The) Com m o n er. 9 '-SL ri jApt ' JfOVE&tBEU 1, 1HT -' - ,jKrary; Suspension or receivership -of the-Wesfc-fogkoiiM' jElectric company and the Westing house Machin company And the Nerast Lamp . company. The manufacturing companies are 'in a absolutely solvent condition. The condition -of the Security Investment company will in no, ay affect the "Union Switch and .Signal com pany, and the Westinghouse Air Brake company would like it explicitly understood that it was at the request of the Pittsburg clearing houso that we have suspended trading temporarily." The embarrassment of the concerns is attributed to inability to secure funds on account of the stringency in the money marketr The amount involved will run up into the millions. THE EVENTS of Friday, October 25, are de scribed in this way: Union Trust com pany of Providence, with deposits of $29,000, 000, and' several branches, closes its doors; Bor ough Bank of Brooklyn, with deposits of $1,500, 000, closed Its doors; International Trust com pany, a small affair connected with the Brook lyn bank, closed; the United States Exchange bank, with, deposits of $500,000, suspended; First National bank of Brooklyn suspends, de posits $4,200,000; "Williamsburg Trust com pany shuts up, deposits $7,500,000; run hegan on Riverside bank; call money 75 per cent at 2 p. m.; the run continued on the Trust Company of America, which received $4,300,000 from the sub-treasury; it is said that the run is sub siding and that the company has plenty of cash to meet all demands; another supply of small bills was rushed from Washington to New York; a run began on the Lincoln Trust company; American securities at London were higher; a receiver has beon appointed for the Knicker bocker ..Trust company, which closed the other day; the large loans to brokers made by J. P. Morgan and others yesterday were Renewed today at 20 per cent to run until Monday; interna tional hankers are arranging to import $10, 000,000. to $15,000,000 in gold from London and Paris; stock market unsettled; general selling not active but big declines in some stock. -ftj-EWSPAPER dispatches from BInghamton, XM- N. Y.j, quote Mr. Bryan as saying: "I notice-that one of the officers of a bank that closed its doors yesterday attributes it to the president. That, is not the reason. Don't blame the sheriff but blame, the horsethief. Don't blame the offi cials' who make and enforce the laws, but blame the criminals who make the laws necessary. Blame the unscrupulous financiers who have piled up predatory wealth that has exploited a whole nation." WRITING TO the New York World a reader says: "There was a panic in 1873. President Grant was serving his second . term, There was a panic in 1893. President Cleve land was serving his second term. There Is a condition of panic in 1907. President Roose velt is serving his second term. Do these facts savor of cause and effect, or are they merely coincidences? Do they make for those who argue against a second term?" MR. ROOSEVELT is, of course, deeply inter ested . in the financial situation. A statement that seems to have good foundation and printed in the New York World, follows: "Everything within the power of the adminis tration will be done at once to check the finan cial disturbances, and government funds almost without limit will be deposited in the national banks thrpughout the country to support sub stantial business interests, but these funds will not be utilized to help the speculators. This de cision was reached by President Roosevelt im mediately after his return to Washington at a conference with Secretary Root, Assistant Sec retary Bacon and Postmaster General Myer, with Secretary Cortelyou taking part over the long distance telephone. The president declared that he would not issue a statement for the purpose of having a calming effect, but Comptroller -Ridgeley made one In which he called attention to the fact that all the national banks of the country are in excellent condition and need little help, and that within thirty or sixty days, when the farmers will begin to realize on their crops, the financial stringency will be relieved to' a g'reat extent, if not completely. There is now an enormous' cash balance of $237,772,764 in the treasury, and half of this amount can be . deposited in thenational banks temporarily wlth- out- crippling the treasury in the slightest de- greo. All thfr aid necessary will bo extended to the banks, as President Roosevelt will take heroic measures to provont a commercial panic; as ho Is convincod that such a calamity will 'dim the glory of his administration. He will pre vent this if possible and ho is confident it can be done, as in his judgment the prosperity of tho country rests upon such a substantial basis that It can not bo disturbed by the suspension of one or two trust companies, Secretary Cortelyou, who is in Now York looking Into tho situation, has tho hearty indorsement of the president." IN ONE OF HIS Now York speeches Mr. Bryan saldl "If some moans could bo dovlscd to give complete protection to' depositors there would bo no temptation to withdraw money from the bank, and I believe such a system can be devised. When I was in congress, some four teen years ago, I introduced a bill fOr tho rais ing of a guarantee fund by a Small tax on na tional bank deposits. The' bill provided that the tax should continue until a sufficient fund was provided, and that this fund ghttaltf be used for the immediate payment of doppsitors of any bank that failed. If we had such a fund depositors would feel secure and runs on banks would bo unknown. I was not able to secure tho passago of tho bill, because largo banks objected on tho ground that they would have no advantage over small banks if all banks were absolutely safe." This statement seemed to greatly disturb Alton B. Parker of Now York. UNDER DATE of New York, October 25, tho 'Associated Press carried this dispatch: "Alton B. Parker said today that ho had seen W. J. Bryan's statement in Schenectady yester day that when in congress Mr. Bryan advocated a law to protect depositors from exactly such conditions as -occurred in Now York during tho past few days. Commenting thereon he said: 'How glorious it Is to be a heaven-born finan cial genius. What a pity congress could not havo appreciated the wonderful advantages Of such a law. Had they appreciated it we would not have needed yesterday the patriotism of J. Pierpont Morgan, that prompted him to throw twenty seven millions into tho malestrora at a critical moment; and twenty-five millions of tho govern ment; the ten millions of Rockefeller and the money and strenuous labor of public spirited and honest bankers and business men, who strove mightily to save business generally, and there fore every citizen, from ultimate Injury. I am sorry that ho did not mention the title of tho bill. In the absence of specifications, there will bo those who will think that its title may havo been sixteen to one.' " ATTORNEY GENERAL Bonaparte has confis cated an amount of the product of tho tobacco trust under the' confiscation clause of the Sherman anti-trust law. In this connection a letter written to the New York World by Former Congressman Robert Baker of Brooklyn will bo interesting. The letter follows: "It has taken the administration a long time to act on my proposed plan of effective 'trust-busting,' It being almost .three years (to be exact, January 4, 19050 since I introduced my resolution In tho house of representatives, which, after reciting the power of the attorney general, under section six of tho act of 1890, to confiscate trust-owned goods In transit between the states or to a for eign country, demanded to know why the at torney general had not proceeded to confiscate the goods Of the beef trust while In transit be tween tho states. A reference to the proceed ings of the house of representatives five days later January 9, 1905 will show how ardent ly the administration welcomed my plan to effec tively 'bust the trusts.' On that day Mr. Jen kins, chairman of the judiciary committee (to which my resolution had been referred) report ed to tho house a recommendation' that my reso lution, H. R. 403, 'do He upon the table.' Tho Washington correspondents who were then pres ent in tho press gallery will doubtless recall, tho unrestrained glee of the leading republicans that that 'pestiferous agitator' Baker was once more summarily suppressed for his efforts to se cure an; enforcement of the criminal and confis catory provisions of the anti-trust law. Not one word was I permitted to utter on the floor of the house in defense of my resolution, while the spokesman of the administration, usually so eager to defend the autocrat in the White House, maintained a discreet silence on so delicate a subject- Despite the fact that the confiscatory provisions. of. the act of 1890 have been law for. seventeen years, that this miscalled 'trust-bust- Ing' administration had been in powor for four, years when mjrrosolutlon was Introduced, that it lias now had unrestrained power for ovor nix', years, only one llttlo picayuno seizure of trust-, owned goods In transit haH been made, although the Standard Oil, Bteel, sugar, coal, lead, hoof,' salt and other trusts havo annually shipped hun dreds of millions of dollars worth of their pro ducts, tho power to confiscate cvory dollar of which has vested In successive attorney gcneraln during all those years. Upon how slight n foundation can an assiduously cultivated rcpu tatlon for 'trust-busting bo built!'.' AN ASSOCIATED PreBs dispatch undor dato . of New York, October 21, follows: "Wil liam Jennings Bryan delivered thrco addresses in. Now York today, the final ono being before a large audlonco at Cooper Union tonight. Tho subject of tho. evening address was 'The Democ racy of Today.' Mr. Bryan was enthusiastically received by his auditors and his remarks woro frequently interrupted by applause. During tho day ho addressed tho studontu of tho Dowltt Clinton high school and the striking telegraph ers. Mr. Bryan spoke tonight before an audi ence that filled Cooper Union, while many thousands wero turned away. Ho was Intro duced by Augustus Thomas, president of tho loagup. On tho subject of national control of corporations Mr. Bryan said: 'The president suggests tho national Incorporation of all rail roads engaged In interstate commerce and all corporations engaged In Interstate commerce. Not since tho days of Aloxandcr Hamilton has such a doctrine of centralization been advocated as that suggestod by tho prosldcut. It would ptactlcally place tho govornmont of tho Btates in Washington. The democratic doctrine Is that tho federal authorities attend to federal affairs and leave tho states to attend to their homo governments. The federal authority should bo added to state authority, not substituted for It.' He said that the federal government acting with in Its present powers could curb tho trusts. 'Lot congress,' ho said, 'say when any corporation in interstate commerce wishes to control twenty-five per cent of the output of the product It deals In It must take out a foderal license, tho license to be so safeguarded that the stock of thb corporation can not be watered. Then tho corporation will be under tho eyes of tho federal government.' " A CORRESPONDENT of the Pond Creek (Okla.) Vldette, says: "As I write I havo before ;no Watklns' 'Complete Choctaw De finer.' I turn to tho word 'people' and there find that the Choctaw equivalent Is 'okla.' I now turn to tho word 'red' and find that Its equivalent Is 'homma.' For five years I was mlslsonary to the Choctavs. 1 have asked doz ens of them to say 'red .people' in their language and invariably they Would say 'oklahomma.' Instead of pronouncing tho word 'okla' as wo would, It sounds somewhat more like 'okala' but in reality it Is a word of only two syllables, and is invariably spelled by tho Choctaws o-k-I-a. Their precise and overdone syllable pronuncia tion may be responsible for tho muffled, and partially uttered broad 'a' sound Immediately following the 'k.' If you were to pronounce tho word 'o-ka-la' a Choctaw would toll you it was Incorrect. You would satisfy him better by Just saying 'okla.' 'Homma' Is pronounced just as it would be in English. In both tho above wor,ds 'a' Is pronounced as 'a' In father, and the 'b' as 'o' In go. The usage of this phrase Is not in any sense obsolete, but Is very common. Some authorities give the meaning of the word as 'beautiful land,' and others 'tho home of red man.' I am not seeking a repu tation for presumption, but I do presume to say that I consider these authorities mistaken. I am convinced, reasoning a priori, that the origin of the name 'Oklahoma' Is solely from the Choc taw term for the 'red people.' " THE BOSTON HERALD Is responsible for this tale: "Dr. Ingram, bishop of London, Is a learned ecclesiastic, but he declared that at times young4 children, of whom he is extrava gantly fond, upset him badly with their ques tions. Once ho was addressing a gathering of poor children, and at the close of his remarks Invited any boy or girl to ask him questions. The bishop answered several, but was flnaUy floored by a little girl, who asked: 'Please, sir, why did the angels walk up and down Jacob's ladder when they had wings?' Dr; Ingram es caped by blandly inquiring: 'What little boy or girl would like Co answer that question?' " 4 4 H AIi,u.-fejlWilfiMW.-t -gAfe-Xjtl. itJfWgJy ff