The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
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IV :
I am familiar with the
merits of Ridpath's History
of the World, and cordially
commend it to the scholar
as well as to the plain peo
ple generally.-
1 esteem RidDath's Hin,
tory of the World of very
great value, and hope it will
find a place generally in the
libraries of our schools, as
well as upon the shelves of
readers in every walk of life.
The Commoner Readers are Offered the Opportunity of a Life Time
To place in your homes the World-Famed Publication
"Brand new, latest edition, brought right down to date, including Peace Treaty of the RussiarJapan- War, beautifully, bound, in Half-Morocco.
At LESS Than Even DAMAGED SETS Were Ever Sold
We will name our price only in direct letters to those sending the coupon below. Tear off the coupon,' write name -and address plainly and
mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive an income from his History, and. to prinfe our price broadcast for the sake of more
quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. We do not sell through stores or salesman, but-ship direct from factory
to customer subject to your examination. The entire transaction is by mail. JOHN CLARKE REDPATH is universally recognized as America's
greatest historian. He was a strong advocate of the rights and the liberties of the common people. In 1896 he was the Democratic Nominee for
Congress in his home district, and received the warm support of the leader of the Party. He was a great man and a great historian.
Dr. Ridpath is now dead but his work lives. He devoted practically his entire life to writing the History of the World. It is absolutely accurate
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v,- ""o.wi, iu wttiiiu uiul Linu lino or ureeit snearmGn work
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204 Dearborn St.,Chlcago A Luther, who did more than any other man
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RIDPATH throws the mantle of personality over the old heroes of his
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