The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 08, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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v Kartagh la Russia was completely
destroyed by a land slide following
an earthquake October 21. Fifteen
hundred ar6 said to have been lost.
The federal appointments i 'decided
upon for the new state of Oklahoma
are "as follows: Marshall eastern dis
trict, Grosvonor A. Porter, Ardmore;
marshall western district, John Aber
riatiiy,.;. Iawt6n; district attorney,
western district, John Bmbree, Guth-rle;-i
clerk eastern district, J. R. Har
rison, Muskogee; clerk western dis
trict, Charles E. Hunter, Oklahoma
The New York Herald says:
"While the president wilH issue a
proclamation on November. 16 de
claring Oklahoma a state, th'd' new
star will, under the law, not appear
on the flag until July 4, 1908,. An
act of congress passed in 18 18 "makes
k the provision that the new star made
necessary by the admission of a
state to tho union shall make its ap
pearance on July 4 next following
such admission. A joint borird of
army and navy officers, of which Ad
miral Dewey was president, has al
ready taken up the question of tho
arrangement of the stars in the flag
and. decided to place the 46th star
inthb'ipwer right hand corner of the
blue field. This recommendation re
ceived the approval of the president
and the secretaries of war and navy,
so that the new star is already pro
vided1 for. Under this plan thevforty-
six stars will be arranged in six rows,
from left to, right, the first, third,
fourth and sixth rows of eight stars
and the second and fifth rows of
seven stars."
: Dennis; J. Hogan, secretaryof the
Illinois democratic, state committee,
died-nsuddenly at his home afcIke
Genevaill. " '
2,500,000 higher than this time last
year when the bank rate was six
per cent. It was hoped early 4n the
month that the Bank of England
might finish the year without in
creasing the rate but the financial
flurry in America upset these cal
culations and caused unwelcome
pressure here, necessitating protec
tive measures. Apart from the,
American demand, the Egyptian re
quirements for the movement of the
huge cQtton crop of that country have
yet to be sent; and money is likely
to bo wanted in Brazil and Germany.
It spems to be agreed that Paris will
help if necessary to the extent of
3,000,000. This friendly disposi
tion on tfee part of the Bank of
Franco and the fact that the United
States afforded help last year, prob
ably kept tho Bank of England from
raising the rate to six per cent."
In a fight between United States
troops and Indians in southern Utah
three Indians were killed. The In
dians were part of a band of Nav-
Washington and Manila dispatches
say thatecijetary Taft's visit to the
EhilhvninBwas cut short In nrviov
3M.Mt might go o Berlin
here'a matter of the utmost im
portance is pending."
A Northwest storm passed over
Galveston, the Wind rRiinhln-or n vnln.
city of seventy-two miles an hour-
iotvo minutes. 0n" person f-was
kllledtad twenty houses weiVblbwn
An Associated Press cablegram
under date of London, October 31,
follow. "The rate of discount of
tho Bank of England was raised to-
uuy uum in to b per cent, Tho
Increase liad been considered as a
foregone conclusion in consequence
of ,tne Jnxoads made upon the Bank
of England's stock of gold by the
uuinunu irom America and the re
cent rise in the discount rate of the
iT.Sal ank f Germany. Since
last Thursday the United. States se
cured about 3,250,000 in gold, from
tho Bank of England and In the
open market, and the bank's reserve
21,000,000 which, however, was
ummn9 mzumn
Beneficial to elderly peoale
who suffer from diryness of
mouth and throat. inboxoiy.
The Spirit of Democracv. Bv
Charles Fletcher Dole. Thomas Y.
Crowell & Co.. Publishers. Now Vnrlr
Price $1.26 net.
Among the World's Peacemakers.
An Epitome of. the Interparliamen
tary union, with sketches of eminent
members of this international house
of representatives and: of progressive
peopje wno are promoting, the plan
for permanent peace which this union
of lawmakers has "espoused. Edited
by Hayne Davis. Published by the
Progressive Publishing Co., 216 Wil
liam St., New York City.
Aunt Jemlmy's, Maxims, By Cally
Ryland. Broadway Pub. . Co.. 835
Broadway,,. New York, ,
William, McKlnley, A Biosranhl-
cal Study. B. A. Elwood Corning.
With Introductory address by Presi
dent Roosevelt. Broadway Pub. Co.,
New York.
Racial Integrity and Other Feat
ures of tho Negro Problem. By A.
H. Shannon, B. p., M. A. Printed
for the Author Publishing House of
the M. E. Gh.urch, South, Nashville,
Tenn., Dallas, Tex. .,
The New York Red Boole. Con
taining the portraits and biographies
of the United States senators, gov
ernor, state- officers and members of
the legislature; also the portraits of
judges and court reporters, the new
constitution of the state, election and
population statistics, and general
facts of interest- Ttt mi-ai t... tut.
lin, J. B. Lyon Company- Publishers,
Albany, N. Y.
Half-hours in Southern History.
By John Leslie Hall, Ph. D., profes
sor of English and of general history
in the College of William and Mary.
B. F. Johnson Pub. Co., Atlanta,
Richmond, Dallas.
The Money of the Future. (Pam
phlet.) By VGi..mme," The Peck
Press, Printers, New York.
The British City; The Beginnings
of Democracy. By Frederic C. Howe,
Ph. Dv Charles Scrlbner's Sons,
New York. $1,50 net.
A Dweller on Two Planets or the
Dividing of Jhe Way. By Phylos the
Thibetan, Bumgardfc Pub. Co., Los
Angeles, Cal, -
The Young Lawyer, and Another
Essay. By Harvey BV Daugherty.
Printed nrlvately by the Hollenbeck
Press, Indianapolis, Ind. . V
Rubalyat of Hope. B. A. A. B. Ca -aness.
Jennings & Graham, Cincin
nati; Eaton & Mains, New York.
Historic Strikes and Their Settle
ment; also Fundamentals of Street
Car Control. By Leigh H. Irvine,
The Calkins Newspaper Syndicate,
24 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal.
Price. 25 cents.
The Nature Cure Series. By Henry
Llnflahr, M. D. Vol. I. Price' 25
State of New York Forest, Fish
and Game Commission, 1902-1903.
Eighth & Ninth reports. Railroad
Commissioners State of New York,
Albany, N. Y.
The Church of Christ. A strong,
remarkable and original work, on the
church from tho viewpoint of a lay
man of decided convictions and wide
commercial and political experience.
Funk & Wagnalls Company, New
York and London. Pried $1.00.
The Conflict of the Ages. The
Civic, Social and Economic Problem
Analyzed and a Remedy Suggested.
By C. L. Poorman. Published by the
author, Bellaire, Ohio.
Socialism. By W. H. Mallock, M.
A., of England. A series of lectures
delivered at Columbia university,
Harvard, Johns Hopkins, University
of Pennsylvania and University of
Chicago. The National -Civic Feder
ation, 281 Fourth Ave., New York.
The .Pinkerton Labor Spy. By
Morris Friedman. Published by Wil
shire Book Co., 200 William St., New
Bonny Prince. The autobiography
of a Collie Dog. By Marion Sewell.
Published by the A. Flanagan Co.,
Chicago, 111.
Society's Prodigal. A novel by Pat
Crowe, the famous outlaw. Chicago,
The Limit of WmIHi. tj-t ah.i
L. Hutchinson. The Macmillan Com
pany, wew xonc. Price $1.25, net.
Seventy Years Young, or the Un
habltual Way- By Emily M. Bishop.
By W. Huebsch, N. Y., publisher.
The National Peacemaker. A
treatise on present conditions in the
United States. By fohn F. Henkle.
Chicago; 111. Price $3.00.
Elements of Esperanto. Pronun
ciation, grammar, exercises and a lit
tle storv. Amerilrn TCdrm.nn4-j-.
1239 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago!
Addresses at the Funeral of Henry
George. Compiled by Edmund Yard
ley. With an introduction by Henry
George, Jr. The Public Publishing
Company, First National Bank Bldjr
Chicago, 111. Price 40 cents.
Darwinism and the Problems of
Life. A study of familiar animal life.
By Conrad Guenther, -Ph. D., profes
sor of the University Freiburg in
?SJ?nQf BMP' W & Co" 3l"West
23rd St., New York.
Miscellanea, B. H. H. McClunc,
Sf YorK'Pa' Pubshed hy the au
thor. Prjce 75 cents.
Then Cometh the Devil. A story
of life and love in the sportiest town
on the river. By John MacLeod
Sutherland, Luther H. Hlgley, Pub
lisher, Butler, Ind. '
Roosevelt and the Negro, By
P.Iof,?el1?' MIller' Hward Univer
sity, Washington D. G. (Pamphlet.)
Price 10 cents. Address Kelly Miller,
Washington, D. C.
High Prices the Result of Watered
Capitalization. The remedy By J
W. Batdorf, Suite 911 Flatlron Bldg '
New York. Price 10 cents.
A Prayer to Diabolus. Silent
prayer of the liquor trade to his
satanic majesty. Pamphlet. Price
10 cents, Page A. Cochran, Pub
lisher, Essex Junction, Vt
The Duality of Man. Chairman's
address in the section on Ophthal
mology at the Fifty-eighth annual
session of the American 'Medical As
sociation, Atlantic City, N. J. By
G. C. Savage, M. P., Nashville, Tenn.
"There are. 250,000 deaths annu
ally as the result of mosquito bites,"
saIdDdw'ari A- Ayers' a member
of the -faculty,, of the New York
Polyclinic! last night !at a meeting in
the New York Academy of Medicine,
No. 17 West Forty-third street.
Dr. Ayres furnished other aston
ishing .figures in his lecture on "The
Mosquito-as.a Sanitary Problem." Ho
said five diseases were' directly trace
able to the bite of the insect. They
are malaria, yellow fever, beri-beri,
dengue and fllarlasis.
The government is eliminating the
mosquito danger by draining swamp
lands, he said. Dr. Ayres said that
100,000 deaths occurred from yellow
fever, the victims being inoculated
with the disease by mosquitoes.
New York World.
Tempest, in a Porridge M
A. Well Known Journal Refuses tho
Advertising for a Well Known
Food Product on tho Ground
that the Claims Made for it
flavor of "Patent Medicine"
The publisher of a well known il
lustrated journal has stirred up "a
tempest in a teapot" or rather in
a porridge pot In an effort to induce
the manufacturer ' of a well known
food product to change the style of
his advertising. It was contended
by the publisher that extravagant
claims were made as to the curative
properties of this food which could
not be substantiated.
The claim that certain ailments
can be cured by food is not so ex
travagant as one might suppose. It
all depends upon the disease and the
foods. Of course everyone who pos
sesses accurate scientific knowledge
upon the -subject knows that real
appendicitis can not be cured by any
food. Appendicitis Is inflammation
and ulceration of the vermiform ap
pendix, which is a little "pocket" or
tubular elongation of the caecum.
The only cure for it is -the knife. It
Is caused by the retention of undi
gested food material in the bowel or
alimentary tract, causing fermenta
tion and finally Inflammation, which
communicates itself to the vermiform
But the prevention of appendicitis
is another .uestion. Every doctor
kn'ows that appendicitis can be pre
vented, and that its, prevention is
merely a question of eating the right
kind of food. The way to avert
appendicitis and its dangerous and
sometimes fatal consequences is to
eat a simple, nourishing food which
will stimulate "peristalsis" (bowel
exercise) without irritating the in
testines,' and such a food is Shred
ded Wheat. A daily ; dietary of
Shredded Wheat insures a complete,
natural and regular evacuation of the
bowel, and when this occurs, appendicitis-Is
Stimulating peristalsis, or nat
ural bowel movement, however, is
only one of the incidental virtues of
Shredded Wheat. It contains all
the muscle-bulldlng, bone-making,
brain-making material In the whole
wheat grain, made digestible by
steam--cooklng, shredding and bak
ing. Its porous shreds are quickly
permeated by the digestive ilulds and
hence are taken up and assimilated
when the stomach rejects all other
foods. It is the cleanest, purest,
most nutritious food made in the
world. It is delicious as a breakfast
food with cream or milk, or can be
used for any meal, in any season,
in combination wltb fruits or
creamed, vegetables. Your grocer
sells it.
Shredded Wheat products are man
ufactured by the Natural Food Com
pany at Niagara Falls,; N. Y. Your
grocer sells tjiem.
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