stitP
men that the country 1 e if t Te
ideal existence, will.not keep the peo
ple on the farm. The fact must be
proven. The lure of tho city 's
tractions is strong, evon for those
who have good country homes wtth
far moro comforts than they can eJ
be counter-attractions equally strong
if the country would keep its popu
lace. In recent years, much has
been done in this direction, but still
the human tide tends city-wards
while the farm cries in vain for na
complement of laborers.
Query Box
M. M. One ounce of salt to a pound
of butter is the usual proportion.
"Anxious" It is claimed that, if
colored embroidery pieces are soalc-d
in a water containing a little turpen
tine before washing, the colors will
not run. Try it carefully.
S. G. Do not worry.
difficulties and problems
lief that if you do your
will be solved in the
whether you may think
not. Everybody has trouble.
G. W. M. Here is a good, com
mon whitewash: One peck of fresh
lime in a large kettle or jar; pour
on sufficient hot water to slack the
lime to a smooth paste; add ono
quart of common salt and let stand
for a week; then use for inside work,
and for out buildings, after thin
ning to the proper consistency.
Jessie D. This is said to be
for the purity of water. At
- M mm.
arop a piece or white lump sugar in
a tumberful of water and let stand
in any convenient place over night
where the temperature will not fall
below sixty degrees. Ij. the morn
ing, if the water is pure, it will be
clear; if impure, the water will have
a milky appearance, especially if con
taminated with sewerage. Perfectly
clear water is not always pure water.
M. S. It would be just as help
ful if you tell of recommended re
cipes with which you have failed, if
you can find out the cause of failure
Many people fail with very excellent
directions, through no fault of the
J. D. I am afraid I can not help
you with your chicken troubles. That
seems one branch of learning in
which I am deficient. Write to re
liable poultry journals, or advertis
ing poultry men. (2) If you order
your plants now, the nurseryman will
not send them until danger of frost
is over, unless you insist.. Sf-ntA in
your letter when you wish them sent.
Good Recipes
Corn Meal Gems Oha minfnl nf
corn meal, one cupful of white flour,
taoiespoonlul of sugar, teaspoonful
of salt, two ecss. and a tahleanoonful
of butter. Use sweet milk anoiifrh to
wet so it will drop from a spoon. If
sweet milk is used, sift two tea
spoonfuls of baking powder with tho
flour; if sour milk, use one scant
teaspoonful of soda. Beat all to
gether into a stiff batter, have gem
pans greased, and drop the mixture
by spoonfuls into the gem pans and
hake in a moderately hot oven. Do
not fill the pans quite full.
Tor a specially nourishing cup of
coffee, stir into it rapidly a well
beaten egg. The ess should be first
well beaten, then the cream, then
tho sugar added, stirred well, then
into this coffee should be poured
gradually, constantly beating.
Date Cake One half cupful of
sweet milk, one-third cupful of soft
butter, one and three-fourths cup
fuls of white flour, one and one-third
cupfuls of brown sugar, and two
eggs, half teaspoonful each of nut
meg and cinnamon, two teaspoon
fuls of baking powder, three-fourths
cupful of seeded and finely-chopped
dates. Cream the sugar and butter,
add the milk and spices, sift the
baking powder with the flour and
add, beating, to the other ingredients,
beating until smooth, then fold in
the well-beaten eggs and the dates;
That Is LAXAT1VTC unmrn nTTnv-iTcm T.oote
"ii to nave in town, and there must I r0&
for tho sJirnaturo of v.. w. mi rrrc Tiund thn
over to Curo a Cold in Ono Day. 26c
x miiUtean