The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 18, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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OCTOBER 18, 1907
The Commoner.
V -J1
' V" '
Mil. unAN IN 1W8
(Continued from Pago 12)
1900, ho wrote the following from
Stockholm, Sweden, Juno 18, 1906:
"I havo been watching political
developments and have noted with
gratification the vindication of dem
ocratic principles. You have correct
ly stated my position. As I wrote to
Colonel Wetmore, I shall do nothing
to secure another nomination and do
not want one unless tho conditions
seem to demand it. I may add that
I enjoy tho freedom of private life
and feel that I ctfn do some good
without holding any office.
"There are, however certain re
forms which I would like very much
Get Rid of All Your Pace Troubles
in a Few Days' Time With tho
Wonderful Stuart Calcium
Trial Package Sent Frco
You can not have an attractive
face or a beautiful complexion when
your blood is in bad order and full
of impurities. Impure blood means
an impure face, always.
The most wonderful as well as
the most rapid blood cleanser in
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. You use
them for a few days, and tho differ
ence tells in your face right away.
Most blood purifiers and skin
treatments are full of poison. Stu
art's Calcium Wafers are guaran
teed free from any 'poison, mercury,
drug, or opiate. They are as harm
less as -water, but the results are
astonishing. .'
The worst cases of skin diseases
have been cured in a week by this
quick-acting remedy. It contains
the most effective working power of
any purifier ever discovered cal
cium sulphide. Most blood and skin
treatments are terribly slow. Stu
art's Calcium Wafers . have cured
boils in three days. Every particle
of impurity is driven out of your
system completely, never to return,
and it is done without deranging
your system in the slightest.
No matter what your trouble is,
whether pimples, blotches, black
.heads, rash, tetter,. eczema, or scabby
"crusts, you can solemnly depend upon
-Stuart's Calcium Wafers as never
failing. Don't be any longer humiliated by
having a splotchy face. Don't have
strangers stare at you, or allow your
friends to be ashamed of you be-
. cause of your face.
Your blood makes you what you
are. The men and women who forge
ahead are those with pure blood and
pure faces. Did you ever stop to
think of that?
Stuart's Calcium Wafers are abso
lutely harmless, but the results
mighty satisfying to you even at the
end of a 'week. They will make you
happy because your face will be a
welcome sight not only to yourself
when you look in the glass, but to
everybody else who knows you and
talks with you.
We want to prove to you that Stu
art's Calcium Wafers are beyond
doubt the best and quickest blood
and skin purifier in the world so
wo will send you a free sample as
soon as we. get your name and address:-
Send for it today and then
when you have tried the sample you
will not rest contented until you havo
bought a 50c box at your druggist's.
.Send us your name and address
today and we will at onqe send you
by mail a sample package, free. Ad
dress F. A. Stuart Co.,' 175 Stuart
Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
to see accomplished and to assist in
tho accomplishment of these reforms
I am willing to become the party can
didate again, If when the time for
nomination arrives tho advocates of
reform are in control of the party
and think that my candidacy will
give tho best assurance of victory.
If some one else seems more avail
able I shall be even better pleased.
"I need not assure you that I am
more interested in seeing our prin
ciples triumphant than I am in the
personnel of tho ticket. Tho coun
try needs to havo Jeffersonian de
mocracy applied to all tho depart
ments of the government, state and
national, and I am content to help
make this application.
"Yours truly,
"W. J. BRYAN."
Sincerity and candor mark tho
spirit and letter of the above state
ment. Mr. Bryan' could not have
declared more positively that he is
not seeking the nomination, and that
he does not dcBiro it if a more avail
able candidate can be found. Had
he been seeking tho nomination ho
Would have played the politician and
ndt the statesman in his Madison
Square address, upon returning from
his tour of tho world. The party
leaders sought to induce him to mod
ify his views on the railroad ques
tion, which he refused to do, pre
ferring to speak his honest and well
matured convictions, let the conse
quences to his own personal fortunes
be what they might. He said he
believed government ownership
would be the ultimate solution of
the problem. It was not a discreet
utterance, from a party standpoint,
but when the history of tho present
era is written, It will be seen that
the credit for bringing the railroad
corporations to their senses belongs
to him. They have been forced to
choose between obeying the law or
hasten the application of the remedy
which Mr. Bryan warns them will
be ultimately applied.
The fact is that Mr. Bryan's place
in history is secure. Ho has not won
the presidency, but tho principles for
which he stands have been vindicat
ed. But for the Bryan campaigns
Roosevelt would never have forced
the republicans to pass a railroad
rate bill nor wielded tiro big stick
over the trusts. But for the denun
ciation of "government bv injunc
tion? in the platform of 1896, there
would be no such sentiment as that
which has backed up Judge Long
and Governor Glenn In tills state and
Governor S.wanson in Virginia in re
sisting the arbitrary interference of
a federal judge in our local affairs.
But for the criticism of the methods
by which the income tax was defeat
ed; bv a divided court, one judge
chaneing his opinion, we would not
tortav have the spectacle of a republi
can president demanding that wealth
shall bear a part of the burdens of
taxation. Granting Mr. Rrvsevelt
full credit for being better than his
party, yet all must concede that the
most potent weapon he has employed
in mrrvlnq: his point has been that
the favored Interests could choose be
tween mild republican regulation or
kick out and let Mr. Bryan come in.
The old lady .who distinguished
her pies by marking them with a
"T," signifying "'tis mince" and
'"tain't mince," has been outdone
bv the culinary expert of a little
hotel "among the Green mountains.
The chance guest had finished the
serious part of the wholesome din
ner, when the cook, who was also
waitress and landlady, asked him if
he didn't want some pie.
"What kind of pie have you?" he
asked expectantly.
"Well, we've got three kinds,"
said the hostess, "open-faced, cross
barred and kivered all apple."
Woman's Home Companion.
Tnnl fnr (lie liomeortbc farm must be all-routiU hard worker. They nniftt have
lasting cdpe that will take c.'f a tissue shavta? after cutting through knot ami gnarly
grains, lucre is one sure wa) i uy nutu iw. iwr
Each If guaranteed and stamped with the trademark for ypur guidance.
Keen Xutter Tools Include Cnrpenterf' Toolf , Farm and Garden Tools, Bcltaor.
ami Shears, rocket-knlve and Table Cutlery. II noi ai your uenicra, wnieM.
SIMMtftt IARDWA1E CiMTANY Gc), St Leafe art New York, u. s. A.
Send For Our Stove Book
WHY MOT SET THE BEST ami SAVE FROM $5 to $40 ? f
Ton know that there matt bo a big
difference between the factory price
and the dealer's price on a good stovo
or range.
Why not save that dlfrorcnco and
keep that extra profit In your pocket!
You know that there rnuit ho a biff
dl (Terence between a strictly high
frrado store, made of tho beet materi
al byexpcrtworkmon,anda"cheap"
stove mado of scrap Iron by Inferior
Why not (ret tho best yon can fl4
especially when you can boy It at taa
actual factory price!
Thafo exactly what we offer 70s
'A. teJFQk.GK2r
Direct to iu ,f
Slavs or Rings of the highest quality at actual Factory
Price on 360 Days Approval.
You cannot seeuro anvwhero a bet
ter stove or range than the Kalamazoo
nu Rtcomo so lamoun as luni-eavcrs;
an good bakers and quick heaters j and
no matter how muck extra you par.
"We guarautee that, under a twfm
bank bond aad give you JW days la
which to prove It yourself.
Our first Idea Is to make the best
atove and ranges that humansklll and
experience and honest workmanship
can produce from the best procurable
That's why wo use only tbo highest
grade pig iron, and a better grade of
steel than any other stovo manufac
turer In tho United Btatcs.
That's why wo employ tho most
skilled workmen In tho business, and
maintain one of tho best equipped,
most modern storo factories In tho
And that's why tbo Kalamazoo line
Sand Festal Tatfay Far Catalogue No. 245
Compare KaUmaxoo Quality and Kal
amazoo Prices with others and save
your money. Ourllnelscomnleto.em
bracing stoves and ranges of all kinds
for au domestic- purposes lor we
KALAMAZOO STOVE COMPANY. Maeofaetorers. Kafsmexee, MtstttfM.
Original "Dlrect-to-uscr" Manufacturer. Beware of imitators.
why they last so long andglvo such
good satisfaction.
AttliesametlEaeenrsystemof man
nfacturlogand selling direct is such
that we save you 3,tl0,ta0and In somo
cases as much as I Won every purchase.
You cannot got a hotter at any prtco.
The Kalamazoo is as good a stove or
range an ma n can make and you save
from 'JO to 40 In buying It
And don't forgot i you got your
money bade If It Is not in everyway
exactly as represented.
We pay the freight
and ship all Kalamazoo blacked,
pollhcd and ready for Immediate use.
Any man can remove crating and set
them up.
l.mj sHinl Mttstsanli sSsaifst 1tYrrat
rooms, etc Hotel ranges for rostaur-
antn.boardlng housos,clubsand camps.
Oas stove and raagea for cooking
and heating all sold at factory prices.
Koval Rteel
Range, one of many styles
exceptionally economi
cal of fuel.
All our cook stores and
range are equipped wlUS
patontoren thermometer,
which savse fuel and nukes
bakiag sod routing easy.
Burner, l'osltlvely the
tct bargain ever offered
In a beating store.
ojr s&&.
Tho story, told simply and di
rectly and without argument, of
how tho masses work without get
ting, while the few get without
working; and how America can
become really free. Free America,
by Bolton Hall. With illustrations
by Dan Beard. Cloth, 75 cents,
postpaid. Paper, 25 cents, post
paid. The realistic life-story of a typi
cal, successful -business man of
the present time, showing his busi
ness and political methods and
how he becomes the manager of
his party in a great State, and
finally a member of tho United
States Senate, The Confessions of
a Monopolist, by Frederic C.
Hovc, Cloth, $1.00, postpaid.
A delightful, inspiring statement
of the noble Ideals of gcnulno
democracy, and of the moral law
as applied to government; with
a clear and simple explanation of
many complicated problems of
present life, such as trusts, com
petition, socialism, Imperialism,
patriotism, etc. Ethics of Democ
racy in a fundamental, not parti
san, sense, by Louis F. Post. Silk
cloth, gilt top, large 12mo, $2.00,
& (t&u (8ri? C&d
Lack Box 1021, Chicago 111.
' ii
-'l m
'iate .:i-'.j!:Jt .fa. yfcAqj" Kj.
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