.- ?;T"'Vr;i'"yJr -xrB ,"" 13 The Coixitnoner SEPTEMBER 13, 190fr 13 ". f " W "" M rT MHfl B JLlh J fl T , MMTMIVHP. V THE VERY CALM PHILOSOPHY OF fAR. TAUGHED Mr. Taughed was one of those nu merous reformers who believed In reform, all right all right, but prac ticed procrastination to a remark able degree. "Mr. Taughed," remarked his bet ter 'half one morning, "I am con vinced that our grocer is charging us entirely too much on several of our items." "I am sure of it, my dear," re plied Mr. Taughed, "and I intend remedying It soon." "Will you speak about it today?" "No dear. Our grocer is levying a little tribute for the purpose of being able to contribute handsomely to my campaign fund, and he can not make an exception of mo without I giving the snap away." "But you have declared that this exaction of tribute must stop, and that you will demand its stoppage after election." "Quite true, my dear. But by that time the people have recovered from the excitement of election it is al most a certainty that they will have forgotten about the grocer bills that have been p:id. And if a few do remember it and demand correction thereof we will simply point to the result of the electio- as a vindica tion of the right to levy tribute that way. We who are in politics are often compelled to resort to seem ingly illogical action." In addition to owning the house in which he lived, Mr.- Taughed also' owned a cottage at the corner of Goose and Spruce which he rented to Mr. Tolland Strive, a blacksmith. "Mr. Taughed," said Mrs. Taughed one morning, "Mr. Strive was here last evening while you were out and insisted on having the roof of his house repaired at once. He said that you had promised to fix it several times." i "I -really must repair that roof," mused Mr. Taughed. "But as there is no present indication of rain there is no particular hurry. It may never rain again, and if it does not there is -no reason for incurring the ex pense of repairing, the roof." "But if it does rain?" said Mrs. Taughed. "Well, if it Tains we, can not re pair the roof until it quits raining, and after the rain stops we can again take the matter under consid eration. Mr. Strive must not bo in sistent. The roof- will be repaired by its friends at the proper time. rent right now. As soon as the cam paign is over and our political policy for the next four years Is fixed, I will favor revision of the river's cur rent, but shall insist that it bo re vised by the friends and beneficiaries of its present action." Being a lawyer Mr. Taughed was often called upon to defend men charged with fracturing the laws of the land. It so happened that he was called upon to defend Breakin Howes, who was charged with burg lary. The selection of the jury en tailed a lot of work, but Mr. Taughed was a worker and finally secured a jury that suited. The trial was contested with spirit, but finally resulted in a verdict of acquittal after the jury had been out about ten minutes. "How did you do it?" queried a friend. "It was very simple," replied Mr. Taughed. "I merely secured a jury composed of men who were in sym pathy with burglary. Of courso I think that burglary Is a business that Bhould be revised, but lest too sudden or too radical revision in jure those who now have their capi tal invested in burglar's tools I think that it i should be revised by its friends." Milwaukeo demands to know how he got them. i (K That's easy. Doubtless -tic drew for them, "but the .other fellow drew a llttlo harder. Vpanswcrable After an hour of rcdhot argument In favor of the parcels pogt wo quit from sheer exhaustion and asked: "But have you any valid reason for opposing the parcols post sys tem?" "Several hundred of them," he re torted, "and each one of them a share of stock in an express com pany.' Realizing that argument was. use less wo turned sadly away. What Love is What is love? Boston .Globe. Answer: 000000000. Milwaukee, Sentinel. O, fudge, Griflln! How could you miss it so far? Love is $?$$$$$. Hip, Hip, Hurrah! "Ten to one the corset trust stays," says the Baltimore American. "Of. corset will stay," says the Washington Herald. Humor gone to waist! Paradoxical Uncle,, Sam pays John D. Rockefel ler $73.95 for going to Chicago and telling what he didn't know. At he same time Uncle Sam spends a hundred million a year try ing to educate his people. Answers to Correspondents "Curious" Not old at all we're young. "Dyspeptic" Did you ever try work as a cure "for your indigestion? "Infatuated" If she advises you not to- spend so much money for flowers, and ice cream and theatre tickets, we believe you are perfectly safe in propounding the momentous question. "Faddist" Wo have very little faith in what you call the "hot wa ter cure." Wo have been In hot water most of our life, yet every now and then we feel badly. "Novelist" Really we can not name our favorite writers of fiction. The men who build the magazine ad vertisements never sign their names to their work. "Inquisitive" Wo have seen so many ridiculous things during our brief career on earth that it would bo impossible to pick out the "most ridiculous." But we have seen men who were forced to fence their farms with barbed wiro howling their heads off in favor of a protective tariff on lumber. "Dickleblrd" We confess to a dislike for canary birds. They have & foolish habit of singing too loudly too early in the morning. -INTENTS that PROTECT B.I.U.B.UCEY.WnMniUn.O.C. tilth ,ftaM I . 18W. 1 TRAVELING J'OHITION with Tobacco Man. ufactuirr now open, flood pay and promotion, it Induction And energetic, experience 1 not ner mry. Danvlllo Tolicco Co., U6x OW. Danville, vo. Nurseries Pay Cnsh Weekly and Want Moxk Baujmzu Evikt- wnmr. But Comhact, near Oormt LK0K9TNi;iUEftiESwnif a 82Yr.AH Ktcono, STARK BRO'S, LOUISIANA, MO. li r- PATENTS KKCUKKH OK FK15 ItKTUUNKD). rrm npnrta to Pat-nUbllllr. llluttratfl OuW Book, tpd Llit of Intention Wanted, cent fro. KVAN8, WII.KKNH&CO., Wb.MiikIoh.DO JQaDaySure H furnldi th work and tMh yo Bmt u yiwir 4Atim$ ml w willitaw joa h t mko 1 fUy to.i ttu roi wAtk in tb locality tir tpi I Ua, Hand ot your Atittt and w will (plain OiatxiMnott fully. rtmrailwr wa ftiatnU acJtar proCI of (4 for ararr da' work. aUolutalr aura. WIU alnnta. KOTALKAAOriCTUUlSUCO., 89x1029 IUalt,Mlu 3 STROKE SELF FEED HAY PRESS 2 Men ran ran It .1 ton in one boar EaJiy draft. Smooth b lea Will aavo I Ui coat Bhloped on trial Batlafactlon uilnraiiteecl ran ATTo-rrcnAN ttay miro cc TOl'l.KA. KANHAH. It ox U. S. Govt. Publications Ec"oh5 Thoto publication! nro official find aro authorities on tho ubcctg treated. Many or thorn nro mngulfl ceutly Uluitrntcd. They relate to All nraurht of knowledge. Including Agriculture, LIvo Block, Manufacturing, Commerce, Mining mid Fj4hcrle. Military, Navnl and Diplomatic Affair. Tmwh at Uio nnlU.nl Htntra, Amorlcni! Htatory, Knglile'ring, Mechanic, Mcdlclnu and Hygiene, Alt hrnnclira of Science, Antroiiomy, Anthropology, Zoology, Chcinlntry. acoloiry, Korentry, rind I'luli Culture, etc, Hepd for I'ltKIS CATAI.O08 and prtco lint of subject In which yon nro Intonated, Artdrttw HupU of DoctmiflhtH, GoTU'rlntlinr OIIIceVaaU lngtou, J. O. r Among Mr. Taughed's friends .was Mr. Weedman Gardner who owned and operated a truck farm on the - banks of a somewhat erratic river. One day Mr, Gardner rushed to Mr. Taughed and exclaimed: "Mr. Taughed, the river is grad ually eating into my little farm and washing it away. I wish you and a lot of other friends of mine would come down right away and help me ' protect my property with a riprap." 4I will he glad to help you at the proper time," said Mr. Toughed. "But now is the time," persisted Mr. Gardner. rTtnTnIc no""calmIy 'remarked Mr. Taughed. "The soil washed from your farjn js being deposited by the current on the land of a friend "bl mine on the other side of the fiver, and he contributes largely to my campaign funds when I am a candidate for office. I am opposed to any revision of tbe river's cur- r. Disappointed "I .see by Jhe special dispatches that one of our-Islands in tho Pacific has disappeared." "Bully! Wish the rest of the bunch would disappear!" "But this wasn't one of the P.hil- ippine group." "Then why do you fritter my tinfe away telling me about something that doesn't amount to a hill of beans?" -, Strange As the train stopped Senator Grab all, on his way to one of our distant island possessions on a congressional junket, looked out of the Pullman car window and saw a beautiful building crowning a hill In tho midst of a beautiful city. "What building Id that?" he asked of his secretary. "Why that is the capital building of Pennsyltucky, the state you so ably represent," replied the secre tary. His curiosity having been satisfied Senator Graball resumed his study of the market reports. Thos. E. Watson wan frozen out of tho New York "Wnton'i Mngnzlnc," but ho nt onco catabllxhcd a Jtlniav- zino ana a wcoKiy I'npor aimn own. Wntson'H Jcffcrsoniun lInnJiie Price per year $1.50. Wnteoii'H Weekly .Tcflfcrsonlaii Price per year $1.00. BOTH TOGETHER $2.00. Address THOS. E. WATSON, Thomson, Ga. Tho Seasons s How swift the days of summer roll And bring the days for buying coal! How oft we think, as cold winds rage, Of how we wasted summer's wage. But what's ' the .use, to, waste one'ef time - , In writing pessimistic -rhyme? ; We've' got to -dodge, both. left and right To ra4se the price fox; anthracite. ,,. The Explanation Hearing that a western editor has been robbed of five diamonds an es teemed contemporary pubshed at . Brain Leaks " Tomorrow Is the refuge of the op ponent of tariff revision. You do not have to go i,o the fair grounds to see prize hogs. The debt cC nature can . not be paid on the installment plan. A lot of men have not yet been able to distinguish between notoriety and fame. Happy is he who can think of yes terday without regrets and of to morrow with hope. Can you blame a woman who earns $15 a week for not giving up her job and marrying an $8.75 a week man? Some people think it is charity to give away the old clothes they want to get rid of without expense to themselves. What has become of the young man who used, id soak' his hair in bear's grease and then plaster it against his brow in a semi-clrple that reached his eyebrows? The difference between a man's handshake and the wag of a dog's tail is that the wag is always sincere The law's delays are responsible for a lot of lawlessness. The First Battle A Story of (lie Campaign ot 1898 by W. J. BIIVA1V A." collection of IiIh upce'ehea and biographical nkctch by hl jyjfcr Il lustrated octavo, C73 Dixfifits , , ( "When the few copies I now bava" arc old thiH book will bo out or' print. Trice, cloik bound, $1.50 each; ntsnt by mall pontage prepaid.. dreMM orucrw, G. H. Walters Ai- 2245 Viae Street, LIhcoIb, Neb. The Cost of a Piano ahould not bo reckoned entirely tipori what you pay to get It, A very Important factor, tut the yeara pass, la what you pay to keep It in order, and more important still ix tho length of Bcrvlco and tho decree of saUatacUon It elves you. GABLER PIANOS while neither the highest nor the lowest prices, are unsurpassed by any lactrament made In America or Europe lntiiesorvlca and satisfaction Uieyglve for each dollar expended. Tho "GABMSIt TONE" Ik famoux, and the nodus-famous "GAIiLEK WOI&KMAPBI1IP" makes ttet tone permanent through generaUon after generation of useT A Gabler hi cheapest BECAU8K BEST. lln-veetfca Ernest Qpbter & ,Brtq.. v . ESTABLISHES !. 500 Whltlock Ave., Ironx Borough, N. Y. City. H i J ,! XI i M 31 m - in , x r jMuLjiijrxif . Jet m. j i!to.-4J riaWtfi