1 rrpt 'TPT'TWilf l)JWf 14 The Commoner. VOLUME "7, NUMBER 4Q ft I I1, w It- lt- k&m r.w wsv ,"t-wg .r'ra ' m .ii'" i-i HiO fl Jl I M V II K' 'i, 5 r Nr-a ?Mj ffl fl! t IK m if i;.V;'n ii ;, r. 'disappeared onco inoro into the cane ' b'rako. Cliaptcr Five ' An exhausted bear, slowly and painfully pushing Its way through tho jungle, paused to listen. Close, behind was hoard tho bay ing of the hounds and tho exultant voices of pursuing men. "Well, I guess I have lived up to my press notices," muttered the bear as it' reclined at length by the side of a log. Ah, gentle reader, you insist that bears can not talk'. Well, this 'bear could. This was an Ernest-Thompson-Seton-Thoinp-son bear that had been under the tutolago of Dr. Long. ( "Here's where I make good," tho animal murmured, closing its eyes. . A moment later a bold and fear- SHORTHORNS FOR' SALE I have a herd bull (rcd-ronn), an excellent unininl; an eight months old bull (light red) ;v an eighteen months' old heifer (red-roan) ; a two months' old heifer calf (white-roan), and two cows (red). Address W. J. B R Y A N , Lincoln, Neb. (31 THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS (Morning) THE DENVER NEWS (Evening) THE nEWS-TIMES (Weekly) , Hon. Thomas M. Patterson, Editor Pub's. With Price. Commoner. Tho Times (with Sunday) ..'. $7.80 $7.80 The Times (without Sunday) 6.20 5.20 Tho News (Daily) 9.00 0.00 Tho News (Sunday only) ; 2.50 2.00 Tho News-Times (weekly) 1.00 1.00 Send Subscriptions now to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr. II R NOW READY t . .'. ' FOR DELIVERY Volume VI " The Commoner Condensed -;' as us iitie inuicar.es, mis dooic is a conuensea copy or The Com- Z nioner for one year. It Is published annually and the different Issues are designated as Volumes I, II, III, IV, V and VI, corresponding to tho volume numbers of Tho Commoner. The last issue is Volume VI, and contains editorials which discuss questions of a permanent nature. Every important subject in the world's politics is discussed in The Commoner at tho time that subject is attracting general atten tion. Because -of this The Commoner Condensed is valuable as a reference boolc and should occupy a place on the desk of every lawyer, editor, business man and other student of affairs.- . OCTAVOS OF ABOUT 480 PAGES EiOH; BOUND IN HEAVY CLOTH, AND WILL MAKE A HANDSOME AND VALUABLE ADDI TION TO ANY LIBRARY. TO NEW OR RENEWING SUBSCRIBERS Ono Year's Subscription to Tho Commoner .. . ) ry ,i A 1 a The Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound J" DOlil, lp I J U To subscribers who have already paid the current year's subscription Cloth bound, 75c. Jy Mail, Postage Paid. These prices nro for cither volume. If more tlmn ono voltimo is wanted, add to abovo prices 75 cents for each ndditlonuf ono in cloth binding. Volume I is out of print; Volumes II, III, IV, V and VI-are ready for prompt delivery. , REMITTANCES MUST BE SENT WITH ORDERS. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska. less hunter stepped up alongside. It was our hero, Fearless Freddie. Eyeing the bear for a moment he turned to his followers and asked: "Are tho correspondents ready?" "Tliey are," was the, instant reply. "Kodaks ready to snap?" It Was Fearless Freddie who again spoke. 'Ajll ready," was the reply. An instant later Fearless Freddie poked his rifle into bruin's shaggy side and pulled the trigger. Conclusion Little remains to be told. The story of how Fearless Freddie re turned to civilization must be re served. It will be found later in the thrilling novel, "Shaking tho Stock; or How Fearless Freddie Bucked the Bulls and Bears." Order of your newsdealer any old time. The pelt of a huge black bear re poses upon the office floor of Fear less Freddie, tanned with the hair outside. And often, as the days come and go, Fearless Freddie loves to sit in the twilight and tell the assembled newspaper correspondents of those terrible and shrilling hours spent in a tree in tho Louisiana canebra'kes, with a bear at the foot of the tree and evidently forgetful of the fact that it was overdoing its contract.. (Finis.) BOOKS RECEIVED Old Tales Retold, or Perils and Adventures of Tennessee Pioneers. ,3y Octavia Zollicoffer Bond. Smith se Lamar, .ruDiisnmg House of Metli odist Episcopal Church,, South, Nashville, Tenn., and Dallas, Texas. The Intimations of Immortality. Significant Thoughts on the Future Liife. Selected by Helen Philbrook Patten. Small, JVIaynard & Co., Bos ton, Mass. Price $1.50 net. The Ministry of David Baldwin. A novel. By Henry Thomas Cole stock. Thomas Y. Crbwell & Co., Publishers, New York. Cloth, $1.50. The Concentration of Wealth. (Pamphlet.) By Henry Laurens Call. Read before the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science at Columbia college, New York, December 27, 1906. The Chandler Pub. Co., Boston, Mass. Price 10 cents. The Truth About the Congo. The Chicago Tribune Articles. By Fred- ciiuK. ouirr. I'-oroes & Co., Publish ers, Chicago, 111. uint Jane of Kentucky. By Eliza Calvert Hall. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass. $1.50. Between the Testaments or Inter biblical History. By Rev. David Gregg, D. D., LL. D. Funk & Wag nails Company, New York. Price 76 cents not. Occasionals, poems by Joseph Ad ams. The Neale Pub. Co., New York. Tho Ego and His Own. By Max Stirner. Translated from tho Ger man by Steven T. Byington. Benj. R. Tucker, Publisher, New York. The Lovers' Club. By Philitus Brown. The Old Greek Press, Chi cago, 111. The Divinity of Christ,-and Argu ment. Translated . from the French of sMrg. Emile Bougaud. -By C L Currie. William H. Young & Co.! 27 Barclay St., New York. Price $1.00 net. The Man with the Grip. (Boole let.) By John F. Kelly. John F Kelly, Publisher, 324 Tenth St., Brooklyn, N. .Y. Price 25 cents. The Gold Supply and Prosperity Compiled and edited .by Byron W. Holt, editor of Moody's Magazine Published by the Moody Corporation 36 Nassau. St., New York. Price $1.00 net; by mail $1.10. France and the Pope. The separ ation of tho churches and the French Republic, "Hecember, 1906. By Gen eral William Birney. The Truth Seeker Company, 62 Vesey St., New York. (Pamphlet.) A History of Italian Literature By Miss Florenc Trail, of Frederick Md Published by Mr. Vincent Ctocia.'ltalian Publisher, New York Cannot Rest . Your appetite is gone. What littlo you eat distresses you. Strength is falling are bilious. You have head ache, backache, feel bluo and melancholy- and can not rest or sleep. Tho fact Is your nerves are unstrung, and you are on the verge o'f nervous pros tration. They must bo strengthened, renewed. They will not cure them selves, but must, have a nerve remedy. This you will And in Dr. Miles' Nervine It is prepared for just such ailments, and is a neVer-failing remedy, because It soothes, feeds and builds tho nerves back to health. ir allowed to continue, stomach, kid ney and liver troubles will soon bo added to your already overflowing measure of misery. "I suffered from nervous prostration. When I began taking Dr. Miles' Ner vine I couldn't hold anything In my hands, nor get from ono room to an other. Now I do all my own work." MRS. CHARLES LANDRUM, , Carthage. Mo. Nervine seldom falls to do all wo claim for it, and so wo authorize drug gists to refund money if first bottle does not benefit. I I back your lottor nostaeo If you will wrlto mo to-day fornn Absolutely Froo trial of my incomparablo Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid treatment. I do this because I want to prove, at my own cx Cpnnsc, that you can bo cured. No strings on this offer.. It means what It says. XllEti Treatment sent by mall, prepaid. Address OR. J3. fl. WBLLlflftSS, 528 P. O. Blk., East Hampton, Conn. FOR AGENTS. - ' - A SUCCESS. M A sal Bis Ways BY Wm. Jennings Bryaaa 157G Imperial Octavo Pages. 251 Superb Engrav ings from Phutooraplia tahen bv Col. Bryan. Recounts his trip aronnd tho world and his visits to all nations. Greatest book of travel over written. Most successful book of this genera tion. 41,000 called for In 4 nxmtliM. Wrlto us for sainplo roports of flrst lOO agonts ora- Cloyed. Tho pooplo buy It eagorly. Tho agont s arvest. Outfit J? It 15 .E. Send fifty cents to cover cost of mailing and handling. THE THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Subscribers' JKtoerming Pept. This department is for tho exclusive uso of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per In sertion the lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communi cations to Tho Commoner. Lincoln, Neb. OR SALE OR ' EXCHANGE FOR land, about B0 head of registered Hereford cattle. W. H. Jackson, Efllng- ham, 111. DTJROC BOARS, GILTS, 200 UP. I C. Coleman, Mt, Pleasant, Iowa. LAST YEAR'S CROP $10,000 HERB is a snap; eqsyterms; '$15,000 will buy a Rico Plantation In East -Texas that produced a $10,000 crop last year. All in cultivation this ear. Terms easy. Geo. B.. Conklin, Plaquemino, La. FOR SALE SEVERAL IMPROVED irrigated farms in . the Greeley district, within ono, hour's ride from Denver. Choice potato, beet and al falfa land. "Wish to deal direct with purchasers. Address Horace G. Clark, Clerk Supreme Court, Denver, Colo. fe. .!',? ,.LttM ,k,.'-ttjl-. AaM1;(-JulMu:'t Jtri&i&;