The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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"Wjpif yr p Vs" ' iwr
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HOVBMBER 8, 1907
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The Commoner.
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P an i c: &S"me "Home to Roost
The following Interesting editorial appeared
In tho Now York Evening Po&t:
"People are beginning to write tq thp news
papers to ask. if this is to bo known as tho
'Roosevelt panic.' That is comparatively un
important. The certain and significant thing
is that it will be known as a republican and high
tariff panic. Protest as republicans may, they
will bo held responsible. And It will bo not
only poetic but political justice that they should
be. , - r -
"Out of their own mouths, the republican
party and the Dingleyites will stand condemned.
They fixed in 1896 the standard by which they
can not escape being judged. In the party plat
form of that year, they 'referred to the panic of
1893, and the hard times following, squarely
to charge up the entire accountability to tho
party in control of tho national government.
Not one word did they utter about the hand of
the Lord having been heavy upon tho country
in crop failures; not a syllable was admitted
about the unwise fiscal measures, and the dis
honest silver legislation, for which the republi
can party was directly responsible, and which
all impartial students of the time agree had a
great deal to do with tho financial disturbances
that came later. No; everything was charged
up to the imbecile government. It was tho dem
ocratic administration whicli, the republicans
fervently alleged in 1896, had 'precipitated
panic' and 'halted enterprise.' And the po
litical inference was stated with merciless logic.
'Every consideration of public safety and indi
vidual Interest demands that the government
be rescued from the hands ' of those who have
Bhown themselves incapable of conducting it
and shall be restored to the party which
ior thirty years administered it with unequalled
success and prosperity.'
"Now, what are the republicans going to
do when the democrats hand them back their
poisoned chalice? What, above all, are they
going to say about the tariff as an infallible and
magical creator of wealth and guarantor of
prosperity? A great emergency has come, and
the high tariff is seen to bo of no avail what
ever. It was to- keep us all rich and prosperous.
If any man talked about laying a rash revising
Iiand upon It, ho was to be denounced and
squelched, as President Roosevelt was, lest even
to question the supernatural virtues of St.
Tarifa might cause her to withdraw her favor,
-when we should all be miserably ruined.
"It Is, in fact, an extraordinary feature of
this period of apprehension and panic that; no
mortal man has, to our knowledge, thought of
the protective tariff as of any help whatever In
the time of trouble. Yet if there is a word of
truth in what has been said by republicans all
these years, the tariff is the first thing every-
Secretary Root's Yale lectures on "The Citi
zen's Part in Government" have been printed in
"book form by Scribners. In the fourth lecture,
In which tho secretary of state discusses
"Groundsfor Encouragement," we find on pages
103-104 this highly interesting statement:
"It would1 'not be possible now to elect such
a man as Aaron- Burr vice president of the
United States, or to leave in command of the
army a man like Wilkinson, who was known to
be 4n receiptor" an annual payment of ?2,000
from Spain whjlje we were in controversy with
that country oyer the possession of Florida, and
whose friends defended him by the assertion
that while ho took the money ho did not mean
to give Spain any equivalent for it."
Perhaps a hundred years hence it will bo
possible for a future secretary of state to say
to the students of Yale university:
"It would not be possible now for a presi
dent of the United States who was a candidate
for election to encourage such a man as Edward
H. Harriman to raise a special contribution of
$260,000 to his campaign fund, or for his friends
to justify such a contribution on tho ground that
while he permitted his campaign managers to
take Harrlman's tainted money he did not mean
to give Harriman any equivalent for it."
When Secretary Root deplored the excuse
given by Wilkinson's friends ho had probably
forgotten how effectively the same kind of ex
cuse had been employed at a very recent day ly
the supporters of the "most popular American
statesman of his generation. New York World.
body should have boon turning to in tho crlBls.
Is it not high customs duties which, keep wages
high and everybody employed, jnako tho trade
balance favorable, and stuff tho banks with
money? So wo had fondly believed. At tho
first alarm, however, tho republicans dropped
their tariff fetich. They had not oven tho con
sistency of tho worshippers of Baal, who stood
by their Idol even when it dd not seem to bo
doing its work well. What wo should havo
witnessed these past few weeks, if republicans
havo writ their prosperity annals truo, was a
loud demand for a higher tariff as our only
salvation. As in 1896, tho republicans should
havo imitated tho prophets of Baal, cried aloud
and cut themselves with knives and lancets, and
from morning until noon called out, 'Oh, Tariff,
hear us.' Ono reason they did not, may pos
sibly havo been that they feared lest some free
trader Elijah might stand by and mock them:
'Cry albud; for ho is a god; either ho is talk
ing, or ho is pursuing, or ho .is In a Journoy,
or peradventure ho sleepeth, and must bo
awaked.' But Baal was a respoctablo object
of worship compared with the tariff.
"Of course, sensible republicans have nvor
bolioved a thousandth part of tho nonsenso
about the tariff as our solo hope and stay. Thoy
havo thought of it as a clever political dodgo
to dilate on their party as tho only ono that
can make tho nation prosperous by means of
protective taxes, and have only hoped that their
good luck in avoiding panics would, koep on.
Tlie panic of 1893 was really their panic, but
they ran and left it on Cleveland's doorstop.
For some time past, they havo boon praying that
the good times might not fail till after the noxt
presidential election. This shows how thdy havo
thought of tho whole thing as political. But
now their panic chickens have come, homo to
roost. Hero we are in an 'off' year; the little
talk there Is of tariff reform comes more from
republicans than from democrats; no political
bugaboo can bo alleged to bo interfering with
the beneficent workings of the high tariff, yet
It is visibly failing to dot what Its champions
have vowed it always would do. ' The advance
agent of prosperity has been replaced by tho
bill collector of adversity.
"Whatever other offectb tho panic may
havo, It has at least dealt a death-blow to tho
tariff superstition. Perhaps in no other way
could we havo got rid of It. Hereafter, any
man who uses tho argument that you must not
demand tho abolition of tariff outrages, since,
if you do, you will imperil prosperity, will be
laughed at. The way is at last 'open to attack
the question of protective duties In statesman
like fashion, without having to face the abuse
and prejudice and idolatrous ignorance which
havo for years made it difficult to deal with tho
tariff like rational men."
. i.
Each of the following nersons have sent in
yearly subsciiptlons to The Commoner In num
ber as follows: Charles B. Stillwell, Bryan,
Texas, 18; William Welsh, Beaver Dam, Wis.,
7; I. N. McCHntock, Horton, Kan., 8; W. H.
Dotson, Dotson, Ky 6; R. L. Churchman, Sher
idan, Ore., 7; W. J. Cochran, Charleston, W.
Va., 6; H. W. Burdick,, Ft. Gibson, I. T., 10;
Stephen P. Jump, Queen Anne, Md 9; D. R.
Brock, London, Ky., 8; Edward N. Rutherford,
Fayette, Ind., 7; A. H. Collins, Hastings, Okla.,
6; John J. Woods, Mt. Sterling, 111., 6; W. N
Jackson, Provence, I. T., 6; D. B. Harris & Co.,
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Ohio, 7; J. A. Crulckshank, Blair, Neb., 7; Alan
McLean, Portland, Ore., 7; John R. House,
Pender, Neb., 8; A. A. Justice, Carter, 111., 6;
Thomas G. May, Hugbesvllle, Mo., 7; M. D.
Barnes, Seymour, Ind., 6; G. W. Stephan, Col
ony, Kan., 31; G. W. Sanders, Morrison, Okla.,
10; J. S. Stephenson, Richmond, Ohio, 6; W. S.
Lane, Point I.Ichmond, Ind., 10; Dr. S. V. Moore,
York, Neb., 8; F. W. Klein, Mantua, Ohio, 14;
W. L. Brown, Celina, Tenn., 12; Georgo
Knowles, Brooklyn, Mich., 7; A. Kress, Tomah,
Wis., 8; Joseph Roop, Frankfort, Ind., 6; C. P.
Hale, Weston, W. Va., 6; Millard F. Osborn,
Greens Farms, Conn., 6; John T. Bow, Duluth,
Minn., 9; j. T. Tansey, Albany, N. Y., 12.
Each of the following persons' have sent
In five yearly subscriptions to Th Commoner;
J. W. Parr, Tecumseh, Kan.; John X WoodB,
Mt. Sterling, III.; Mrs. H. Freeman, Sulphur,
-Oklah.; John Connell, New Bedford, Mass.; F.
S. Sneetl, MfntlfirVlow, Okla.; M.A. Iloyt,
Carroll, la.; M, R-. Homphlll, Valhalla, Mo.;
Nathan Groves, Drcxel, Mo.; 8. a. Hammer.
Now Providence, la.; J. ,V. Wayman, Santa
Rosa, Cal.; O. W. Gnmmol, Utlcn, N. Y.f Cla'rk
Spencer, Ashgrovo, Mo.; Harry N. boclinnt,
'."FairmcrBvIllo, Ohio; D. R. Prltchard, Fnulbftla,
N. Y.; John Oasklll, Tyro, Kan.; T. C. KoiiIcIb,
lligglnavlllo, Mo.; J. W. Brlghtwoll. Milton, W. '
Va.; G. F. Slomon, Chllllcothe, Ohio; D. S. Bur
son, Richmond, Ind,; R. Garrison, St, Joseph,
Mo.; Thoron C. Soulo, Otflollc, N. Y.; J. D Mar
shall, Asliloy, Miss.; Georgo M. Shaffer, Inde
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W. Va.; A. Perkins, Sunset, Colo.; O. W. Hon
flol, Jr., Quarryvlllo, Pa.; L. F. French, Eldorado
Springs, Mo.; S. W. Mills, LancaHtor, Mo.; V.
C. Wlllcoxon, Lowlstown, III.; Victor Palmer,
Longmont, Colo.; Archlo Adklns, Booton, W.
Va.; II. B. Tullls, Elkton, Ohio; Jamoa Davldnon,
Morcedes, Texas; E. A. Smiley, HnlBton, Okla.;
Robert Martin, Spnuldlng, Mo.; Carl Bubho,
Lawroncovlllo, HI.;. J. W. Shaha, Alva, Okla.
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Lincoln, Neb , .
ri hi j.x. ' i ... ' i r
r n m rM - rrmvvrri uii in iiiiir mm um r
WUIIL wuuucwug auuiu
iu if n.i
Nor east nor west on any quest
That eye or thought revealed,
But on and on through bloom and shine v ,.
And, down by shady streams, "f ;
Through lane and wood, until he stood '
Beside the Gate of Dreams.
What saw ho there? Nay rather ask "H .
What saw he not and heard,
Hajh mind perceived? Hath heart received?
Hath soul been deeply stirred t
By radiant things, by whisperings
Prom better lands, It seems?
All these he saw and heard in awe
Beside tho Gate of Dreams.
WhaC brought ho back that summer day
From wandering afield?
Naught he can show or tell, I know
Of things on earth revealed,
But more than gold a million fold
And all tho world esteems
He holds the day he strayed away
Beside the Gate of Dreams.
Clarence Ousley In Uncle Remus' Magazino,
Mr. Harriman is wrong. The newspapers
are not "attacking capital." They are attack
ing tho men who gain and use capital wrong
fully. If Mr. Harriman finds he Is under fire.
It is a sign for him to move out of range.
Philadelphia Inquirer,
jatu.'-m1&'c- t iJ" &-k