The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 04, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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    The Commoner.
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a.. Ar,tfft,i Pi-ntia riinnfifoh from ntftto committee. Nebraska Is
Havana, Cuba, follows: "The secret the first state to indorse him through
nolice arrested General MaBso Parro
and a little later took into custody
General Juan Ducassi and. Goneral
Lara Miret, charged with conspiring
against public order. A general
striko of the employes of the United
Railroads and the Havana electric
railroad was declarod today. Trains
are running with the help of the en
gineers only, without firemen or con
ductors. A tioup of all the roads
in the island is feared. General Parra
is tho alleged leader of the conspir
acy to start a revolution against the
Americans in Cuba with tho use of
funds supplied through some firm in
New York. Simultaneously with the
arrival of Parra at Havana three
Santo Domingans, well known on ac
count of their previous revolutionary
records, also arrived. It Is known
that tho conspiracy was hatched in
Now York by Americans whoso names
it is said are in the possession of the
United States government, and It la
stated that the leaders here are pro
fessional revolutionists hired for the
job, which, It is believed, will result
in a fiasco. Governor Magoon, how
ever, is amply prepared with 5,000
American soldiers and 5,000 rural
guards to crush any movement an in
stant after it is started."
Mr. Bryan spoke at the golden an
niversary celebration at Beatrice,
Nob., September 2G, addressing, it is
sstimated, 25,000 people.
The Nebraska democratic con
vention adopted tho following resolu
tion complimentary to Mr. Bryan:
"We, the democratic party of Ne
braska, in delegate convention as
sembled, express our continued con
fidence in, and admiration for, Hon.
William Jennings Bryan, and reas
sert our fidelity to the principles
which he has so ably advocated, and
which at this time are so generally
accepted by a large majority of the
people of the United States."
a state convention, and the Nebraska
convention is the first of any state,
outsido of favorite son states, to take
action on the presidency."
A Paris cablegram carried by the
Associated Press follows: "Remark
able experiments In the chemical de
velopment, of life have been recently
effected by Prof. Do Lage of the Sor
bonne. In his laboratory at Roseoff
in Brittany Prof. De Lage placed the
unfertilized eggs of tho sea urchin
and the starfish in sea water, adding
a solution of sugar with a few drops
of ammonia and tannin. In about
an hour segmentation, which is the
first sign of life, began, and the eggs
produced larvae. The great major
ity of these larvae soon died, but
Prof. De Lage by constant care
brought four of the urchins and two
of the starfish through the larvae
stage, and 'they are now healthy
growing specimens. Prof. De Lage's
experiments go beyond those made
by Prof. Loeb of the University of
California at Berkeley."
An Associated Press dispatch un
der date of San Francisco, Septem
ber 27, says: "The first division of
the Pacific fleet, the foreguard of the
American navy which is assembled in
Pacific coast waters by order of the
president, steamed through the Gold
en Gate at sunrise this morning. The
four armored cruisers passing the
heads in file formation, led by the
flagship West Virginia, flying at her
masthead the two star red flag of
the commander of the fleet Rear Ad
miral James H. Dayton. Five hun
dred yards to the rear came the Col
orado, followed at a like distance by
the Maryland and the Pennsylvania.
The arrival of the big sister ships
marked the end of a 36,000 mile
cruise which began at Newport, R. I.
Following the endorsement of Mr.
Tattby'tiio Nebraska republican con-
, vouuuu m Atui uiuimgurs ai vjomm-
Dus, Ohio, gave out this statement:
rne indorsement of Secretary Taft
by the Nebraska republican state
convention is extremely gratifying.
It is responsive to the overhwelming
sentiment prevailing not only in that
state, but everywhere. While Kan
sas has indorsed Taft through its
J. T. Harahan, president of the
Illinois Central railroad, has given
out a sensatio.nal letter in reply to
Stuyvesant Fish in which letter Mr.
Harahan says: "He (Stuyvesant
Fish) loaned to himself as an indi
vidual about $1,500,000 from the
troasury of the company (Illinois
Central) upon securities of his own
selection,. which proved to be inade
quate and unmarketable."
as chairman of the convention. C.
B. Manuel was re-elected chairman
of tho state committee and B. A.
Walrath was re-elected secretary.
The following platform was adopted:
The state convention of the peo
ples' independent party of Nebraska
declares Its adherence to the princi
ples which have been advocated in
its former platforms and congratu
lates the people that many of its
principles advocated for years by the
peoples' party have now become parts
of the recognized principles of all
We call the attention of the people
to the fact that since 1887 efforts
have been made by the people of this
j.tate to fix railroad freight fates, a
light given to them in the constitu
tion of the state. All such efforts
have proven a failure. The legisla
tion of the last year in our opinion
will be as great a failure.
Undoubtedly the railroad commis
sion which was created by an amend
ment to the constitution has no pow
er to fix rates. We therefore demand
that the governor shall call an extra
session of the legislature and that
body establish maximum rates upon
grain, live stock, fruit, vegetables,
building material, fuel and such kin
dred products of production that en
ter into the necessities of life, also,
a stringent anti-pass law, a reciprocal
demurrage law, and a law directing
the governor of this state to appoint
a competent commission of at lease
five, no more than two of whom shall
be of one political party, who shall
after due investigation ascertain and
report upon the physical values and
the market values of the properties
of all common carriers doing busi
ness within this state, for the guid
ance of the legislature and the tax
ing powers, a maximum rate and
anti-discrimination law upon crude
and refined oil such as enacted in our
neighboring state of Kansas.
We denounce the extension of the
equitable power of the federal
courts and deny the right of a fed
eral judge to enjoin a sovereign state.
In all cases of injunction no order
should be issued until both parties
are heard.
We do riot believe that the present
railway commission, under the con
stitutional amendment recently
passed, has- the power to fix freight
rates, we believe that the power of
the board is restricted to regulation
(Continued on Page 14)
Of course the Manufacturer ana
Dealers Blame it on the New Pure
Food Law, but Most People are
Willing to Pay the Price for
Purity and Quality
Prices of food products, continue
to soar skyward in a manner that
alarms and mystifies the housekeeper
and "the man who pays the bills.
Even. fresh fruits and vegetables are
classed as "luxuries" in the larger
cities and the prices of meats neces
sitate Increasing economy in the av
erage home. The average family, in
deed, finds it increasingly difficult to
procure all the "necessaries of life, '
to say nothing of the luxuries.
Of course it is natural for dealers
and manufacturers to lay the blame
for increased cost of living upon the
new National Pure Food Law. This
was to be expected. The truth is,
however, that' increased prices of
foods are largely due to shortage in
supply caused by an unusually lato
season. Even though the manufac
turers and dealers are taking advan
tage of the Pure Food Law to raise
prices, most people are willing to pay
the prices for purity and quality.
In these times the wise housekeep
er naturally turns to Shredded
Wheat, which is not only the world's
best "breakfast food," but the best
all-day food, as it can be made into
so many delicious and nourishing
dishes for any meal in combination
with fruits, creamed meats and
creamed vegetables. It is the whole
wheat, cleaned, steam cooked, shred
ded and baked. It is not "flavored,"
"treated'' or compounded with any
thing just pure cooked wheat, made
in the cleanest, finest food factory
in the world. It contains more real
muscle-making, strength-giving ma
terntl than meat or eggs, is much
more easily digested and is much
cheaper. A Shredded Wheat Biscuit
fov breakfast with milk or cream
and a little fresh or stewed fruit will
supply all the nutriment needed for
half a day's work or play. Its price
is always the same, it is always pure,
always wholesome, always right.
Your grocer sells it.
Shredded Wheat products aro man
ufactured by the Natural Food Com
pany at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Your
I grocer sells them.
Nervousness, Dizziness, Indiffostiotij
Ncuralsla aro caused by sick nerves.
y uoouung tne norves and stimulat
ina; their action, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain
Pills relieve almost Immediately.
Unlike any other pain remedy, they
contain nothing: Injurious and you will
nevor know you havo taken them, ox
cept by the relief they afford.
Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
navo become a household remedy ' in
thousands of families whore they never
mM5 ?ure iU pa!n and relieve those
llttlo miserable ailments which aro so
"Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills have not
only relieved me of severe headache
HO W -r,!!?8'0- H- PANICS,
,uiz v. ,rd St., Moorestown N T
The first package will benefit, f not
the druggist will return your money
25 dosos, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk
A St. Paul, Minn., dispatch carried
by the Associated Press says: "At
torney General Young. today obtained
from the county court a writ of man
damus directed against the Northern
Pacific Railroad company to compel
it to comply with the commodity rate
law whose operation was enjoined by
Judge Lochren of the united States
court. The railroad officials will
probably ask Judge Lochren for an
order citing Attorney General Young
for contempt of the United States
court. If the attorney general is de
clared in contempt a writ of habeas
corpus will be issued and the matter
taken to the United States supreme
court for final decision as to the
state's right to regulate rates."
Send For Our Stove
-.lou ,cnoY at thero must bo a big grado stovo. mado of tho boat materL
difforonco botwocn tho Zactory prlco als by export-workmen, and a"choap"
ana tiio dealer's prlco on a good Btoro stovo mado of scrap Iron by Inferior
orrango. -workmon.
wuy not saro that difference and Way not get tho beat you can And
uoop that extra proftt In your pocket! especially whon you can buy It at tho
You know that there must bo a big actual factory prlco!
difforonco between a strictly high- That's exactly what vro offor you:
"A. Kjcjutcmxjz:
Cuban dispatches say that Gov
ernor Magoon has unearthed a con
spiracy to start a revolutionary move
ment in Cuba.
TION The populist state convention for
Nebraska met at Lincoln September
24. J. S. Canady of Minden acted
Direct to Trfcwu "
A Sf ova op Hangs off the highest quality at actual Factory
Pries on 360 Days Approval.
You cannot socuro anywhere a bet- has bocomo bo famous as fucl-savcrst
tor stove or rango than tho Kalamazoo as good bakers and quick hea torsi and
no matter how much extra yOu pay. why they last so long and give such
Wo guarantoo that, uudor a 120,060 goodsatlsfaction.
bank bond and giro you 860 days In Atthesamo time our system of man-
which to prpvo it yourself. ufacturlng and selling direct Is such
Our first Idea Is to mako tho host thatwosaToyouW.IW.'BOandlnsome
StOTesandranKOsthathumanBkllland casosas much asMOoaevory purchase
oxporlenco and honest workmanship You cannotgetabcttcratany prlco.
can produce from tho best procurablo Tho Kalamazoo Is as good a stovo or
materials. .. na..nnirir a ,. ...
Thnt WW , .,.,. u ...- V"""?ity,;"l""B;""u Juu "
grado pig Iron, and a better grado of And don't forget? you get
5..'2Slri,n Ay.?tlI0,r.8.t0T0 nxanufao- monoy backlf,lt Is not ia over
vu.iF " l"V uuivuu buiics. oxactlv as ronrcacntcd.
,' w,y wo employ tho most . .,.
skilled workmen In the business, and Wfl pay ths freight
!SSi?..iliJ?iJ?-of too best equipped, and ship all Kalamazoos blacked,
moat moUorn stovo factories In tho polished and ready for Immediate uso.
Jii 1. x. -n- . . Any man can remove cratlnsr and Bot
And that's why the Kalamaroo lino them up.
Send Postal Today For Catalogue No. 245
ftmmT5Ira?09naUtyanilKal- llom. Mhool, church, halls, lodge
SU!LV l opiers-and eavo rooms, etc. rfotol rangos for restaur.
X JiS0?07, Ourljnolscompleto, cm- ante.boardlnghousos.crubsandcamps.
J01.?!? 8$OVOB a.nd ranges of all kinds Gas stoves and raagos for cooking
ior all domestic purposoa-for tho ondhoatlng-all sold at factory prices.
"""" firuui-io-uBor-' aianuiaocurer. uowaro of Imitators.
every way
Kalamazoo Koyal Stcol
Rango, ono of many sty loa 1
exceptionally oconoml-
eal of fuel. H
aBsKnlKt u
JBaB 9
All our cook Btovcs and
rangos are equipped with
patent oven thermometer,
which saves fuel and makes
baking and roasttofi cuy.
KalamazooItadlantBaso- R
liurner. rosinveiy
boat bargain over offered
In a boating stovo.
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