The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 10, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner
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The Commoner.
Editor nnd Proprietor.
IUchaiit) L. Metcawk
Associate Editor.
Chahmcs W. Biivan
Editorial Rooms nnd Buslnoxi
Omco 324-320 South 12th Street.
Entered nt the Postomco at Lincoln, Neb., as eccond-clnss matter
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THE COMMONER, Lfncoln, Nob.
Still sticking?
It seems that Walter Wellman is again air
shipping on the political situation.
i. f The navy hasn't had so much war since
the day Cervera's fleet went out of business.
- ' Every mine accident is an argument in
favor of child labor laws and a wage increase.
The rapidly changing styles of battleships
cmay render it unnecessary to bring the fleet
It is to be hoped that the navy will settle
...Its little internal fight before anything happens
. abroad.
Up to date the name of the coal dealer who
is to command tho navy colliers' has not been
Georgia has kindlv rushri tn thn ncoiofnnnn
feof Georgians who mounted the water wagon
vu. ou.uuu.ry x.
Dividends consisting of issues of watered
stock will not help the financial stringency to anv
appreciable extent.
It was merely a coincidence that the day
Indiana launched the Fairbanks boom was tho
coldest day of 1907.
i olumbuB Ohio, shows up with the cham
SSSSSS t r.bbed the Salrat' W
The mustering officers of the "Million
It is reported that our fleet has twelve
Pianolas aboard. This fact should be made
known to every possible enemy. ade
w6 maEzine writer who condemns our
hi !SSH?B fV?11 traps spoko Perhaps fr00m
the standpoint of an opponent.
NewB la not Hying jiptoits name.
that t&J?Sjff 'aJSji PWt
church iBprljudlcoagainsluves a fawv
S3? oo'n'To t
The Tenants' Union in New York is striking
against high rents. This will enlarge the in
junction field of the federal judges.
"There are two Jloosevelts," declares the
London Globe. The Globe has been misled by
an echo reverberating through the Ohio hills.
Doctors now declare that the oyster does not
carry typhoid fever germs. But typhoid germs
are not the reason why we so seldom eat oysters.
It seems that Justice Harlan and 'Justice
Brewer belong to that old-fashioned crowd that
believes the constitution to mean just what it
Senator Piatt having endorsed the Hughes
boom, Governor Hughes has sensibly refrained
from admitting that he is in the hands of his
Mr. Rockefeller once wrote to Tolstoy for
advice as to how to spend his money. He might
get a pointer now by communicating with Judgo
iono mdt?mocratIc candidate, for president i
1908 will be nominated by fiemocrate whT ta
remained loyal to democratic iwInMnSa0 havo
elated in democratic p as enun"
With a surgeon commanding a shin of n,
ine out graduates capable of removininntUru
pendix or amputating a limb g an ap'
Speaker Cannon says he exnecti to n .
Senator Knox and Dr. Hannia tovi
The Washington Post says the modern wa
ter wagon is equipped with punctureless tires.
Perhaps, but the whip socket still fails often
to do its duty.
The Buffalo Evening News declare tw
mistake the paragraph appeared in an edttorS
Senator Bryan of Florida is thirty-one years
of age, but those who claim that he is the young
est man ever sent to the United States senate
forget Henry Clay.
The Pittsburg Dispatch says Pittsburg is
the best advertised city in the United States.
Considering the kind of advertising we cheer
fully admit the claim.
With a surgeon at the head of the army
and a surgeon at the head of the navy both
possibilities most of the ills of our military
arm ought to be cured.
The attention of the Paragraphers' Union
is called to the fact that there are fifty-three
pay days in 1908. If that isn't enough to make
em feel funny nothing will.
JSmSSg and set a f-
Noting that the suicide list in Indiana nhnwa
"Deonrieaoutt?h?raSl"nEt.0n maTk that
PanToiV.11008'61-3 rea".nS. S
..NotinS a remark concerning a photogranh
Ool?mbLQqHSB Tfll kings n a bunch the
SSrini to fma8kf8 f .that Was a "royal flush-"
ti? n?fi? impart Information when we can
informs , t w ,7,?Predl to a Texas frIend "
miorms us that it is not, but that It iq nrlmi
corone1106 f 8ubsue inauestbySe
Subscribers to The Commoner who
. commenced with tho first issue of tho
paper should renew, their subscription'
now, to avoid tho possibility of inissinir
an issue of tho paper. m
The chief trouble about this thing of quot
ing from last year's message in this year's mes
sage is that It keeps so much costly metal, tied
up and littering the "phat racks."
Mr. Cleveland is of the opinion that the
country should make provision for ex-presidents.
This may portend that the available supply of
fat insurance jobs Is exhausted.
"Congress will not do much for the people ".
sagely observes the Buffalo Times. By eliminat
ing the words "not," "much" and "f the
statement will be even nearer the truth.
T ir Is, rePrted that immediately upon reach
ing I:8?" Secretary Taft sat at his tek
and went through many papers. He might have
buVreaua hy 8ubscribi to aolIpS
the fnSfifJ f f G ng taw?n t0 provide relief for
MteS Jehfafmlnerff kiUed lQ FeCent mille dlS-
?ellfif.vf ?rS?er' And as son as the
If!?! I extended the next step should be to
K T?Urrenc 0f such accidents. If mlgnt
?- m t0 Compel the mlnG wners to insure
their miners against death by mine accidents
him nSSw 'S Hends wI11 please not hold
wMch hT hiole f,r Sh Paragraphs as that
7ecentlv to S S2Inf ihe rounds of the Prs
ht n l&i- effect that his daughter would
nomination aV P0S Col,orado and put him In
Brvln mu' B?a8 daushter, Mrs. Ruth
SI 72 iU 1Ivf 8 in Denver, but she will not
be a delegate and will not put him in nomina-
efftTvA Th5tmaBt?r g,ennrteraI has lssued an order
li?W of Uf fy 1 1908' which requires pub
scrintfon iSSf? i7 PaperS to drP from elr sub
2p?nf.lts the ?aines of a11 subscribers whose
?ears PrSrHtWely,months or mo in ar
mS? nn2i w?1?" Vf th,! paper's second-class
Sv w?th 11 ge lB thG Penalty for failure to com
ply with the above rule.
"Japan's spies have maps of Portland." "ex
claims the mayor of that city. Well' we can
furnish maps of Japan on short notice.' All we
?aepehiesS to hUnt UP a CUple of old geog!
A St. Louis woman threw $2,000 worth of
diamonds into the furnace and the fact was tele
graphed all over the country, it seems to u
that we do about the same thing every' time we
feed the furnace.
"Where did the gold go?" plalntivelv asi
the Wall Street Journal. What doeTit matter?
Even as far back as 1896 we-had enough to do
the business of the country, all. that was lack
ing .being "confidence." wua iacK
(Continued .from Page 2)
S!JnPaiS!SS J119. American sailor has writ his '
lomv etLin hIlt0r? and added measured
SSSnft J he loves so well and has so
ftiSSf1' Tr0m admiral on the bridge
' frn i umblest stoker in the furnace room;
thTJne6r J ?! "Pwder monkey;" from
thv Zl h Whe? ,t0 the at the throttle,
SS Jiy ?e,Sdod up011 t0 recognize every
duty and to do It like American men, like Amer
ican sailors, and like the worthy followers of
Jones, Lawrence, Perry, Decatur, Farragut,
Porter, and all the hosts whose valiant deeds
and storing patriotism are the glory of Ameri
can naval history. -""
.nf J? he'S Happy New Year to Jack Blue
&L ' ,May. he only a pleasant- journey
and a safe return. No man can tell what the
results of the journey may be, but this wo
know--whatever they aYe.-.the American -sailor
.. will do. their duty like-men.
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