-,.- m m "- AUGUST t; 1807 Commoner. 15 Acts of Heroism this dis- 'Agsociated Press carried patch: On board the Georgia In Boston harbor this afternoon Captain Henry & McCrea told to the Associated Press the story of trie disaster on board the battleship on Monday, which has cost the lives of nine men of the United States navy and caused in jury, in some cases probably fatal, . to thirteen others. Captain McCrea said: "I was on the bridge making the run for the practice. I was taking observations on each shot. As shot after shot was hit from the eight inch guns I saw we were beating the records of the other ships of the fleet. On the bridge I could hear the command from the after turret. So I knew when the next shot was com ing. "I heard the shout 'Are' but there was no shot, and then I saw men running aft and quickly the fire hose that is always laid out in readiness, when there is firing going on was manned. "I rushed to the after bridge to seo what was the matter. The wa ter was already being poured into the turret. The boatswain and mid shipman Gravescroat led the way for the men with the hose. I tell you there was courage. No man knew what had happened and no man knew into what danger he might be rush ing. But those men never thought of self or danger. That -brave act will look well on their records. "They began to bring out the men. One of the first was the one in whose hands the powder was when it flashed. He was laid down on top of the lower turret with a blanket under his head. I went to him. 1 could -not recognize him. His hands were burned to the bones. The flesh was gone. With those hands raised above his chest and the tips of the fingers bent toward each other I could hear him whisper: 'O, God, O, God, 0,,Gpd. He could not move his lips enough to utter other words. "I bent closer and said to him: 'My dear fellow, God has heard your prayer.' He was breathing, but in short gasps, and soon died. "The men were brought out as fast as they could be taken from the turret. Most of them felt relief as soon as they got into the open air. The gases from smokeless powder are terrible. That's what kills. The external burns were hideous enough, but to breath that stuff is fatal. "One man in that turret was not hurt Midshipman Kimball and I do not understand how he could have escaped. He helped take out he men. He, too, showed grit after the shock he had had. "Lieutenant Goodrich set an ex- Under date of Boston, July 17, the I ample to his men that none but a courageous omcer could set, when ho plunged right into tho flames and gases to lead tho way to safety. I told his father, Rear Admiral Good rich, that it was such officers that made a great navy. His example will not bo forgotten. After he got to th.e deck he threw himself overboard. If our launch had not been near by on its return from its examination of the target he would have drowned. "Probably one little act, or one I great act of one of the men prevented a far greater disaster. I don't know his name. He's dead. He and one other stood by the second gun that had just been loaded. Tho last powder bag that had bean put in was protruding a little from the gun. When he saw the flash, instead of dashing for the ladder to save him self he crowded home the charge in the gun and with the help of the other men, got the gun closed. If the flame had touched that bag there would have been an awful explosion, for the powder was confined in the gun and would not have flashed as the other did, but would have ex ploded. Not a man in the turret would have been left alive. That man gave his life for the others. "I am told President Roosevelt has inquired about a man who gave his life in closing' the shutter from the ammunition room to save the ship from blowing up, It would be, very wrong to have a story like that go out. because I can not find that there is any foundation for It or need for a man to make any attempt to do anything of the sort. But if the president wants heroism let him look up this brave man who stood by his gun to save the rest. "Since we went back to the target grounds the men have been shooting better than before the accident. "Wo haven't finished practice and we are .going back to the targets and break the record." ,,. "?WM F F a i I u t e to euro indigestion Is largely due to tho old theory that when the stomach becomes inactive it needs something to mechanically digest its contents, and cathartics, purgatives, etc., are used, which give only temporary relief, be cause they digest by irritating the lin ing of tho stomach. Modern science recognizes the fact that it Is the jierves that furnishes mo tive power t? digest the contents -of the stomach. Tho nerves,agitato and mix the .food, and stimulate the seoretions. "When they become weakened they lack en ergy, and indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach result. Dr. Miles' 'Restorative Nervine will relieve obstinate cases of indiges tion, dyspepsia and stomach trouble by strengthening 'these nerves. "I had severe stomach trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine, and Nerve and Xiver Pills cured me, I can now eatany thlng without trouble." L. C. O'BRIEN, WJnston-Salem, N. Y. Tho first bottlo will benefit, if not, tho druggist will return your money. BURBANK'S EXPERIMENTS Burbank's achievements with the daisy are more fascinating than a fairy tale. JFrpm England, Japan, Germany, Australia everywhere where daisies grew he got seeds of the best varieties, not a few, but hundreds, thousands. . These were carefully planted and watched with closest care. They were all going to be slain, but out of their death was to come a new daisy, larger, more beautiful, more hardy, and that would flower in every climate peren nially. The result was his "Shasta" daisy, one of the most beautiful flow ers ever seen of clear brilliant white, great, size, the center of pure yellow resting upon slender yet strong stems Ten thousand seeds required for this one experiment? Yes, and often the 10,000 become 50,000 or 100,000 or 500,000 before he gets what he wants. -It Is this large dealing that has differentiated Mr. Burbank's plans from those of other men. He speedily learned that great results are not to be obtained from inadequate methods. The 10, 000 daisy seeds were only a starter. Millions and millions of daisies were grown from these seeds, and it was only after the experiments wore completed, and the habits of the "Shasta" permanently fixed, that the experimental plants were destroyed. Circle Magazine. 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