The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 04, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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    OCTOBER 4, 1807.
The Commoner.
Every one of these pledges has
been fulfilled.
We express our satisfaction with
the operation of the new primary
law. It gives to the individual the
same equal voice in the selection of
all candidates that is given in the
election that follows. Its first ex
periment was to obtain a freer and
fuller expression of sentiment than
has heretofore been possible to ob
tain under the caucus system. We
pledge such amendments to the law
as experience demonstrates are neces
sary to make it a more perfect sys
tem of choosing candidates.
We endorse the work of the state
railway commission arid expect It to
continue to be a serviceable instru
ment in enforcing the laws without
fear or favor and to deal speedily,
impartially and justly with all com
plaints against the roads. And we
especially endorse the present efforts
of the commission ,to effect a reason
able additional i eduction in grain
rates. We call upon the railway com
mission to investigate if only those
giving the railways "the major por
tion of their time" are on the list of
passholders, and we insist upon a
rigid enforcement of the anti-pass
We believe the federal judiciary
law should be amended to define the
citizenship of interstate corporations
for the purposes of jurisdiction of
federal courts by providing that for
the purposes of original jurisdiction
and jurisdiction on removal from
state courts, or federal courts, a cor
poration shall be deemed a citizen of
every state where it has filed or is
required by the law of that state to
file in the manner required of domes
tic corporations, its articles of incor
poration. And in addition thereto
that every foreign corporation, or its
successors, assigns, or lessees, exer
cising or claiming the right to exer
cise the right of eminent dpmain,
under a state law, shall be deemed a
citizen of that sta,te for the purposes
of jurisdiction of federal courts.
We favor the enactment of a fed
eral law and if necessary an amend
ment to the federal constitution
which will forbid the federal courts
from issuing writs of injunction
against state officers charged by law
with the enforcement of state
We regard with high favor the
nominees on our state ticket and in
vite all voters who believe in official
probity and efficiency to join in elect
ing them.
A plan to reorganize the Chicago
Union Traction company was an
nounced the other day. This com
pany's tangible and intangible prop
erty has been appraised, and the
total value fixed, by agreement with
the city, at $32,000,000.
Under the agreement, earnings are
limited to five per cent upon this
sum and forty-five per cent of net
surplus profits, after setting aside
fourteen, per cent for maintenance
and depreciation the other fifty
five per cent going to the city.
When the reorganization commit
tee met, we understand one member
proposed that, as the total value of
the property was $32,000,000 and
earnings restricted as above, no
more than $32,000,000 of stock and
bonds should be issued.
Thereupon all was confusion. Two
members of the committee fainted.
Another shouted- for the police to
come and take the anarchist into
When peace was restored, the
committee consulted its dream book
and briskly evolved a plan, which
provides that bonds shall be issued
to the amount of $32,000,000, or the
total value of the property and
tLen some Income debentures, some
capital stock, come certificates of
beneficial interest divided into series
A., B and C, and some - collateral
tniBt notes, all footing up to about
$CO,000,000, or double the value of
the property.
Wo hear that the incendiary mem
ber who proposed an honest capi
talization will bo indicted. May his
fate be a warning! Once give foot
ing to the notion that a property
m'ay, in some exceptional cases, bo
reorganized without issuing bales of
bogus "securities," and one of Wall
Street's chief sources of profit will
bo imperiled.
No matter how patently aqueous
the "securities" are, there is always
an encouraging possibility that, in a
rigged market, some of them may bo
worked off on credulous investors.
Saturday Evening Post.
An American woman, who had
gone to live In Shanghai, was com
pelled soon after her arrival to en
tertain some important business as
sociates of her husband's. Her finest
china, glass and so forth had not
yet arrived from the States. Never
the less, she determined to give a
dinner, and called in her ''Number
1 boy."
"Now, boy," she said, Impressive
ly, "I entertain three gentlemen at
dinner tomorrow, very fine ccnUc--
rnen. You make it all best possible.
Must be nice, everything."
The next evening, as she ushered
her friends into the dining hall, she
gasped in amazement. Before her
was a table spread with most ex
quisite linen, cut glass, silver and
delicate china. Over it all hung a
gorgeous cut-glass chandelier. Course
after course was served aB if by
The instant she could leave her
guests she sought her "Number t
"Boy! Boy!" she exclaimed,
"where did you get such beautiful
The boy beamed with satisfaction.
"Everything very nice, best possible!
Mo very good friend Russian ambas
sador's 'Number 1 boy,' Russian am
bassador go out to dinner. Me bor
row. Very, nice, very nice!" Den
ver News.
According to a magazine writer,
girls do not eat enough. Apparently
this writer has never observed the
girls when they go back to the table
after the company is gone. Kansas
City Journal.
Really one only needs to have dis
aster to know how good the world
is; everybody rushed to the rescue
of the Courier-Journal; the meaning
of this is that the old lady at the
corner even in her bombazine skirts
and sunbonnets in trouble has
everybody's sympathy.
It is positively bewildering! By a
natural process of evolution and re
form, the Courier-Journal loves
everybody; we love Mayor Bingham
for the enemies he has made; we lovo
prospective Mayor Tyler for the
friends he thinks he has made; wo
even love the Evening Post, which
has done the squaro thing and that
moans that wo lovo everybody.
Tho indobtodnosfl of the Courier
Journal to tnc Louisville Herald gom
without saying; and this moans that
politics is not war, and party lines
nro not linos of battle.
Let tig ail praise God and lovo ono
another; tho ono blciiflod thing Is that
although there might liavo hofln a
holocaust, nobody was hurt or lost his
life. LouIhvIHo Courier-Journal.
A True Plane
When yon buy anonlinnry plnne yon have to Hud out by actunl use whether it
is true or not. You know Mint any Keen Kulter Tool in true before you buy it,
because It is stamped with the trndemnri: which gunrnntccs it.
This mnrk Is your tmfegimrd in buying tools, for it mean if anything roc
wrong you shall not be the feser. Aslc for them by nnmc.
Ktrn mm
Tools and Cutlery
Kvn K utter Tools Include Carpenter
Tools of All kinds, also Forks, Ilooi,
Scythes, Trowels, rranliiff-kiilvrs,&(an.
ore-hooks, lAwn-mowrrs, Grau-fliears,
Jtnkrs, and All kinds of 1'nrm And Garden
Tools. Alto a full lino of Fclssors and
Blicara, rockcldcnlres And Table Cutlery.
If not At your dealer's, write us.
y& S
-Mjmtmtmw. n.mirf "- ,
mAWTT. .,Vf' mMlfl , .TjJJU Kf.
TOTjb r'v vzmt i 'j' fssssss. ss
Sr. Lt amNcw Tsm, U. S. A.
- Hi
. -.
r w-
H 3"
p J1
Br 11
Off for this Big Handsome ftJLNftC
WW Nickol Trimmed Steol RHlHIE
without warming closet or resonrolr. With high warming closet, por
celaln lined reservoir, Just as shown ia out, s) 17.34, Ms do wltn large
squaro oven, six No.scouklng holes, regular S-10sisc bodymalootrold
roue u aieoi piaia. jsurns wood or coal. Ail nicicoi wirw highly polisher).
TfF f M A ore the most liberal ervr made. You can pay after
ffKBi you recclTO tho range. Yon can take ft into your
KailHITItLl own linnin. liinftX.1tAY. If mil ln nnt nnri It itmnt-
. w - - . -- -- - , v . - --- 2 1 "- w- w-
it bb rrprosentou, mo Diggest Dorgain you over paw, oquai to scores
donblo our price, return it to ns, and wo will pay tho freight both wr
sold at
QEUrt A nnCYil PAD!! ml will nH yu TREK our ncwlSW
dknU A I rUOlAU OAltU and 1908 stoTecaUlogtie.dewriblngthls
handomo steel ranee, also the most complete lino of stoves and ranges In
tho world. Large Illustrations, full dnwrlptlon at prJcon much lower thaa
Rnyonocbsoeanuiakoyou. liny direct from manufacturers and rave money.
WHITE Tfl HIV forournewfllnstratcd stove. Cataloguo Ho S7t Vewlll
S3 Si! I C lU'UAl aavo you money. No delay In shipping, ltnaa tho most
wonderful fit ovo otrerA ever made. Mort liberal trms ever oncrcd , telle how to order.
. - .. A r. w C4a.i a Daf4npir
urueruirecviioiaHui jwtui "r"' , .
sad flsive for yourself all Jobbers and Dealers'
Dig pronu.
n juhivi"";-" H
Hoosier Stoves and Ranges
"Tbc belt In the world." Are ioU on 30
jt .1 '-..4-1,. I airU.nav Ij f rlrr)lt .
Guaranteed for year, "backed by
mtlllnn r1(dlr.,f AaTlloOSler'S SrO A
..... - ..mmm. h..r " vrrv
a a a. a 4. i I mt A
r neavnr maae oi minen ir"" .v ---
W Uriel, beaullfully flnlibwl. wltn many nwrapiwr
I .. . . ... .. ..lMa A w MTAPAil.
v&viov tnawt uo jniii ii.ji w. -..---
wmeiorcauisjano3eaMi ithhwiww.
UKUlf dviti iu., mii
Menoa, ina
The Omaha World-Herald
Our Special Offer
PubliHhcrs' Our Prlco
Prico With Tho
Dally Worlil-ircrnld . fOO fi.OO
Dally World-IIernld, Except Sunduy. . .' 3.00 3XT,
Seral-AVcekly World-Herald JO 1,25
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska
Made - to - Order
I Ship my Paint in extra, str-o Gallon cans
guaranteed to contain full measure.
These cans are dated tho day the paint Is
made jourrcuaran tee tliat tuel'
lutcIyresA when you get It.
uui oi any six canon orocr or over you may
uso the balance. If It
ii tha balance. Ill ro
tund all tho money paid pay transportation
both wayti and thotetJtshan'tcostyouAccnt.
Making Taint fresh to order on a bfrecalefor
the individual user enables mo to oiler a Utter
paint At air
llounoor Dalnti
uso two gallons ou your buildings.
ix it is Kauameuirv. uso uie na
ian't satisfactory, return the balance,
irlce than iinr Mall-Order
uirany In the United htates.
jjylnl'alntnnvwhcro until
'aintisabso- you get my proposition.
1 can eavo you some money on a paint that's
bound to please you becaare If It doesn't
pleaayou,you can scud it back af tcr you Uavo
used two full gallons.
Won't yoa write today formyBlgPalntBoolc
and other printed matter I It m sent KUKK
together with earn pi o colors to choose from.
Juat send me a postal with your name and ad
dress 4nd do it note while 1 t'fl on your mind.
g m Cfs.
1 1 mm Per
V fl OaL
Two Fall
To Try
Om L CHASE, Tho Paintman, Bepi.A 87 , ST LOUIS, MO.
'i - iiifilnssii' tHtiHfhk "i4h(!pi5iiK2l wtf. ,uJNtf'Vt .-wmtHftCii -
P i.H
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