4f . y . The Commoner. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 1 16 IMPORTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS Read the lists given below and for the satne amount you are paying for The Commoner, secure another paper or magazine. For a small additional sum you can get several. Interest Your Neighbors Commoner rendors, who arc willing to assist in tho work of in rrrnHliiK Tho Commoner's circulation and influence, will And It easy to InloroBt oIIkth, who aro not now subscribers, by brinKing to Ihoir uLtiJiitlon tho extraordinarily low prices at which standard periodicals can be secured in combination with The Commoner. T CI, ASS X Price. American, Nashville, Weekly, Dom. nnil Agti..$ .HO ('oiniiHTclul Appeal. IMctiiphlM, Weekly, Dom.. .50 Hon - and Stale, Dallas, Monthly, llkistra' d, ll-Miin no Tnilrlo Farmer. Chicago, Weekly, AgrI 1.00 Mi nil tt ml Stock, St. Joseph, .tlouthly, Agrl ... 100 Reliable- Vmillry .Iminml, Qiilncy, III.. Monthly .50 The ItiiltiHt t'lotiH Hen, KnoxvIUc, Monthly 50 AiiuTluui Swineherd. Chicago, Monthly, Agrl.. .50 Farm. .Stock and Homo, Minneapolis!, Seml- Monlhly, Agrl 50 Homo and Farm, Louisville, Somi-Monthly Agrl 50 National Farmer and Stock Grower, St. Louis, Monthly, Agrl 50 Soul horn Agriculturist, Nashville, Scml-Mon' l- '3 i JVl 50 Soul horn Fruit fl rower, Chattanooga, Tenn., Monthly, Horticultural 50 American Farmer, Indianapolis, Monthly. Agrl. .40 Farm and Fireside, Now York, Somi-Monthly, Agrl 25 Farm News. Springfield. Ohio, Monthly, Agrl. .25 Agricultural lOpltomlst, Spencer, Ind., Mo 1.00 Modern Fanner, Uldon, Mo., Monthly 25 MlHHourl Valley Farmer, Topoka, Monthly, ., A',VI 20 arm 1 ''"Kress St. Louh.. Monthly 10 Moys Vnrh. iJlKln, 111.. Weekly. Juvenile FiO Star Monthly. onk 1'ark. III., Juvenile 50 Modern Friscllla. Itusloii, Monthly, Fancy Work ' 50 Nath.nul Ilmno Journal. St. LouIm, Monthly!!!! !50 Vlek s liiiully lUugazlno, Dansvllle, N. Y Monthly, Floricultural . .go IoonliH Popuhir Monthly, Dos Molnor House- llOlcl o- The Commoner AND ANY ON13 IN CLASS A. fci nn i y s M Z2EZnxi&mzgEmS2 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS A $1.35 I CLASS 11 Itegiilnr I'rire. Tho World, Now York, Thrico-a-weok si on tho Frnqulror. Cincinnati, Weekly 1 nn I ho Constitution. Atlant i, Thrl lalw'e'ek i'oS Sln!r,S,t!o?U& Wo ' ' ' ' : ' : ' ' Nebraska Farmer. Llnco'li,; Wc'ekiv! ! ! 388 i:ivo slock :.:.t:.- Woekly F,i'" Michigan Farmer. Dot mn" r '',:,'. ' V : LOO f Uve Stock.......;;. ' ,,v"u' -"" and hU..rmti!ckC:0V0,,ind' ' WV; AWrV. ' ami '?5 National Stockman ' imii ' vA ;.,.: ;,,::.. 75 ra.. Weekly "" r'si)iirg, Southern Cultivator, a hV.,' ; " k" : 1 The Commoner VD ANY ONE IN CLASS n $1.35 .00 Agrl tu' o"-Monthly, Fruit Grower, St. .TosenlY ' HA " At" ' :; : L00 irrigation Awe. Chlca go, Mo.ithiv Tv 2',y;; ' ' 0 Wor and Works, includ nS li?e,JiIat,on- i'00 St. .outs "b 11i-lcs Almanac, Wlndlos riatlinR- Oun, Chicairo 'iin,li I 1-00 Tho Voirotarlun. Chicago, Monthfy . .!y, 0 j KaianisaE The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS n $1.85 i ne ommonerTn 1 - And wl"' nny oyH in Cls n $ .JJ The Commoner Jnri d?9 1a And with ily two iu -iSM CpZ I J 1 he CommonerinrFnr-cb 1 QC And "'"'" ONBln C1..HW CP I .03 limMramv mi ""'Cit' wuiKazinc, inow York, Literary. Monthly 1 The Red Book, Chicago, Monthly, Literary. . ..... 7 i Pn,: n X Tifr;V;"US1 ',': S.X0"5j mo- literary. . . . 1, wiTi """i' iun.in.uu, urc, itinerary i n7n.mnf to; faU,w,w' ""v"' '"o, Monthly McCaiis Mn;i i5 ; r" X?rt"ltli' miiy. . . . l, The DollnnnTn N0,;: yn;,, W"tY.l"u&L a?10nS . Table Talk, Philadelphia, Month y? Famtly "S I Amor enn irnlliHmn,i 1,..ctt:' Vr u-ii,y,: ... . 1, Good Ilousekeopinff: SprinrneluV asl". Mo Z!&ly I j uu nouacKConcT. fl nno.nnn TV,Tmm T"IM"'W'''TWWW ! ! The Commoner 91.00 Review of Reviews 3.00 Woman's Ilomo Companion. 1.00 Peoples Popular Monthly... Our Special Price - $3.00 Tho Commoner 9i nn Tho Reader. 1'9 Cosmopolitan fJJJ Peoples Popular Monthly!!! Our Special Price - $3.00 Tn tlio nhmrn nlnln mi. v.. Boy, Atlanta Const tu American ciQc Monthly, Success, Taylor-Trotwood or S?5Pd B . Pa A or class B may bo subs Stated for tt? WnmS P111 in class in the nrst club, or he Cosinonolitan iY ? S Home Companion substitutions not permitted D the Second club- Other Commoner 81.00 Courier-Journal... 1.00 Taylor-Trotwood.. l.oo oun price li'Ss Commoner SI 00 American Maer.... 1.00 American Boy i.oo OUR PIUCE ?!?5 Commoner 8100 pnraI?Pndnt "... 2-00 Prairie Farmer., i.oo I ouu prich Was X-n !. , .. Hon we aro onTy pe mittod toTcSAtT ? "i""6 ot a -postngo extra. lalml"ou l accept new subscriptions. Foreign specKu0n1uPe"rlom0ehceirtvtlZ J?0kUeS f relrei to W Lea J?,.!?'?en.i- o' ',eh0resepctfvethc,Vten "'SL K.."!?' -V puu.uuea omer tliau regular weeklv nnnn " ",u"1 Prrces Cheerfully Quoted On any combination of periodicals selected from this list. Periodi cals may be sent to different addresses if desired. Your friends may wish to join with you in sending for a Combination. All sub scriptions aro for one year, and if new, begin with the current num ber unless otherwise directed. MISCELLANEOUS , Our Price PnbllHliera . vrlth Price. Commoner. f !ft Sfori-SeraId' Omaha $4.00 l.po Somf wV0?I,d"H?raU1' Except Sunday 3.00 3.2 Soml-Weolcly World-Herald 50 1.25 ilio Republican, Sprlngflold, Mass., Dally 8.00 8.10 Ho pul,,ican' Springfield, Mass, Sunday 2.00 2.00 lWnK$l?UKr1IcftIV, Sprlngnelil, Mass., Weekly 1.00 1.70 nihmr2fN?Jvs-Scl"'tar. Memphis, Weekly 50 1.20 i2 iS$S IviJ.n.sas c,ty- Mo" Dally except Sunday 2.50 2.50 wnL uVH9i C,1,caSo, Weekly, Fundamental Democracy 1.00 1.45 nh -nns JcffersonIan Magazine, Atlanta, Monthly... 1.50 1.S5 vSwa mi"ocralt Jolnstown, Pa., Weekly 1.00 1.25 News-Times, Denver, Weekly 1.00 1.00 pf a,ry Boat, New York, Weekly 3.00 :5 nailfind?r.V Washington, Weekly 1.00 1.00 tm! n .L,trerature' Ngw York, Monthly 3.00 3.00 i no Post, Houston, Texas, Semi-weekly 1.00 1.00 Tho Republic, St. Louis, Semi-weekly 50 1.25 ? or? gazette, Chicago, Weekly, Stock and Farm.. 2.00 a.00 rS? Jda Farmer. Chicago, Weekly, Agricultural.. 1.00 1.00 iloards Dairyman. Ft. Atkinson, Wis., Weekly 1.00 1.50 Poultry ( Success, Springfield, Ohio, Monthly 50 1.15 Wallace s Farmer, Dcs Moines, Weekly, Agricultural.. 1.00 1.00 q.,V? Amrican Boy, Detroit, Mich., Monthly, Juvenile.. 1.00 1.50 Success Magazine, New York, Monthly 1.00 1.50 Field and Stream, New York, Monthly, Sports 1.50 1.85 lraiil'Fult,uc Passaic. N. J... Monthly. Hygenic 1.00 1.45 Sn Tn,V0n agazliie. New York, Monthly 2.00 2.ar Tho Independent, New York, Weekly, Literary 2.00 2.20 T1,o Arena. Trenton, N. J.. Monthly, Literary 2.50 2 50 tSviSJ'SS0?' NYork. Weekly, Family. 3!oO 5 CO oSr;T,S?r5avffia "NM.yterary. Mo.. 1.00 1,15 T.. -,-.. yii, iH-w null, iHUHLIllV. Liicnrnrv T nn nn. 00 i.bo .00 1.00 .50 1.HK .00 1.45 w,BlaclTCTCnt' J?oston. Monthly,' sii'orV Stories .' .' .' .' rS HZ 00 tjin 50 i oft 00 i.75 ,50 i. 88 M ,fi,i -rn ",,: - "y l.UII Sturm's OklahSmd Mafrano.Mnnthi,,"1'' J-,"1y- -CO i.oft ' 1.00 ij5 All Orders Must Be Addres --'-------- Lincoln, Nebraska