If, f"t . lyJ,,l 0 NdVEMBER 8, 1907 Thcbjnmbne?. 13 fi i s Where -the Sun Goes Down "Wall Street has got th' Jlmjams an' is writhin' now In pain, ' But, glory bo, we of th' west has got our hogs an' grain! We're feelin' purty bully, an' we -ain't got nary fear It may be dark in Wall Street, but out west th' sky Is clear. Their stocks are full o' water, but our stock is full o hay; An' while Wall Street's feelin' fear ful wo are feelin' blythe an gay. We are gettin' bigger dally stand asid,e an' give us room! Way out west th' sun. is shinin even If Wall Street's in gloom! We won't feel a single. tremor if all frenzied finance stops, For we're far above their "panic on a mountain top o' crops. Hogs an' steers are growin' fatter an' our bins are full o' wheat, An' it tickled us amazin' as we watch th' frantic "Street.'! Got a cellar full o' tators!. Molly -put th' kittle on! . , .Smokehouse full o' hams an' bacon; fears o'- panic dead an' gone. Wall Street full o' fear an' tremble, but our fears are set at rest ' By th' bumper crops we gathered in ' the fair an' boundless west. Glory Halleluja, brother! We've no fear of reefs an' rocks; Got th' crops all' safely garnered idon't-'depend on watered stocks. Join the chorus, everybody; got enough for all our needs, An' we laugh 'cause Wall Street got it right where Cora wore her beads. , Financial Hero The Highwayman held a pistol to our head and deftly removed $13.50 from our inside pocket, the same representing one week's work. "This is. cruel and .wrong of you," we exclaimed. "Aw, gwan!" retorted the burg lar. "I am going to deposit this in the bank to remove the financial stringency. I am one of them Rockefeller-Morgan financial heroes you read "about. Instead o' cussin' me you ought to give nie three cheers and a vote of thanks." Being dependent upon the daily newspapers for our information we could do nQ less than accept the ex planation , and , act thereon. -Easy '$Vhat are the most enjoyable things in7 life?", queries the liOuis ville CoiiierrJunal. O, -that's,. too1 easy. Salary due tomorrow lnoon and not a bloomin' bill to pay We have the salary coming, all right. - Iiofs of l?rqsper"ty ' The architect &t this department Is in "receipt of a check for $27. drawn In his favor by D. C. Norton of .Punlap, Kansas. Now we don't care how long this "temporary financial flurry" lasts. Mr. Norton enters this department's "missing word contest" and has complied with all-the requirements. Ho is the only man who basy ther fore ho will receive the prizes 'lust as- soon as -wo get good and" "ready to forward them and not before. We don't allow any old bank to beat us at tho game, so wo will forward a clearing house certificate for the prizes If Mr. Norton insists. - Mr. Norton correctly gives each "missing word," but what Is mora to the point ho sends the chonK. It has been deposited in tho bank upon which it was drawn. Queer a "I can't understand this present flurry In financial circles,", remarked Floatem. ' " - "Neither can I," 3ald 'Promotom. "I've got plenty of collateral, but I can't float a loan. What are we to do?" "I don't know. I, too, have plenty of collateral." "Whot's yours?" "I've got ten thousand shares in the 'Hope So mine. What's yours?" "Why, I've got sixteen thousand shares In tho Aurora Borealls & South pple liimited Railway." "Well, ain't It queer with all the collateral 4n sight that there' should be a .lack of confidence 1n business stability?" Itann's Cako '' Bestuscake 'at ever wuz, ' An' It's bestus jus' bocuz , t , ,. , ' Rona mixed it. ' '', Got th' fixings from th' shelf,' . Mixed 'em all jus' by herself, ' An' she fixed It L.-, Jus' as good as good. could, be, V An' she "baked It all'f'r mo" ",.-, v Mixed it up, an' then she got' That ol' oven plpin' hot F'r t' bake it. -Greased tho pan an' poured th' dough, ' - . Careful It should run jus' so, So's to make it Look like cake that mamma makes Made jus' so an' no mistakes. Choc'late frostin' thick a.n' fine. Is th' kind I'll take in mine", . - Spread, on thick. When it's done, with smiling face Rena finds a nice cool place,- ., - An' as quick ' As it cools she cuts a slice-ri- r Gee, that cake Is mighty nic! f-.c . J - i "Mamma's helper,", bless herneart! She is acting well her part jWf Day by day. 't Sweeping, baking, making beds,' Sewing, pulling basting threads.! Blythe and gay. - Willing worker nine years old You are worth your weight in gold. AwfHl The raging flames lapped eagerly at the building. - "We are out of water!" shouted the captain of the fire department.. "What's the matter?.'' we anx iously cried. ' . "Hydrant broke' was the sen tentious explanation. But that didn't jar us a bit. Be ing a Wall Street promotor we mere ly advised the captain to connect his hose with our company, There was plenty of water therein to stay the raging flames. " Answers to Correspondents Q TPanic never touched us. Had all our money invested in a Jiushel of potatoes, and the potatoes in our own cellar. "Ambitious." We've had several ambitions in our time. The' first one was io play the tenor drtfnf In tho village band. The next one was to bo able Id pitch a "drop" ball. One of our present ambitions is to bo tho undisputed owner of two pairs of suspeiiders at once. "Family."- Yes, our family has free access to my pockotbook that is to say, all of the family but iuq. "Paroo." Why not plait tho bins piece and attach to tho gore right where the point nppliquo cornea down over the hemstitch, "Economy." One way to econo mize on coal Is to spend tho winter with your wife's relations. "Auto." Wo can not glvo you any advice about buying an automobile. Our only knowledge of tho horse less carriage Is confined to the ex perience wo havo had in pushing six separate and distinct kinds. "Wifey." A fraction over nlnoty-i six pounds, but she has demonstrat ed her ability to make a 180-pound man stand around. " "Posey," Write 'em with a pon cil and a foot rulo. "Sweetheart." If ho persists in chewing tobacco just before he calls, you might purify the atmosphere by eating an onion for supper. DOM'T READ IT RANDOM Thy Tub Popular Syfitctnntlc fontse rvn American Year 8, C,: Ymr un Jl'r lltttlfMNIMu In fl. r, t .... -.. " -----.. mm MI1J II. sffiirm?" - ........... veiii?i',aiiji, tiXa for pirtlcutarg or eml no) at one to Kxtc-HMfun Dii., C H A U TAUQUA PRESS Chautauqua, New York SYSTEM KRINGS RESULTS The Rural Districts Do tho chores in dnytimo An' sleep from nlglrt till morn Eastern,, banks a bustln' But my cribs are full b' corn. Read my dally paper 'Bout panic in the street; Don't give me no worry; My bins are full o' wheat. Stfucezfn' 'out th'o water's'' r"J Makln' stock go plunlc?- Laugh an stir the fire An' add another chunk. Country's just as solid Ah ol' Gibraltar rock; We've hogs and cattle 'plenty An frinf.'fi nur "WfifornrTRfrinlr t Just lot 'em corner copper An' work their high finance; We've clothes and grub a plenty, , An' money In our pants. We've minted rain an' sunshine Instead o' printing shares The trust concerns are bustln', An' let 'em bust who cares? ', limhi Leaks Keep sweet! The best way Is always tho. easiest way. - i There is no heat In last year's ash heap. A lot ;of cheap notoriety can be secured by posing as a critic. Tho things that never happen aro usually the. things that most worry us. It is so easy to find fault that a lot of people spend most of their spare time at It. It is a wasto of time to talk to a starving man about the benefits ol occasional fasting. For that hard times feeling, take seven dosefc a day of Dr. Cheerup's Extract of Sunshine and Good Cheer. Repentance professed for the pur pose of getting into a position to do it again does, not count for any thing. It is easy to smile while you are winning, but the world loves $, man who can keep right on smiling while losing. The open season for fish is no more, and now we want to go fish ing worse than ever. Isn't that natural? Perhaps the women, dear creat ures, call them "mushroom hats" because papa has to put up such a big stake to get one. What tickles us is to hpar a man who has, carefully turaedi up the bottom Of' his trousers and jabbed four geometrical dents In his hat, talking in sarcastic tones about feminine headgear. L rrNr 41 j. n.... oorVhl..T'," . s? "IP rnu LUT. jj.ii.ucET.whhrnT,!ay,:r FENGEWi EST Itntl. MlmMfrf mxtr 6ntl(fht HfiXA in t tiAtiMt ttV-i..r COILED SPHIMQ fENCK C. Cox SH Win!..!.?, !,,.. P 9k T E N T S HKCUKKn Ott VKK !L- "' iu:tijkm:i IEJ&'TIm1! i". t0, ,I,,u,nt"mty. JiiiMimtMl Outdo KVANM, WIMCHNK & CO., WMniiiKtoaTS. a Nurseries Pny Cash Weekty AND WAKT MokE Hili'iiuril tTvvnv. WHERE. OUT Cnimirr. U.m-r -!.. LAROeSTNuitIEIIIES.WtTlllMfll.V0iM T..' STARK BRO'S, LOUISIANA, Mo! Air S3aDaySurel 7 , iumlh Ui work n&Urh yo fif M forirr A$.ft work, h4ut4rur. uiiTii. miwiivi nrriiiiii . . vaHn.iiv'AVltfUilll tUtl Anl na vrwnp AjfifrM. And y will trwwstti y - --f I .imnuwiY Rura. -n nu fclrA. 8 1Q2 bUlt,UMt, TmjKni mlif&A fjjjy LUTTl j'eCl?STNf,)rlrfan.1 Wwki. In Uil iiiiinrntol nntlonnl wockjy all I m timxir. tant riowii if llio world lH RUitwl i:tnrW. fnlrlr. jiijcI imolly, for bimy nuulcrx. Mnny peciftl InUircn 'Jrrn.1 '"'rrt, ItlH irlnct'rc reliable, tmuninuwnx -a II K patter for tlio homo. l yenr: takrrfp1iu od W to ti lMH'rs. Try jt, 13 wkj. for J&& J'rtUjUudpr, FOR AGENTS. A SUCCESS. "The Old World And Its Wmyi BY- PJf Wm. Jennings Bryan inqi Jrum I'huto-Tayh$ taken by Cut. Jirvan. Ilocounts blu trip around tho world nnd bis visits to all hatlons. Oroatost book of travel crcr wrlttoo. Moat tiueenftnfal iMvik nt til unr. tlon. 41 ,tH called for In mHthH. Write us for saruplo reports of flrat X(H ncnt5 cm ployed. ?be people buy It erly. Yboaaeot'i BarVfiliL. Outfit VHKK.-ilfml Mttv fani to cover eot of Ballla and tandiiay. THETHOMPSON PUBLISHIKfi CO., Jt Utfi. M. Jefferson's Bible The Life and Morals of JESUS OF NAZARETH Etucf ed TtxiuiHf (iota ih GotpU, tottUr wik com pti too at Urn doctnatt wilb thoj of othtri. By THOMAS JEFFERSON JeStnoo' titinion ym UtUrMp. Wilkt n tMort m Ut part exprnUai Item ti lift tWaiYeao (bcr tama't wld caticd Kt a( traded notice, tttmm thertrt(ofth txioras, itelt, ami jtthetini-cri of (ml nuiei til' his ctnnlrjmea. Henry S. Randall. J6eno'f BMc U a took of 164 ptftt, wcO pnnlci tod niaUAtkHy bovnd in cloth. It mi Ukh$i otituUy to U toll (eruglM pr copy, By ftttrhttirl the book In Lt0t auunlxri wc are Uc to offer Commoner i&Jktt ma cz ccptiooti file of 75c per copy; KoHUf idm3. , t ' '" adj6RSS all orWrs rq THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA . jfuj'iL'i'j '., .., ' ,tk.