The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 10, 1907, Page 13, Image 15

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--' . When My Ship Comes In
Working and smiling I wait the day
When my ship comes sailing in;
Hoping, -when it shall at anchor lay
On the rippling surface of my life's
And the storm has hushed its din,
That it shall bring in its laden hold
Not ingot bars of the far east's gold,
But smiles and joys of my lifelong
To light my way till the journey ends
., Then, then shall the perfect peace
". When my ship comes sailing In.
"...Hope burns bright though the clouds
hang low,
, . And my ship sails on and on.
"Par out at sea where the strong winds
'And far-flung clouds 'noath the blue,
sky go,
The captain and crew have gone.
Love is the captain, and Faith the
crew, ,
'And the good Bhip sails the ocean bluej
It nearer comes with each closing day,
Plowing the waves of the sea's high
way; On -through the sun or the gray mists
' thin,
' Is my good ship sailing in.
' Freighted with hopes that the years
: have borne
Js the ship I long to see.
" Balm that shall heal- all the heart
strings torn,
Rest for the hands so long toil worn,
In years that have passed o'er me.
Shadowy forms that have long lain
In the dews and damps of the church
yard mold;
The warm handclasps that I used to
Ami thr ininrhine eves witlHheir love-
,rn. . -,'.
Then shall Je hushed all the world's
rough din,
When my ship comes sailing in.
When white sails rise to my waiting,
eyes '
And my ship shall anchor, cast;. .
When the hold shall yield each, precious
prize -. .
-' And' He full spread 'neath the bright
blue skies
And I count my joys, at last,
Then, laying my tolls and trials ty,
-.And all of my loved ones drawing
I'll rest content till the setting sun;
Shall sink to sleep with my life's work
;. done,
And wake where eternal joys begin -
After my ship sails In.
had to go despite our complaints and
objections. . When we returned with'
the roots mother would dry them out
and every morning every child in the
family would "have to drink a big cup
ful of sassafras tea. It was for the
purpose of purifying and thinning the
blood rendered unclean and stagnant
during the winter. It didn't taste so
bad at first, but after a week of it
a dose of quinine would have been
sweet by comparison. But we just
had -to drink it, and drink it every
morning until our blood got so thin
our noses would bleed if we sneezed
hard. When that stage arrived our
blood was considered in proper shape
and the tea diet was discontinued.
The architect worked a great scheme
one spring. After doping himself with
the tea for a week he deftly thrust a
straw into one nostril and drew blood,
sneezing just beforehand. And the
mother, wondering how the sassafras
tea happened to work so swiftly, let
him discontinue the diet. But he made
a mistake of trying it the next spring,
and a few days too soon. The wary
mother was suspicious and made an
investigation. The result was a double
dose of the tea, which discouraged all
future attempts at dodging.
It was just about this time of year,
too, that we boys had to begin lug
ging water out to the old ash hopper.
Remember that old V-shaped receptacle
for the wood ashes? All the ashes
from the kitchen stove, the old barrel
stove in thd sitting room and the fire
place in the big -front -room -were
dumped into that hopper. If memory
Is not at fault it was the "hopper" un
til soap making time began, then it
became a "leech." Anyhow, we boys
had to soak those ashes in water, and
the dark brown liquid that seeped
through was lye. It was something
awful how much water that old hpp
per could consume.
Then, when there was enough lye
to begin, with, mother bogan the soap
making, and we boys had to chase up
the chips 'and keep the fire going un
der the kettle. If there is anything on
earth more contrary than the smoke
from under an old soap kettle we
never -found it. ' No matter on which
side of thefire you got,the smoke
would blow in your eyes and go dpwn
your throat jn choking chunks. . And
every time the good mother would fin
ish up a batch, of that soap we would
shudder to think how many washings
of neck, face and hands it would fyke
to consume that supply
thjnk of a Jot of other things when the
8 o'clock whistle tiJew. It .blew all
thoughts save that of "gotfthg " to t'je
breakfast tabic right out o'f his infhd.
Bqt the next best thing to being a
boy on the first day; of May is to be
able to-loaf around a little while and
think of the good times you used to
have when you were a boy. O,
pshaw! That old gag about having to
work so hard when you wore a boy is
a chestnut! Course you worked hard,
but didn't that make the playtime
seem all the brighter?
Just Thoughts
, When the first day of , May dawned
the architect of this department arose
In a reminiscent mood. Of Course he
didn't arise just at the dawn. That's
a little too early. But it was a little
nearer dawn than it was noon and that
was near enough under the circum
stances. And somehow or other as he
was dressing, and his thoughts re
verted to other May days, he happened
to recall a few things that used to
happen in those springs long, long ago.
And the minute he thought of one par-
ticiilar spring attribute he made a wry
face and spat.
Sassafras tea J
What memories are called up by
that fearful decoction. Sassafras tea
was a sovereign-blood remedy thirty
or forty years ago. Aloflg about the
beginning of April mother would send
us boys down into the woods pasture
' to dig a lot of sassafras root, and we
Say, the boy who didn't go in swim
ming the first day of May was a
"mollj'coddle." We didn't call 'em that
in those days, but that's what they
were. Ouch. But wasn't the water
cold? And how cheerfully the first
boy In would restrain the chattering
of his teeth, and disregarding the evi
dence of a blue and goosey skin blithe
ly prevaricate by exclaiming: "O,
come on in; it's bully good and warm!"
And this, too, Is about the time of
year we tased to catch the craw-dads,
amputate their meaty tails and pre
pare feasts that no French chef ever
equalled. When the architect visited
the St. Louis exposition he took the
missus down on the river front and
tried to locate some old colored uncle
who was selling crawdads, but it must
have been out of season. Until we
can give a practical demonstration the.
missus will refuse to believe that craw
dads are good to eat. But we old boys
know they are, don't we?
Answers -to Correspondents
"Worried Willard" If your wife is
acting very much like a hen that wants
to set It is a sure sign of the disease
known as spring houseclcaning. It is
seldom fatal.
"Anxious Artie" We are not wlc
on skin foods. We always skin our
food before we eat it.
"Puzzled Phillip" The kind of
economy you propose reminds us of
the economy that wastes a lot of good
sugar trying to save the watermelon
rinds. Don't do It.
"Imogene." Have we a better half?
Uardly she's a much bigger fraction
that that
"Penelope" Some kinds of walking
exercises are good. The last walk we
took was about 2 o'clock, in the. morn
ing, and it nearly wrecked the house.
But we finally got him to sleep.
The calendar says it is May, -.
But why, wo don't remember;
For as we toil on day by day
We think it Is December.
"We have expelled Crankleigh from
our auto club."
- 'Refuse to pay his dues?" 4 ' .
"No,' not that. He mortgaged big
machine to buy a cottage."
The two trust magnates were con
sidering a merger of their interests
into one gigantic whole, and had met
by agreement in an Isolated spot.
"It is foolish for us to remain apart,"
said one. ,
"True, how can we get together?"
queried the other.
"That ought to be easy. You and
I are both practical men, and "
. At tills juncture the fight began, and
the sod was. torn up for several rods
The architect was just beginning to
.Brain Leaks
Platitudes seldom bring plentlfude.
A good mirror makes many friends.
Prompt payment of pew rent Is not
enough. - -
A lot of boys will follow where they
can not be driven.
A lot of graft clothes Itself in "emi
nent respectability."
People with small principle usually
have big self-interest.
The frost is not responsible for the
death of all the buds.
Those who listen to gossip are as
bad as those who retail It .
We'd all be better if we followed
the advice we give our friends,
Recipe for becoming rich: Work
hard and be content with what you
The carrion crow has its uses, but
we prefer not to associate with the
human kind.
After all, a sunny disposition goes
a long way towards making the
weather pleasant.
"Stick to 'em a while longer," Is the
advice pf the Milwaukee Sentinel.
Huh! We're simply freezing to 'cm.
Temptation Is avoided by the strong
who are afraid of their weakness; it
Is sought by the weak who want to
parade their strength.
P1TCNT0 skcukkd oft'lu:
Free report m to pRtriUbllltr. iiltwtrstrtJ dutd
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' Addr...
Care The Commoner LINCOLN, NEBR.