,TMS The Commoner. NOVEMBER 1, 1907 it rii- provided light does not dawn upon hisconstit uents. ' , Mr. Snapp told the republican publishers of Illinois that the measure must come up in congress "as 'a republican measure and in the regular manner' That means it must have first the O, K. of the paper trust itself, then the endorsement of that grand old standpatter, "Uncle Joe" Cannon, and then It must win the approval of a ways and means committee whoso members were chosen with the view of seeing that not one brick Is. removed from the tariff wall built for the use and benefit of the gen-, orous contributors to republican campaign funds. No matter to Mr. Snapp that his own con stituents were pleading for relief; no matter that the burden had become so heavy that oven pub lishers of -republican newspapers found It neces sary to furnish proof to contradict the tariff edi torials printed in their own newspapers by ap pealing to the-congress controlled by their own party for relief. This republican congressman from Illinois could-not harken to the voice of his own afflicted people. They must talk to a trust controlled house, a trust controlled ways and means committee; and until those high au thorities were moved to lend a listening oar this republican congressman would not act.1 In other words he is not a representative of his people, he is merely a cog in the great repub lican machine which is operated in the interests of the gigantic business concerns that oppress the people. This dispatch referring to Congressman Snapp says: "He scolded the newspaper men for not advancing the price of their paper in view of the immense advance in. cost of labor, material and other commodities." What a qharacteristic republican speech! Don't inter fere with the sacred tariff! Don't move against the shelter enjoyed by the trusts. If .tariff op pression becomes too great pile it on the con sumer; he is patient and long sufferlpg. Pile it on the consumer! Surely Mr. Snapp is a stalwart among the stalwarts. Ho is the frank and outspoken representative of a trust ridden .political organization. He puts .tiluritly ihtp words what is in the hearts of the high tariff advocate and the high tariff bene ficiary. oooo AS OTHERS SEE US We are indebted to the Literary Digest for an interesting extract from an editorial printed recently by the London Times. The Times ex presses some surprise at the extent to which Americans allow themselves to be victimized by dishonest officials and extortionate monopolists. Such a caBe as this presents "a curious ethical problem' says the Times, for "the great middle 1 class-in the United States is probably not sur passed in honesty and business integrity by any people in the world. ,J It seems very remarkable to this observer, therefore,, that they should so often "leave- their public business in the hands of notorious rogues," and even take a cer tain pride in the magnitude of corrupt fortunes and "in the ostentation with which in many in- stances they are displayed." Americans are too shrewd -not to see that they are being "done," says this writer, and. quotes President Roosevelt to the effect that they not only know it, but feel It- in their pockets, and "many of these existing traits and still more the possible future combin ations of unscrupulous millionaires (and politi cians) may seriously affect the comfort and wel fare of great masses of the population." The American perhaps likes to be robbed, it is sug - gested, by men who add to the impresslveness of the American republic abroad by the posses sion of enormous fortunes. Thus we read: "Every inhabitant of those American cities must be perfectly well aware that he pays more than he oughJ to pay for every one of the ordi nary accompaniments, of urban civilization, for roads, for water,- for light, for the protection of . life and property; and that all these necessarlea, besides being supplied to him at exorbitant rates, are, as a rule, very bad of their kind. Every American knows that Illicit profits upon munici- pal management, or illicit enhancement of the price of commodities of universal necessity, are the origins and. foundations" of most of the colos sal fortunes to which he points with a certain degree of pride, though they often constitute ;in reality not only a national disgrace, but a national danger." . . The Standard- Oil company made Jn nine- -teeA y.ears, reflects this- writer, as- greatja- sum as the atrociously exorbitant -indemnity -de-' manded by Bismarck" after the surrender at Sedan. WHAT IS A REPUBLICAN?. Mr. Roosevelt at St. Louis: "My plea Is not to bring about a condition of centralization; It is that the government shall recognize a con ditlon of centralization in a fiold whore it al ready exists." Mr. Roosevelt at St. Louis: "The railroads, themselves have been exceedingly shortsighted In the rancorous bitterness which they have shown against tho resumption by the nation of this long-neglected power. The control must exist somewhere; and unless It is by thor ough going and. radical law placed upon tho statute books of tho nation, it will bo exorcised in over-increasing- measure, by the' sovoral states." Herbert Knox Smith, United States com missioner of corporations bpforo tho Civic Fed oration at Chicago: "Tho fedoral government is the only power that 'can carry on such a sys tem of regulation for it is tho only jurisdiction commensurate with the scope of present corpor ate operations. Any system by the stato must always be, as It is now, a chaos of conflicting legal conditions resulting in inefficiency and un certainty." ,' . ' ', President Felton of the Chicago and. Alton: "I think, well of federal control and regulation as a substitute for the existing system of varied laws' and regulation as imposed by tho various states." President Mather of the Rock Island: "A wise and just regulation Is only possible under a singlo and centralized authority. Tho day is passed for unyielding opposition to all policies of federal control of our carrier corporations. Nay,' more, tho day has dawned in which to wel come that control." ' . r President Ripley of tho Santa Io: "Wo have, too many masters. Wouldn't it be better tor us if we had a Bingle, central source of reg ulation instead of so many'j" President Harahan of tho Illinois Central: "Mr. Mather's statement, in my opinion, pretty well expressed the feeling of railroad presidents and managers. The trouble is and has been that .the states have various laws which conflict. with "tho interstate laws." President McDool of the Monon: "The point Mr. Mather made as to federal regulation and control struck me as a sensible and sane one. I think that most railroad officials will approve it as I do. The trouble is that when a road Tung. through: ten: or fifteen states it must operate under a variety of laws that make obed iende well-nigh impossible." ' State railroad commissioners (mostly ro f publican) for nortliwostorn states in session at Sf Pniil XT I tin -.... .... .1 ... ... v. "" "ii uajm ubcu uiumacivGS in non- j'uiivi "iwi-viuwH uguinsi ' niJHoiuto rederal rcg I a- t r mm 9 9 UIU11UU. ; i' .' t. --' '': -- . .:,. 'tin - TOVJrJ.i'y "- Mm Republican state convention for Nebraska hold at Lincoln Soptember 24, adopted this reso lution: "We favor tho onactmdnt of a federal law and if necessary an nmondmont to the fed eral constitution which will forbid tho federal courts from Issuing writs of Injunction against stato officors charged by law with tho onforco- ' mont of stato statutos." 9 Attorneys gonor'al (mostly republican) for . twouty-th roe states In session nt St. Louis adopt ed resolutions as follows: ' "Whereas, Tho efficient administration as well as tho preservation of our dual system of government requires that each sovereignty bo permitted to exercise its function as defined by tho federal constitution unhampered by tho others; thoreforo be It Resolved, By the convention of attorneys general of tho sovoral states hero assembled that wo earnestly recommend to the favorable con sideration of the president and the congress of the United States tho enactment of a federal law providing that no circuit court of the United States or any Judgo exercising poworo of such circuit courts shall have jurisdiction in any case brought to restrain any officors of a state m or any administrative board or a stato from in stituting In a stato court any suit or other ap propriate proceeding to onforco tho laws of such state or to enforce any order, mado by such administrative board, but allowing any person or corporation assorting In any such action In a state court any right arising under tho constitu tion or any laws of tho United States to have tho decision of tho highest court of such stato reviewed by tho supreme court of tho United States as now provided by-law. Wo also recommend that suits in federal circuit courts by persons interested in corpora tions to restrain such corporations from oboying tho laws of states in which (hoy are doing busi ness be prohibited, Stato railroad commissioners (mostly 're publican) in their national convention at .Wash ington, October 11, adopted tho following re port: "Tho cases are rare whore a railroad of any Importance is not an interstate road. This may be argued as a reason for entire federal control, something wo believe to be impossible without amending tho constitution. This we do not think the states will concede until it is dem onstrated that it is more practical than exper ience has yet shown it to-be. There have been many general reductions in different states followed by reductions in Interstate tariffs, and so far as wo know these have all been brought about by tho affirmative action of state authorities. So far as we are advised, wo know of no general reduction due to any action by the federal authorities. Wo believe that the best Interests of the people would not be sorved by placing the entire responsibility for rate regula tion in 'the federal government. We believe there should bo a much closer relationship be tween the federal and state authorities than seem to exist at present; that in many matters a state commission should act as agent for the interstate commerce commission to the advan tage of both." FORTUNES THAT WAIT Men eager to amass a fortune need -not seek the same through the devious wiles, of the "frenzied financier" nor tho special privilege of the trust. The. world wants a few things, and wants them so much It la willing to pay hand somely for them. Here are three things badly wanted, and all you need to do to amass a for tune beyond the dreams of avarice Is to provide the world with either one of them. The post office department will pay an enormous sum for a device that will safely catch and hold the mail bags thrown from swiftly moving mail trains. For years manufacturers of goods sold in bottles- have been vainly looking for a bottle that can: not be refilled, and will pay an enormous sum to the man who can furnish it. The com mon lightningbug manufactures light without heat. The man who can discover the "ltow" of it and can furniBh the world light without heat can trade the knowledge for more money than King Midas ever yearned for. Just any one of these three things, and you are eligible to tho millionaire class. . OOOO FUNNY , The Chicago Record-Herald Is inclined to grow facetious over the fact that a western congressman-elect is. In favor of providing free agricultural implements to farmers. It really Is almost as funny as paying ship owners a subsidy for engaging in a profitable business. OOOO Air line traffic may. have Its dangers; but spreading rails because of poor ties and" insuffi cient spiking will not be one of them. T Ji , j&-i ijy .Jkm. i?. ?&.. m7 it, )Ut ..