The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 04, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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The. Commoner,
OCTOBER 4, 1907
havo never learned it themselves. In
time, we shall have among the trades
schools departments especially for
the Instruction of the home laundress
who is ambitious to do her work well
and preserve the appearance of her
pretty costumes.
A White Lace. Waist
Answering M. B. In cleaning a.
white lace waist, put the waist on a
clean sheet and rub it with magnesia,
just us you would with a bar of soap,
being careful not to rub hard, cov
ering it with the powder; then dare
fully fold the sheet in many thick
nesses around the waist and pound it
on one side, turn, and pound it on
the other, and this will drive the
magnesia through the lace without
wasting it. Leave the waist in this
powder for several hours, or over
night, repeat the process and shake
the waist free from the powder, when
it should be thoroughly clean. Voile
skirts, flne lawns and delicate silks,
and other fabrics that will not boar
wetting, can be successfully cleaned
in this way without danger of spoil
ing or shrinking. Magnesia is not
expensive, and will often do such
work better than gasoline and is
much safer.
Query Box
(If answers to queries do not ap
pear within two or three weeks from
the time the queries are sent, please
send them in again. Sometimes they
the unavoidably crowded out and
Geraldine The sage tea should be
mado in small quantities, and not
allowed to sour.
T. M, To remove the shine from
the black goods, rub with a piece of
flannel dipped in benzine or turpen
tine, and when clean, hang in the
open air to remove the odor. If the
a tt Wy -- Monn Art iiMir low rmsm jv j
Iff X$ w v$&j s
mm. k 5Gs2fik.
Paris Fashions for Readers of
The Commoner
No. 20GC Child's One-piece Yoke
Dress, with High or Dutch Neck, and
Long or Short Sleeves. This pattern
is an entirely new design and Is de
veloped In dull rod cotton crepe with
the shaped yoke in cream-colored Bat
tenberg lace. Four sizes 3 to 9
No. 2057 Ladies Waist, with High
or Low Neck, Elbow Sleeves and Body
Lining. Tills exquisite model is de
veloped in light blue taffeta silk, and
the pointed band-yoko and cuffs are of
chiffon tucking in the same shade. The
yoke facing and collar are of Irish
lace. Six sizes 32 to 42 inches, bust
No. 205S Misses' Nine-Gored Box
Plaited Skirt. The mbdel Illustrated
is a particularly charming one, and is
a relief from the conventional stylo of
box-plaited skirt. Three sizes 13 to
17 years.
No. 2075 Ladies' Chemise or Com
bination Corset Cover and Short Petti
coat, Slipped on over the Head and
With or Without Flounce. This dainty
model is admirable for wearing under
a Princess gown and is very easy to
make. Three sizes small, medium and
No. 2051 Girls Dress, with Russian
Closing and Body Lining. For general
utility purposes this little frock in
dark brown serge is one of the best
models of late Autumn. The Russian
closing is made of brown and green
plaid cloth. Four sizes C to 12 years.
No. 2071 Ladies' Tucked Shirt Waist
with Long or Elbow Sleeves. For the
-women who do not fancy the plain
tailor-made shirt waist this simple
model in polka-dotted challis is an ad
mirable substitute. Six Sizes 32 to
42 Inches, bust measure.
No. 1740 Ladles' Seven Gored Skirt
with an Under Box-Plait at Centre
Back Seam and Fan-Plaits at Lo'Wer
Part of other Seams. This close fit
ting skirt over the hips, has fan
shaped plaits introduced at the seams
to give the required fullness around
the feet. Seven sizes 22 to 34 Inches,
waist measure.
No. 20G1 Ladles' Circular Short Pet
ticoat, with or without Yoke and
Flounce. This model may be developed
in flannel, cambric, long cloth or any
preferred material, and is fitted to the
kfigrure by means of darts. Seven sizes
22 to 31 inches, waist measure.
L 114
Hut $1.00
Lr 3m-2iAAjf tv3. krc3iWY
y nt qui Ar. AaCfc 8-lth u 80th Ml
To Be Sljllih'y Drcmctf - To Say. H
Yen r Clot hoi Should Con From Ne
T'lln ponnon turn ovtrn imwlmr
Mi cyV, Hit lcHriiitir torM.r Nw 1
ninl The I,nrt;oHt Dry (JoimIh
Depart muiit Mure under one jo
(ill Ainrrlrft nupply cry tlilnjr on
I on v. Ill II ltd tliHt tliiNtUnu-tiii In
lilt; tlia really new and tUairniJluai
II III Mttifiv vim n II...HM.....I r..li1
Hill Jncy't -.nvtm I will
BHVoyoumoiiy froiilito.,V,
lr cent ii ovi-iytlittuc "J
tifar nr liiii In .nii" It. ...
riftt ' Tluiui' urn wunple Imrimlrw
tigp&t . J L. 121 -New MyieplnidwaM
,j. ' "v AS iiitliiWHm-lirlKlitr-oliiiM.iiiorilcr
v iiiir wMio ui iimit you jiri'ior
Mucy'n prim f0. piMtflKM lOc
I. l ii - ultra i iy..n . iibtr'y
hat of nllk velvet trimmed with 1'ifiicli wIiikh mid iiictallli
Bilk. Jlliiclc. blown, navy or kmh-ii. Tlif very nuwrei tliiuu
Price only $l.uu. (HtHirr uao. Write for our KriMi MO
I'lllPII Ullli ltfcftf- ! I I ft tlMlwfc11 t ! I tt I ft irilM utt.u l.t ..
THE COMMONER will supply Its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The de
signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Pull direc
tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. The
price of these patternb 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our lu-go cata
logue containing, the illustrations anc1 descriptions of 1,000 seasonable
styles for ladies, misses and children, as well as lessons in home dress
making full of helpful and practical suggestions in the making of your
wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents.
In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number
and size desired.
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dept., Lincoln, Neb.
tlioiiMimls upon tliouxamU of Imrtiilim In nil kind of wefirlnu
apparel for mt'ii. women Him elilHIren. hm well n in everv
thine to cat, or iim m your home, nut Iht more jt explain
the wisdom or buylnir In Nw ork nt ?'ucyM IoIIh 'How ,
I'nyn tin Freight" and xliown how It 1m to yourmnry lntrct i
it!lli itu lit liinll Vll ll'tllit Vlill III 4'rlti. filtllilu Iwi.iLf liit.1 .. .k.i
III! i.t j iit...f. i." .... j .... .. .. ..f. ...-. MHPfiij in, ii
postal, "Send mo your I'-VTAIJilfK" nnd tlio compU'to nitulnijtic or tin- (irwit .Ma Htor- will
KUlouui.ui.Dinm u 11. MA( Y tj T.(l. !?, i1 1 Urn-itU.,., UCU VHDl
". w., iiuui'i UI UIVUUUHf, HUH I Ullhl
7 v5fk L,a7x
rk kVFF&l
s il W 99c
nil WVflsis&ri!.
"nap" is worn off, leaving it thread
bare, this will not restore it.
Emma S. To clean the black
satin, boil three pounds of Irish po
tatoes in a quart of water until thor
oughly soft; strain the water off
through a coarse cloth. Lay the
satin lint on a board and sponge with
the strained water. When clean,
fold (do not roll) down carefully,
and leave for three hours; then iron'
on the wrong side.
E. M. Fill all nail holes, crevices,
cracks and rough places about the
bedstead with well-beaten putty, not
forgetting the holes where the screw
heads are sunken. This will force
the vermin to keep on the outside,
and you can easily exterminate them.
Constant watchfulness is your best
C. R. This recipe is said to
"wither warts whilo you wait:" Sul
phur sub., 5 drams; concentrated
acetic acid, fluid measure, 2VC dr.;
glycerine, fluid measure, 2 ounces.
Mix and apply to the wart on small
pieces of cloth or spread with a brush
at night, leaving on until morning,
then washing off. Repeat until the
wart drops off.
"Housemaid" Plain white lawn,
at seven to ten cents a yard, makes
pretty, inexpensive bedroom curtains
that will launder. Two are required
at each window, and need be only
sill-length. Finish the inner sides
and the bottom with a straight ruffle
of the same, finished either with a
plain hem, or with hem and hem
stitching by the machine.
M. Poke-weed, known also as
Skoke, Garget, Pigeon berry, is a
rank growing weed found in the
borders of fields and roadsides and
about stableyards in all parts of Mis
souri. The botanical name is Phyto
lacca, I think. The plant has large
reddish-purple berries in a taperirig
cluster on the end of the branches.
The dried roots can be had of the
druggist. The root is perennial, but
the top growth dies down in the fall.
The root is used by physicians, but
is poisonous, and should not be taken
internally unless by a physician's
orders. (2) The sage tea is pre
pared by the recipe, in an iron pot,
is in the nature of a stain, and while
the hair is wet, it will stain a cloth;
but it should be made in small quan
tities, not allowed to stand very long,
using it fresh. Try making but a
little at a time, using it while fresh.
(3) Am glad to be of service.
Floral Notes
Do not neglgct sending for your
'supply of hardy bulbs, and plants
for winter blooming, this month. If
a bed is well prepared, 46032385s will
not need to bo moved for three
yearn. The bed should bo In a placo
that in fully exponod to the nun, and
the soil Mhould bo of a untidy, porut
character, enriched with a draining
of rotted cow in an tire every fall. If
the soil is of clay and the bod ahad
od, they should bo lifted and ro8t
ovory season.
Crocuses should be plan tod about
over the lawn, and In grasy placew,
just lifting the soil and Inserting the
bulb. They will bloom boautlfully
In the early upiing. Do not plant too
Park's Floral Magazine Loll us the beauty of the torn ball ap
pears more luxuriantly on papur than
in reality, as the artist shows the
ball as it should bo, while we And
It ImpoHBlblo to bring It up to his
standard. A cool, molat, shady
placo and liberal watering is tho
treatment indicated, but, a a nils,
however, the foliage Is hut Hparlngly
produced, and thcro Js no known
remedy for It.
Tho Boston Fern should have a
loose, porus soil, such as sandy
woods-earth, and good drainage, par
tial shade and plenty of water when
growing, but little when dormant.
As the roots begin to crowd, shift
to larger pots. It does well in the
living room.
Many plants make but little ap
parent growth after transplanting
for some months. This is due to tho
fact that root growth in made be
fore tho branches and leaves are
started. If shrubs and plants are
transplanted this fall, they will do
a great deal of under-surface grow
ing during the winter, and be ready
for stom-dovelopment early in the
If pansies are sown in September,
they will get well started before cold
weather, and with protection, will
be ready for work early In the spring.
The soil from an old hog-pen can
be used to advantage on a pansy
bed. Pansies do well in a cold frame.
-Renovating Velvets
Brushing velvet with a cloth
dipped in benzine is one method of
cleaning it, but brushing corn meal
through it is equally as good. Cover
light velvet with powdered magnesia,
let lie a day, then lightly brush it
out. Stiffen velvets by applying a
weak solution of gum arable water
to the back, ironing on the wrong
side by setting a warm flat-iron up
side down on the table and passing
the back of the velvet over the
smooth face of it. Steaming will
assist a little in the work. Reno
vated velvet pieces may be used to
trim fall hats, jackets and dresses'
itoai&WtTfMi ftfrfciitfafhiinnMii itfnnnttfiiiiwiiwtii.Hirt !;
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