-yWf -r FEBRUARY 21, 1908 The Commoner. 3 j-nr" of the bank, are selected by the directors and the directors are chosen by the stockholders, and the stockholders would lose all of their capital, all their surplus and then they would have to respond to the 100 per cent liability be fore any other bank could lose anything; wouldn't that bo enough to make the officers careful? If that isn't enough, suppose we try the criminal law and see if that will make them careful. What has been the difficulty with our hanks? Our financiers will tell you that the banks that have failed have failed in almost every instance because the officers of the bank have violated their trust and used the money of other people to advance their own private in terests! Isn't that true, Mr. Gase? Mr. Gage: Yes, sir. Mr. Bryan: Isn't that true Mr. Baker? Br. Baker: Yes, sir. Mr. Bryan: Why hasn't it been remedied? Because the managers of the bad banks don't want to be restrained and the good bank isn't anxious to have the 'other ones restrained, be cause the good bank can point to the recklessness of the other and draw away deposits. I am not supposed to know anything about banking, and yet these distinguished men who have shed lustre on the banking business, admit that I have put my finger upon the sore place in the banking system. Now when wo make all the banks responsible for each bank then they will be interested in effective regulation. We will find them favoring legislation that will protect the public from a missappropriation of funds. We have been asking for this regula tion all the time. I introduced a bill in con gress to increase the penalty for embezzlement where the amount was large; I supposed that I would have unanimous support. I supposed the stockholders would be glad to hold over their officers the danger of a longer penal term if they were dishonest and took money, but I could not get that through. (Laughter.) I welcome the prospect of guaranteed banks, because I think it will enable us to get some regulation that we need. For instance, I think it might help us to pass a law to make m.ore than directory the rule that a bank shall not loan more than one-tenth of its capital and surplus to one person. A man testified in the case of a Chicago banker last summer that that law was merely directory; that if an examiner found that a bank was loaning more than ten per cent to one man, the department would send him a formal letter calling his attention to it, and then if he did not correct it by the next examination, he might expect to be forcibly reminded by another courteous letter. Is that good banking? Is that safe and sound finance? If one-tenth of the capital and the surplus is all that ought to be loaned under our present system, if it is the judgment of those" who make the law that the loan shall not exceed that, then I insist that we ought to make a criminal law, to compel the officers to do that which they were directed to do by the authorities. (Ap plause,) Wouldn't that be a good law, Mr. Gage? Mr. Gage: Yes, sir. Mr. Bryan: Would not that bo a good law, Baker? Mr. Baker: Yes, sir. Mr. Bryan: My friends, if I keep on I be in standing after a while. (Laughter and applause.) Now I think there Is another tiling that we ought to have. I think more of the reserve ought to be kept in the bank and less loaned. Isn't that right? Voices: Right again. (Laughter and ap plause.) If more of the reserve Is kept in the bank, the bank can be allowed to keep a part of it in bonds upon which emergency notes can be bor rowed from the government. It was the deposit of western and southern reserves in New York that caused the stringency to spread through out the country. Now, I want to remind you that for forty-seven years our laws have been made by financiers, and yet we reach the condition which confronts us today, and eminent bankers admit here in your presence, that I, a farmer from Nebraska, can suggest changes that your financiers did not think of, or at least, did not put into Jaw. (Laughter.) Why? A Voice: You ought to be right part of the time. (Laughter.) Mr. Bryan: Thanks, it Is a concession that I appreciate, and I wish I could return the com pliment by saying that our financiers have been right even part of the time. (Great applause and laughter.) Now there is another' safeguard. I would like, to see a" law that would make it a criminal offense for any bank official to become a gambler upon the stock market. Don't wait until he Mr. will has lost or committed sulcido, but make it crim inal to begin. Savo tho man's life, and his honor and his family by protecting him from tho temp tation. I read, a few years ago, that a bank official found that tho market had gone against him and shot himself; and another official who was asso ciated with him in the bank camo in and found him dead, and knowing tliftt ho had shared in tho dead man's speculation he shot himself and fell dead across the body of tho other man. In Iowa, not long ago, I was told that within a radius of, I think it was one hundred miles, ton bankers had committed sulcido as the res'ilt of speculation. It would be a mercy to these men to protect them from this temptation. The man who has in his keeping tho money of others ought to bo protected, as far as law can protect him, from the temptation to gamble. Am I not right? Voices: You are; you are. Mr. Bryan: Again I am right. (Applause.) Now I am afraid that I have talked over my time (Cries of "go on, go on.") When you say, "go on, go on," I am reminded, of a fellow down in Kentucky who was making a speech. He had to leave on a certain train. When ho saw the time was near for his train to depart, he said: i.iy train will go in a moment now," and they said, "go on, go on." And he talked until his train had gone. Finally ho stopped and said: "You see, gentlemen, that I have been persuaded by your entreaties to miss my train." They said, "Why, we told you to go on." (Laughter and applause.) I am not sure just what you may mean by "go on." (Laughter.) Now I have said what I have upon this question because I believe it should be present ed. It is not necessary to wait until tho election is over to find out what ought to be done. Take a plan that appeals to the common sense of tho average man and you need not be afraid to present it before election. The people of this country aro the most intelligent people In tho world. They want to do what is right. Some of you misunderstand our people. (Laugh ter.) You think we are anarchists. You think we want to injure tho country. I think I am a fair representative of the average man out in the west, at least I have been able to keep in touch with him in spftc of all the newspapers. He and I get along pretty well together. Why? Because I have tried to appeal to the hearts and consciences and judgment of these men. You have said that we are arraying class against class. It is false. You have accused us of disregarding prop erty rights. That is not true. The man who defends human rights is the best defender of property rights. (Applause.) The man who prosecutes the wrongdoer is the best friend of honesty. (Applause.) And all that we have asked is that you view this great question from the bottom and not from the top. There is a theory that God selected a few men and endowed them with greater wisdom and fitness, and then put the country in tholr hands. That used to be tho theory. First, it was the king who could do no wrong; then it was the aristocracy that ruled; now it is tho democracy. These men, whose deposits make your bank ing profits; these men whose deposits are the basis of your fortunes these men ought to be considered not only their interests but their opinions. You like to persuade a man that the bank is a good place to deposit his money, and if his judgment is good when you are trying to persuade him to deposit his money in your bank, trust his judgment a little when ho wants to regulate the methods to be employed by those who have charge of his money. (Applause.) We will have to meet this issue sometime, and we may as well do so frankly and boldly now. If our finances had been conducted as they ought to have been, there would have been no stringency now. If you tell me that you need an elastic currency, I will take your word for it, but if you tell me that you object to it unless you can hold both ends of the elastic, I will tell you that you do not need it as much as you thought you did. Trust the government, the representatives elected by the people. These men, acting in the open and responsible to their constituents, are more trustworthy than those who act behind closed doors, and are respon sible to no one but themselves. I think you will have to consider the opinions of the voters on this question, whether you try to settle it now or by a commission selected for the pur pose of preparing a bill that you would not present before the election. It must come before the people and you might as well take them into your confidence first as last. If you want this elastic currency let tho government issuo It and control it, and yon will have no difficulty about the security. Then lay upon tho banks tho responsibility for mak ing tho banks safe. If tho bankM say that they do not. want to bo hold responsible for Other banks, my answer fa that if your banker will not trust each other, they should not expect tho people to trust them with their money. (Applause.) Tho slight tax that this plan contemplates would bo more than compensated for by tho money drawn from hiding that you could then loan out and on which you could chargo Inter est. This is a system that protect the depositor, protects tho community, and gives tho banks. a largo advantage at a small price. I thank you for this opportunity to speak to you; It Is tho first I have had. I have been talking for many years, and this Is tho most respectable crowd that I have ever talked to In my lire (Laughter and applause) that is, measured by New York standards. (Laughter.) It is no more roapcctablo, however, than the people among whom I live! The man who tolls by the day, who goes out in the morning and works all day, . who commences in tho spring and works all summer, though his hand be hard from work, and his clothing not of tho latest cut he -is a respectable man, and I have been addressing reHpectable audiences all over the country, but this is the most highly financial audience that I ha o yet addressed. (Applause.) And if I have oxceeded my time limit and spoken with an earnestness for which I should apologize, Just remember how long I have wait ed for the opportunity, and remember also that J may never have It again. (Prolonged ap plause.) oooo : : : : : : : : : . V DEMOCRATIC WIOIOK LI US Publishers who patronize rendy print houses and who believe that tho reproduction of The Commoner cartoon each week and two columns of Com moner editorials and paragraphs would please their readers and promote tho cause of democracy could probably se cure such service by requesting it of those supplying them plate matter. The Commoner would gladly furnish without charge galley proof of editorial matter and matrix of cartoons to ready-print and plate houses or to others who desire them. . A " : : : : T V OOOO Till-: URAL POLITICIANS The Commoner again calls the attention of its readers to the sentiment expressed by Matthew Arnold: "Because these things, right and wrong, aro really what do govern politics and save or destroy states, the few who keep insisting on the good of righteousness and the unprofitable ness of iniquity are the only real politicians." This sentiment will bo reproduced from time to time in order that tho readers of The Com moner may become familiar with it. IfJ.ho dem ocratic party is to b a power for good in this country It must "keep insisting on the good of righteousness and tho unprofitableness of in iquity." OOOO LRT IT SPEAK FOR ITS OWN The New York World says: "The World is willing that Mr. Bryan should be the repub lican candidate for president. It Is as the dem ocratic candidate that we object to him." But, according to the World's political record, it ought to have considerable to say con cerning the republican nomination. It will learn in due time, what It now seems unable to per ceive, that it has no Influence whatever with tho democratic party freed from the special in terests which the World seems so faithfully to serve. OOOO CHAIRMAN LLOYD James T. Lloyd of Missouri was chosen chairman of the democratic congressional com mittee at a caucus held February 11. Mr. Lloyd represents the first Missouri district. He was elected to thefifty-flfth congress to fill a vapancy and has since been regularly re-elected. "Mr. Lloyd is a true and faithful democrat and his colleagues made no mistake in trusting him with great responsibility. mi H