The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner
Any oho of the fellewlajc periodical!
"will ho Hoat vrlta THIS COMMOMMt,
both oao year, at tho clubbimc price
Periodicals will bo sent to different
addrcNfica If dcxlrcd. Yonr friend may
vrlah to Join you la NcadlHj? for'com
blaatloa Nubncrlptlonn. Yom may be
able to intercut a number of pcraean
sot now reader of THE COMMONER
by calllajc their attention to aomc of
tho extraordinary levr price made for
hlKh-claNH pnbllcatloBM taken In com
bination with THIS COMMONER. All
RubNcrlptlona aro for oho year, and If
bow begin with the current Inane wb
Ickh othcrwlMO requested. Present sab
ncrlfeern need not wait until their ntib
acrlptlon expires) rcaowala received
will be entered for a fHll year.
PubM With
Price. Com'cr.
Tho Breeders Gazotto,
Chicago, "Weekly ?2.00 $2.00
Pralrlo Farmer, Chicago,
Weekly 1.00 1.00
"Wallaces Parmer, Des
Moines, "Weekly 1.00 1.C0
Orange Judd Farmer, Chi
cago, "Weekly 1.00 1.60
The Ohio Farmer, Cleve
land, "Weekly .75 1.35
The Mich lean Farmer.
Detroit, "Weekly 75 1.35
Kansas Farmer, Topeka,
"Weekly 1.00 1.35
Nebraska Farmer, X.ln- .
coin, "Weekly 1.00 1.35
Farmers Advocate, To
peka, "Weekly l'.OO 1.35
Farm and Stock, St. Jo
seph, Monthly 1.00 1.00
Tho Southern Cultivator,
Atlanta, Semi-monthly. 1.00 1.35
Tho Farmers "Voice, Evan-
ston, 111., Semi-Monthly 1.00 1.35
Up-to-Dato Farming, In
dianapolis, "Weekly 1.00 1.35
The Fruit Grower, St.
Joseph, Monthly 1.00 1.35
The Sbuthern Fruit
Grower, Chattanooga,
Monthly '. .50' 1.00
Irrigation Ago, Chicago,
Monthly 1.00 1.35
Reliable Poultry Journal,
Qulncy, Monthly 50 1.00
The Industrious Hen,
Knoxvllle, Monthly 50 1.00
Poultry Success, Spring
field, Monthly ,.. "'.50" 1.15
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort
Atkinson, "Weekly 1.00 1.50
American Swineherd, Chi
cago, Monthly 50 1.00
Homo and Farm L-ouis- .
villp, Semf-Monthly.... '.50 1.00
National Farmer .and
Stock arower, St. Louis,
Monthly 50 1.00
Southern Agriculturist,
Nashville, SemirMo 50 .1.00
Farm. Stock and Homo,
Minneapolis, Semi-Mo.. :50 ' 1.00
American Farmer, India
napolis, Monthly. 40' 1.00
Farmers News-Scimitar,
.Memphis, "Weekly 25 '1.00
Farm News, Springfield,
Monthly .'25 1.00
Modern Farmer, "Eldon,
Monthly 25 1.00
Farm and Fireside, New
York, Semi-Monthly...., .25 1.00
"Missouri "valley Farmer,
Topeka, Monthly 20 1.00
Farm Progress, St. Louis,
Monthly , io 1.00
Pub'H With
' Price. Com'er.
Taylor-Trotwood Maga
zine. Nashville, Mo $1.00 $1.45
Tom Watson's Jefferson
Ian Magazine, Atlanta,
Monthly 1.50 1.85
Cosmopolitan, New York,
Monthly l.oo 1.50
Tho American Magazine,
New York, Monthly.... 1.00 1.50
Tho Red Book, Chicago,
Monthly l.oo 1C0
Metropolitan Magazine,
New York, Monthly 1.50 1.S5
Pacific Monthly, Portland,
Monthly 1.00 1.45
Tho Arena, ' Trenton,
Monthly 2.50 2.50
World's Events Magazine,
Dayton, Monthly GO 1.15
The Black Cat, Boston,
Monthly 50 1.20
Boys World, Elgin, Wky. .50 1.00
Tho Star Monthly, Oak
Park, 111... 50 1.00
Homo and State, Dallas,
Monthly 50 1,00
Word and Works, St.
Louis 1.00 1.35
The American- Boy, De
troit, Monthly 1.00 1.50
Field and Stream, New
York. Monthly . . . 1.50 1.85
Recreation Magazine, New
York, Monthly ", 2.00 2.35
Windle's Gatling" Gun,
Chicago, Monthly 1.00 1.35
The Vegetarian Magazine,
Chicago, Monthly 1.00 1.35
Lincoln, Nebraska
now required by law to bo carried
against deposits.
" 'Third. Tho taxes provided up
on credit notes shall bo paid In gold
to tho treasurer of tho United States,
and shall constitute a guaranty fund
for tho redemption of notes of failed
banks and for tho payment of tho ex
penses of printing and tho cost of
redemption. In order that the guar
anty fund may bo ample from tho
beginning, any bank making applica
tion to tako out credit notes for issue
shall deposit with tho treasurer of
tho Unlted States in gold an amount
equal to 'five per cent thereof. Tho
unused portion of this Initial pay
ment shall bo an asset of tho con
tributing banks respectively, and
shall be refunded from timo to time
when this may bo done without re
ducing the guaranty fund bolow an
amount equal to five per cent of the
credit notes taken out.
" 'Fourth. The comptroller of tho
currency shall designate numerous
redemption cities conveniently locat
ed in tho various parts of tho coun
try. Through the agency of the
banks in such cities adequate facili
ties shall be provided for active daily
redemption of credit notes.'
"It provides a five per cent guar
anty fund, from which to redeem the
notes of any defaulting bank; it pro
vides numerous redemption cities
conveniently located In various parts
of the country. A study of the sta
tistical history of the national bank
ing system from its inception will
leave no doubt in the minds of can
did men as to the goodness of tho
proposed note issue and its certainty
of redemption.
"Life insurance is predicated upon
mortality tables gleaned- from vital
statistics of tho human race, and
such business is conducted with safe
ty and in enormous volume. Fire
insurance is predicated upon the de
struction of property by Jim over a
period of years and tho amount of
premium necessary to cover tho risk
ascertained with reasonable certainty.
How much easier and with how much
greater certainty is the mortality or
longevity of banks ascertained! "With
over forty years of complete statisti
cal history jof the. national banking,
system before us, we must concludo
with certainty tjiat the , guarantee
fund is more than sufficient to re
deem any of the. proposed currency
in cose any .bank, issuing the same
should be guilty of default.
"By basing tho amount of the pro
posed issue of credit currency upon
the bond-secured currency of each
bank, the value of -government bonds,
now so largely owned by the banks,
is preserved and protected. The
proposed plan is neither comprehen
sive nor radical; it seeks to engraft
upon existing laws simple changes
which will admit of increased bank
note circulation in response to tho
Increased demands of business which
accompany periods of business act
ivity witness the crop-moving sea
son. It also contemplates the retire
ment of such circulation with tho
abatement of such demands. It
seeks to provide such Increase at
the instance of the issuing bank, in
response to the demands of Its cus
tomers: It also seeks by convenient
points of redemption, to secure the
retirement of such Issue whenever
the demand which called the same
Into being has been satisfied. . Not
being secured by high-priced bonds,
yielding a low rate of interest, there
would be less feeling of constraint
to force such notes into use as much
as possible.
"In fact, with convenient points of
redemption, tho outstanding period
of such notes would bo limited. It
Is the opinion of those most exper
ienced that the function of such cur
rency would be to servo the retail
and small change purposes of the
immediate constituency of the bank
If you have three or more cows and do not own ft
Centrifugal Cream Separator, you certainly need one
and doubtless know that you do. If bo, do not make
the mistake of delaying its purchase "until Spring" or
for that matter even another month. Buy it NOW, and
it will have more than half paid for itself by Spring.
Butter prices at present are unusually high, and it is
being predicted that lirst class butter will retail at 50
cts. per pound in the large cities this coming "Winter.
With butter values so high, can you afford to waste
from one-third to one-half your butter fat, as you are
surely doing without a separator? A separator will
save the very last bit of butter fat, double your dairy
profits, and cut your work in half.
Buy your separator NOW and take the first step
toward making this most profitable of all farm invest
ments by sending at once for a DE LAVAL catalog.
The De Laval Separator Co.
1218 & ISIS FilbkrtSt.
178177 WiixiAM Strict
General Offices:
74- CORTLANDT STREET, '4 uuiPta"
107 Fwrr Strict
imtozt economical and durahte it '
roaring known,
"Emj to pat on, roouiroa no tool bat a batehefe or A
hammer. With ordinary earn will outiaat any other
kind. Tliotuanda or saunuoa ouKomom overrwnoro
hvo proTOn it virtue. Haltalilo lor covprJUK nor
hnildiug. Alio bent for Coiling and Bldinjr,
Fire-proof and Ughtnlng'proer. Cheaper and
raorolaatingtlianauixiglea. WlJlnottaint rnln watarv
Makes your butldlnsf ooolor in iruaisier and warmer
iairintor. Absolutely perfect. Brand New. mt.aja)
is our price for our So. 16 Grado of Flat HomUlIard
oned 8tel Roofing vnd Sid inc. each afaoot 21 in,
widoand24 in. long. Oorprlcoon the Corrugated,
mi. 79. For 25o per anuaro additional wo will . '.vWw.uyJ.MBHBHBs.fewesZd
fnrnUU nheotfl 0 and 8 foot long. Htecl J'rMwed Jirlclc Biding per mo, mx.OO. Vlnn Hliol UeuAA
dolling per mq. MZ.OO. AJuo xurnun standing ucaan and "V" Crltnpod Hoofing. At tkA eric.
WIS PAYTHE FREIGHT rffifotf &2RZ2 MS .fc
atlmtmmUon guaranteed mr mono reiumm
Wa .lilit 41.1.. ill... . T. . T-
V. O. lh, wltJi prlvlJoro of elimination if ro tmnd m
X Pt cent of the amount of your order in ch; batonee
io i paia aiicr material rvaciitxi tovr station. It not
- w
found a rcproflftnU-d, wo will cbtortn)lr tnta
decovlt. Auk tor Catalog No. CO. 331 .
ririceaoB Rooting, Kto Trouah", Wlro, Pipe. I
nofcdod ou tho Farm or In tho Homo.
nd jour
CHrCAQO HOUSE W8ECK1KC COMPAHV, ThirfyTifth and Iron Stf., CHKA&O.
tesulng the same. The further the
point of redemption from the hank
of Ibsuc tho more expensive it
would be. Banks In central reserve
cities could not issue and put Into
circulation such a currency unless
for use in their immediate vicinity
except at a time when there is a de
mand for currency shipments from
other localities. Then they might
use such currency and servo the pub
lic while at the same time protecting
their reserve money. "Whenever the
currency demand was satisfied such
far-away notes would seek the near
est redemption agency of the bank
issuing the same and travel home at
the expense of the bank of issue.
"Some have expressed fear be
cause in case of the maximum Issue
under the proposed law the liabili
ties of the banks might be Increased
approximately $200,000,000. De
posits with national banks which, like
notes of issue, are demand obliga
tions, redeemable at the instance of
Subscribers' JMwrMItfa Depf.
This department is for the exclusive
use of Commoner nubscrlbers, and a
special rate of six cents a word per in
sertion the lowest rate has been
made for them. Address alt communi
cations to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb,
Is a snap; easy terms; J15.000 will
buy a Rice Plantation In East Texaa
that produced a 110,000 crop last year.
AM In cultivation this year. Terms
easy. Geo. B. Conklln, Plaqucmlne, Io.
ber's Itch Cure." Alrnklov's "Itch
Cure," both absolutely guaranteed.
Money refunded If dissatisfied. Sent
by mail for $1.50. 8. Almklov, Drug
gist, Cooperstown, N D.
irrigated farms In the Greeley '
district, within one hour's rJde from'
Denver. Choice potato, beet and- al
falfa land, Wish to deal direct "with
purchasers. Address Horace G. Clark,
Clerk Supreme Court, Denver, Colo.
.i.'j$ii . ,
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