i-i I v-- The Commoneiv "VOLUME 7, NUMBER 18 w i. sv lbL E3K35 ? -m ih--' ii . i 41 m - pit";. m. Ufc M'n .'''! '-'x Uj&f l , LnL WV'' tR-S1 at THOPtvt J JT' ' ' ' "' ' " " " r" TTT-niMwnniiriiw mrmrm - " - - " - i ... A dispatch under date of 'Mont gomery, Ala., November 21, says: "The senate today passed a bill to prohibit the sale, giving away or pos gessing of liquors In clubs. It pro hibits exactly what the Georgia law allows. The act will become effective JTanuary 1, 1909, in counties where the, sale of liquor is to continue till then Xn all others January 1 next." "The Ntfshvllle municipal league, in gession at Providence, It. I., elected ofllcers as follows: President, Charles i;? Bonaparte, Baltimore; vice presi dents, Charles Richardson, Philadel phia; Thomas N. Strong, Portland, Ore.; Henry L. McCune, Kansas City; falter L. Fisher, Chicago, and James R; Baxtfer, Portland, Me;;; secretary, Clinton. TRogers woodruff, . Philadel phia; treasurer, George Burnham, Jr., Philadelphia. i: &The national prohibition convent tlon for 1908 has been called; to meet: during the first week of Juno at .Co Rumbus, Ohio. " (. &A special dispatch Xrom Chicago, 111., to Sioux City, la., Journal says: The ca'Use of prohibition received a trenfendous impetus by a sweeping 4ecIsion of the Illinois supreme court today. The court held that the own-; is of property rented lor saloon pur poses are liable for "damages in cases df illegal sale of 'liquor vby their ten ants. The courtfurther holds that Jnot only actual damages, but, also? tin'dtctlve or exemplary damages, may be had against an owner of a "building who had no knowledge of th.eillegal sale of liquor made by his tenant if the violation. of the law is established against his tenant.' Pro hibitionists declare that the decision is the most important affecting the liquor traffic made in many years, if not the most important ever made in any court in the United States. The decision "was on a . case in whi6h. a seventeen-year-old boy had".-rbeen killed vby ir train while drunk.' His fattier 'sued not only the saloonkeener iCnpV6Ta the boy the liquor, but the the building attempted to evade re sponsibility by asserting that ho had no knowledge that his tenant' was a saloonkeeper." "The court of appeals today decided that the act passed at the last ses sion of the legislature providing for a recount of the votes cast at the mayoralty election in New York City in November, 1905, is unconstitu tional. The contest was instituted on behalf of William R. Hearst to un seat Mayor McClellan on the ground of fraud in the counting of the Votes. The decision was unanimous." A IQNG60MVFOB SALE A monarch by ttfe name of Ybor shi is advertising a kingdom for sale in several continental newspa pers. He offers his throne, crown, scepters, dominions, and subjects for sale, with thirty wives thrown in, for the modest sum of $200,000. His realm is that of Aysbonia, a strip of land in Africa 250 miles long and ninety miles wide. The power of life and death is the king's prerogat ive, and goes with the crown, as does the granting of all concessions. A special attraction of the offer is the royal crown, which is -a neat dia dem made of human skulls. The throne Is made of skulls and thigh bones.. Thus far his dusky majesty appears to have had no offer. New York Tribune. An Associated Press dispatch un der date of Montgomery, Ala., No vember 19, follows: "The s'pnate this afternoon- passed the prohibition bill 32 to 2. The law is to become effective January 1, 1909. "When two carloads of Mobile women' Same to the city today to lobby against the bill, they found that delegations from Montgomery, Selma and Bir mingham, who favor that measure, had filled the senate galleries until not a seat was left. It was a plan to" crowd them out and it succeeded, kittle children stood in the lobbied and pinnecf ribbons" on every one who came in. The scene was one bf the most spectacular in the his tory qC th.e state. When the Mobile ladies arrived they found that they had. ,to stay outside in the already overcrowded lobbies. Children were kept out of school today to work against whisky." CUT DOWN THE SURPLUS No schemes for providing elastic currency, no, plans for shackling the individual states by national char ters for corporations, will ivail to remedy our troubles. . Nothing will effectively serve except putting an end to over-taxation. The govern ment muBt stop drawing a needless revenue through the customs and in ternal tax collectors. When that is done, it will not be -necessary Jto re sort to complicated ways of getting the treasury's unneeded money back into circulation. St. liouis Republic. HHS? TRIAL OFFER J WILL kvo you iny splendid out. fltolin GO-dny frco1 trial entirely nt my own risk, pro-yidlngyounrotlio caltty to accept my generous offer, l hnvo nl ways sold these splendid Outfit to dealers, hut tbw season, cotnmenclna with this verv day i have made up my mind to sell direct to the wearer and nave every man the enormous profit thnt lias : always &ono Into the pocket of the dealer. To make my now plan a success rielit from, tho start I decided to place with one reliab le ponton in each community my complete out fltfpr5.00 arid ot oho cent more. TUIa 18 Miy. stylish ton-piece Outfit. -i Stylishly tailored suit, lPrcsldentdrewt Mi r.. 1 Jvm' Edward cap, J pair Einplro miHpenders, 1 patr mend-proof lioao, 1 Ohostorllold tie, 3 lino handkerchief, 1 set tfold buttons. To be safe In securing- this oiler send nt once for tape, order blank, eta. for I can Rive to but ono In a locality atthlsadvortlslng price. F. O. LINDQUIBT, Manager. CANADA HILLS CO., Dcpt. 63, Greenville, Mich, MR. MORTON SAFE The evidence of the Santa Fe's, carelessness in certain little matters must make Mr. Paul Morton very glad, that he is now connected with a company that never did anything out of the way.--Ohio State Journal. MR;BRYkNNE XME NQMIMATION -' Jacob , Gould SliurmanV president of .Cornell University, declares, that Governor Hughes of New York is willing to be a candidate for fh . . - t - - w.v f a- uuuy mm aaus mat the governor ils the strongest man tho republicans can nominate. Washington dispatches sav nnn- pessman Burton is not to-be til--lowed to become n mnmiwi. n -u house ways and meanB committee.' Speaker Cannon regards Mr. Burton as irregular" on the tariff cmestion- John D. Rockefeller iRsiiPri iivr,T, the Associated Press this statement: I am informed that there have ap peared in several newsnaners -r jently reports that I possess $100 -000.000 of United States BLrn. ment bonds, which I have refuel to loan or sell for the nnmnaa helping the situation or of aiding ad- uiliuiuu uuuumuon oy tlie banlcs I do not own at the nresent timA 'r, have I owned at any time during tho recent crisis any United States gov ernment, hrmda wVinfntrkx . - .. ,nyu,j An Auburn, N, Y.. disnato.li nnv Iried by the Associated Press follows: Minneapolis Journal (rep.) The party will start 'with a candidate whose personality i$ engaging, whose character is ahove reproach, whose patriotism is proved. It will not have the advantago of a candidacy which has in it any element of nov elty or surprise. The party will not have, to learn anything about its can didate. But the country will lose the romance of politics which is, to a large extent, involved In the spring ing up of new men. Mr. Bryan was one of those surprises himselL Twelve years ago ho went to Chicago, a delegate whose seat was contested, and returned home the standard bearer of the democracy. In the Interim Mr. Bryan has talked almost incessantly and written when his audience, wearied, had retired to slumber. There is npthlng new to say about him. He Js.a. veteran now, not a colt. .. . . u . - - New York World. (?) Announc ing his readiness to accept the demo cratic nomination for president, Mr. Bryan, in the bourse, of a, 1,10.0-word statemont, says; "It only remains for the democratic party to coavince the people that it can he in,trjifcted with the work of reform." A trifle; a mere detail. After eleven years of Mr. Brvan's leadership $ people are so well satisfied ;wlth the demo cratic party's trustworthinew that there tire only two democratic United States senators north-of Mason, and TMxon's line, and-one of thenars a silver republican. In- state after state not h single democrat, repre sents a district in congress. There are only six democratic governors north of Ohio, and four of them were elqcted on local issues in solid re publican states. Even Kentucky has gone republican Of course Mr, Bryan will accept the democratic nomination! A formal statement toJ that effect Is superfluous. But why should the democratic party accept Mr. Bryan? Is tho party so infatu ated lth defeat that it would not exchange the certainty of disaster for even the possibility of victory? Denver News (dem.) To the News the statement of the case ap-; pears hoth fair and dignified. For Mr. Bryan to declare himself a. can didate would be ungenerous and un wise. He has been honored by the party, as he well says, and can not in fairness ask it to take any action ,ior nis personal sake. But for Mr, Bryan to refuse to be a candidate under any circumstances rrould sim ply be to sulk in his tent, at a mo- .mwuv, wuen every ngnter Is needed by the democracy. He has done neither of these things. He has simply said that he is a loyal demo crat, ready to serve in the, ranks or to lead the charge, just as the party shall decide. It is hard to, see how uny.iauit can De . found .with that. It may( be objected that Mr. Bryan knows this makes him practically certain of the nomination. This is true. Mr. Bryan can not help know ing that he is away and beyond the most popular democrat in the party. But this only makes it the more im perative that he. act with fairness to that party and thi he has. done. His strength, is at its service, to use as the party may dictate. It doer not detract from the dignity of that statement to say that its maker wall knows where that strength is likely to be used. We question very much If Mr. Bryan will be personally pleased by the nomination, which, we uenevo is coming His way. Jt Is. the uuubu mat interests him, and his loy alty to that cause no man can doubt Cedar Rapids (la.) Gazette. Mr Bryan will undoubtedly be the dem ocratic nominee. He -will pledges of support count for any thing. But whether he is or not, he will continue to be a well beloved citizen, a man whom the people ad- (Continued on Page 14) FOR AGENTS. A SUCCESS. "The Old World And Its Ways1" BY Wm. Jennings Bryan J57 Imperial Octavo JPogtB. 51 Superb Engrav ingt from Photographs taken by Col. liryan. Xteconnts ht trip aronad tho world and his Tlblts to all nations. Groatest bookof travel orer written. Most successful book of this genera tion. 41,00 called for la 4 month. Wrlto u for sample reports of first loo agonts em ployed. Tha peoplo buy it eagerly. Tho agent's barrest. Owtfle FRXJB.-Bend Hfty cents to over ot et mailing and handling. THE THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO., St Louis, Mo. "PROtfECT YOUR Idear Books "Fortunes In PtTfHTt Patents What and How to rt fclllO Invent." and 68-ingo fluldo BooK Frkk. Send sketch for Fkek report as to patentability, JS. JK. Vrooman, Bx 58, Wash, D. 0. every erlous sufferer from KIKKr, KliADDEll A KTItrrV AOTD DIH- tCASKSi t send Jbr an absolutely lreo 8 u Prp-ly Cby rnall prepaid)- pf, yhnt 1 suossa fully used, la my" Wn casor' Addrca DTl. V. A. WILLIAM?, BoxMW, East Hampton, Coun. STOCK OWNERS ATTENTION loo of the most valuable practical Stock Hem edlcs over printed. Including Condition Powders, Tonics, etc. Wby not put such things up yourself; know what you aro feeding- your Stock and save 100 to 300 percent? For many years D. V. Freeman lias boon gathering; tried and tested Receipts from tho best Stock Orowcrs of tho United States and Canada Romodics that thoy "swear hy." H has conceived tho idea of putting them in a llttlo booic let convenient for tho pocket which ho calls io Stock Owners' Pocket Companion." This llttlo .booklet of lOO Bare Receipts printed on linen papor oncloaod in a leather (Morocco) case or Docket-book will bo maUed to any iiddressor " Oenia. it also contains a short Practical Treatise on tho caro of Poultry and how to got 200 cup per yearper hen. fiond for St To-day, ontTlf it does nt provo tho boat investmont you over made, or If oy ta use you don't savo Dollars for ovory Mcku invested, say so and wo- win return your money. References any Bank. F. B. DIOICBRSON CO.. PubUshors, Ko. 5 Ughtaer Building. Dotrolt, MiclU An Ideal Gift Book For Yoimg or. Old "OF such is THE KINGDOM" By RichHrdL Jj, Metcalfe Cfetk.bouV3ftle4; wHheieaftne lUustra , onK;emtp)naMfiiicoptof?l.00. aroy in iy,a.yoTTBTH: edition jfehn M. Hart, AeeoclMte Justice United States Supreme Court I havetead It through twice No one can road it without both interest and profit. David J. Brewer, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court ?t lsrono of tho most enjoyable books we have lately .soon. W. J Bryan To those -who have read it, it needs no praise, i ' Address' . RICHARD L, METCALFE Care 'The Commoner LINCOLN, NKBR. 1 i . A:.vr- i,rc-