twwfjjswHi-' 'yj w - v ' 'y,MMfpMl1,,t il4WW I' ' ftf'"' NOVEMBER 1, 1907 The Commoner. 15 U ' 'r . f $TT .'' j;;"3W;j,5f i'Wif.f yrvf' vefr THE INTENT The Wall Street Journal quotes from John Sherman to ohow that In introducing the anti-trust hill he aimed at making it strike only at Charcoal Kills Bad Breath Bad Cfdor 'of Indigestion, Smoking, pl:i Drinking or Eating Can Bo Instantly Stopped . 4 ; C -'Sample Package Mailed Prco . Other people notice your had breatlr where you would not notice it at all. It is nauseating to other people to stand hefore them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your had hreath. It usually corneB from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have it in the morning, that awful sour, hilious, had hreath. You can stop that at once by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenges, the most powerful gjta. and odor absorb ers ever prepared. .. Sometimes your meals will reveal themselves in your breath to -those who . talk with you. "You've had onions,1' or "You've been eating cab bage," and all of a sudden you belch In the iface of your friend. Char coal i, a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one knows. That is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are so 'quick to stop all gases and odors of odorous foods, or gas from indiges tion, . .. -' Don't use breath perfumes. They never ctii&eal thevv..pdor, and never absorb tlie gas thaii causes the odor. Besides, the very fact of using them ' Ypyealsj; ttie" reason : "for their' use.' Stuarts Charcoal Lozenge3 in tne first ,$ace -stop , for,- good all sour brash arid belching of gas, and make . your' bjceath. rwrO, fresh and sweet, justi' after you've eaten. Then no one will turn ' his faco away from you when you breathe or talk; your breath, "will be pure and fresh, and besides yotir food will taste so much better to you at your next meal. Just try it' :, .. Charcoal dods other wonderful things,' ,,to,p. ' It carries away from your ; stpmach, and intestines, all the Impurities there massed together and whch causes tbf bad breath. Char coal, is a purifier as well- as an ab sorber. Charcoal is- now 'by far the best, most easy and mild laxative known. ,A.. whole boxful ' wijl do no harm ; in ;f act, the more" you take the better. Stuart's Cb.arc.dal Lozenges are made of pure willow charcoal and mixed with just a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, but not too sweet. Yqu just chew them like caridy. They -are absolutely harm less. Get a new, pure, sweet breath, freshen, your stomach .for your next meal, arid k6ep "the intestines in good w.orking-vorder. These two things are thevecret of good health and , p'g''life. Yvti can, get all the char coal .necessary .to do these wonder ful but simple things by getting Stuart's , Charcoal Lozenges. We want' you to test these little wonder workers yourself hefore you buy them. So send us your full name and address for a free sample of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Then after you nave tried the sample, and been con vinced, go to your druggist and get i 25c-box of them. You'll feel bet ter, all over, - more comfortable, and 7'cleanef" Inside. ,lvSend us your . name and address jtoday and we will at once send yqu by mail a sample package, free. Adr di;ess '.5 -A.. Stuart Co., 200. Stuart ftBldg;, Marshall, Mich. r J . unlawful combination. Stuff! What John Sherman was aiming at was a law. which would get itself buried deep in the archives of congress and never bo heard of again. Somo fel low without a sense of humor resur rected the old gun and proved that It would carry a light charge artd make almost as much disturbance 'at the muzzle as at the breech.--Minneap-olis Journal. . . FOR THE A3IEIIICAN SYSTEM Following, closely upon Senator Knox's address before the Yalo law school the renewed assertion of the rights of the states in high repub lican quarters in, Illinois is fresh as surance that the extreme views put forth by President Roos&velt and hiq secretary of state will divide the re-, publican party deeply. If the attempt is made to push these revolutionary theories too far in practice. The president has already raised the question whether concentration of governmental powers such as he, proposes would not bo as grpat a. threat to the stability of, our insti tutions as was secession and whether the resistance of the American peo ple to the one would not ho as firm as it was to the other. The American people are devoted to the federal government. fThey would not see it shorn off,a single one of its legitimate powers. Such of its constitutional powers as have lain dormant they desire to he brought into action whenever tlie pcqasioh may arise. Its service in, providing fpr the national defense,, carrying the mails, regulating the currency and regulating interstate. and; fpreign commerce they could ,not 'dispense with. Administered iri accordance with the spirit of the constitution they affectionately regard it as the inost., eneflcje,n,t u, government, on earth. ',.."' But, , national . patriotism is not stronger than tlie. state patriotism. of every American. No. American wants his state. divided or. merged In ,anjr other 6tate. And yet the new .sclmpl of constitutional Interpretation wquld merge them all intq an imperialism reaching from qcean, to ocqan, .with an autocrat at the head of it. It Is a fact that the hand of BUch a government is never felt in, the affairs which touch the citizen most nearly and which endear the Amerr lean system to the American citizen. If the federal hand is ever thrust in to these affairs far enpugh to be felt, it will awaken a spirit which will let the authors of the, innovation knpw that the fundamental law of the United States ;must rip, be changed, even as the' rWonfc .de clared at Runnymede they would tolerate no change in, the laws of England. r, The masses of both parties, stand firm on this ground. If President Roosevelt wants to make ah issue on it next year the democratic party will be delighted to meet him. St. Louis Republic. A MIGHT "tooCICDOW, : The new" York traction-1 financiers made $3M&6,000Ton one swnitfini deal. This amounts to''? GQ, 00 0,0 0 6 5-cent fares. It would talce a con ductor, stealing ten fares a. day, 205, 000 years to "knock . down" $3& 000,000. Kansaa,eity Star. i.- : 1 r , POOR GRACE . The New 'York World charges Mr, Bryan, with' making a fajse state ment concerning- It and demands that he make1 a retraction. The dejnand comes with ill grace from a paper which has made-so many misstate ments about" "Mf; Bryan and refused to retract .them-when the wrong was 'pointed o'ut.-Buffalo (N. Y.) Times. "A Kalenxvovzoo Direct to Yom TKAOC MARK. RCOta-TCRElO W " We Pay tk Freight ' lK More tlian "300 Sizes and Styles All our Cook Steve and Ranges" are equipped with Patented SaveafuelandmakeabaklnKcasy. f rRAQC MARK. RCOiatCRCO For your own pockotbook's protection, end forth Knlaraozpo Stoyo Book, nnd get our dircct-fronvllie-factory prices, before you buy n stove or rango of any 2m wf svo you money. Get our prices nnd sen. JJio Kalamazoo lino embraces high-grade stoves nnd ranges for ail purposes tho homo, stores, shops, res taurants, schools, churches and hails sold to you at Actual Factory Prices Freight Prenaid 360 Days Approval Test 83 VlnC VOU fmm tffi in t?A atwl avkh irt nn ft atnnfn purchase. You get yqur money back If your purchaso Is not Just os represented. You can not find a hotter stovo or range no matter how much extra you pay and you Bavo all dealers'. m. I.UI.....I -.f :i.iT .. " - i. .. juuuuia uuu uuuuicmcn a prouis. wo pay me Freight. It will pay you (o Send PoUl for Cmlalofue No. 245 and compare Kalamazoo prices and quality with any Jiwiuuuru niaKB. ya guarantee prompt suipmcnt. Kalamazoo Stava Co., Kalamazoo, Mick. Original OJr4ECttoUaeraM Mnnufacturen, 3m 5tt - MiBa9niN; SYR1GTLY PURE Alt WhiteleadPai MADE FRESH TO ORDER &&&&. I am tho Paiotmiin. I mako PaJnt to order for the individual user, I- el! It direct from factory at fact6ry prices. T ship It In special extra olzo cms guaran teed to contain, full measure c-t paint. . These cans are dated the day tho paint is xaideivur guarantee that it Is absolutely fcesb vyhep you get it, Out of any siveallon order or overorou may vsfl z eailonson your buildines. TJien stand oft and look at it test it in any way you like. If jt Is satisfactory us the balance. If it Is not satisfactory re lara the balance 1'J I rcfuad all of your mpney pay tho trans portation charges both ways and the test shan't cost yoa a penny. That's my way of selline- my Made-to-Order Paint. I'm tho only paintmaker m ths Uoitcd.SUtes EelUnir it that wav. I'm tho only paintmaker in the United States inakinc paint to order. My paint will please you-t's sot to please you. You are tha iiidserr&ad if it rfoesa't It shan't cost you anything. , There's no question sbputtthe psrky of say paiat no question 'albtu it's high quality There can't be--becahe It's made from tho pure materials the best t is possible to buy. L. Chase Strictly Pure Whits Lead ThmTu a all win Frm to Try. Mold ma Tlmm. Purity Cujr4t. Freight Prmpnlm. Dutch Process White Lead strictly pure. well settled, need, raw Linseed OH made. from Northern erown selected flax seedpare Spirits of Turpentine and puro Turpentina Drier, and tbo necessary tin tine colors sad nothing else. This paint stands the tests of any chemist this I sroaranleo under $100.00 cash forfeit. I will sive that sum of money ts any chem ist who will find any adulteration is this paint. It's Just what it's asms ImpUas tha Roll of Iloaor Brand. Qhmlfoimm tha Wmrld en my Strictly Ptsrm All Whlto . Lmmtl Pmk t MyO. Paint The Roll of Honor Brand an alftuhiU It meets all f tha require Mits of tha Stat Para Paiat Laws aad more. I challenge the world on this Roll of Honor Brand aad as I make It to order ff each in dividual user ship It fresh as sooa as xnada that yss may set all of its life rieht oh your buildiscs it's assuredly the best paiat la the world to buy. I want to tell yoa more about my Made-to-Order paint propo sition waat to send you my Biz Fresh Paiat Book, together with samples ef colors to chooso from and tell you all about my Three Great Chmse Made-To-Order Faints Chume JiHt-HbllUv X'tttHt, f' Wli en yon'ra rtd these books Vm irereToa will be conrlnceu tbt I twtll be more economy uid more tttrUon for you to let me nuke your paint to oraer. iiutn 10 bar naincoi nr oilier Kinamiin in Lead paintis made from stric'tly puro Old anyoUjerway.'VVrltofortbesflJkwloiatoneo today Om Lm CHASE, 7t?Q P Mint man, Pont, louim, Mom TmBSm nmwibi WWW mvmwrnim - in 11 i - .-...- - . ... au. ftf;.tl.. "----'- tkIxCUyS lsn.TMt.9aTea!eaec It esabiee yoa xo maxe jmouiui mi W UUGUfllCS lICMm T&lusile gUut wlttiOUttbaoBUrofKiuea T(jdy Efley. A oaJI cub payineat, -sad yoa caa sire iOTaoa"yoareaoteeot Hie Saait alHoof wiKc and outer mrticlt ot blth gn&e au Rt4iaa4e eritiaal DlSmsa lie'rr sstscnoss ssw f our (irtotinaa HIITTl 5wVf.l. p,!ji M-if.- catalor. V wllleenthem.Mre:Lmce pW.foryoar l.tttl(.MOOlt2S4s4SL,CUtf.(s,aMlaSaasIoDialypsyeBU. VtUiUrtuUycltvA ,4- - -, -a t- 7 " - ?. -.'.-'..... ' :jv ' - -.