The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner.
raised the price of those things to
the consumer and made no corres
ponding increase in price paid for
raw material is the chief assertion
of the government, and it is upon
this general line that the most in
teresting trust fight In the country is
now heing planned.
"When the directors of the Na
tional Packing company decide upon
the price to he paid for cattle, that
settles it for all of the houses," is
the information that has come into
the hands of the government.
All of the other corporations in
the country, with a few unimportant
exceptions, bow to the wishes of the
ten leaders of the food market of
the world. As an indication of the
extent of the chartered institutions
that come under this domination,
this partial list is now in the hands
of the government:
Swift Beef company, Boston.
G. F. & D. E. Swift, Boston.
N. E. Nossis & Co., Boston.
Swift & Co., New York.
Swift & Co., West Virginia.
Armour &- Co., New Jersey.
Swift Fertilizer Works, Georgia.
Swift Refrigerator Transportation
Co., Maine.
Swift Beef cojrapany, Great Britain.
Swift Packing company, Germany.
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Maine.
I Illinois Cattle company, Illinois.
Western Meat company.
Springfield Provision company.
Union Stock Yards company,
Kansas City Stock Yards company.
Fort Worth Stock Yards company.
St. Joseph Stock Yards company.
St. Paul "Union Stock Yards com
pany. Armour Car Lines.
Armour Grain company.
' Central Leather company.
United States Leather company.
G. H. Hammond & Co.
Hammond Packing company,
Hutchinson, Kan.
Hollis Cold Storage company.
John P. Squire & Co., New Jersey.
Boston Packing and Provision
company, Boston.
New England Dressed Meat and
Wool company.
North Packing and Provision com
pany, Maine.
Sperry & Barnes company, Con
necticut. Sturtevarit & Haley, Boston.
P. Merwin & Co., Worcester, Mass.
White, Perry, & Dexter company,
Worcester, Mass.
Halstead & Co., New York.
C. H. Davis & Co., Norwich.
Few people in Wall Street had any
hesitation in saying, early this week,
that the published interviews as
cribed to4Attorney General Bonaparte
were a potent cause of trouble.
Opinion was by no means unanimous
in condemning the administration's
general policy. But misgiving cer
tainly existed as to where and how
the next blow would strike, and much
depended, as was recognized by
every one, en the temper of the pros
ecutors. This was why so exceeding
ly bad an impression was produced
by the interviews in question. Es
pecially serjovs criticism was passed
on the attorney general's interview
of Monday;
"There wac a big covey of game,
and it would be a very poor marks
man, indeed, who could not land
enough to make a fine mess."
The market's recovery on Tues
day was largely due to belief that
the "Oyster, Bay conference" would
at least put a quietus on such utter
ances. "Interviews" have done work
of tills sort long before today. It
was Secretary Carlisle's unfortunate
ly worded statement of April, 1893,
that the secretary would redeem the
government notes in gold "as long
as ho has gold lawfully avallablo for
that purpose' which threw the mar
ket into the first panic of the year.
The statement was in its essence cor
rect, but it left the whole question
open as to what gold was lawfully
avallablo, and thus added force to
public alarm, and necessitated Presi
dent Cleveland's explicit and reassur
ing statement in the matter.
But Mr. Cleveland himself once
struck a totally unexpected, and
doubtless unintended, blow at finan
cial confidence, when, having dis
cussed in his celebrated. "Venezuela
message" of December 17, 1895, our
government's purposo of resisting
England's policy, ho concluded, "In
making these recommendations, I am
fully alive to tho responsibilities in
curred, and keenly rcallzo all the
consequences that may follow." A
stock exchange panic ensued at once.
As with his financial secretary's
statement of two years before, tho
objection to Mr. Cleveland's language
was not that his general attitude was
wrong or his facts erroneous, but
that the words employed neodlesHly
stirred up alarm and misgiving at a
wcro already
timo when markets
The public officer who understood
better how to deal with a situation of
such a character as now ojcistn was
Attornoy Gonoral'Knox. Confronted
aftor tho Northern Securities de
cision, with tho question whether
swooping prosecutions would ensue,
ho answered briefly: "Tho govern
ment will not run amuck." This did
not commit tho department; but It
was extremely tactful, and put an
end to financial fright. Now York
Evening Post.
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