The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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TJbe Commoner.
, -
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
turkey fat and growing fine
Lots of reason to be thankful; bles
sings full and free are mine.
Health and home and smiles of loved
ones; friends to greet me on my
Love and laughter making music
where my happy children play.
Cosy nook beside the fire when the
ovening shadows fall
And the ease of solid comfort gathers
'round and over all.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving?
Ev'ry day let it be said
We have cause for deep thanksgiving
for the blessings 'round us spread.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
from the distances apart
We can feel the loving message heart
is sending forth to heart.
From the far-off lands and places
where their busy footsteps roam
We can hear them gladly singing:
"Wait for us; we're coming home."
Home, to old-time scenes and places;
s home to, loved ones always dear;
Home, around the family table with
Mr wealth of love and cheer.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
happy milestone on the way
Where we give thanks for the bles
sings spread about us day by day.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
that's the place for father's chair
Where the ruddy flames will glisten
on the silver in his hair.
And that easy rocker by it empty
all these fleeting years
We will see a loved form take it
through the mist of falling tears.
This for brother; this for sister Ah,
the circle is complete
.. As we clasp hands 'round the fire in
communion silent, sweet.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
raise the window curtain high
That the lamp may be a beacon to
the loved ones drawing nigh.
"Laties und Gentlemens. I am no
spheaker und I can't make no intro
ductionment. I vill ask der bant to
play der introductionment music, und
den der sphealtor vill spheak."
Whereupon the village band arose
as one man and played that stirring
tune, "When Reuben Comes to
Town." ,
Then Mr. Boyleston spoke eloquently.
Worse in Stock
An Albany, N. Y., man has been
sent to the penitentiary for stealing
a church bell.
He should have silenced the bell's
tongue before it tolled.
Now bring on your rope!
"Yes, my husband is a speculator
on Wall Street," sighed Mrs. Wator
mann. "Is that so?" twittered Mrs. Gusb
erly. "Is he a bull or a bear?"
"I do not know what he is on the
Street, but I do know that at home
he is a perfect bear these days."
will have been formed into rich mold
that will furnish the food upon
which the grass will thrive. Raking
and burning tho leaves on the lawn
starves tho soil."
There you are! We've been look
ing for an excuse to refrain from rak
ing up the 'steen tons of leaves that
fall upon our 3x5 lnwn, and Professor
Barbour has furnished it.
We refuse to starve the poor little
grass blades by depriving them of
tho luncheon a la leaves. Wouldn't
it look nice for a great big man to
deliberately and with malico afore
thought steal the food from right
under the stem of the blue grass?
Wo have for sale at a discount ono
lawn rake, only slightly used. No
reasonable offer refused.
Reason for selling: Owner has
"My son is living in the east and
is engaged in the banking business."
"Faro, sand or certificate?"
What Did She Mean?
Softleigh (At 11:57 p. m.) "I
always pay as I go."
Miss Costiaue (Yawning) "Real
ly, Mr. Softleigh, you do not owe
me anything."
"What is Politicus so worked up
- about?" '
"O, he views with alarm the fact
that his party pjatform fails to point
with pride."
S "I am glad to know that not all
banks have suspended specie pay
ments," chuckled Hobson.,
So chuckling he deftly manipulat
ed the baby's bank until the proper
amount for carfare rolled out. -.
Tank Drama
After filling the tank tho villain
threw the fair heroine therein.
"Help, help!" she cried.
Whereupon the villain threw her
a life preserver and assisted her to
"Forgive me," cried the rescued
maiden. "I thought you were a vil
lain, but you prove to bo a hero."
"Aw, that's all right," hissed the
villain. "I don't let no J. Pierpont
Morgan beat me on this rescue business."
An Open Letter
Inclosed you'll find
My I. O. U.;
Please send a million,
Detroit Free Press.
A single million?
O, dear me!
Dear Cortelyou,
Please make It three.
Playing Snfc
"What, don't you .think $150 a
week sufficient salary for a man of
your ability?" queried the manager
of "Our Avuncular Relative's Domi
cile." "No, sir, I do not!" exclaimed
Hamphat DeBooth.
"Well, what do you want?"
"I want assurance that $5 of It
will be in real money and that my
board will bo included in tho con
tract." ' Upon that basis the matter wns
settled, the manager making a men
tal reservation that tho fiver should
be paid in "certificates."
Sad But True
The autumn leaves are falling now
And this fact I recall:
That autumn leaves are all, somehow
That seem inclined to fall.
Meat still hangs high, and butter,
too, x
Potatoes, coal and such
Dost see them fall within your view?
Not much!
The autumn leaves are drifting low,
And scatter everywhere;
They're all that's falling that I
All else is high In air.
If dead leaves had a use dost think
They'd 'scape the Wall Street
And to a lower level sink?
Not much!
r Properly Introduced
Hugh Boyleston of Lincoln is a
big, jolly traveling man whose abil
ity as an orator and prominence as
a fraternalist often call him to big
picnics and rallies. Last fall he was
billed as the chief -speaker at a big
"log rolling" northwestern Kan
sas, and whenthe time came for
him to speak he was introduced by
the chairman, a German, as follows:
A Double Skidoo
Noting that Oklahoma will be the
forty-sixth state the Chicago Tribune
states that it is "a double skidoo for
Uncle Sam."
Well, hardly !r Forty-six twice
twenty-three is in Oklahoma's case
a double skidoo for special privilege,
corporation domination, trust corrup
tion and official knavery. Several
other states would like to secure
the same brand of skiddoo medicine.
A Public Benefactor
We doff our chapeau to Professor
Barbour of the University of Ne
braska. What Professor Barbour does not
know about plants tfnd trees and
grass and all that sort of thing Is
scarcely worth worrying about. But
it is not because of his knowledge
of all these things that we doff our
hat to him.
Far be it from such.
But Professor Barbour contributes
to the daily press a brochure that
strikes us as being a classic.
"Don't burn the leaves," says Professor-
Barbour. "Don't rake them
up, but just leave them scattered
over the lawn. The first rain wHl
pack them down, and by spring they
Brain Leaks
It is easy to walk where love leads.
Men can not walk around tho cross
to glory.
A lot of men slip up because they
lack sand.
There can be no crown wearing
without burden sharing.
Wo are very apt to admire the
judgment of those who agree 'with
us. .
'There Is a heap of difference be
tween man-made money and money
made men.
The man of fifty has considerable
fun watching the boys of twenty who
think they are cynics.
Justice Is too often a sieve that
holds the little criminals and Jets
the big criminals sift through to
The time some men spend in wait
ing to do something big could have
been devoted to doing a lot of little
things that need to be done.
About the best strike a working
man can engage in is to strike out
for home on Saturday evening with
out even opening the pay envelope.
There is always work that must
be done, and the men who can do
it best are sure of employment.
There is a moral attached to this
We have little respect for the
judgment of a man who will eat pie
made of "boughten" mince meat,
but we must confess to a great ad
miration for his confidence.
Tool Toughness
Put any Keen Kutter hand fnrm
tool to the severest test you can
think of you discover an elastic
toughness which restores tines,
blndc or handle to original form
and position without weakening
the tool. . Toughness is a good
quality of all
too!, but not tho only on Forks, Itukro,
Hon, Pcjrtlio, Hnndlnj; Vorku, He, an w-H
Augurn, UlLn, Jlrocctj, Hammers, Gougr-a,
CtiUebi, Gimlets, Drawlnc'knlrr, Hqnaru,
lie vc!, nicfl, ota, and a lorijf Ilt of houne
bold cutlery, (tiro bellor wear nnd rvlco
Ihnn other tools, look tot the Trtulc-tnark.
If no"t at your dealer'n, wrllo ux.
"The "RteoHtethn cf Quality fy.
mains Long Alrr the Priee it
Torgotien."H. C. Simmons.
Tr4tmfk lUfUurvl,
St. LouiH and New "Vorlt, TJ. S. A.
For Frmri Party lArtrm
Clomr Tmlhoro. ImuA ftlngmrm.
Lightning Proof.
Klvlnir valuable Information will
bo mailed roe on re'juent,
PI. Wrlb, Yz. Kt. t OL'Ifl, MO.
2 lion can run it
3 ton laouoboor
JSar draft.
Smooth bsloi
Will Kuvo It COKt
nhiupod on trial
Army Auction Kalo Jlarfralu l.nr0 W) pao
llluxtratrd Wfl catnlofpif mailed, Us (tamp).
Fraud llutuiennuu, 501 JJroadwiiy, N. Y.
Nurseries Pay Cash Weekly
w jiese. Best Contkact, Best Oumr,
Largest NuiaeBiE with an 8Z-Year Rccokd.
-IjtOTKfT YOUH Ideal Hook "Fortune In
DITCUTQ I'atciilH Wliat and How to
m IE.MIO Invent." and (W-jmijp (luldo
Hook Fill- r. Hend nkvtrh for Vm.n murt an to
patentability. K. IC. V room an, Hx tA. Wiwli, D.O.
Thy Thk
Popular Systematic Course
American Year
Joirr IlHoiN.fiNfi. In tho V. I S. C: Your
ro-k. Two'vo nuiiib'iK of the Cuautauquan
Magazine. Annual msmlH-rjhp.
Write for pirtlculara or cnd f-'.0J at onco to
KxtennloB Dent.,
Chautauqua, New York
r A
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