"TUp, y jr,'tmtf, -It Jf '.iO"" ,w 1 V L if; y2 composed of men whoso political records will "' invito confidence and give assurance that a vic-:-t6ryV if won, will not be a barren victory. 'fl, . ' It has been assorted that Mr. Bryan was Ayaiting to see who tho republican nominee would 4 bo, , This is untrue. He has never felt that his .position should bo dependent upon tho action . taken by tho republican party. Tho republicans 'must nominate either a reformer, a standpatter - 6r one whoso position on public questions is "unknown, and the course of the democratic party should be the same no matter which ele ment controls the republican convention. The democratic party must make its fight for what it believes. While it may take advantage of republican mistakes, it must depend upon its , merits for success and not upon the errors of its opponents. If tho republicans nominate a standpatter, tho democrats can ,take advantage of the educational work that has been done by republican refprmers; if the republicans nomin ate a candidate who, is believed to be favorable to reform, such a nomination will strengthen domocratic doctrines, because republican re formers advocate the reforms that the democrats have advocated beforo them, and the democrats can not afford to surrender their position be cause the republicans give a partial endorse ment to a few democratic doctrines. If the republicans nominate one who straddles the issues and attempts to take both sides, it is none tho less necessary for the democratic party to make an aggressive fight. Tho action of the republican convention may have its influence in the determining of the relative availibility of democratic candidates, but it ought not to have any influence in determining the question wheth er the one chosen by the democrats should ac cept the nomination. If the rank and file of the democratic party desire Mr. Bryan to make the race, he will make it no matter who may be the republican nominee. It has also been charged that Mr. Bryan was waiting to ascertain, the chances of victory, ready to run if the outlook seemed bright or to refuse to run if the chances seemed unfavorable. This charge, like the other, is without founda tion. No one can estimate the chances of the party in the next campaign with sufficient . accu racy to make his candidacy dependent upon the outlook. " While democrats have reason to be encouraged by the fact that democratic prin ciples have grown in popularity and that demo cratic policies are now praised by many who de nounced them a few years ago, and while further encouragement is to be derived from the fact that the democratic party is more united than it has been for many years, and the re publican party more divided still the action of the democratic party can not be made dependent upon the prospect of success. The prospects now seem excellent, but a democratic national convention will be held, a platform adopted and ,. , candidates nominated whether tho nrnnnonta n & w5Jft ffl00Iny' fni the Party must make the I- . . """ ouiDiH uie campaign with fear or with confidence. Democrats believe that democratic principles are sound and that democratic policies are necessary; they should ttS2 ?J 1endors uthose Principles and present those policies and then select as their candidates those who in their judgment, will give the party the greatest assurance of success in the campaign and the country the greatest assurance of benefit in case of victory. . uoueuc nHmlJiJ ?,aCan aslc for a Domination as a com pliment if his nomination will not benefit the Party and no democrat would be justified in refusing a nomination if his party demanded hf services, and if ?he members of the nartv E? lieve that Mr. Bryan's, nomlnatton tin n the" party, its principles and its policies he w?i cept tho nomination whethe? the indSitw point to defeat or victory, a defeat can no disgrace where the cause is a just one but cowardice would be disgraceful, especially in one BrhyanSisS d",y tadQbted t0 hIs art" " Mr! Just a word more. The next campaign will be an appeal to the public conscience The in vestigatlons have shown not on y the corrunt yse of large campaign funds, but tL only source from which they can be drawn, namelv IS1 corporations that seek to convert tt Lo n ment into a business asset. The demonrS party stands for the doctrine of equal righte to all and special privileges to none and thfrefo can not promise favors to favor-seeking co?nor at ons. If it made such promises to the Sor ations, it would bo guilty of duplicity tor t would have to betray the voters, as the republi can party has done, in order to reward tSeie corporations as tho republican party has re ward- The Commoner ed them. The democratic campaign must bo carried on by volunteers who will work because they desire the triumph of democratic ideas. We can not hope to appeal to tho sordid or to buy the purchasable, even if such a course would contribute toward democratic success. No one should favor Mr. Bryan's nomination unless tho party is willing to open its books and show where its contributions come from and for what tho money is expended. The republican party ought to be challenged to con duct .its campaign in-this open and honest way and if the republican lead ers refuse to accept the challenge, the democrats can well afford to leave the issue with the public. An appeal to conscience is. politically expedient, as well as morally right, for the con science is the most potent force with which man deals. The national conscience has already been aroused, and a large majority of tho voters have been educated to the necessity for real reform a reform that will make this government again a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It only remains for the democratic party to convince the voters that it can be en trusted with the work of reform, and nothing will do more to convince the public than a re fusal to negotiate with predatory wealth and an honest appeal by honest methods to' the honest sentiment of the country. oooo TOM JOHNSON TRIUMPHANT Hurrah for Tom Johnson! His victory was a notable one and one at which every dem ocrat can rejoice. Mayor Johnson is making a bravo fight for the people, and his triumph is their triumph as well as his. He is one of the few business men of the country who, having mado a fortune, put a limit to his accumulations and placed his brain and business experience at the service of his people. He has had a hard fight injunctions to the right of him, in junctions to the left of him, injunctions in front of him volleyed and thundered, but he fought on. Finally the administration shame on it entered the Jiste against him and urged Con gressman Burton to oppose him. President Roosevelt drops several degrees as a reformer when he interests himself in the defeat of a man like Johnson, and Secretary Taft proves that he is no reformer at all when he joins the cor porate forces allied against Johnson. Surely the voters of Cleveland can boast that they are incorruptible when they withstood the influ ences that were at work in favor of the street railways of that city. If republics are ever justly charged with ingratitude, it is because the people are ignorant of the service rendered by those to whom the public seems ungrateful. Where the people understand the situation, they can be trusted. They understood the situation n XeT?land' and Johnson's re-election is as creditable to the voters as it is complimentary to him. Hail Tom Johnson! May your tribe lllCFGcXBO oooo PUSHING ASSET CURRENCY a Tll Ne.W Jorlc World' wnich was so much disturbed at the suggestion that many ot tht great metropolitan papers were in league with predatory wealth, has joined the financier! in demanding that the banks shall be permitted to use their assets as a basis for currency It says: "The responsibility for the lack of an elastic currency must be divided among Brvan ites, hankers and western republican ingress men. The bankers have talked currency rfform for years, but have never made a really united and aggressive campaign. The American Bank ers' Association at its recent convention in dorsed the credit currency bill reported by the Hepburn committee, but even then there was ' opposition from some of the western bankers Mr. Bryan has fought currency reform for eleven years, and has succeeded in keeping the democratic party in opposition to it. To Mr Bryan an inelastic currency is proof that the gold standard is wrong and that 16 to 1 is richt Hence there must be no reform." "bui. "J? d.Ug Mr ,Bryan 00 much honor when it credits him with "keeping the democratic party ' from favoring an asset currency ft 2 true that Mr Bryan opposes the asset currency but he is not vain enough to assume that the almost universal opposition to It in the dm, cratic party fs due to anything he has said or done. Democrats oppose it naturally because they are opposed to turning the people over the tender mercies of the masters of hX S The World seeks" to e? tK to?uf whSTt attempts to connect the currency question with V0LFJ. NUMBER 44 the silver question. There is nn o nections between 'them. iKff? m. to maintain a bank currency undi, n as ea8y as under the gold atandXd? 2?d Jn 1,mot?11,8In rency would bo as bad under a S 1,1 T CUI" . as under bimetallism. The question nfStandard money is one thfn. the .question o ?etal,,c Is an entirely different thing. ThePp ?. paper son why a man should 'favor an asset o m' merely because he favors the coir! fn ,CUrrency those who oppose an asse currency a So V1 5? ZJ3r to their -z anytlSffb aT wUh Te Si " being able to deftaid thl aS r?uest!on' Not merits; the Sftetaf to convrTT in? Us silver question and then rttnolZ tn into a question of , elasticity is not necess.r vl ed with the asset currency for H l . u elasticity le oVeJest mated S5 ,0' tlclty which may be found necessnrv ! I resort to the .perilous attempt 2 foist upon h country a currency resting upon the variiw! assets of the bank. The World shows its Van Street bias when it speaks contemptuously o ''prairie and sagebrush congressmen ' Do no the congressmen of the west represent the senti ments of their people, and should they not re -resent their people, and are the people of the wh?JH telilgeni r leSS PatPloSf San thSS w read the New York World? The New York " SnBUtSS!Sibed thmember ol the Oklahoma constitutional convention as "cornfield lawyers" SnndiTragei1lieir work' Now the Word gressmen"g PI"airIe &nd sabnish con- The World's editorial not only betrays the h,ftali?ewf a? PBjn e paper has taken S5nia ?wa? -e fact that the editor con scious that he can not. meet the opponents of an asset currency in fair debate. oooo PROTECTING DEPOSITORS The present situation has compelled study, and study has brought forth a number of rem edies. Attention has already been called to the influence which stock gambling has had in producing the present panic, but it is not suffi cient to stop gambling. We ought, if possible, to devise legislation which will protect bank depositors not only from gambling on the stock market, but from other evils which may arise. The depositors can, by withdrawing their money, create a panic at any time no matter how pros perous the country is. Prosperity can he halted in a day by the withdrawal of deposits. In the .reserve cities national banks are only required to Tteep twenty-five per cent of the deposits on hand, and in other cities only fifteen per cent. Banks could not afford to do business if they were required to keep all of the deposits on hand all the time. It costs money to handle deposits; an army of clerks is employed to keep the books, to take in money, to .pay it out and to guard it. It is the loaning of the depositors' money that makes banks of deposit profitable or even pos sible. No matter how conservatively or safely a bank is managed, it is not in position to re turn all deposits on a moment's notice. In ordi nary times the daily deposits will equal if not exceed the withdrawals, and if there are regu lar periods when more money is drawn out, the bank calculates on this and provides for it. Any solvent bank can be embarrassed if a run is made upon it. The other banks may come to its relief, but they can not do so if a run is started on them at the same time. The important thing, therefore, is to prevent the depositors from making any sudden demand upon the banks, and how can this be done? By removing every possible reason for fear. It is fear that causes depositor's to' withdraw money and hide it. They do not want to take the risk of loss or 'robbery, but when -a certain degree of fear Is reached, they will risk keeping the money at home. Our bank's are reasonably se cure, but reasonable security is not sufficient for unreasonable people,' and the unreasonable have it in their power to precipitate a panic. The postmaster general, according to the press dispatches, will recommend the establish ment of a postal savings bank; this it is argued will draw a large sum of mqney from hiding. and 'this sum being deposited by the govern ment in the various banks, will make the money available for loaning. It is said that many for eigners who are unacquainted with our finan- '' j?fciUjau&dW. wttfrt