The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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    7' iWrTj" w-" ' -r "'TffwBl,W''"
NOVEMBER 16, 1807
The Commoner.
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then take up, remove the shell and
rub off the- brown skin, cover again
with boiling water and simmer for
one hour, after which take them up
and mash very fine. Chop one pound
of veal and a half pound of fresh
pork very fine; add half of the chest
nuts to this, also a half teaspoonful
of pepper, two tablespoonls of salt,
and one cupful of the water the fowl
was cooked in; mix thoroughly and
stuff the turkey and truss well be
fore roasting or steaming. Use the
remaining half of theN chestnuts
mashed fine for the table sauce.
Bread Dressing Take one-fourth
pound (about a teacupful) of sweet,
fat salt pork chopped fine, and put
over the fire to fry slowly. "When it
begins to brown, add three cupfuls
of stale bread, broken or crumbled
fine, and stir until mixed. If a lit
tle dry, add a tablespoonful of but
ter, and season with pepper, salt,
sage and, if liked, a little onion.
Used for stuffing any fowl.
Oyster Dressing Have stale
bread, sufficient quantity, broken,
cut into dice, or crumbs; season with
pepper, salt, sage, one tablespoonful
of butter, and two dozen raw oys
ters. Mix all together and stuff the
chicken in the bottom of the pan,
put bits of butter over it, shako
flour thickly over It and, If neces
sary, allttlo salt; put anothor layer
of the chicken, flour and butter, and
so on, until the chicken Is all used.
Some people remove all bones beforo
putting the chicken Into the pie
crust; it is immaterial. For the
whole thing, a gill of flour and a
quarter of a pound of butter Ib suffi
cient. Tho water in the sauco nan
should have boiled down to oflo pint,
and into this should be poured nearly
a pint of thick, rich sweet cream.
Pour half of this into the pan of
chicken, put on a top crust, about
half an inch thick with holes silt In
the top to allow the escape of the
steam in cooking the pie, bake rather
slowly, and serve hot. Slightly
thicken the remainder of the-broth
and cream with a little flour, and
servo over the portions of pie when
dished for ttie table.
Removing the Tendons
Before dressing the Thanksgiving
turkey, have your butcher remove the
tendons from the legs, or do It your
self, and you will thus find the drum
sticks to be as tender and savory as
any other part of the fowl. There
are eight tendons or leaders, in each
leg, extending from the foot quite
well up into the fleshy part of the
thigh. In old fowls, turkey or
chicken, the job of removal is some
thing of a task requiring a good bit
of strength; but in young fowls, they
Home awav with comparative ease.
Lay the fowl, breast down, on the
table, and in the left hand hold one
of the legs,' cutting barely through
the skin a little below the bend of
the knee. The tendons lie in a
groove, white and shiny, and in
young fowls may be carefully drawn,
one at a time; 'in old fowls, take
them up with a steel skewer, or
other strong instrument, all to
gether, turning the skewer two or
three times to get a good hold on
them, then pull strongly and stead
ily until they come out. It will
require force, but the work must be
done carefully. It will pay to do it.
Chicken Pic
" Dress and cut up a pair of fat,
tender chickens and put over the
fire in a sauce pan with just water
enough to cover them, adding a
quarter of a pound of butter and
a little salt and pepper (as much or
as little as your taste calls for). Let
stew until tender. Do not boil rap
idly, but cook slowly, well covered.
Make a rich pastry with one quart
of flour, salt to taste, half a pound
; of butter and a quarter of a pound
of lard; mix with cold water, and
not too stiff. Line a deep pan with
some of this pastry, put a layer of
Right Food the Cause
"Old Fashioned Lye Hominy"
With Sal-Soda One nound of sal
soda (common washing soda) to a
wash boiler half full of water; one
gallon of shelled corn (six quarts
may be used), put into the soda and
boil one hour. Take out, and wash
well in running water, if possible;
if not, wash through several waters
to removo the lye. Cook for three
hours in clear water, after soaking
over night in clear water to remove
the "slick" feeling. A gallon of
shelled corn makes a good quantity.
With Baking Soda To sufficient
water for boiling half a gallon of
shelled corn, add five tablcspoonfuls
of baking soda (saleratus) ; boil un
til the hulls will slip easily, which
will probably, bo about an hour and a
hair, wasn unui tno nuns are an
removed: nut into fresh water and
boil until tender, changing water
several times,, and with the last wa
ter adding a teaspoonful of salt.
With Lye from Wood Ashes
Take about a gallon of good, green
wood ashes (hardwood), sift, and
put into a kettle with six quarts of
water; let come to a boll and simmer
for half an hour. Then strain the
contents of the "kettle through a
coarse muslin cloth, to remove all
settlings and coals, and throw the
cloth, when emptied, into water In
order to remove the lye from it.
Wash out the kettle, put the clear
lye into it, and into the lye put about
a gallon of shelled corn. Return to
the stove and let boil for two nours,
adding water as. it boils away. Try
the corn occasionally, to find when
the hulls will slip easily and as soon
as they do, ake from the lye and
give a thorough washing and rub
bing to free the CQrn from hulls
and lye. Let it soak over night, then
put into the clean kettle, and boil
for two. hours or more, changing the
water several times.
To free the corn from hulls, in
stead of rubbing with the hands, try
churning In an old-fashioned dasher
churn. The work will be well done.
To prepare any of the above for
the table, use either with cream or
milk and sUgar, or fry in drippings,
or season with butter, after season
ing with salt and pepper to taste.
Mrs. H. D.
aftor washing the hands at night. If
common corn meal is used when
washing tho hands, with or without
soap, rubbing with tho meal aa you
would with soap, rinsing well, dry
ing and dipping In vinegar, lotting,
tho vinegar dry on tho hands, the
hands may be groatly Improved; fol
low this treatment at night with tho
mutton tallow, rubbing It well Into
tbe Bkin beforo tho fire.
Moles should not usually bo tam
pered with, but may bo removed by
a good surgeon or physician. Small,
fleshy moles may sometimes bo re
moved by touching tho tops (not
rubbing, as that will make thorn
sore) with a bit of lunar caustic, and
wait until it gets woll before repeat
ing. Hard water can be materially soft
ened by laying a small bag of wheat
bran or oat meal In tho water for a
few minutes.
For tho face, onco a week give it
a rubbing with almond meal, using
like soap, and it lathers exactly like
ooap, and cleanses, butleaves tho
faco In fine condition.
An old fashioned and offectlvo
remedy for moles and warts is to
tio a bit of whlto silk thread cIoho
about tho roots of tho growth, tying
It very tightly, and leave on until
tho mole or wart drops off, which will
bo within a fow weeks at farthest.
Sulphumo Is a proprietary article,
but druggists usually keep a bottlo
of it on hand from which to noil de
sired quantities, without forcing tho
customer to buy moro than is neces
sary. It is a good Ingredient for hair
Lino a pan well with a stiff batter
thinly rolled, put in a layer of oys
ters, well seasoned with butter, pop
per and salt, then a layer of rolled
crackers, then anothor of oysters
seasoned as the first, continuing un
til tho pan Is full. Tho last layer
should be well buttered crumbs.
TJako undor a hot, even fire and
sorvc while hot.
Paris Fashions for Readers of
The Commoner
A Wisconsin woman says:
"I . was run down and weak,
troubled with nervousness and head
ache for the last six years. The
least excitement would make me
nervous and cause severe headache.
"This summer I have been eating
Grape-Nuts regularly and feel better
than for the six years past.
"I am iiot troubled with headache
and nervousness, and weigh more
than I eveV have before in my life.
I gained J pounds In one week."
Name gj.ven. by -Postum Co, Battle
Creek, Mich. v Read the book, "The
Road to Wellvllle' in pkgs.
"There's a Reason."
For the Toilet
Answering many inquiries: Many
skins can not .bear soap in washing.
Wheat bran or rolled oats sewed up
in little bags may be used instead of
soap, with excellent results, as either
is very cleansing, and has the recom
mendation of authoritative "beauty"
An excellent and inexpensive cold
cream to be used for chapped hands
and' face is made by melting fresh
mutton tallow, straining, and to each
ounce of the tallow allow a table-
nnfni nt anlrltR nf mirmhor. Htir-
ring until it begins to cool. Apply!
lli l ft iV
2098 Girls' Dross, with Plaitod
Skirt. Invisible plaid worsted, mo
hair or shepherd's plaid aro good
materials for this model. Four sizes,
G to 12 years.
2103 Ladles Tucked Shirt Waist,
with Long or Elbow Sleeves. Dark
silk with collar and cufTs of plaid
colored silk Is a pretty stylo for this
whist. Soven sizes, 32" to .44.
2120 Infants' Cold-Feet Gown.
Canton flannel, older down or French
flannel all make warm and comfort
able sleeping robes for the Infant.
One size.
2094 Misses' Thirteen Gored
Ripple Skirt with Inverted Box Plait
at Center of Front and Back. Lady's
cloth, broadcloth, as well as storm
serge or. corduroy, are suitable for
this pattern. Four sizes, 14 to 17
2097 Ladles' Tucked Eton Jacket
with Long or Three-quarter Length
Sleeves. A style that is very becom
ing to the average figure Six sizes,
32 to 42.
1C00 Girls' Square Necked Sack
Apron, Striped or cross-barred ging
ham are suitable for this pattern.
Four sizes, C to 12 years.
2129 Ladies' Circular Skirt with
or without Center-front seam, and In
Medium, Sweep or Round Length.
This model may be appropriately de
veloped In serge tailor-suiting or any
of the winter materials. Seven sizes,
22 to 32,
2092 Child's Low-Necked Tucked
Dress. A simple pattern, easy to
make and becoming when worn.
Four sizes, 3 to 9 years.
THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The de
signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
ttoM how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. The
nrlcc of these patternb 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our lu-ge cata
foTue containing the illustrations and descriptions of 1,000 seasonable
styles for ladles, misses and children, as well as lessons in home dress
making full of helpful and practical suggestions in the making of your
wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents.
In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number
and size desired, . , xtu -
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dept., Lincoln, Neb.. k:
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