M 4 ?r I & The Commoner. VOLUMJI 7, NUMBER Jf i: yg k ( ffi u 'I isn I ti I fl I & rV .' Vf- i JSC She f ifilgtr Sf- Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, has been admitted to bail in the sum of $25,000. Bail was denied George A. Pettibone, the third defendant. The federal government has com menced proceedings In the United States court at Wilmington, Dei., against the powder trust. The gov ernment asks an injunction to re strain the trust from doing business In violation of the Sherman anti trust law. A Wilmington dis . patch to the Chicago Record-Herald says: "No one connected with the prosecution expects that if the in junction is granted, the powder mak ers will pay any attention to it. Then it Is the hope of the govern ment to have receivers appointed who will take charge of the business of the corporations and wind them up, dissolving the merger and restor ing competition among the individ ual companies. The court is asked to determine whether public inter ests will be better subserved by the appointment of receivers to take pos session of the property of the alleged trust with a view to bringing about conditions In trade and commerce that will be In harmony with the law. The petition recites the his tory of the combine and asserts that by unfair business methods it has driven out virtually all independent companies. It is said that the com bine manufactures all the smokeless powder' made la the country and V ;nr . .cent of , all , other high ex plosive. 2!fre--papers were filed by. Assistant Attorney General Purdy. Subpoenas were issued returnable. October 7. United States Senator Du Pont is, named as one of the de fendants, being ,ono of the principal stockholders in and, it is said, the dominating influence of the combine." facturo or keeping on sale any in toxicating liquor. Pure alcohol may be sold by retail druggists on pre scription of reputable physicians and wholesale druggists may carry pure alcohol for sale to retailers only. The investigating committee re ports that more than $1,5 00,000 of the $2,000,000 paid by the state of Pennsylvania for metal furnishing in the state capital was graft. Charles R. Jones, chairman of the national prohibition committee, says that Georgia is only a starter and that all of the states of the south will soon have prohibition. An Augusta, Ga dispatch says: "Chaos reigns in the liquor traffic in this state today, since it is a fore gone conclusion that the bill provid ing for absolute prohibition after January 1 will be signed by Gov ernor Smith before the "end of the week. Dispatches from Savannah and other cities tell a story of finan cial loss that runs into many mil lions. Augusta will lose $2,500,000 in property values and license taxes. Florida and Alabama are the states to which the whisky Interests will move from Georgia." Caleb Powers is for the . fourth time on trial at Georgetown, Ky., charged with, the murder of Governor Goebel. The friends of John Sharp Wil-1iainisla"lnia--vlctopy-4n the JMUsgis sippi primaries in the contest with Governor Vardaman for United States senator. The vote is close. explanation seems to have been made at this time for that purpose. The time is not yet, according to Mr. Bryan, to define the paramount issue of 1908 but, broadly speaking, the issues will be closely related, the leading questions being those of the trusts, the tariff and the railroads. In only one bearing of these com bined issues will the democratic party have any advantage over the republican organization, and that is in relation to the tariff. And right there is the democratic opportunity. The abstract principle of a protective tariff is not worrying the people very much, but the abuse of protection by the trusts comes home to every man who feels the added cost of living due to trust ex tortions. It has been proved that it is mighty hard to regulate the trusts by either civil or criminal laws, but they can be largely con trolled by economic policies by ad mitting the irresistible element of competition. If the democratic party will concentrate its campaign on the tariff, taking full advantage of the fact that the necessities of life com mand extortionate prices even in a period of the greatest productiveness and industrial and commercial pros perity, It will make itself formidable once more. And on this stand it will have a big chance of victory if the republican convention should fail to nominate Secretary Taft or some other .candidate unconditionally pledged to tariff revision. Kansas City, Mo., Star. embroidery and great diamonds, but nevertheless I pitied him sincerely, for he was stranger to our table man ners, and some of his errors were both ludicrous and painful. "Toward the dinner's end a ser vant extended to the young man a plate of toothpicks. He waved the plate away, saying In a low and bit ter voice: " 'No thank you J I have already eaten two of the accursed things, and I want no more. " Tid-Bits. Starch and Sugar Their Importance in a Diet that is to Give the Greatest Strength with the Iicast Tax Upon the Digestive Organs The Koreans do not take kindly &n?TnlV Roosevelt is in faVor of govern- twcon Japancso and ?Teail troP8' ment regulation of the railroads, his Blxty Koreans and " were "killed. .f . forty Japanese THE WEAPON OP THE COURT Occasionally arises a man with sufficient temerity to offend that di vinity' which doth hedge a judge. In a recent judicial campaign out west a newspaper strongly objected to the re-election of one incumbent, forreasons' deduced from his official record. The editor was promptly fined for contempt of court and mulcted in $17,500 damages for in jury to the ermined character. In some districts the nominating of an opposition candidate might not be without peril as a constructive con tempt of court. In Kansas the other day a man 1 was iudired In contemnf. anil Bail ment regulation of the railroads, his tenced to three months' imprison- GROSS EVILS Mr. Bryan's views reflect those of the great body of progressive demo crats throughout the country. As Mr. Bryan says, while Presl- Many Europeans have been slaugh tered in Casa Blancha as the out come of a "holy war" preached by can government is therefore quite party Is not, while the democratic party Is in fivor of It. To imply that such regulation would have a fairer test under democratic govern ment than it would- under republi- the Arabs for the extermination of Europeans. The French govern ment declares that the Pasha of Casa Blancha will answer with his head for the general security of the city. French cruisers were sent to the town. The Spanish government will co-operate with the French gov The Oklahoma republicans nomin ated this ticket: Governor, Frank Frantz; lieutenant governor, N. J. Turk; secretary of state, T. N. Robi nott; attorney general, S. P. Reid; state treasurer, M. Stlllwell. Con gressman Bird McGuiro brought the convention to its feet by suggesting the following? telegram to President Roosevelt which was ordered sent to he president by the secretary"? "The republicans or Oklahoma in' conven tion assembled r send you loyal and affectionato greqtlngs, Our . plat form endorses" your administration and your polldy'of a squaro'deal for every man an'd rovery nation of every fcllmo." U.- , i , The prohibition bilk nassod the lower house of the Georela legisla ture by a vote -of thirty-rrtae to one hundred and thirty-nine. Who inw will' become effective January 1, 1908, and will prohibit the Vanu- natural. The president, no matter how insistent he may be for railroad regulation, can not get the support of his party, and without it he can not hope to accomplish the desired result. On the other hand, Mr. Bryan, the national leader and pros pective candidate of the democratic party for president in 1908, and the rank and file of the party are in ac cord in the matter. In view of these facts no one can reasonably doubt that the voice of the people who want the gross evils which are b'lng com mitted by the railroads corrected will be raised for the success of the democratic ticket in 1908. Buffalo N. Y Times. MR. BRYAN QUALIFIES Mr. William J. Bryan, in his latest review and estimate of the leading political issues of the time, has done about all ho can do to make amends for his radical Madison Square Gar don speech following his "triumphal" return from Europe. He explains that while he believes government ownership of railroads to be the ulti mate isolution of the railroad prob lem it 'niust not bo made an issue in the campaign of 1908: This will do something toward restoring the ment for having filed an affidavit that three judges were in league against him. As this was only one month per judge, he got off lightly. The clerk of the court, according to the press dispatches, was scored for hav ing permitted the affidavit to go on file, while the lawyer who prepared it suffered a "terrific arraignment." Many of us would find it agree able, no doubt, to exercise this .irre sponsible power of taking summary vengeance upon persons who. make faces at us. Not being judges, such power is denied us. We shrug our shoulders and go our ways, and, after the spasm of anger Is past, find that the grimace didn't really hurt us. Punishments for contempt should be strictly limited to persons who dis obey the orders, or obstruct the pro cesses of the court. When a judge uses this power to avenge a merely personal affront his act does not, -in our opinion, tend to Increase respect for "his office or for law. We think, on the contrary, the tendency is ex actly in the opposite direction. Saturday Evening Post, HAD ENOUGH TOOTHPICKS A well known sculptor tells the following Btory: "Whenever I see a toothpick I think of a dinner that was given in Rome In honor of two -Turkish noble men." - ; "I Rn.fr. hORlflfi fho Vmintroi. nf V. availability of Mr. Bryan, and the 'noblemen. He glittered with gold It is strange how people get tho notion that because an ox is strong human beings can get strong by eat ing beef. It Is stranger still when you reflect that the Ox gets all his strength from eating grass and cer eals. He Is a strict vegetarian. In a recent interview Dr. Wiley, chief chemist of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, is quot ed as saying: "I think we eat too much meat for health. For the sustenance of physi cal exertion if you have hard work to do there is nothing better than starch or sugar. The cereal eating nations can endure more physical toil than the meat eating nations. That is not the .accepted view, but it is true. You can not tire out a Japanese, who eats rice. He will draw you around the town on a pound of rice, and be as fresh at the close of- the day as when he started. You could not do that on a pound of meat to save your life." Whether4 Dr. Wiley Is . correctly quoted or not, the statements attribu ted to him merely affirm what near ly, every recognized authority on die tetics, has said many times and which every physician knows to be true. But it is one thing to Jhave a food that is rich in starch and sugar and quite another thing to have it in di gestible form. In shredded whole wheat tho starch of the wheat kernel, combined with the brain-making phosphates and the muscle-building nitrates, are prepared in their most easily digest edr form. It is the whole wheat, steam-cooked, shredded and baked. It is not a "pre-digested" food. It makes the stomach strong by help ing it to do its work, while the so called "pre-digested" foods weaken the stomach by depriving It of tho functions which Nature intended it to perform. Science has not yet per fected a food that will enable the human organism to dispense with saliva and the gastric juices. In making Shredded Wheat the whole wheat kernel is not only thor oughly steam-cooked, but it is after wards drawn out into fine porous shreds and then thoroughly baked. This process leaves the starch in a condition where it is easily convert ed into sugar by the stomach. The shreds being very crisp and. porous, compel thorough mastication during which the food is completely insali vated, which is the first process in digestion. Shredded Wheat not only supplies the greatest amount of nu triment in easily digested form, but Is a stimulus to" the "bowel action," thereby keeping the alimentary canal In a healthy condition. It Is a par ticularly valuable summer food, fur nishing more nutriment than meat, corn or oats and witlrimuch less tax upon the digestive organs.- All gro cers sell it. : Shredded Wheatnoproducts are manufactured . by the Natural Food Company at- Niagara Falls,' N. Y. Your grocer sells them. NmlufXiti 1 -. .4,' -