4 The Commoner. ih ,- Campaign Funds by Government A reader of The Commoner calls attention to the fact that the political fund contribution suggestion made by Mr. Roosevelt In his recent message was suggested by Professor H. J. Daven port, Chicago university, in an article printed in the June, 1906, Journal of Political Economy. In that article Professor Davenport said: "Meanwhile it is to be noted that President Roosevelt has recommended, and a senate bill under consideration proposes, that. corporations shall henceforth be prohibited from contributing to the expenses of election campaigns. A pos sible connection exists between the customs of campaign contribution and the established habits of official remissness. "But what, in careful analysis, is the basis of this prohibition of corporate contribution? One of two things must seemingly be assumed: (1) That these contributions are made for good and sufficient business reasons, or (2) that they are not. Surely, If the danger to be guarded against Is merely that the corporation managers will, under the stress of partisan favor, be over generous with the stockholders moneys and will fail of sound business discretion in the choice of expenditures, there is, then, good rea son to distinguish between private gifts and cor poration gifts though precisely how, in this as pect, the question becomes one of federal rather than of purely state concern is not readily made clear. "But if the legislation in question rests upon no assumption so naive as this If the proposed law really proceeds upon the convic tion that all these contributions have distinctly and dangerously a purely business aspect, why continue to the individual the privilege of con tribution as somehow justified under the induce ment of profit, the while that the same privilege is denied to the corporation on the ground of immorality? "Recalling also that more and more are great individual interests coming to dominate entire groups of corporate organizations, and are thus coming to furnish the unifying principle under which groups of trusts are combining into great central trusts of trusts, this prohibition of corporate contribution alongside of the per mission of subscription by individuals falls little short of the grotesque. "Back, however, of this seeming irration ality are probably half consciously present some considerations better worthy of respect. "Our political system is perhaps to be re garded as tho greatest educational force in our American life, and the political campaign is, on the whole, th.e leading educational factor in this greatest of educational systems. For the maxi mum of effectiveness in this direction campaign orators and campaign literature are indispens able means; these means and methods cost mon ey. No small share, theifi of the expenses of election rank as not merely permissible, but as commendable. If, however, they are covered by assessments upon the candidates, post-election activities must be expected to make these expenses good, and we must face further prob ability of the lax enforcement of law. "But that the political training of the elec toral contest is indispensable for the purpose of popular government that this political training costs, and must cost, and must" somehow be paid for is worlds away from justifying the permis sion that these funds must be secured by the methods under consideration. It may, indeed, be possible that the necessity is of a character to outweigh in importance the attendant dangers, were it at the same time true that there is no other and better Way open. In point of fact, , however, the individual contribution, if truly a pure philanthropy under the stress of some su preme social need, could be justified only upon the assumption that society were itself unable to make its own provision for the social service in view. That is to say, precisely to the extent that the campaign funds are justifiable for any purpose, there is on the one side, every reason why they should bo provided for at public ex pense, and on the other side, no possible excuse for allowing them to be provided for at any other than public expense. "With adequate appropriations in favor of the rival parties and there is little danger that they would ever turn out inadequate no right" - motive could exist and no possible excuse be pleaded for the solicitation or the offer of private contributions. It is, in truth, not in human na ture that the individual consent to pay what the public has recognized as its own obligation to provide. It is precisely for this reason that state educational institutions are so rarely able to make effective appeal for private donations; if the situation is safe to care for itself, why should any philanthropist's attention be enlisted? It is only when someone else will not do, that most of us are able to recognize our own obligation to do. And thus it falls out that if, for any par ticular institution, any definite sect or any group of men or any man has actually or apparently assumed the responsibility, all other donations' are on the way to cease. So all .public charity discourages private benevolence." COIiONEL A. S. COIiYAR Colonel A. S. Colyar, one of nature's noble men',;.died December 18 at Nashville, Tenn. A locai arucie m ine XNasnyuie American says: uionei a. b. uoiyar, veteran lawyer, editor And industrial leader of Tennessee, contempor ary and biographer of Andrew Jackson, died at his home here Friday morning in his ninetieth year. Old age caused his death. The funeral services" were held at the First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon and were attended by SiSP 1SmbeJ ?f hl- friends many men promi nent in the affairs of the city, state and nation being present. wu Colonel Colyar was a strong factor in the progress of his state. He was born near Jones boro, Tenn in 1818. His father settled in what was then Franklin, but is now Coffee county, Tj0 Colonel Colyar was a small boy. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1846 and opened a branch office in Nashville He canvassed the state in the campaign against secession, and unsparingly denounced the "war nartv ." but. whon Tio , o- . ' .. ! lhtyazlhi . .. with. Hwuwwi,iuuf tjiuuieu io ine confederate con gress. After the war he associated with Henry S. Foote in the practice of law. In 1866 Colonel Colyar went to New York as attorney for tho Tennessee creditors of the Tennessee Coal & Railroad company, effected a compromise with the New York creditors and in the reorganization of the company he was elected president. He held the position for many years and the company developed greatly under his guidance. Now, as the Tennessee Coal, Iron nnnRni1,!,0ad mpany, lfc 1b capitalized at $50, 000,000, produces 5,000,000 tons of coal a year 500,000 tons of pig iron and 250,000 tons of steel. In the late seventies he ousted the Alden ring of Nashville, throwing the city into the hands of a receiver, this being the first time in the history of English or American jurisprudence that such a thing was done. "yruaence H.eooas edItor of the Nashville American from 1881 to 1884 and established h lmS as one of the leading journalists of Tennessee hI then resumed the practice of law, practicing til !7 S? the 5upme uvt of the United h?-foTe? Tr 1twelv,? y?ars ag0 he commenced his 'Life of Jackson," which was published two or three years ago. lvvu xt ,5? olIoiylnS editorial appeared in tho Nashville American: "The death of Colonel A S. Colyar removes from Nashville the most unique and forceful character that has ever lived in Tennessee except old Jackson, whose make up physically, mentally and morally, Colonel Colyar very closely resembled. There certainly has been no man for fifty years past whose life and energies were so industriously and so success fully devoted to the development of the state through advanced systems for education in-' creased facilities for transportation and Increased knowledge and value of the resources of the state in agriculture, minerals and timber All over Tennessee and far into the sister states of the south, the endeavors of Colonel Colyar found their way ofttimes with just reward to him and his associates, and again with disaster Lii many men not half so good as he, he sometimpq failed. Too often men judge by the lack of sue cess, measuring a man's character by some niti ful loss that may have come to him who judges' forgetting the loss of years of health and some times of life of him who strove only at last to '. V0LUME 7, NUMBER 50 be misjudged. Who of us, who thmn 'whole of Tennessee, can claim th j iniHMiUt tho organization, the gWtnco Srd C ?g u?e has brought to all the south the D01 H ttat tion and the money that came , SCg fef and labor and endeavor of A. S. Colyar? 1 fe as shown in another column will at L?! the world know of the man his wnrn, L st, let ties and his achievements.' If Te'e be" !?I,U who seeing an old man stride the wavs X? past few years, bent but little beneath til fS den of many more than three score ycnd ten, who have forgotten the success of tint L.d early life and middle age, those who on ??,! member him in the sere and yellow when Z sap was gone, let the announcement of his death after ninety years of active, energetic vhnM living deeply impress them that he whom toS ? daVred Wlth a loan ithou sed ty of more than many another man's entire life' deserves from poor living humanity at leas ta EGS? fPalse' Tennessee is honored by ho birth and life and achievements of A. S. Colyar Nashville sharing in all this, yet shares a I holding forever the dust of the honored dead Washington Letter Washington, D. C, December 23. Onco again comes the proposition for the revision of the tariff by its friends. And again tho revision is to take the shape of an increase of the tariff. Senator Gallinger of New Hamp shire, who is serving his third term in the sen ate, has offered a resolution which has for its ultimate purpose the destruction of the reci procity arrangement with Germany. Senator Gallinger comes from a state in which there is little manufacturing done. Tn the senate ho is a sort of friend and philosopher of the repub lican machine, not exerting any very wide influ ence, but on the other hand having no serious enemies. When he was elected to the senate men laughed. He was a druggist and also had a small practice as a physician. At first he was known in Washington as Doctor Gallinger. Ho has carefully eliminated that honorable title. In the politics of the senate he has proved himself a master. He has secured a position on tho most eagerly sought committee, namely the Dis trict of Columbia committee, and since the re tirement of Mr. Babcock of Wisconsin is prac tically the mayor of Washington. Mr. Gallinger has alligned himself with the men in the republican party who declare that there shall, be no revision of the tariff unless upward. His prominence gives especial force to what he has to say. These are the men who insist that the tariff shall stand as it is or be increased: Senator Foraker, Senator Dick, Vice President Fairbanks, Speaker Cannon, Senator Lodge, Senator Crane, Senator Gallinger, Senator Perkins, Senator Guggenheim, Senator Cullom, Representative Madden, Senator Allison. But after all it is not worth while to enu merate all. It is fair to say that the dominant forces at the capital today stand against any sort of tariff revision and that the Sixtieth con gress will do nothing to relieve the burden of taxation until after the presidential conventions are held, and probably not until after the presi dential election. Following the lead of Senator LaFolIette in defying that long established senatorial pre cedence which cautions new members to be seen but not heard, Senator Jefferson Davis of Ar kansas, who has been but nine days in the senate, delivered an address on Wednesday that at least made the senate sit up and take notice. His opening remark that he did not propose to re tain his senatorial seat in silence until his hair had become gray, or until he had grown out of knowledge of, and lost identity with, his con stituents, made many a gray haired senator . wheel in his chair and eye the gentleman from Arkansas many with astonishment, some with disgust written on their features. Senator Davis was addressing himself to the features of a bill which he Introduced shortly after congress opened, which provides for the extinction of trusts and monopolies that con spire to control prices and restrain trade, and that also provides for the punishment of the conspirators. The charters of such corporations are to be Tevoked. Their officers and the co conspirators heavily fined and imprisoned for a long term of years, and the public allowed to . ' i-t ', M , . JLiI r r. 1 1 S - .M -. rin-. -r mfm S3CfliacssippMfpi HWH -r M' I ' ' Wf IHll...