The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 27, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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DECEMBER 27, 1907
The Commoner.
Enlistments for the "million army" are com
ing in on eveTy mail coming by twos, by dozens,
by scores, by hundreds. The recruits' are in
earnest and are full 6t enthusiasm. They are
organizing an army that will perform valiant
service in the cause of democracy. The plan
of organization is so plaiu, so free from techni
calities and so full of possibilities, that the re
cruits should be easily obtained and unswerving
loyalty aroused.
This is a work in which every Commoner
reader may participate. The Commoner will
"be sent from now until November, 1908, to every
irecruit who will sign the certificate of member
ship in The Commoner army for 1908 and send
it to The Commoner with sixty cents. The cer
tificate explains itself.
Cut out, sign and return the certificate
printed on this page for your own membership.
Or if you do not care to mutilate your copy of
The Commoner send in a request asking for a
number of blink certificates and they will be
forwarded to you, thus enabling you to give
your acquaintances an opportunity to join in the
work of building up the "army of a million plan"
and enabling them also to secure The Commoner
from now until November 1908 for only sixty
William Patterson, Pleasant Dale, Neb.
During this republican panic I thought best to
do a little something for my country. Enclosed
please find list of fifteen new subscribers and
am glad to say that about half of them are re
publicans. Ben L. Edgarton, Oshkosh, Wis. I en
close names of eight new subscribers for The
Commoner. They were secured in about two
hours one afternoon while I had a little leisure.
I wish you would start them off with the No
vember 29 issue if you can do so.
T. F. Miller, Alpaugh, Cal. Enclosed find
money order for ?3 to pay for the enclosed
named yearly subscriptions. Will try to place
more of The Commoner army cards.
J. S. Elliston, Covington, Ky. I herewith
enclose you,.draft for. $1.80 and three member
ship certificates, which you sent me. I retain
none for myself because I am already a sub
scriber from Latonia. I wish you would send
me by return mall 100 certificates as I think
I can. get that many subscribers here.
D. B. Houchin, Verden, Okla. Find en
closed ? 1.80 to pay for new subscribers as here
in named. These certificates were filled in fif
teen minutes. Please send me some' more
blanks. ,
A. J. Oberg, Waukomis, Okla. I enclose
three signed certificates with $1.80 for which
send The Commoner to within addresses. I -enlisted
in 189 for the war, but want to be
counted in the- million, as a veteran of former
tattles, and as one who would like to see an
other grand charge all along the lines. Send
mo more certificates.
Dr. E. H. Stump,. Philippi. W. Va. Please
find enclosed check for one subscription. You
may send me one or two dozen certificates, and
I will have them filled.
H C. Bell, Marshall, 111. I send you herein
ten more enlistments in The Commoner army for
1908 It is no trick -at all to get democrat sub
scribers for The Commoner now at this ex
ceedingly low price for the paper. A democrat
ho will not pay sixty cents per year for the
best democratic paper in America possesses a
very weak brand of democracy Indeed. If every
subscriber to your paper would take just a little
interest in the matter The Commoner army for
1908 would be a million strong in ten days.
E F. Umbaugh, Argos, Ind. You will find
enclosed a money order for $1.80 for my re
newal and two new subscriptions to your paper.
PleTse send me a few more subscription cards
and I will try and see if I can get more sub
scriptions for The Commoner.
Thomas R. Powell, Druggist, Vienna, 111.
You will find inclosed $1.20 for the inclosed (2)
' rnmion membership certificate, one for myself
hiTyoTwill extend from the time my present
Subscription expires, and the other one Is for
Sr R M. McCall, a very substantial old time
?democfatic democrat," who believes in equal
jLhte to all and special privileges to none he
Sgi new subscriber and wants The Commoner
S- once Send me a few sample copies and a
? J f the certificates and I will see what I can
STin the w of spreading democratic doctrine
5?w rounte " I have taken The Commoner
irom thT fl&t ftU 'and have never missed a
single number. I couldn't do without it. I
have been very active In democratic politics In
this county for twenty years, and will say that
VI believe that the outlook is bettor for democ
racy today than over before. All wo need in
1908 to win the battle is to nil pull together
and their will not be any question in my mind
as to the result. Long may The Commoner JIvo
to spread true democratic gospel and holp to
carry us to victory in 1908.
C. L. Chaffee, Lyndonvllle, N. Y. Being
very deeply Interested in democratic .principles
as enunciated by Mr. Bryan and believing tfiat
The Commoner is the best means for presenting
those principles, I am going to forward the mon
ey (at the special rate of CO cents) for tho paper
to bo sent to some republicans whom I think
are open to conviction. ' I shall do this from
time to time as I come in contact with open
minded republicans. I think if each democrat
would pay for The Commoner to bo sent to one
or more republicans whom he thinks might bo
reached, we could sweep tho country by the
biggest vote that was ever known. Enclosed
find $1.20.
S. R. Turnipseed, Dewltt, III. You will find
enclosed money order for $1.80 for threo sub
scriptions. Send mo some more membership
P. V. Robinson, Chelsea on Hudson, N. Y.
I send you threo certificates and $1.80. Please
send me a couple more blank certificates 1 may
be able to get them filled.
William H. Greene, Dillsboro, Ind. En
closed you will find four certificates for mem
bership in our army; threo of them are repub
licans. I will send more in a few days, as I will
visit tho northern part of Dearborn county. You
may send me a few more certificates as I think
,1 will need them.
T. H. Whipple, Cincinnati, O. I heartily
approve The Commoner's efforts in tho cause of
democratic principles. My business requires hiy
attention, of course, but if you will kindly for
ward me a dozen or more certificates of member
ship to The Commoner's million army, I will use
my best endeavors to secure that many moro
to the army. I enclose you postoflice order for
my subscription. With nly best wishes.
H. S. Palmer, Arlington, la. I send you
three subscribers. If you will send me a few
more membership certificates I think I can dis
pose of them; will try.
Michael Smith, Shelbyvillo, 111. Enclosed
find tho three certificates you sent me and mon
ey order for same; send mo some moro certifi
cates and I will send in my renewal next time.
Wishing you success.
J. H. Mason, Whlterock, Okla. Enclosed
you will find $1.20 for two subscribers to your
Commoner with membership certificates en
closed. Send me some more certificates and a
few sample copies and I will try and got you
some more subscribers.
John R. Lowe, Williamson, W. Va. En
closed please find money order for $1.80 to
gether with three membership certificates for
which please send The Commoner to the per
sons mentioned on certificates as agreed. You
will ploaso roturn those cortlflontcH aftor tho
campaign of 1908. Also send mo more blank
membership certificates and I will hand thorn to
my friends.
J. W. Karris, Lebanon, Mo. Sond mo fifty
of these blanks; think thoy can bo uaod to good
Each of tho following persons have nont In
five yearly subscriptions to The Commoner: II.
R. Crawford, Hlllsboro, 111.; A. Applogato, Pros
pect Plains, N. J.; Loo. P. Fox, Chilton, Wis.;
E. P. Webber, Sonoca, Mich.; L. Halo, Marlon,
Ind.; Richard Hogan, BlootnlngLon, Ind.; W.
H. Hill, ChrlHtlansburg, Ohio; Adam KrouKo, De
graff, Ohio; T. F. Miller, Alpnugh, Cal.; Wrn. If.
Porterfleld, Hubbard, Ohio; Geo. R. Lobb,
Mooreflold, W. Va.; John C. Stocknon, Hopkins,
Mo.; J. P. Odoll.'FolBom, N. M.; II. J. Carter.
Prospect, Va.; F. S. Culvor, Port Clinton, O.;
C. E. Bllllngsloy, Baldwyn, MIuh.; J. J. Brady,
Downlevillo, Cal.; Frank E. Poll, Almond, Wis.;
Jas. McHonry, Dana, 111.; John Clnbaugh, Mat
toon, 111.; C, W. Cllft, Hastings, Okla.; 55. R.
Barkor, Galllpolls, Ohio; It. A. Cooney, Ports
mouth, N. II. ; Samuel II. Doud, Douds Loan do,
la.; J. B. Doherty, North Freedom, Wis.; H. E.
McCuno, Dixon, Cal.; Isaac Uusby, Lucodalc,
Miss.; Joseph Brlcher, Elgin, Minn.; J. E. Jack
son, Des Moines, la.; W. T. Ross, Carroll, la.;
D. P. Cnstor, Maple Falls, Washington;
F. J. Noetzel, La Crosso, Wisconsin; Captain
Frank Booth, Calloway, Neb.; R. P. Gibbs
Iola, Texas; Frank Schalbley, Lafayotto, Ind.;
W. P. Bishop, Portland, Ind.; C. R. Hlto, Hawlln,
Va.; S. A. M. Butcher, Geneva, Ind.; F. E. Mo
jonnlor, Los Angoles, Cal.; A. C. Snider, New
Milton, W. Va.; J. S. Odell, Lawrenceburg, Ky.;
Jno. Cody, Keller, Wash.; W. V. Douglass,
Seattlo, Wash.; W. P. Burnoll, Mansfield, Mass.;
S. F. Stambaugh, Shelby, Ohio; E. R. DempBoy,
Fletcher,' Okla.; J. W. Beem, Rich wood, Ohio;
A. Peoples, Perryvllle, Md.; Waller Shobe,
Helena, Mont.; L. W. Blddlo, Parkorsburg, W.
Va.; A. J. Bartloy, Fulton, Mo.; J. 13. Rowden,
Walnut Grove, Mo.; E. O. Holden, West Hart
ford, Ark.; C. H. Burton, Edwardsvllle, 111.; W.
B. Fleming, Chicago, 111.; J. W. Wilson, Mitchell
villo, la.; W. D. Goso, Splckard, Mo.; J. T. Hast,
Cumberland, Md.; E. II. Hotchklss, Dlnghamp
ton, N. Y.; S. G. Maxwell, CrawfordsvlIIo, Ind.;
E. D. Tull, Windsor, 111.; G. W. Nicholas, Ham
ilton, 111.; A. H. Gorman, Pana, 111.; J. W. Gann,
Scllgman, Mo.; J. W. Carman, Florence, Ore.;
I. N. Hough, Wooster, O.; Z. P. East, Worthlng
ton, Ind.; A. S. Mayes, EHtey, N. M.; T. M.
Rosenfield, Walton, N. Y.; Geo. T. Woolsoy,
WInslow, Ind.; O. M. Coburn, Portsmouth, O.J
S. F. McKcnrlck, Camancho, la.; J. M. King,
St. Lawrence, S. D.; O. V. Lafferty, Murray, la.;
B. McLaughlin, Wall Lake, la.; E. Skalitzky;
Waterloo, Wis.; Edwin H. Winans, Rochester,
N. Y.; P. Zuckriegel, Cleveland, Ohio; Peter
Witt, Cleveland, Ohio; Mark Lyon, Elwood,
Nebr.; Moses Jordan, Mu I key town, 111.; Geo E.
Averett, SpringvIIlo, Utah; D. Hcdrlck, Bloom
fleld, la.; Win. D. Nowlln, Lynchburg, Va.; E.
DIefendorf, Leavenworth, Kan.; Annie Laurie
Price, Morrlstown, Tcnn.; D. B. Smith, Have-
lock, Neb.; H. D. Funk, Chicago, III.
Here is '
The Com-,
moner will he
sent from now
until Novem.
her, 1908, to
every one who
will sign and
send Coupon
hy Sixty cents.
Your Opportunity to Help
IU Commoner Army for w
T hereby enlist In tfie Commoner Army ana pledge my
I assistance in brings success to Democratic arms.
j Enchu6oc to caver the expense of sending 'J he Commoner to my address
I until tfu chie of the 1908 tampaign.
tf Post-Offict. .,
"5 NOTR-Membershlp certified M be countered with Mr. Bryan'. printed rtsrtv
I .JJJESnlL order tfaer an, received a The Commoner offlc and th will
S be returned at the daw of the campaign to tb member who rfened Uwrn. ir reiar.