The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
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The Unseen
About us floats the odorous gales
That kiss the eternal hills of day
Oh, that the chilling fogs would lift,
And show our waiting feet tho
Wo grope about us, seeing not
Tho waiting ones outside our sight
And feeling not the clasping hands
That fain would lead us up the
We may not know tho chords we
That, glancing 'long the electric
line, .
Flash back upon our sodden lives
Some hint of peace and love
divine. v :
As clef ted mountains sometimes hide
Behind tho vapor's veiling drift,
'Till, pierced by Sol's directing, ray,
Their girdling shadows slowly
So, oft we grope, 'neath fogs of
Our hearts in brooding silence
While God's eternal verities
Are hidden from us by a cloud,
When lo! a J)Wling glory throws
A sudden sprcndor o'er our way,
And, slowly lifting, clear reveals
The whitely shining hills of day!
a bad crowd through sheer loneliness
and while tlite majority go .down -to.
the level of their associates, there
are still many others whoso gar
ments do not even smell of the
smoke. What are we going to do
with our evenings? '
Our Homo Talk
. ,Ir is owing- altogether to now you
loo at -things, whether the gray
days of November are dull, lifeless
and lonely, or full of the silent
beauty that clings to 'finished"
taskst-tli0 peace and restfulness
that cdmps with release .from the
burdens of the day. When one is
con.sci.Qus of having done their best,
there is a souse of satisfaction which
nothing eke gives; The visible work
of growth has now ceased, but under
tho brown earth the life goes .on,
unceasing arid sure;. It is beautiful 1
Xrpm ,thQtflolds and forests, the
gardens, ,jtho'nishway8 and the by
w$fHh.qfcBoUtary are gathering into
families. ", and on tho Himinntiria nf
' Home-hearths of our readers, the
ueauuiui "iirst-nres" are being light
ed. Owing to tho "improvements"
of tho age, the lighting of fires on
the hearth may be only a figure of
speech; yet in many, many homos
tho old customs are kept up; the red
flames leap and roar up the chimney
throats, or from open-faced or mica
paned stoves, the glow of comfort
shines out 'over happy home groups,
drawn indoors and together by the
chill of coming winter in the crisp
outer air. Around the lamp-lighted
tables the nightly gatherings of the
household take place, and the door
that shuts, away the threat of frost
swingB open to admit the worker
hurrying homeward from the tasks
of the day.. There is no longer loit
ering along the bare highwaysthe
horao-hungdr is strong, and it '"Is
doubly irresistablo during the early
winter days, when tho change in
tomporature is most apparent.
Now, friends, what are you going
to do with these evenings? It is
claimed that the hours between dusk
and bedtime are the most perilous
of the day, not only to the young,
but to all who long for and see so
cial enlivonment, and this is true of
all whether in the city, village or
country. We are known, not only
oy the company we keep, but by the
way we keep it: Many a good, pure,
self-respecting boy or girl gets into
How to Bo Agreeable.
Many a girl wishes to make
friends, and to be popular with lier
associates, but does npt understand
why she is avoided, qverjooked and
neglected, while other girls, no
brighter, prettier, neater or smarter,
are always being sought, for, . and.
their presence In demand I do not
like to tell the girl, it is, her fault,
for more often than hot it IS' Iter fail
ing, and the" failing is caused by her
Ignorance or thoughtlessness of the
most important rules of good breed
ing, in tne nrst place, sue snouid
learn how to express herself, and ex
pression does not always, or neces
sarily, take the form of words. Ac
tions, the language of gestures, of
the eye and of the facial -muscles
aro often more eloquent thaifW-brds,
and these must be well tinder'" her
control before she can become' pop
ular. . ,- .... "
She should learn to show'iriterest
in the interests of others, and this i
Interest can be shown dn sympathetic
looks, attitudes of attention; patient''
listening, and in many :Ways other
than raw questionings. and 'evident'
curiosity which, in most cases,
would repel, rather than attract A
cordial interest, ven in trivial hap
penings, and an entering into their
little joys and sorrows is very grate
fully received by most of people. A
cheerful, optimistic Way pf looking
at things, and of meetinglittle mis
haps and annoyances; a forgetting
of self in behalf of others, and 'evinc
ing a cordial desire to m.ake'vevery
body "have a Eeod time, wiilfrfo wriinh.
- . - - - ,tt -
Speak freely of pleasant things, and
if you ban 'say a nice thing-fto any
uuo, uo n,; or ii you nave neara a
kind remark made' concerning' tnVesih,
it will not harm to. repeat, fit. M Do
not notice, or spealc of deficiencies,
either in manners, education- or .ap
pearance. It is not necessary 'to be
too frank, and you must' learn what
'hot to say, as well as what you may
say. Deference to' elders.' crraiiiofiR-
ness to youngers,Nand cordial; 'lcm'd..
noes to your associates, w4tnsfofget
fulss of self and ta deterhiination
not to be over-sensitive or quick to
take offense, will do-a great-deal to
mako any one popular. i' v$
who would be vastly better off in
many ways, if more attention were
paid to tho proper toilet services, and
many men and 'women who i)rlde
themselves on'nbt caring for looks,"
would, be much more, satisfying to
their friends, if they did care a lit
tle; at least enough to force them to
avoid pffenslveriess. One may love
W person r, at least tolerate him
pr her in spite of slovenly, untidy
habits; one is ever loved be
cause of them. It is well to have a
thorough acquaintance with the
comb, brush, tooth brush and soap,
and the, water tfa'sin and wash rag;
out there are other details of the
toilet "that' either make or mar at
tractiveness. Pure soaps should be
Used; the washrag should be kept
clean and well aired; the combs and
brushes should be washed and un
loaded of the lint and dust that
render them unhygienic, and every
cine, big and little should own and
use an individual tooth brush and
soap. Care should be taken to im
press the importance of these things
and their use on the children from
their earliest years, and the habits
once firmly established, it will be
very hard to break them. By all
means, take 4 pride' in looking as
pleasant as' possible to yourself and
;your friends. . Keep clean and whole-
the puter garment, by simply rut.
ting theJleuncea pn and pff by mL
pf buttpns and buttpn hples.
Stylo of make seems te be pf more
iinpprtance than fineness ef goods
and many garments pf cheap material
are made tp Jppk very handseme with
braid and silk buttpns.
Straight gkirts are much worn by
children,. -and tho dresses may be
made for or -with a guimpe. Tho
princess makes are pepular for
ypung girls, arranged at the sheulder
and. at the waist line by shirring
.wide tucks prnamerit bpth waist and
skirt. They aro usually supported
by a body-lining on which the yoke
is laid. ,'-"
"Making Fun" of YoungPcople
One of the most senseless things
the parents or older niembefs of the
family can bo guilty ef is, the. ridicul
ing, er Ptherwiso dlseuragiqg the
attempts ef the yeunger.oJ$s to 'InXr
prove their personal appearance by
tricks of the toilet. The 'efforts may
be crude, and the result not always
or often what ls"afmod.-tftrbut tho
act shows a disposition to ihake the
most of themselves, and should be
encouraged. If we cared to do so,,
many of our own shortcomings could
bo traced back to atime in our own
lives when we were "laughed out"
of trying to "primp," und forever
discouraged by some silly taunt or
merciless guying. Many 'a woman
looks back to her lost youth a
youth she might have, at least kept
a semblanoD of, but which she either
did not know. how.-to .retain, or was
taunted out of trying to do so.
It i3 not alone the young .people
The New Hug--or Carpet
Renjqmber that the carpet is-to be
a "ground" fpr the? rest ef the repm
and furnishings. Fpr a small rppm,
especially, dp npt chppse a large pat
tern, pr glaring cplprs. Small de
Signs in fleft shades are mest satis
factory. Deep blues,, brilliant eds,
0r glaring . yellews invariably fade,
shew dust and lint' badly. Dark
greens, pr light fprest greens, tans,
pr wood colors, wear well and last
tor years .without changing colors,
besides bping . very., ple.asant to rest
tlie.,.ey,es on. A, .parpet or rug with
Sjnall, design . in floral or .scroll, in
twortoned effect-such as a combina
tion, of darkutand light green, tan
and deep brown, or rose and wine, is
very,. satisfactory.
Fashion Notes.
Artificial fl6wers are used on even
ing gpwns as 1 garniture.
The effer.t- is being made to bring
back tho old, rcund muff, and it is
seen in many handseme furs.
The bened waist, fellpwing the
curves: ef the figure, are beceming
pppular.- .
The ever-bleuse cpstume centin-.
ues in faver. It is an- impprtant feat
ure where an .entire cestume, yet
net a full Tvaist, pf the skirt material
is wanted.
Trimming, is, new lavishly used,
and trimming on trimming - is the
order of the day. .,
Manyrcapes for evening wear are
made without a particle, of trimming
They are circular shape, with hood
and both cape and hood are lined
with white satin.
Tho old, close-fitting, Princess
shape house-dress is again shown,
the simplest being the ordinary
house-wrapper. The sleeves may btf
short, elbow length, or finished at
the wrist in a deep cuff; er cpat
sleeves may be used, terminating at
the wrist with a perfectly plain
wrist-edge; pr a narrpw, trimmed,
turn-back cuff may be added.
The adjustable, fleunce h quite en
ocenpmy, as, with pne fpundatipn
pne may have many changes to. suit
At tlio Ceuntry Stations
In passing a railroad station at a
small country place, one often no
tices that a f large number of young
girls are there for seemingly no pur
pose except to see the trains come
in and depart. Sometimes these
girls merely stand around andazo
with peculiar interest "at the strang
ers they see in the cars, while some
move apace and flirt-with the train
men, or some of the male passen
gers, One instinctively wonders
what th.e mothers mean, who permit
their daughters to go to a public
place of this kind where they can
liave no ppssible business. Fre
quently it lepks as thpugh they wont
te attract attentipn, , fpr they are
dressed in their best, clethes and
their actiens are leud and boisterous.
These girls are by no means wick
ed; nor do they mean .harm; they
are simply frivolous; the station
seems to be the only spot in their
sleeply little towns where there is
any life or: excitement;, and the
young peopie weary or mpnptony.
But it is a thiner to be disemi rased.
for it wpuld,, cause- them heartaches
nnd intense mprtific.atipn cpuld they
hear the "remarkis made s about. them
being. .,there. .TJiese. young' girls
should go to the Station only, when
they are going away on the train,
or accomnany a friend, and should
leave as soonaa1. possible, making
tnems.erves as Inconspicuous as may
be. There is no 'denying that many
very good girls go there solely for
the purpose 01 seeing new faces,
something to relieve the eternal
stagnation of farm-village life. But,
dear girls, you would not be one bit
more conspicuous or-talke.d about if
you all went do.wn to' the village
street and sat with, the loafers about
the town square, pr " ppstofiice steps.
Take care of your, good name and
character girls, for that" is the most
precious thing you have, and no one
can damage it so, ,i;eadi'iy- as your
self. 7Woman's National .Daily.
For the. Homo. Seanustrcss
The round yoke at the hips for
young, growing girls ig an economical
measure of which, the worried moth
er will be glad to avail herself when
forced to lengthen .down the out
grown gown for tho girlie. As the
top of a plaited skirt is usually thick
and bunglesome, the plaited or gath
ered skirt may be attached to the
round yoke, turning the plaits from
the front. t The breadths' are straight
and measure about the- bottom about
three or four yards in the middle
sizes. -. -.
v iTrimmings are used to give addi
tional attractiveness tbHhe new ma
terials, tq brighten up the old, to
conceal seams and piecings, and to
add to the lengths of outgrown gar
ments, Straight, plain little dresses are
largely worn by the children under
six years jold, and these can be made
very attractive by box "or side plaits
Mns. WiNStow's Sootiiino Svitur for children
tecthlnjfahouldnlwaysljQU8Cd for children wlulo
tcothlnjr. ItBotteas tho cums, jillays Uio.pnln. curou
vvjnd colic and la tho beat romedy -for diarrhoea.
Twonty-flvo co'nta a bottlo.