siwtiwya, nwy . HHmHi 303cipv9UKn2 I ylrf, 'J" dl,.'V-s JANUARY 3, 1908 The Commoner. 14 7. .r - i 1 i ii nnn ii jiuauiwim .wu. jurmtii(mumu ' ""M1 p ann or the Great Contest of 1 908 "From every section of the countrv como .is- Burances in a practical form that Commoner readers are in hearty sympathy with the million army plan. Every reader of The Commoner is asked to co-operate in this effort to widen The Commoner's sphere of influence, and to that extent advance the interests of democracy. Cut out, sign and return the certificate printed on this page for your own membership. Or if you do not care to mutilate your copy of The Commoner send in a request asking for a number of blank certificates and they will be forwarded to you, 'thus enabling you to give your acquaintances an opportunity to join in the work of building up the "army of a million plan" and enabling them also to secure The Commoner from now until November 1908 for only sixty cents. Extracts from letters received at The Com moner office follow: Rev. W. M. Kain, Rock Creek, Ohio. If j'ou will send me a few blank membership certificates I will try hard to have them filled and returned. There are several democrats in this village whom I think I can prevail-on to become members of your grand million army. M. Braughler, Santa Rosa, Cal. Please send me at once a number of certificates one hundred at least and I will see that they are placed in democratic hands and hope in this way to aid the great and good cause. I have been receiving and soliciting subscriptions for The Commoner ever since I have been taking it, and handing to my neighbor, Mr. Yayman, who sends them in. George Ray Batt, Annapolis, Cal. Please find herewith ten certificates, making in all thir teen. If you have not reached the million mark by the first of May send on ten more. It is a real pleasure to work for The Commoner as it stands for all that is best for the American people. H. C. Bell, Marshall, 111. I send" you herein $8.40 and fourteen enlistments to The Com moner army of 1908. You might send mo a few more enlistment slips. Democrats are hungry for them. Dr. J. R. Gorrell, Newton, la. Please find enclosed ten membership certificates and draft for $6. Mr. Charles Rommel was the recruiting officer and secured most of these recruits. He Is an enthusiastic democrat of the Bryan brand. Send him twenty or more blank certificates. T. J. McRae, Gainesville, Fla. Send me fifty certificates as I have a little time to devote to the interests of humanity. One of your oldest subscribers. John Eu .Campbell, Riverside, Cal. En closed find money order for $4.20, together with seven certificates properly signed. Please send more certificates. John Caldwell, Lafayette, Ind. Please find money order for $2.40. I have procured four new subscribers to The Commoner. I wish you would send me a few membership certificates. P. J. Fox, Amsterdam, N. Y. I enclose you three certificates and postofflce order for $1.80 in payment of same; send me about twenty more and I will try and help things along. D. T. Swihart, Roann, Ind. I send you three certificates and $1.80. Please send me more certificates. R. M. Bourland, Chickasha, Okla. I see it is suggested by some of your subscribers that each democrat who is a subscriber to your paper send a copy to one republican friend. About two years ago I subscribed for your paper for two of my republican friends wlilch your books will show. I have the satisfaction of knowing that one of the men voted the straight demo cratic ticket in our first election this fall, and have been told that the other one did the same but am not sure of it. R. D. Callaway, Walter, Okla. Please find enclosed three one million membership certifi cates with postofflce order for $1.80 to cover same. Please send me several more certificates; I believe I can enlist a good many In the army, as the woods are full of Missouri and Texas democrats ready to take up arms. W. K. Whitfield, Sullivan, 111. Enclosed find $4.90 for which send The Commoner to the enclosed named persons. We all desire to bo enrolled as privates in The Commoner army for 1908. The democrats of this county are with Mr. Bryan in his fight for the preservation of true democratic principles. Send me some more membership certificates and I will try and add gome more names to The Commoner list. With best wishes for Tho Commonor and hoping that wo may win a great victory next year I am yours truly. Dr. T. A. Stevens, Canoy, Kan. If you will send me about a dozen applications like tho en closed I will try to return them with tho GO cents each. M. V. Sperry, Springboro, Pa. Please send mo one dozen certificates. I will send back all I can, properly signed up with tho 60 cont fee. I think The Commoner is doing a great work. G. B. Hickman, Butler, Mo. Enclosed you will find three subscriptions to tho paper and draft for $1.80. Please get tho papors to them as soon as possible, and send me some moro cards, say three anyway. Yours for democratic success. W. H. Thatcher, Marlon, Ind. You may send mo moro certificates and I will ondcavor to pick up a few moro subscribers. Jessie Mays, Vandalia, 111. Enclosed I re turn you the throe certificates you recently sent me aud also $1.80 to pay for same. While I am too old to take an active part in tho coming campaign, as I have been doing for the past fifty years, yet I am still anxious to do whatever I can for tho success of democratic principles, as elucidated by William J. Bryan. Wo heartily approve of your plan of a million club and hopo we can make it eight million before tho close of the campaign. Very truly yours. A. E. Werts, Abingdon, 111. Find enclosed draft for $1.20 for the payment of tho two mem bership certificates enclosod and signed. Please send me a few more certificates as I am going to try and get you some moro members to help swell the majority. L. A. Leberman, Meadville, Pa. Please send me one hundred of your one million mem bership certificates. I sincerely hope you will be successful in -getting the one million subscrib ers and I want to help all I can to get the quota filled as soon as possible. John J. Woods, Mt. Sterling, 111. I enclose money order for $1.80 to pay for three subscrib ers. Please send some more certificates. I would like to have them by Friday as we are getting up a Bryan club in Mt. Sterling. J. S. Payne, Green City, Mo. Please send me a few more copies of the one million army certificates. J. W. Blakely, Kokomo, Ind. Find money order for three subscriptions for your most val uable paper. Please send me a half dozen more cards as I think that I can get that many more and .perhaps more. I shall do the best I can. Yours with good faith, hoping that we will bo successful the next time. Each of the following persons have sent in yearly subscriptions to The Commoner in num ber as follows: D. T. Woodard, Benton, 111., 12; J. S. Perry, Rockdale, Texas, C; Caleb KIrkham, Prairie Creek, Ind., 8; H. C. Bell, Marshall, III., 14; E. L. Dunham, Evansville, Ind., 8; I. N. McClintock, Horton, Kan., 8; C. P. Ileflley, Ber lin, Pa., 10; T. F. HIckey, Avard, Okla., 9; C. B. Doty, Arroyo Grande, Cal., C; Dudley McCann, Vancouver, Wash., 11; Henry Burger, Burling ton, Kan., 8; F. A. Jackson, Columbus, Kan., ' ,PxT0r ?0,,og' Vftl,y. Wash., 10; Chn, Rom mel, Nowton, Iiu, 11; Geo. Ray Batt, Annapolis; cal., 10; J. E. Campbell, Illvoralde, Oil., 7; T. M. McDonald, Stillwater, Okla., 0; Chan. Dono liuo. Now Richmond, Wis., 13; Sam 8. Calvort, Wavorly, Kan., 7; Porry Prontln, Cleveland, O., G; John Kolloy, Bonnotn Mill, Mo., 0; D. B. Houchin, Verdcn, Okla., 8; Frank J. Thompson, Sullivan 111., 7; John Shimp, Springfield, Mo., 7; W. C. Hall, Medora, Ind., 10; R w. Crutchcr, Woodland, Cal., 0; John B. Fried, Fried, N. D., 21; S. H. Mack, Monroe, Wis., 11; J. J. Maon, Louisville, III., C; J. A. Boach, PontU, 111., 10; Harry .J. Faay, Philadelphia, Pa., 0; Ira U profile. Lake Park, la., 10; Ahnor D. Fa8t, Uavl land. O., 10; W. Welch, Hawkn Nent, W. Va., 7; W. V. Campboll, Rldgeway, Mo., 0; R. U. Goar, Sentinel, Okla., C; John G. McConaghy, Skidmoro, Pa., 1G; Noah Urunnor, Lowlstown, O., 7; J. S. Colony, Springfield, Minn., 14; A. W. Mannon, Now Boston, III., 13; J. J, Nightingale South Omaha, Ncb 10; D. Cough Ian, Roo Creek, Minn., G; J. A. Chalfant, Smock, Pa., 0; W. C. Smith, Indlanapollii, Ind., 10; JImmlo Durkln, Spokano, Wwh., 11; A. L. Froehafor, Council, Idaho, G; C. C. Thompson, Chorryvalo, Kan., 9; I. M. Putnam, Oklahoma City, Okla., G; Ben II. Yandoll, Independence, Cal., 7; G. P. Tcegardln, Ashvlllo, O., 7; Tom E. Rogers, Mt. Summit, Ind., 7; John T. Tansoy, Albany, N. Y 8; Samuel McCauloy, Nevada, la., G; Dr. Wado Gaston, Parkorsburg, W. Va., 33; Dan PIttman, Depauw, Ind., 7; J. Warner Wlggs, Winslaw, Ind., 7; J. M. Davis, Sterling, Colo., G; John Hayden, Charlotte, Mich., 11; A. J. Cox, Green Forest, Ark., 6; Geo. Longnduff, Vandalia, Mich., G; E. G. Elley, Now Bloomfiold, Mo G; J. T. Munday, Russollvllle, Ark., 7; D. G. Holmea, Deep Water, Mo., 2G; D. B. Topham, Mlnden, Neb., 7; E. 13. Prlco, Granito City, III., 11; F. O. Riley, Castlowood, S. D 10; John B. Lacoy, Hunters, Wash., G; D. E. Condon, Elmwood, 111., 7; Ben L. Edgarton, Oshkosh, Wis., 8; B. V. Russell, Salado, Texas, J 7; J. E. Hutto, Texola, Okla., G; J. II. Davis, Borden, Ind., 10; W. B. Chapman, Kalama, Wash., G; J. B. FeiiHte mako, Berwick, Pa., 7; Wrn. Patterson, Pleasant Dale, Nob., 15; Ballos G. Walker, Brawley, Cal., 6; J. P. Schumacher, Green Bay, Wis., 7; R. P. Pool, Herrin, 111., 8; M. M. Gaunce, Okmulgee, Okla., 8; O. S. KIbler, Marysville, O., G; John M. O'Brien, Jr., Muscatine, la., 9; G. W. ThompHon, Casey, la., 7; J. A. Burt, Went, Texas, G; C. F. Bodlnson, Kearney, Neb., G; Chancy Lyon, Waterbury Center, Vt., 7; Alfred Cook, Unity, Wis., 13;. J. L. Dougherty, Warnaw, III., G; Dr. J. S. Recob, London, O., 8; W. II. Bourne, Roan oke, Va., 8; John Keller, Lodl, Cal., 7; Geo. J. Shelton, Windsor, Mo 14; J. M. Davis, Sterling, Colo., G; Geo. R. King, Jones, Okla., 8; W. D. McMIller, Purdy, Mo., 10; W. A. Fcrrenbury, Ferrenburg, Mo., G; H. E. Igler, GJendalo, Ohio;, 7; C. Hatch, Oahkouh, Wis., G; A. J. Lofevcr, Vlsalia, Cal., 10; R. M. Phelps, Gllroy, Cal., G; O. J. A. Jackson, Kester, W. Va., 8; Ja. Johns ton, UIIopolls, III., 22; .7. F. Lee, Montpelicr, Vt.,, 8; J. R. Jarard, Wright, la., 12; H. C. Bell, Marshall, 111., 10; D. F. Shaser, Cashmere, Wash., 7; R. S. Mason, Relief Ohio, 8. ONE MILLION MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE J Che commoner jirmy for 190$ HEADQUARTERS LINCOLN, NEB. Here is Your Opportunity to Help The Com moner will be sent from now until Novem ber, 1908, to every one who will sign and send Coupon acompanied by Sixty cents. T fiereby enlist to lit Commoner Army and pledge my assistance i briitgittd success to Democratic arms. Enclose toe to cover the expense of sending The Commoner to my address : until the dose of the 1908 campaign. : Name 1' Post-Office. ':? State . Nans. Membership ccrtffleatMTrffltwcoimttGiwd with Mr. Bryan' printed lsn- tare and numbered In the order they an reeeJred a The Commoner efflce; and they will be returned a the daw of the campalen to the members who Umod thorn. If requested. M WSufiwLVMttiu4JL1riau&.U idJom . &ujtiiMecLy- , --& .?- - - - - -- M 'r ,n