:'. . ,v. ' ' , ft f . f . I . .1' i . i "f ,.!.. ' V KA '.. i l! 141 ThferOommbner. VOLUME' 7 NUMBER 43 i . ? (fa" " !M ScftWiV iSW. UiKJMjfc; 1 ' OiU'31. : I'if. V M r 13 if.. ' v,M I -1 a W f it). j u' nvtf r Ati .! " Cl J t . ., U 1 MRS j"-.; su& i" t ';; Wk i 1- -1." (r ,H.' IscS: w m-fc -. 1 S' tr. U".;.- !!"' ', hr. h"i ,r,. . , 1 ''r .4 S1i i' r if, ' , f'il V ' ,' .11" X Ji i I ! $ W I' W 5 iM ), ! ! K' M ti .i " 0 THE LOST CENTS - , Thai somo of tlio rarest and most valuable of tho United States cents, particularly those dated 1799 and 1804, owo thoir scarcity to the fact that Fulton built tho steamboat Oler mont is tho theory hold by some coin collectors They believe that thou sands 'of tho old-tlmo large" copper cents wont toward mating tho copper boiler for tho pioneer steamboat. This theory would explain tho mys tery that has long puzzled coin col lectors ' a.s to tho reason for tho al most total disappearance of the cents of tho dates mentioned. DhoIirst cents struck at tho Unitod St!tesvinint at Philadelphia were of laclgo" size, The copper blanks, or plSiicheJs were imported from Eng laffiljb'blijg sent Qver in kegs. iGoppor at this period was a scarce artljble in this country. With tlio ex ception of tho small quantity pro duced at" the only copper mines then known in the United States, those at GranbyKConn., nearly all the metal ujsed here camo from England. & Builders of steam engines'in- those days were of the opinion that boilers constructed of iron were unsafe and jmpracti6able, and as a1cbnsequence boilers were made of coppor, all tho boilers that camo from England be ing, it is said, constructed of that metal. Fulton was likewise of the belief that coppor was the only fit metal to be used' in boilers.-' It Is therofore possible that-findlng a scarcity ' of metal with which' to construct tho boiler of tho Clermont ho finally resorted to the most cbn venient source of supply, which hap pened to bo the large United States copper cents. Of course the cost of such a boiler would represent a large 8umf but it is on tho "ecords that the steam frigate Fulton, launched in 18,15, the year of the inventor's death, had a boiler entirely con structed of copper, which alone cost tho large sum of $23,0 u. That "the supply of cents of this period was large . enough to meet such a demand is also likely enough. From 1793 to and including 1795 1,0G(T,033 cents were coined; in 1796, 974,700 were struck; 1797, 897, 510; ,1798, 979,700; 1799, 904,585; 1800, 2,822,175 1801, 1,362,837; shorthorns' for sale I hnvo a herd bull (red-roan) i wn excellent animal; an eight months' old bull (light red) ; nil eighteen months' old heifer (rcd-roau) ; a two months' old heifer calf (white-roan), and' two cows (rcd)Ci,"i ' ' a , -J r 4f$ 4, 4 i C w- H U 4ddre8s W. J. RY A $. Lincoln, Neb. ae NOW READY i ! t T i t , .FOR DELIVRy . Kolame VI "The Commpner Condensed . "iVJ1 As its title indicates,' 'this book is a cohde'nsed copy'of The Com moner for one year. It is published annually and the different issues are designated as Volumes" I, II, Iir, IV, V 'and VIv corresponding to tho volume numbers of The Commoner. 'The last issue fs Volume VI, and contains editorials 'which discuss cjuestions of a permanent nature. Every important subject in the world's-politics is discussed in Tho Commoner at tho 'time" that subjeot is attracting general atten tion. Because of this ,The Commoner Condensed is valuable as a .reference book and should occupy a place on tho desk of every lawyer, editor, business man and other student "of, affairs. OCTAVOS OF ABOUT 480 PAGES EACH; BOUND IN HE AW CLOTH, AND WILL MAKE A HANDSOME AND VALUABLEADm TION TO ANY LIBRARY: . audi- TO NEW OR RENEWING SUBSCRIBERS " ' One Year's Subscription to Tlio Commoner. , , ) D 1 A t r r Tho Commoner Condonspd, Cloth Bound. . .,. f JtSoth $1.50 To subscribers who have already paid the current year's subscription Cloth bound, 75c. By Mail, Postage Paid. -. . - These prices nro for cither volume, if more than nn ,ri.. Is wanted, add to above prices 75 cents for riUuZ&L IT cloth binding Volume lis i ont of print; yblumes n? mTnr.Tni 2 VI nro ready for prompt delivery. ' ' 1V' ; ana REMITTANCES MUST BE SENT' WITH ORDERS . Xadress, THE. COMMONER, Uncoln, Nebraska. h 1802, 3,435,100; 1!803, 2,71,352; 1804, 756,838; 1805,941,116' This makes a total of 16,611,947 cents struck at the mint up to and including the year in which the boil er was made. Tho cents struck during the years 1793, 1794 and 1795 weighed 208 grains each, which would give the number of pieces struck, 1,066,033, a total weight of about 31,700 pounds. In 1796 the Weight ol the copper cent was reduced to 168 grains-, which would -give the number coined from 1796 Up to and including 1805, 15,545,914, a total weight of about 373,158 grains, making the total weight of the 16,611,947 cents struck from 1793 to 1805 about about 404,000 avoirdupois pounds of 7,000 grains each, which would cer- tainlv ronrGSGnt -mftt.nl mnnv fimpa more than sufficient to make a boiler of the size used by the Clermont. Nearly all the cents of this-' period are now scarce, but the ones dated 1799 and 1804 are extremely so. It is an odd fact that the rarity of the former was not appreciated until about 1860, when coin collecting in this country wa- in -its infancy. A Philadelphian by tho name of J. J. Mickley, seeking a dent of 1799, tho year of his birth, only came into possession of one after a great deal Of trouble, and even .then the speci men which came to his hand was in poor condition. Persevering in his endeavor to obtain a better speci men, his efforts resulted in so little success that Mr. Mickley was ulti mately forced to the conclusion that cents of this date were extremely scarce. Through looking for the cent of this date he 'became interested in coins of all kinds, and soon developed into a collector of the first rank, and was noted as possessing the finest and most comprehensive collection of coins then in the United States. Not satisfied with the opportunities pro vided in this country for the acquisi tion of new variefies, Mr. Mickley made trips to various parts of the world and added many rare and in teresting coins to his collection. Some years later a thief broke into his residence in Philadelphia and stole many rare specimens and the veteran collector thereupon became discouraged and sold the remainder 'of his- coins at auctions. An uncirculated 1799 cent, if nov offered at 'miction, would bring at leasts $3 00, and peithaps aore. Those in somewhat circulated condition are held, in high estimation "by collectors, and even a much worn specimen up no which the date is discernible is worth a couple of dollars. The 18.04 cent is almost as rare as that dated 1799, and will bring Wliiie the Remainder of the dates are not so rare, still uncirculated and sharp specimens bring as much as $,1Q0. Everything considered, it is "hot improbable that the boiler of tho tClermont or one of the. boilers made, .by Fulton did contain a large proportion of the early supply of cop por cents. It is certain that of the many millions originally struck few are today in existence. New ' York Sun. penses -have -by the combine, been increased the extent of sioo ? year puffers the same loss as if tho money had been taken irom him bv a burglar or a highwayman. And the laws say, that the one form of robbery is as clearly a criminal act as is the other. ,, Laws against conspiracies in re attaint of trade have always been hard to enforce because it is so often difficult to draw an exact line be tween lawful and unlawful arrange ments or co-operative agreements among concerns engaged in the same busine.ss. The law has' been reluctant to in terpose in transactions where a too strict application of the statutes might, though technically right, work an injustice. But when the intention and the result of the conspiracy are clearly shown to be oppressive, and the proof against the individual is conclusive, there is no gqod reason for treating the offender differently from any other getter of unlawful gains. For Attorney General Bonaparte thero is instruction in these Toledo cases. The culprits may escape jail by appeals and the law's delays; but they realize the gravity of their of fense much more keenly than if they had been let off with fines which would have been paid by themselves or thoir friends. No matter what courses their cases may take here after, they already have sufficient inducement to study the anti-trust laws and to comply with them. If the trust prosecutions upon which Attorney General Bonaparte is entering are not intended merely to amuse th,e public for political effect, he will apply the Toledo remedy in cases' where the proof is clear against individual members of lawbreaking concerns. St. Louis Republic. Nervous Disorders include all affections of tho brain, spinal cord and nerves; they embrace head troubles, such as Dizziness, Dull ness, Headache, Fits, Blues, Melan choly and Insanity. Also Backache, Neuralgia, St, Vitus Dance, Epilepsy, and all disorders aris ing from a weakness of the nerves of any organ or part, as Weak Lungs, Heart, Stomacli, Kidney, Bladder, etc. The' nerves furnish energy that keeps. In motion every organ of tho body. ' If you have any of these ailments, your nerves are affected,, and you need . Dr. Miles' Restorative 'Nervine because It reconstructs worn out nervo tissue, is a refreshing, revitalizing, tonic food-medicine, prepared espe cially to rebuild the wornout nerves. "My soji when 17 yfears.old had cpi ionsv: could not attend school. Follow ing the failure df physicians to euro him, wo gave Dr. Miles' Ner,vlne, and Nerve and JJiver Pills. In ten months he regained perfect- health. 0. S. WILSON, Dept. Co. -Clerk, Dallas Co.. Mo. Tho first bottlo will .benefit, if not, tho druggist will returnyour monoy. tVi -prr Subscribers' JMfcftiSMfl Dept. THE TOLEDO TRUST PENALTIES The Toledo violators of the Ohio anti-trust law who have been heavily fined and .sentenced toTsi. months in jail can not complain that they nave been harshly dealt with. The; laws, state and feddral, against combinations in restraint "of trade have been made for the pro tection of the public against extor tion. They properly impose penal ties of fine and imprisonment because members of such conspiracies em ploy tho strength of their combina tion to extract unearned profits from thoir customers. - The householder, whose living ox- Thls department Is tbr the exclusivo use of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents aword per in sertionthe lowest ,.ratprhas been made for them. Address air communi cations to 3?ho Commoner, Lincoln, Iseu. LAST "TEAR'S CROP $10,000 HERB is a snap; easy terms: $15,000 will buy a 'Rice Plantation in' East Texas that produced a $10,000 crop last' year. All -in cultivation this Vear. Terms easy. Goo. B, Conlclin, Plaquomlne, La. lfcll ! lll ALMKLOV'S "ECZEMA AND BAR bor's Itch Cure." Almldov's "Itch Cure," ' both absolutely guaranteed. Monoy refunded if dissatisfied. Sent by mail for $1.50. S. Almlclov, Drug gist, Cooporstown, N D. . VlM-NTED AGENTS TO SELL CHART W on" English Grammar, which fully treats sentential and graphic analysis, and lai highly recommended. , Special price to agents. Write "W. H. Green, Rochester, Ind, u JK.-4'ft'kM&rijj,,; KlUMiMX