The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
"V'Vi rW"'ff
"A Rlaixvaiyoo,
Direct to xom
Wo Pay
1 the Freight
' MBEmuThY
tor your own pocketbook's protection, send for tho
Kalamazoo Stovo Book, and get our direct-from-the-factory
prices, before you buy a stovo or range of any
kind. We'll save you money. Get our prices and see.
The Kalamazoo line embraces high-grade stoves and
ranges for all purposes tho home, stores, shops, res
taurants, schools, churches and hallssold to you at
Actual Factory Prices Freight Prepaid
360 Days ApprovaLTest
saving you from $5 to $30 and even $40 on a single
purchase. You get your money back if your
purchases Is not just as represented. You can
not find a better stovo or range no matter
how much extra vou oav- ancTvou save all dealers'.
. ... . .- . -. .T . ' r, . -- ..
jODbers ana middlemen s proms. we pay tno
freight. , It will pay you to
Send Postal for Catalogue No. 245
and compare Kalamazoo prices and quality with any
standard make. Wo guarantee prompt shipment.
Kalamazoo Stove Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Original Direct-to-Uscra" Manufacturers.
More than 300
Sizes and
All our Cook Stoves and Ranees
are equipped with Patented
Oven Thermometer which
Saves fuel and makes baking easy.
mniaM 7lf. nnMM4H aum J.l nlin.
ewollon limbs, and crampod, etlilonod
Personal to Rheumatics
I want to cot n porsonal lottor from ovory man and woman In America
afflicted with Rnonmatism, Lumbago or Neuralgia, giving mo tholr fall
nnrao and postofllco address, bo I can Bond thorn Free a full-sized
One Dollar Bottle of my Rheumatic Remedy. I want to convince
ovory Rhoumatlc sUfToret at my oxponso that my Rheumatic Romody
doos what thousands of eo-callod romodies havo failed to nccomnllsh .
Actually and Permanently Cures Rheumatism.
X know It cloos, I am euro of it and I want evory lthoumntia sufferer to
know it and bo Buro of it, boforo giving mo a penny profit. You cannot
coax Rhoumatlum out through, tho foot or skin with plasters or cun
ning metal contrivances. You cannot tease it out with liniments,
electricity or magnetism. You cannot Imagine it out with mental
Bctonco. You Muat Drive it o ut. It la in tho blood and you must
Oo After it ana Oet It. This Is Just what Kuhn's Rboumatlo Rom
ody doos and that's why it enres Ithnnmntifmi. TthmimnHam a TiKtn
Acid and Uric Acid and Kuhn'a Rhoumatlc Romody cannotll vo together
In tho sanio blood. Tho Rhoumatlsm has to go and it etoee bo tor
shooting palnfl, tho dull, aching muscles, tho hot, throbbing,
, usolesp joints and cures them to stay cured.
i Gan Prove it All To You
If you will only lot mo do it. I will provo much tm One Week's Time if you will lot mo do it at my"
oxponso, if you will only sit down and writomy Company to Bond you a dollar bottio Free or Charge.
Idon'tcaro what form of Rhoumatlsm you havo or - . jt
how long you havo had it I don't caro what other At) f ftm
romodies you havo used. It you havo not used mlno v I
you don't know what a real Rhoumatlc Romody will SLlyl ,Xrf l---
do. Road our oilor and wrlto to us Immodlatoly. r " l V"W"w-'4r'iu " -
oTOHvyuuwwyRuuuBuuumuiiciM)muay,roioarn ior youraoii that Rheumatism can bo cured
and wp want no profit on tho trial. A fair toBt and a just vordict is all wo ask. It you llko it and find it
is curing your KUbumaUsm or Nouralgia, ordor moro to comploto your porrnanont euro and thereby
give va our chauco for pront If It doos not help you, no harm Is dono. Wo know what Rhoumaffi
,'Z?iS?Y our ftrpntmont, know just how it works, and will bike thte chancoi Wodo nrtsonda SSaU
?S!.0iVln.,5onta,n,nBnboutn thlmbloful unil of no practical valuo. but a full-sizod bottle T soUJntr
regularly at drug-stores for One Dollar ch. ThiahMHni. D -.,,1 .T.lz.rrJ!?f?i 0UJ1B
rBttV,r,dt); Wo,,y"t?,60d8ntHtopaycoofpwkln
5-htevm iL"118" l-BlzPd Ono DoI,,,r BotUo wlu h0 Promptly sent you froo, ovSing pwafd
HX .hr Rtma? PrMMIfC i,i?.?'",B?yBtQ'inisa.gret convenience. It enable von to mfca lntimi nH
mm Old RAllnhlA. riri.L.i nimrRZi"l'TSS.X!."P0'a.V
1W I Id and Watch Credit House !
i -?SV.8ti:f"CU03 nua otl,er articles of hlRn grado
i.7-1 r' 5? .r.wu" bwoms new. Xrom oar ChriatniM
C&tilAflr. Wrt tvlll man A U. iT . . -.
-nco ln.8 oqualxnonthlr payiBatB. Writ frC-Ul fcjiyj
Salesman for Cljears-Salary S75 to $121 month
. lv mill nmnnnu T". v,iri
Holiday sellers. Wrltofor tarritorj . VUm
tlons furnished. Continental Oljrar Co.. lSw
Mint Arcade, Philadelphia,
( Ifl 0 0 Hnil &,& ft""!" year address
s jf a uay oureKL
' ILr Lmw m .... abolutcly uro: we
! ttZtT . ,furaUht,h,ovror':nttech.youfrto,yottwtkrIiT
$61.50 WEEKLY ,NTBffiffi
and selling
Commoner readers will hear much
during the next sessioir of' con
cress Of tho nHSAf mirrnnnv.nlon o1n
ted by the American Bankers
-association in session, at Atlantic
City in September, 1907. The pla,n
was presented by A. B, Hepburn,
president of the "currency commis
sion" which had been appointed by
the association. The report as pre
sented by Mr. Hepburn was adopted
unanimously and tho commission was
continued in existence and instruct
ed to use every effort to have con
gress adopt the plan agreed upon.
The report as made by Mr. Hepburn
agree upon the following principles,
which they believe underlie a correct
solution of the currency problem so
far as it relates to the issue of a bank
note currency:
"A credit currency should bo is
sued by the national banks of the
country under proper restrictions.
"A bank note is essentially the
same in principle as a deposit pay
able on demand. It is a book deposit
converted into such form that it
passes current. It resembles in
character a demand certificate of de
posit or cashier's check simply a
current deposit liability of the bank.
"It is important in any plan seek
ing to provide a more flexible cur
rency that no measure should be
taken which would impair the mar
ket value of the United States bonds.
"Authority to issue " credit notes
under the same regulations should
be extended alike to all national
banks, but should not be extended to
any national bank until it has been
actively doing business for one year,
nor to any national bank which has
not a surplus equal to twenty per
cent of its capital.
"Credit notes should be taxed at a
rate which will produce a guaranty
fund sufficient to redeem the notes
of failed banks. Such guaranty
rund snould be deposited with the
government and out of it the gov
ernment should promptly redeem the
notes of failed banks.
"Banks should keep the same .re
serves against credit notes outstand
ing as are now reauired bv law
against deposits.
"Active daily redemption of credit
currency is the proper and only
means or making it elastic, prevent
ing redundancy and automatically
adjusting its volume to the actual re
quirements of commerce. All banks
issuing such notes should be required
to maintain adequate facilities for
their prompt redemntion in cities
conveniently located in all sections
or me country, so that all notes is
sued, however widely they circulate
can at no time get beyond a reason
able distance from a redemption city.
. "We therefore unanimously recom
mend the enactment into law of the
following, having the firm convic
tion that thereby will be provided a
bank note currency safe beyond per
adventure and automatically varying"
in volume as the needs of commerce
" 'First. Any national bank hav
ing been actively doing business for
one year and having a surplus fund
equal to twenty per cent of its capi
tal shall have authority to issue
credit notes as follows, subject to
the rules and regulations to be de
termined by the comptroller of the
" ' (a) An amount equal to forty
per cent of its bond-secured circula
tion, but not to exceed twenty-five
per cent of its capital, subject to a
tax at the rate of two and a half per
cent per annum upon the average
amount outstanding. Provided that
if at any time in the future the pres
ent proportion of the total outstand
ing unmatured United States bonds
to the total capitalization of all going
national banks shall diminish h.
the authorized' issue of credit natea
snaii oe increased to a correspond
ingly greater percentage of its bond
secured notes.
" ' (b) A fuf ther amount equal to
twelve and one-half per cent of its
capital, subject to a tax" at the rate
of five per cent per annum upon the
average amount outstanding in ex
cess of the amount first mentioned.
The total of credit notes and
bond-secured notes 'shall not exceed
the capital.
. " 'Second. The same reserve shall
be carried against credit notes as are
Buy Your FALL SUIT and
OVERCOAT at who?an!
wats and
customers wlthlhJve?
fitting and smart ost par.
wonts. No merchant taffit
dupllcato them for less than
twenty to thirty dollars.
Every garment i8
guaranteed to fit well
look well and went
well. The trimmings
nd workmanship will
surprise you,
V 5&inpit de,lvcry and satis.
faction Isguarantood to
ovory customer. If you havo
noyor worn our clothes, wait
till you seo our samples.
Wrlto today for samples.
measurement chart, tape land
full particulars. Address,
IB E. 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio,
Mall Ordor Dep't 14.
I Have Made More Than $1,200
In the Real Estate Business
. I mndo this In commissions BdHnp properties
ror others. You can do tho samo as I havo done,
mm m uuing. xi you nro nonest, am
ultious. npgressivo and thoroughly
uiuuu, you cau maKO money in
tho real ostato business, no matter
"u " uv, x nmuoincric
So nro thousands of others. Whyj
not you? It matters not whether
you havo had oxporience or not,
nor whoro you nro located, or'
wunt your presont occupation, I
can teach von tii n mni notntn in
surance and General brokcrripo
bUSlnGSa bv mnll. limn T lvnuf tfn.,
act as my associate nnd nA?ist min
vour . locality to sell property. If you
want to bo your own boss, mako monoy and mt
ahead in tho world, wrlto mo today. I will
touch you aCloun, Honorable, IJJguIuud
" ?.8.8, W1,y-not uo tho first to tnko advan
tage of this opportunity in your locality? Wrlto
mo now for my Big- Free Book; it tolls tho
whole story. Do It now, this minute, boforo
you forgot It
Rob't Dawson, 617 Garrison Avo Fort Scott, Ark.
m -j3i. f w
Hy v' jtm !4m
Ournew mixture is tho finest smok-
"-. " - w ,.,. inmiuivui
hid iiui wuuiu cnarge you J3 oo per
pound for tobacco not as-jrood. Our price
Is 8oc. per pound.
Dlended from only the finest selected
leaf, it smokes cool and sweet, it cannot
possibly bite the tongue.
Wo nnnt you to try It. Weknowyouwlll
pronounce i t the best smoke you ever liad.
Wo will mnltoyon IhUnceiiHoimliilTiT.
Send us 50 cents and wo will mail you,
postage paid, One" Wflllnjrton" pipe anil
.An honest introductory ofTer from an Independent
Manufacturer. Ifyou wantthe fiuestsmoke on earth
tend ror it noir.
5 Brawn's Race, ROCHESTER, H. Y.
I Ou
PnTFMTC xu.i. nnA-t-trT-
0ur3booki rorlnTentora mmlUdon receipt of 60U. Umpi
v. -..-..wn bww on receipt 01 dsu. im(j:
R.S.&A. B.LACEY.Waahlngtnn.n.C. Estab. 1869,
nps I
Salary or commission. Steady work and promotion.
Expcrlonco unnecessary If industrious and energetic.
Danvillo Tobacco Co., Box K. 60, JJanvillo, Vo.
PATENTS skcuiiei) on fue
Prop roportvas to Patentability. Illustrated Guide
Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sent free.
EVANS, WU.K15NS & CO., Washington. D. a
ea-tight Bold to tho uuer at W hoiew
rrieci. Wa.PyFrlhU Catologtiofrco.
Box J4 WlnchMter, Indiana.
"Tho Old World
" And it Ways"
Wm. Jennings Brya
576 Imperial Octavo Paatt. S54 Superb EwjraX'
ino from Photographs taken bv Col. Bryan
Rooonnts his trip around tho world and his
visits to all nations. Qroatest book of travel over
wrlttnn. Unnfc annnumfnl hnnk of tbl8 KOnora
tlnn. 4l.nnn naiind fnrin A month). Wrlto
------ w
us for sample roports of first loo0ntn?s
pwyoa. a-no peopio nuy it eagony. "" """writs
harvest. Outn VK1AF. Bond fifty cents
ployed. 0?ho peopio buy It eagerly.
to llovnr tinah nf mntllnir And handling.
-' iiw -ti-