"- A . fl JANUARY 3; 1908k ' fffttt ? ,s 9 KLa freo schoor r the education of poor children. A short time previous to receiving the royal 'letters patent,' or in 1611, Sutton had purchased the Howard house, as the Charter House (now one of London's most notable public Bchools), was then called, for 13,000. It was this old Charter house, once the homo of the Carthusian monks, that the philanthropist de signed for his home for the aged as well as a school for the young. But before anything further was done in the matter Thomas Sutton 7iri ln hls wiI1 was a cla"se which provided 5,000 for 'the building of mine intended hos pital, chappie and school.' Sutton dying with out fully establishing his institution or without perfecting the corporation which should control It, a nephew, Simon Baxter by name, brotight a suit for trespass against the then occupants of Charter house, by virtue of its purchase by Thomas Sutton, and also to set aside the bequest of 5,000 in the will. Among the counsel for the plaintiff, was Francis Bacon, Lord Vefulam, who after the adverse decision to the client sug gested to the king that the whole Sutton estate, as he needed the money, might well be conveyed to him for his personal use. The plaintiff con tended, among other tilings, that there was no 'incorporation' in the letters patent of the king, and that, even admitting the incorporation, there was 'no foundation' made by Sutton. . The dis tinguished counsel, Lord Bacon, also main tained that 'the place of every corporation should be made certain. For without a place or loca tion, there can not be any incorporation.' The arguments were heard by a bench of eleven jus tices in the exchequer chamber. Among these judges was Chief Justice Edward Coke, of the court of common pleas, who gave the decision, and who sustained the will of Thomas Sutton as well as all of the decedent's transactions in reference to his intended hospital while in the life. Also 'it is not requisite,' said Justice Coke, that there always be truth in the name of the corporation either of a hospital or any other body politic' This decision likewise says, 'a thing which Is not in esse, but in apparent ex pectancy, is regarded in law.' 'A corporation aggregate of many also said Justice Coke, 'is Invisible, immortal and rests only in Intend ment and consideration of the law. Corpora tions can not commit treason nor be outlawed. For they have no souls.' " EEAR ADMIRAL Willard H. Brownson, chief of the bureau of navigation, created some thing of a sensation in naval circles by sending his resignation to the president. It was quickly accepted. It later leaked out that for some time trouble has been on ln the navy department. The Washington correspondent for the Chicago Record-Herald says: "Investigation tonight, however, lifts the veil of mystery without mini mizing the sensation in the slightest degree. Within the last few weeks there has been a radical difference of opinion between the presi dent and the bureau of navigation. The presi dent wanted Surgeon Charles E. Stokes put in command of the-hospital ship Relief, now at the Mare Island navy yard. The bureau threw up its hands at the thought of any except an officer of the line being placed in command of any vessel connected with the navy. And when it became apparent that the president would have his way, as he usually does, Admiral Brownson up and resigned rather than sign the order as the president directed. Surgeon General Rixey originated the idea of having a hospital ship join the battle ship fleet under direct command of a medical officer. Brownson protested that a staff officer had no business in such a position of com mand and that such an appointment would be subversive of discipline to an alarming extent. The president sustained Surgeon General Rixey. Admiral Brownson would not stand for it and wrote his resignation with hot ink and a smok ing pen. Commander Cameron" McR. Winslow has been selected to succeed Admiral Brownson as chief of the bureau of navigation. Com mander Winslow, who will not attain his pro motion to a captaincy until next month in the regular course of events finds himself with the rank of rear admiral tonight by virtue of his new assignment." THE DENVER News says: "The latest de velopment is a 'personal letter campaign' conducted by the people of Minnesota upon' the people of Colorado by friends of Governor John son of that state. Advance copies of the per sonal letters reached Denver yesterday. If you have a friend in Minnesota you'll probably get a letter. It will not be exceedingly pressing The Commoner. rl1ioflyn2nHiDqUrf roS"Mns the position of Colo fhl, aSuh0 !tot0 wIth enormous power gained through its selection as the place for the holding Likolv ifvnfnt D' Th,B fir8t lottor la 1. Likely If you do not reply to it or your roply is not favorable to Governor Johnson you Till nlof Ski- nmtn,ess M far as il hns developed it niobably will bo continued industriously. A large number of Denver men roport having ro il? m! ette,rS tr?m frIondo and acquaintances in Minnesota. Starting.ith tho extension of compliments upon DenveYfcolcction no the con vention city, theso letters proceed with tho main object, an offort to determine tho chances for Governor Johnson in tho state thnt holds such a commanding political position. Following is one of the letters received from St. Paul: Dear -: it is proper that congratulations be extended to Denver and Colorado upon secur ing the next democratic national convention, to bo held in your auditorium. Tho people hero are very much interested in having Governor Johnson of Minnesota nominated as tho demo cratic candidate for the fall presidential cam paign. From your close association with the newspaper men you are In an excellent position to judge of tho sentiment ofr tho people of Den ver and tho state toward tho different candi dates. What seems to bo the sentiment ln Den ver and tho state toward Bryan? Governor Johnson has made a very good impression upon the heads of tho democratic party, and we feel that, if given a boost by tho people of Denver and the state of Colorado, his chances for secur ing tho nomination are most excellent. What, in your opinion, are tho chances of securing this co-operation ofj Denver and Colorado for Gov ernor Johnson? An articlo In the Pioneer-Press of December 13 shows how favorably Governor Johnson was received on his recent eastern visit. I shall be interested in receiving your opinion of tho political situation.' " THE TROUBLE in tho American navy is be coming serious. A Washington dispatcli carried by th.o Associated Press after the an nouncement of Admiral Prownson's resignation follows: "Not since tho day preceding the pass age of the personnel law ten years ago has the feeling between lino and staff of the navy been so acute as it is today as a result of the refusal of Admiral Brownson to transmit orders from his superior officer, the president of the United States, assigning a naval surgeon to command vessels in the navy. In the case of the person nel act, it was Mr. Roosevelt, then assistant sec retary of tho navy, who acted tho part of pacifi cator and succeeded in bringing the two warrfng factions together in support of the legislation, which, for a decade past, though a makeshift, has served to maintain peace between the two factions in the navy. In tho present instance, however, the efforts of the president to reconcile the surgeons and the lino officers have failed and It is probable that tho whole controversy will be threshed out on its merits in congress. This is much, deprecated by conservative officers in both line and staff, as likely to prove prejudicial to the navy's interest as a whole, for they be lieve that in order to succeed In securing for the four great battleships, the cruisers, scouts and submarines the year's naval estimates, in addi tion to securing legislation that will better tho lot of naval officers personally, the navy must present a united front, which can not be done if just at tho beginning of a session line and staff are to engage ln a fierce strife. Through the published statement of Surgeon General Rixey, the merits of the doctors' side of the case in this Instance have been clearly set forth. Lino officers believe that in common fairness, they should also have a hearing. But they are in an embarrassed position In that respect. Ad miral Brownson preceded his resignation by a cold, clear, logical presentation of his reasons why ho objected to the assignment of a physician to command a naval ship, even though that ves sel was exclusively devoted to hospital use. The statement was submitted to the president and, notwithstanding the staff has had its say In print, applications at the White House are met with refusal. Now It is clearly impossible for Ad miral Brownson or any of his line officers to make public a copy of the letter without Incur ring the risk of a court-martial on charge of disrespect toward their superior officer, the presi dent of the United States. So they can only look for a change in the executive mind, or congres sional investigation which will develop all the facta. It may be stated in the absence of the text of Admiral Brownson's letter that his letter objecting to tho execution of the president's ?,wi '?, p,ut a Bur&oon In command of tho hos pital relief was twofold. In tho first place, Uko every lino officer, ho helioved that tho subordina tion of any lino officer, no matter how low In S t0 ,ft Bt,ft(r "!cor on ship board, was bad policy and subvorslvo of naval discipline. But a stronger objoction in his mind was that tho proposed action was clearly illegal Inasmuch aa it Is forbidden by law or naval regulation to as sign a staff officer to command ships. It is only fair to tho staff side to stato thaL this is debat able ground and that it would not bo difficult to construe tho naval laws and regulation) either way. So it Jm not to bo doubted that when tho subject com oh before congress for consideration tho lawyers in that body will find materia! to support either contention." A GLASS DRIDSS and Iron ooat Ik described by a writer In tho St. Louis PohUDIs patch In this way: "One of the latest novelties in dress malaria! Ik reported to bo .a cloth made from spun glass and It can bo had in white, groon, lilac, ptnk and yellow. Tho Inventor of the fabric is an Austrian and he declares that it Is as bright and as supple as silk and Is none the worse for being either stalnod or soiled. The Russians manufacture a rabrlc from tho liber of a filamentous stone from tho Siberian mines which Is said to bo of so durable a nature that it is practically everlasting. Tho material is soft to tho touch and pliable In tho extreme and has only to bo thrown Into a lire when dirty to be mado absolutely clean. Iron cloth Is largely used today by tailors for making tho collars of coats sit properly. It Is manu factured by a new process from stool wool and has the appearance of having been woven from horsehair. Some time ago a woolen manufac turer In tho north of England succeeded In mak ing a fabric from old ropes. He obtained a quantity of old ropo and cordage, unraveled them and wove them by a secret process Into a kind of rough cloth." . o A CHAPTER In the "Life of Jay Cooke," written by Dr. Oberholtzer Is devoted to the panic of 1873. Referring to this chapter a writer In the Wall Street Journal says: "It was the failure of this firm that was the imme diate cause of the panic, although tho great fundamental causes lay, of course, much further back than the operations of this great financier in tho promotion of the Northern Pacific rail road. Just as during this year, many of our bankers have been apprehensive of a financial collapse and yet have, by the force of circum stances, been drawn Into the whirlpool, so Mr. Cooke, far-sighted man as he was, understood clearly the conditions which surrounded him all over tho world, and yet felt so secure in his own position and was so confident of the ultimate success of the Northern Pacific railroad enter prise, that he had really no conception of tho danger In which his own firm was placed. There is no moro dramatic Incident in all financial history than that of the day of the Jay Cooko failure. The day and night preceding this event President Jrant was the guest of Mr. Cooke at his magnificent home at Ogontz, near Phila delphia. President Grant was a frequent visitor at Mr. Cooke's house and the two man were on terms of close intimacy. Mr. Cooke was appar ently unaware that the storm was to burst which would sweep his great banking house out of ex istence, when on the morning of the eventful September day he bade President Grant good-by and went to the office of his firm In Philadelphia and took up the threads of his business. During that morning his partners In New York, unable to withstand the pressure upon them, closed the doors of the New York office, which waa at tho corner of Wall and Nassau streets. Mr. Cooko was then obliged to close the doors of his Phila delphia office, and the great panic of 1873 start ed In and swept with tremendous force over tho entire land. Mr. Cooke Is not the only financier who has been astonished at his own failure. In the crisis of 1907 many a banker and business man has had as rude and violent awakening from a sense of security. Mr. Cooke, say Dr. Ober holtzer, had .appreciated the unsoundness In tho financial arrangements of the government and of private persons, firms and corporations in the boom preceding 1873. He had seen the wrongs of tho system very clearly, but, as one who is in the current will, he allowed hlmselJ to bo swept along with the tide, ospcciaP.y after he had become so deeply involved in the Northern Pacific enterprise. The long inflation had brought on a promoters' fever, leading inevitably to the crash." - - v-frr yayiww