TOLTJMB 7, NUMBER 4) 16 YOL FRIEND'S CHRISTMAS The Commoner. OFT If undecided what to select, subscribe for The Commoner, together with some magazine or paper, thus remembering both friend and yourself with a Christmas present that will last a year. Take advantage of our Clubbing Offers given below. Interest Your Neighbors Commoner readers, who are willing to assist in the work of in creasing The Commoner's circulation and influence, will 'find it easy to interest others, who are not now subscribers, by bringing to their attention the extraordinarily low prices at which standard periodicals can be secured in combination with The Commoner. " CLASS A Rcgnlnr Price. American, Nashville, Weekly, Dem. and Agrl..$ .50 Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Weekly, Dem.. .50 Homo and State, Dallas, Monthly, Illustrated, Homo 'SO Prairie Farmer, Chicago, Weekly, Agri 1.00 Farm and Stock, St. Joseph, Monthly, Agri . . . 1.00 Rqliablo Poultry Journal, Quincy, 111., Monthly .50 The Industrious Hen, Knoxvillo, Monthly 50 American Swineherd, Chicago, Monthly, Agri.. .50 Farm, Stock and Homo, Minneapolis, Seml- Monthly, Agrl .' 5.0 Homo and Farm, Louisville, Semi-Monthly Agri .- 50 National Farmer and Stock Grower, St. Louis, Monthly. Agrl 50 Southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Semi-Mon-i- ly, Agri 50 Southern Fruit Grower, Chattanobga, Tenn., Monthly, Horticultural 50 American Farmer, Indlanapqlis, Mbnthly, Agrl. .40 Farm and Fireside, New York, Seitil-Monthly, Agri 25 Farm News, Springfield, Ohio, Monthly, Agrl. .25 Agricultural Epltomlst, Spencer, IftdJ, Mo..... 1.00 Farmers News-Scimitar, Memphis, Weekly 25 Modern Farmer, Bldon, Mo., Monthly 25 Missouri valley Farmer, Topeka, Monthly, AYjn t4 Farm Progress, St. Louis, Monthly Boys World, Elgin, 111., Weekly, Juvenile Star Monthly, Oak Park, 111., Juvenile Modern Prlscilla, Boston, Monthly Fancy Work , National Homo Journal. St. Louis, Monthly.... Vick's Family Magazine, Dansville, N, Y., Monthly, Florleultural 50 Peoples Popular' Monthly, Des Molnep House hold v 25 .20 .10 .50 .50 .50 .50 The Commoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS A $1.00 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS A $1.35 tSKSsMS CLASS n Rcprtilnr Price Tho World, New York, Thrlce-a-weeic $1.00 The Enquirer, Cincinnati, Weekly s ,. . . . 1.00 The Constitution, Atlanta, Thrlce-a-week. . . . . 1.00 .Courier-Journal, Louisville, Weekly 1.00 VTho Times, Seattle, Weekly....." 1.00 iTho Farmers Voice, TLvanston, 111., Scml- Monthly, Agrl 1.00 Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln, Weekly 1.00 warmers Advocate, Topeka, Ivan., Weekly, Farm and Stock l.oo Up-to-Dato Farming, Indianapolis, Weekly... 1.00 Kansas Farmer, Topeka, Weekly, Farm and Live Stock ' ioo Michigan Farmer, Detroit, Weekly, Agrl. and Live Stock 7K umu raniiui-, wuvcmnu, woeiciy, Agrl. und f Live National Stock. .75 00 00 onal Stockman and Farmer, Pittsburg. Pa., Weekly ' S'UtAgrn. Cultivator, Atlanta, Semi-Monthly; Fruit Grower, St. Joseph, Mo., Month y '. '. ' too Irrigation Ago. Chicago, Monthly, Irrigation' ' inn Wol& anLYorlcs' deluding Hick's Almanac. ,0 Windlcs Gatling Gun,' 'ciVicatro' MnnH,iv i:S2 The Vegetarian, Chicago, Mothly1.1;;; "; '0Q0 goMisJLanBi The Commoner ND ANY ONE IN CLASS B $1.35 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS B $1.85 The Commoner Any ONE In CIiimh A And vrItlk any ONB !n CIlw : $ 1 .60 Hfhe Commoner Any ONE In CIhhh A;nA wlt, ny TWO In rche c ommoner Any two in ci a AnfJ with any ONE In Clana Class B . V J Am I j $ 1 .85 Prices Cheerfully Quoted On any combination of periodicals selected from this list. Periodi cals may be sent to different addresses if desired. Your friends may wish to join with you in sending for a Combination. All sub scriptions are for one year, and if new, begin with the current num ber unless otherwise directed. MISCELLANEOUS Our Price Publishers' with Price. Dally World-Herald, Omaha $4.00 aIly World-Herald, Except Sunday 3.00 Soml-Weekly World-Herald 50 m Republican, Springfield, Mass., Dally 8.00 The Republican, Springfield, Mass, Sunday 2.00 mi10 Republican, Springfield, Mass., Weekly 1.00 The World, Kansas City, Mo., Dally except Sunday. . . . 1.50 Tho Post, Kansas City. Mo., Dally except Sunday.... 2.50 Tho Public, Chicago, Weekly, Fundamental Democracy 1.00 Watson's Jeffersonlan Magazine, Atlanta, Monthly... 1.50 Tho Democrat, Johnstown, Pa., Weekly 1.00 News-Times, Denver, Weekly 1.00 Literary Digest, New York, Weekly 3.00 Pathfinder, Washington, Weekly 1.00 Current Literature, New York, Monthly 3.00 The Post, Houston, Texas, Semi-weekly 1.00 The Republic, St. Louis, Semi-weekly 50 Breeder's Gazette, Chicago, Weekly, Stock and Farm.. 2.00 Orango Judd Farmer, Cnlcago, Weekly, Agricultural.. 1.00 Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atkinson, Wis- Weekly 1.00 Poultry Success, Springfield, Ohio, Monthly .50 Wallace's Farmer, Des Moines, Weekly, Agricultural.. 1.00 The American Boy, Detroit, Mich., Monthly, Juvenile. 1.00 Success Magazine, New York, Monthly 1.00 Field and Stream, New York, Monthly, Sports 1.50 Health Culture, Passaic, N. J., Monthly, Hygenlc 1.00 Recreation Magazine, New York, Monthly 2.00 The Independent, New York, Weekly, Literary 2.00 The Arena, Trenton, N. J., Monthly, Literary 2.50 The Outlook, New York. Weekly, Family 3.00 Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Nashville, Literary, Mo.. 1.00 Cosmopolitan, New York, Monthly, Literary..'. 1.00 Tho American Magazine, New York, Literary, Monthly 1.00 Tho Red Book, Chicago, Monthly, Literary 1.00 Metropolitan Magazinp, New York, Mo., Literary.... 1.50 Pacific Monthly, Portland, Ore., Literary..'. 1.00 World's Events Magazine, Dayton, Ohio, Monthly Current Events GO ! Tho Black Cat, Boston, Monthly, Short Stories 50 Womans Homo Companion, New York, Mo., Family.... 1.00 McCalls Magazine, New Y rk, Monthly, Fashions 50 The Delineator, New York,-Monthly, Fashions .. 1.00 Table Talk, Philadelphia, Monthly, Family 1.50 American Motherhood. Cooperstown, N. Y., Mo. Family 1.00 Good Housekeeping. Springfield, Mass., Mo., Family . 1.00 Tho Housekeeper, Minneapolis. Monthly, Family GO Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine. Monthly 1.00 Commoner. $1.00 3.i!r 1.1!5 8.10 15.00 3.70 2.10 2.B0 1.45 1.85 1.25 l.(!0 H.25 1.(10 3.00 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.15 l.flO 1.50 1.50 1.S5 1.15 2.JJ5 2.20 2.50 .0 1.15 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.S5 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.50 3.20 1.75 1.70 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.15 The Commoner $1.00 Review of Reviews. , 3.00 Woman's Home Companion. 1.00 Peoples Popular Monthly... Our Special Price - $3.00 The Commoner . 91.00 Tho Reader : 3.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Peoples Popular Monthly... Our Special Price - $3.00 In the aboVe clubs The Public, American Magazine, American I Boy, Atlanta Constitution, Health Culture, Hoard s Dairyman, Pa cific Monthly, Success, Taylor-Trotwood, ormy periodical in class A or class B may be substituted for the Woman's Home Companion in the first club, or he Cosmopolitan in the second club. Other substitutions not permitted. Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal. .. 1.00 Taylor-Trotwood.. 1.00 OUR PRICE, $3.00 .$1.05 Commoner. ..,.. .$1.00 American Mag..... 1.00 American Boy. . . . 1.00 $3.00 OTJR PRICE $2.15 Commoner $1.00 Independent 2.00 Prairio Farmer . . l.oo s-l.oo I OUR PRICE $2.45 In each case where the appears before the name of a publica tion we are only permitted to accept new subscriptions. Foreign postage extra. NOTE As all papers other than weeklies are required to pay special postage in their home city the above clubbing rates are not open to residents of the respective cities in which the periodicals are published other than regular weekly papers. All Orders Must Be Addressed to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska ' t -" .Tfc. Jittw .ir . & 4iiIr 4iA A.'. "-JUiik