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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1907)
sgrJSF1 ESSXnTS ry&7 t m f, a h- The Commoner. 10 VOLUME 7, NUMBER 44 REST AND RECREATION Fun and Amusement For All Read How ., You; Can Always Have an Enter talnment At Your Command. t x Trr V " P" -rttu. ) i. kxl Ar". I'kfkS m W MM 1 .. t H1 .U trn nil Uimiif lintu iiopncanrv It. ffl fit IlAVn wit nml Mwtrnnttnn .. fnr In nrifnUft tiriJTf lllO nsnmxt nrwl ilrhm nwtiv ill ill iJirri fit ill POt tliomostoutorilfowo must relax froni,work and lurfict uuairicas. &ow do you cnjoyyoursclf aftcrthoday's work is finished, tho chores and odd Jobs taken oaro of? Then you aro ready for Bomothlnji to amuso, ploaso and instruct as wolL The old and young alike must havo rest and recreation, for wo know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull hoy. Music For Your Home I Can you imatrlno anything from which you could dorlvo moro real pleasure, raoro fun and actual rest and rcorcation than from a Genuino Edison Phonograph ? I do ot mean tho old, raspy, ohoky, scratchy kind of talking maohlno ho commonly heard, but a Gonulno Edison tho verv latest improved Outfit No. 5 that ropro duoos to perfect oxaotness tho finest muslo In the world. Just think of having in your own homo such a marvolous instrument an enter tainer always at your command, ono that noods no coaxing, never tires and never disappoints. At any timo during tho day or the long ovonings-yon can sit on your own porch or in your own parlor and listen to tho swcot voico of somo world-famed slngor a song sung by a volco bo beautiful and brilliant that thousands havo sat in rapt Vyondormont drinking in tho very sweetness of tho song, Minstrel Shows and Opera I And that In not all: tho greatest bands and or ebeatxaa of tuo world will play for you waltzes, marches, two-stops, overtures, conocrt pieces, all ln old maotor classics as woll aa tho latest nuns. ,, aamI. nnAiv mttnli. Thn vnrvfinmn tnlnHtrels that amuso packed houses In tho largo U cHloa night alter niguc win muco you laugu at tholr oomlo songs and funny jokos. . , ft A Concert at Any Time. - , Yon and your family, your friends nnd neigh- 5 bora can havo a concori, musIcao, Uanco or sons v as often and as much, an yon like. You can Bit In your own parlor or on jour own porch and listen to a program like this i- BSaa " T?eot Lantern OTtrtara Orchestra 9143" OaurUhlp ot Harney and Eileen "...Itceltatlon ,' '868 '"Wllbelmlna, WMtxci" Orchestra i li&i0ia KlMlnlpplMlnrtreU,,....o.., .Minstrel Show sW -.! I101' ?Uy " ?. . Violin Solo V tliS" Evoryboili Works Unt Father ' Band ,r". 8802 " Vlrtlnla Heel " !52? .. Chimes from Normandy "...'. Band 2?St".?JnFJl18 Be?' Uefen. ...,Cluirch Chimes . J"-L Wedd,nE uWlnds "...... WalU ?JL?2 . ??7 ou 8con Mr n6ny Brown" .. .Coon Sonc 8801 " Tharouehbrod " (Two-Ston) tut,.? 7422" Man Behind The dan " nn,i You havo hundreds of other plecos to choose from and can mako up a program to suit your ewn taste. The srroat valno or the Edison con certs Is that there Is no ena to what you can hear and enjoy. Your own boys and girls and tho boys and'Rlrls ot tho neighborhood wouldrathorllstcn to tho Edison Phonograph than Beck pleasure oiBuwiiuvo 1'ii-aouruH uuu may not do as onlov ahlo or olovating as this. I'll II I Mill I I'll'WHIII'ilil li ill I III iWl MM !'! " IBIWMli I I??aH ' vji'Miymijmc&,mmis ' i i win Mffim&Fm&mB&YmmmmwBWi - ijyXtX &4<iiiMJv&u ' V'Ziiiriri rj"tjaM'Uim4imiBi,itfMii y l ; Sail liilWh it'Ui Mini! ur-'BWmfs i.mmaatmmaum. hbbtxsmb KsLvnKirsHMisii- liiSS3mJuxS3am&y iTwWWUJUm &?yMBJs$wFJBmMmwfr ;i? X&jhwBm tinlrfcsjx .A--JssislBKClafclUsftSHBiSBasailt rWlLWifSSKfSsfls 4T iTktfirr at this happy homo ncono all enjoying tho Edison pbonotrraph. Tho Edison has indeed been rlKhtlr called tho klnor of entertalnorafor tho jjWIIJ. homo. It you havo heard only tho old stylo machines or tho rasping, scratching Imitation machlno noard at county fairs and tho like, you cannot lmaglno what a troasuro of good chocr, what endless entertainment tho nzvl Improvad genuine Edison phonograph can glvo to all your family. MR. EDISON kvlW m "' Want to See a Phonograph in Every F m American Home. H 4mHHsHbI9 Tho phomosraph, as tho reader may know, is tho wizard's hbbby. L jiv - rv i- m r J I Iw I S WO tr i stv rtoru A Ncxr Style Edison PhonograptiTlie Parlo Grand Outfit No. 5. The latest perfected product of Mr. Edison's factory. The new Outfit No". 5.- Latest improvements'new features excl-l sive points of superiority.' ' See It Hear It! Get this remarkable instrument in your own home then you will, see how far superior this is to ariy ordinary talking machine far superior even to the finest Edison Machines you have heard heretofore. The New Parlor Grand Out- FKEE TRIAL While this offer lasts every responsible person can get on absolutely free trial this -wonderful Parlor Grand Outfit No. 5. This outfit will vmin own homo without payinsf us a slnpcle cent in advance you mako no deposit pay us no 0. O. D. The Now Outfit No. 5 is sent you on absoluto free trial in your own homo. Then it-you do nob wish to keop the instrument if you do not think it is tho clearest and most beautiful phonopr raph you ever heard, return it to us at our" ex pense ana wo will not charge you ono cent for tho trial. Try the Instrument in your own home, play tho stirrlnu walizes, the two-Steps, marohes, concert pieces, both grand and comic opera hear th& crcatest bands and orchestras in tho world. Romombor tho trial is FREE, and you may return tho -'"- j - w ". jrou uuu b wjmu i.u nuupn,. xi you ueoiao to Keep tnlsfar lar Grand Outfit No. 5, you may send cash in full, orpayon easiest terms, as you prefer. now buys a jrenuluonew style Edison outfit Including wa Mva.Vu "b"j uouuu kuuuiuu CiUisuu rocorua. PII 00 a Month This wonderful instrument am now ho had on freo trial nnd wo uro you to slfju tho yMi1"" uiiu KUfc un itaison cauuo lrca Tho finest Improved model Edl- ouuoimitoniyej.Duamonui. All HUm.UUliUIl 1 IIILK, uu umviur -wuoiuor you 8011(1 cash fn full c7ri a . .. 1 i . A ur pay oiiuuruoaiCBC terms, burv prisma rocK-uoompricoaon , vuuuuuBiiimproveaiausons., For Cash In Full we cannot auow any discount. Thoi price wo asic is tho lovroat j iioBsiuio ana is exactly tho Ramo wlmtlinp mi - - ---"--'- j " paycasuinruuorln email instaumonts. Get tlin nlltHh nn freo trial anyway iiioa you can doclua. PW M!u Edison Catalogs FREE k. Clrm 4-VIm ma. . a a TT . . L n tU ai 7 NT &.4 VI " tft. . v "R Siun this coupon and cot tho croat Edison uukuiuua, mo ouuiiotr or puonographs B"uw'u uvury Boyio oi jsuison ma- unmca una mo cataiOES Of 1B.O00 rAuson rocoras: also tho mntmlil- AAr)l AIHntilnK a) L.. fAI -. - T S1 wily vuuuim- oi our new cuison fanor urana Outfit No. 5. You will bo surprised at tho recK-uouoiu prices on tno unest Hind of talkine rrmnmnftg. Hat & uieso catalogs iroe, pro- luu. anasoieocsno ma cuino you wuii o try on our rrco trial ofror. just eonu your namo nililrnnn nn counori. nodtaleard or letter, out Bona It NOW. tfltKDXniCK nABSOJT, v icu-i-ruuu due Edison Phonograph uiatriButars. 3 .A Kt 5S SS! V V & fc , x v &. : ftfc I SO LOTES HECESSUY: THE COUrCHWHL BO KdUonllldtcf ciuario BuKe 4149 fit No S ls so far SUpQrlor to tn0 0rdI" nary talkinsr machines that thore is simply no comparison. Even the old Edison Outfit No. S, tho peer of all outfits, is noweolipsed. This New No. D is equipped with, a brand now style Fl o ra I JJ ern, a type of horn that Is now being1 produced for tho first time. It is a much'larcer horn than that used on tho old outfit No. 5; it is the most handsome horn ever put out, being hand decor atcd with beautiful flowers in many tasty colors. But the real reason we choso this extra largo Floral shaped horn is becauso of its acoustio properties; the reproduction of sound from this horn is simply perfect, giving tho largest possible volume, the finest tonal shad ing, every instrument of a brass band, every whisper of a recitation being given full value in tho most natural manner conceivablo. Among other exoluslve features this Mew Styl Outfit No. 6 is equipped with: (1) Conncoto. (2) An automatic stop. (3) An au tomatic brush. (4) A tono modifier. (5) Various equipments and oxtras not given heretofore with any phonograph outfit, all extras tho valuo and Importance of which you will quick ly appreoiato whon you get tho now Parlor Grand on freo trial. Tho modifier, with whioh you can in an instant inoreaso or deoroaso tho volume of sound, itself makes this machine worth muoh moro than any other outfit; All tho superior, points of this now Parlar Grand Nq. Outfit aro explained In me ismson ooous which aro sent you free .'y On .rP.nUftSr.. Sforn tho nnnnnn gnd crnfc the Edison books, f roo propaid. kfeU MP'? HMtWM jSJ sfluftMH mrnkmrn aim