The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 24, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
3 ISIip fin WppJf JIS
rrl at Im !vvlJ? X
Abo Ilummol, tho Now York law
yer, was sontoucod to ono year in
prison on tho charge of conspiracy.
A torrlblo wreck occurred near
Honda, Cal., May 12. A special
train, loaded with Now York and
Pennsylvania Mystic Shrinors, struck
a dofectlvo switch and was derailed.
Thirty peoplo woro killed.
Coroy, president of tho steel trust,
and Mabel Gillman, tho actross, were
married, and now Rov. Dr. Clark, tho
pastor .who officiated, is boing bit
terly condemned for his part in tho
A Washington dispatch to tho
Omaha WorldHorald says that tho
southwestern railroads aro making
an organized light.
The heaviest snow of tho season
fell at Deadwood, S. D., May 10.
Abraham Rouf appoared before tho
grand jury at San Francisco. 'It is
understood that ho implicates Mayor
A Washington dfspatch via tho As
sociated Press Bays: "Information
has boon recoivod at the war depart
ment that Governor Magoon is mak
ing plans to carry out contracts for
f oxtonsivo road improvements in
Cuba. Tho Cuban congress passed
a bill authorizing the expenditure of
$5,000,000 for this work. Governor
Magoon has reduced this aum to $4,
000,000 and will begin tho work in
tho province of Piuar. del Rio, the
, -principal- tobacco region. There is
' about $16,000,000 now lying idle in
tho Cuban treasury. The govern
ment income is now about $500,000
monthly in excess of the expenditures."
by him .in May, 1900, to tho offect
that tho Wators-Piorco Oil company
was not a party to any pool, trust,
confederation or combination in re
straint of trade.
Isaac Stephenson of Marinetta, was
nominated for United States senator
from Wisconsin by tho republican
caucus. He Is a banker and lumber
merchant. Ho is a follower of La-Follotto.
President Roosevelt will make a
trip on the Mississippi river from
St. Louis to Memphis. He will leave
St. Louis October 1,
Tho Arkansas legislature has ad
journed and Senator Pindall has be
come acting governor, owing to the
illness of Governor Llttlo.
Two distinguished Russians, Alexis
Alladln and Nicholas Tchaykovsky,
wore the guests of W. J. Bryan in
Lincoln May 15. Both delivered ad
dresses before tho students of the
state university and Weslyan univer
sity. The two Russians, in com
pany with Mr. Bryan, Governor Shel
don and Myor Brown, were enter
tained at an elaborate luncheon this
afternoon at tho Commercial club
rooms, which was follbwed by a gen
eral reception of Lincoln business
men. Immediately after the recep
tion Mr. Bryan took his guests to
the home of Governor Sheldon,
where a visit of about an hour was
made. In the evening at St. Paul's
- Methodist Bspicopal church the Rus
sian visitors addressed a mass meet
ing. In their speeches they dwelt
largoly on what they declared to be
tho unbearable political conditions in
A Now York dispatch to the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat says. "A por
tion of the recommendations of At
torneys Frank B. Kellogg and
Charlos A. Severance to the inter
state commerce commission concern
ing tho Harrlman railroad investiga
tion has been published here. It
reviews tho testimony and holds that
railroad competition has been sup
pressed In an area equal to one
third of tho United States; that the
contracts between the Union Pacific
and tho Rock Island for control of
tho Alton, as well as the contracts
between tho Union Pacific and South
ern Pacific and the control of the
Illinois Central and the San Pedro
road, aro all in violation of the
Sherman antl-trast act. It recom
mends that tho attorney .general in-
stituto proceedings to annul those
agreements. It also recommends
that there Bhould be now and effec
tive laws to .prevent inflation of se
curities and declares that the profits
of the great railroads of tho far west
are being used to buy stocks and
control systems in the east instead
of building more roads for tho .de
velopment of the west as they should
Thomas A. Creigh of Omaha has
boon chosen department commander
of the G. A. R. of Nebraska;
Isaac Stophonson was elected Uni
ted States senator from Wisconsin
to succeed Spooner. The democrats
voted for State Senator G. W. Bird.
Tho Future In America. A Search
After Realities. By H. G. Wells; au-,
tlior of "Anticipations," "The War of
tho Worlds," "Thirty Strange Stories,"
etc. Harper Brothers, publishers, New
York and London. Price, $2 net.
Poems of Lovo and Home. By Wil
liam Wendell Riley. Commercial
Printing Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
Abyssinia of To-Day. An Account
o the First Mission Sent by the Amer
ican Government to tho Court of the
King of Kings (1903-1004). By. Robt P.
Skinn'er, Commissioner to Abyssinia,
American consul general. Edward Ar
nold, publisher to the' India office,. Lon
don. Longmans, Green & Co., New
Tho Psychic Riddlo. A book of
psychic suggestions. By Isaac K.
Funk, D. D. LL. D., editor-in-chief
of tho Standard Dictionary. Funk &
Wagnalls Co., Now York and Lon
don. Price 50 cents, cloth.
Lattor-Day Poems. By William
Cowio. Wolcott's t Bookshop, Syra
cuse, N. Y. '
Friday, the Thirteenth. A novel
by Thomas W. Lawson. Doubleday,
Pago & Co., New York. Price $1.50.
Golden Songs of Glory for Re
vivals, Sunday Schools,- Singing
Schools, Conventions,' and General
Use in Christian Work and Worship.
By Jamos D. Vaughan, George W.
Bacon, Flavil Hall, A. E. Helton, and
L. C. Taylor. Published by James D.
Vaughan, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Prices, 30 cents a copy; $3.00 a
dozen, postpaid.
Herbert Brown. A Thrill! ng Re
ligious and Moral Story. By O. B.
Whitakor. M. A. Donohue & Co.,
Chicago, 111.
Forty-five workmen at a spinning
mill in Poland were slaughtered by
a patrol of Cossacks. '
Federal Judge Adams of St. Louis
denied tho application of " H. Clay
Pierce, chairman of tho board of the
Waters-Plerco Oil company, for a
-writ of habeas corpus and ordered
that the petitioner be remanded to
the custody of the chief of police to
bo delivered to Sheriff George S
Matthews of Travis cminrv aw'
.for extradition. PIoiw w wnfQA
Texas to answer to an Indictment
cnargmg perjury in &n affidavit made
An Associated Press dispatch un
der date of Topeka, Kan, May 16,
follows; "Tho republican state cen
tral committee at its meeting here
today declared William H.,Taft the
choice of Kansas to succeed Roose
velt as president. The following res
olution was adopted unanimously
and without debate: 'Resolved, by
tho republican state central commit
tee, that in our opinion the repub
licans of Kansas believe the ability,
the integrity and tho experiences of
Secretary William H. Taft fit him for
high office, and we favor his nomin
ation by the national convention for
president of Hhe -United States.' "
As a result of the graft disclosures
in San Francisco, dispatches say that
Mayor Schmitz has surrendered au
thority to a committee of citizens
and that his resignation may follow.
Tliomas Meighan, who plays tho
dnghing Billy Bolton in the College
Widow company, recently visited his
home at the country town of Florence,
-S.Q, WliHe there another former res
ident was paying a vacation visit to
his people. This was a colored office
boy frorok the big banking -firm of
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., in New York city.
The boy had been permitted to wear
his attractive blue uniform with brass
buttons and dashes of gold braid; and
In the eyes of the colored population
he was little less than a Wall street
king as lie strutted through the village.
One day Mr. Meighan heard the fol
lowing conversation between the of
fice boy and his old friends:
"Does you over see Mr. Pierpont
Morgan?" asked one.
"Oh, yes," said Sam with easy,
grace. "Mr. Morgan comes into our
office mos every day."
"Say, Sam, does you knjw Russell
"Does I know him?" exclaimed the
boy proudly. ."Does I know him?
Why Mistah Sage is one of our. be3t
The boy held the astonished .atten
tion of his admirers for half an hour,
until it occurred to one of he ques
tioners to ask:
"Sam, what do you all do up In that
big building?"
"What do Ah do?" repeated Sam,
swelling up with Importance. '"''Why,
nlggah, I'se do coon of Kuhn, Loeb
& Co." New York Sun.
A cablegram from British India
Bays: "Governmental returns show
that the deaths from the plague
throughout India for the six weeks
ending May 11 reached the appalling
total of 451,892. In tho pun jab
alone, 286,777 deaths occurred."
Orrin W. Potter, the pioneer steel
manufacturer of Chicago, is dead.
Edwin H. Conger, former minister
to China, is dead,
A brown-haired, blue-6yed wee one
Grown weary and tired of play;.
Climbed up on my knee to ask me"
In her simple, childish way.f" ?
"Have you any friends in heaven,
That you sometimes wanttoVBee?
Can you guess how the question
thrilled me
Like a minor melody? - '" -
I thought, as I sat In tho twilight,
With the wee one on my knee,r "
Of my little blue-eyed baby '
Whose summers numbered three;
She went from my arms to heaven ;
One springtime years ago, , --K
And left In my heart that sorrow. Y
That only mothers know. - v
I thought how the baby's father
Grew lonesome, and longed to hold
Once more on his breast our baby t
With hair of sunset 'gold. ;h
And one summer eve he left me
To search for our baby of three;'
And I know full well he found her;,"
But he never came back to .me.
- ,
The report of United States Steel
corporation, recently made public,
shows that the net earnings of this
great monopoly reached the -fabulous
sum of $150,024,273 last year. And no
one will waste the time in trying to
figure where the steel trust "got it"
Prom the humblest citizen who built
a home or purchased so much as a
pound of nails, to the great railroad
companies for the construction of
trncknge all of them contributed lo
make the "melon" look so luscious to
the shareholders of the steel trust
Kausas City Star.
Tk T '.... ... 4.. ,.. 4-1.s.0 4,-
-Ll, A I'Vtil WJ111I. U HHK iiii:ui X. - . ( -
Oh! child of the violet eyes.
NMy heart Is gone on before "mo .:
To the hills of Paradise.
Some day I shall feel their kisses
Drop balm on my weary heart, '
Mine only, and mine" forever, -Though
earth and. heaven apart
Eben E. Rexford, In St Louis Globe
Democrat -
Blue blood or red, what matterltT
What matter pride of race? .:
This little mannikin bedecked.- ..Jv
With dainty lawn and lace,'. .8
Like any lowly cotter's child-"
Must-grow into Iiis place.- "."'".
Oh, b$by eyes that blindly blink
What visions will -you see ,- '"C
Of kingdoms leveled, kings n?
crowned, . 'vj
And wonders tha,t shall be, "
When every man shall walk erect,
Unfettered, brave and free!
Blue blood or red, what matter It,
Oh, child of ancient line? - "
The props upholding kingcraft rot;'
Tho fig tree and the vine V-.-
Each man must have who earnsit,'
and "'-
Behold in love the sign.. " '..
Frank Fair, in St.-'Louis Globo -
Democrat. '"-?-'
Mr. Roosevelt declared he was
"profoundly indifferent" to the con
demnation alike of the friends of
Harriman or of Haywood. He was
'so profoundly indifferent that it toolc
thirteen hundred words for hint to
express the prof indityof his indif
ference. Columbia, S. C, State.
You Know
that If you havo fainttng, smothering-, weak and
hungry spoils; if you Jiavo shortness of breath
when walking or going up stairs; If your heart
Is irregular, flutters or palpitates: if you have
imins around tho heart, in sldo and undor should
ers, cannot sleep on left sldo; havo difficulty in
HJS?!11 ,y,,nF d0n thnt yu oro s"""
lng from heart trouble, and that it is llablo at any
mlnuto to provo fatal.
Thou don't delay. Commence at onco to tak
Dr. Miles'
..New Heart Curt! I:
This famous heart and blood tonic will' euro you
if taken in time. r.
Tho i Umo is when you notice any of tho above
"I am glad I was porsuaded to try Dr..MHj
Heart Curo. I sufforod greaUy frdm shortness- of
breath, palpitation, smothering spoils and paia
around heart. I took si bottles and was outlroly
cured. Tlxls was two years ago, aud I havo had
no Bymptoms since." (
-JOHN K. TODD, P, M., TJniopoIis. Ohio.'
Tho first bottle will bonoQt, if not; tha druttdA
WiU roturn your mono r
H ' Si-.- '' I .',-'
A - V r .
urv: fiii'-MUM- lktflik&itftAf