The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 10, 1907, Page 12, Image 14

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The Commoner.
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More than one hundred people were
caught In n burning building tit 255
Wabash. avenue, Chicago, and narrow
ly escaped with their lives. Many of
them wore Injured, .but nono fatally.
George B. Scrugham, manager of
tho International policyholders com
mittee, New York, was arrested on
conspiracy charges. The arrest was
Instigated by tlio old line managements
and it Is charged that Scrugham and
others conspired for the purpose of de
feating an honest election in the con
test for control of the New York Life
company. It Is claimed by Scrugham
and others that this is an effort on the
part of the old management to cover
Us own Iniquities.
Forty-one coal minora were en
tombed in the Whipple mine at Scar
boro, W. Va. It was the result of in
The United States circuit court fpr
tho western district of Michigan has
denied tho application for an injunc
tion brought by the Victor Talking
Machine company against tho Duplex
Phonograph company. The Victor
company claimed that the Duplex Pho
nograph company was Infringing on
tho rights of tho Victor patents. The
court's decision is a great victory for
the Duplex company. - , K .
Seven men were imprisoned In a'
coal, mine at Johnstown,, Pntfor mora
than one hundred hours. When thoy
were taken out they wore all in a ser
ious condition, and were removed to
a hospital. It is believed that thoy
will recover.
way and terminals which tend to en
large greatly their physical valuations
or valuations from the standpoint of
reproduction. They are more willing
to have physical valuation of tho roads
made than arc roads having less val
uable real estate holdings."
Bingor Hermann, former commis
sioner of tho general land ofllec, was
acquitted by a jury In Washington,
D. 0., on the charge of destroying rec
ords of tho land ollice.
Secretary Taft was entertained by
his Yale college friends at lunch at
Cincinnati, Ohio, and there his boom,
was launched.
A dispatch from Washington says:
"Tho supreme court today decided Jn
effect that the railroad commission of
North Carolina can compel a company
operating in that state to adjust Its
schedule so as to accommodate passen
gers ort other lines from any particular
part of tho state. The commission or
dered tho Atlantic Coast Lino to make
connection at Selma at 2:25 p. m. -with
a train on another line running from
the eastern part of the state. The
compnny resisted on the ground that
It would Involve extra expense which,
it contended, amounted to taking prop
erty without due process of law."
Charles S. Mellen, president of the
Now York. New Haven and nartford
railroad, recently visited the White
House. A Washington correspondent
for the Omaha World-Herald says:
"President Mellen urged President
Roosevelt to Vecommend that congress
nuike a "physical valuation of the rail
road properties, He told tho president
that John F. Stevens, until recently
chief engineer of tho Panama canal,
was now engaged in making a physi
cal valuation of the Now York, New
Haven and Hartford. Mr. Mellen on
leaving tho White House refused to
discuss the subject, ns did also Mr.
Byrnes. It Is learned, howover, that
ho was pronouncedly for a physical
valuation of the railroads of the Uni
ted States. Somo timo ago Mr. Mellen
wrote tho president that ho favored
a physical valuation of the railroads
and that it was a physical valuation
Mr. Stevens was making for the New
York, New Haven and Hartford. It is
said furthermore on reliable authority
that W. 0. Brown, of the New York
Central, In a recent conference with
tho president urged a physical valua
tion as necessary. The president has
decided to discuss tho railroad ques
tion In his Indianapolis speech. This
was mado known definitely today, ft
is not known whether he will advocate
n physical valuation, but It Is certain
that if. he follows tho path mapped
out by the railroad men who have been
conferring with him lately he will do
so. The position of Mr. Mellen of the
Now York. New Haven and Hartford
Is that ii physical valuation of its prop
erty will show that it Is not only not
over-capitalized, but that It is greatly
under-capitalized. The Now York,
Central otllcials are understood to hold
the same opinion as to -their property
and to fool that a physical valuation
would tend to give investors conn
clonco. These roads have enoVmouslv
valuable real estate in the riMits-of-
The Pacific Outlook, published at
Los Angeles, says: "At a political
meeting held In San Bernardino by the
supporters of J. J. Hanford, success
ful candidate for tho office of mayor
In the recent contest, It was decided
by a vote of GS to 2 to start the re
call fight without delay. In the elec
tion only one Hanford councilman ob
tained an office, and as there are three
hold-over councilmen it has been
f i greed to seek control of affairs as
soon as possible."
A Constantinople telegram via As
sociated Press says: "Seventy-five
thousand dollars was tho ransom paid
for the release of Robert Abbott, the
son of a prominent British subject re
siding at Salonlkl, who was kidnaped
from his father's garden March 24 and
eventually liberated when the demands
of his abductors had been conceded.
Tho brigands originally demanded
.$100,000. The BrltiBh government will
Insist that the ransom be repaid by the
Turkish government."
submit to wrong in return. Seek tho
peace that comes to us as the peace
of righteousness, the peace of justice.
Ask peace because your deeds and your
powers warrant you in asking, and do
not put yourself in the position to
crave it as something to be granted
or withheld at the whim of another.
If there Is one thing which we should
wish as a nation to avoid it is the
teaching of those who would reinforce
the lower promptings of our hearts
and so teach us to seek only a life of
effortless ease, or mere material coin5
iort. The material development of this
country, of which we have a right to
be proud provided we keep our pride
rational and within measure, -brings
with it certain great dangers; and one
of those dangers Is the confounding of
means and ends. Material develop
ment means nothing to a nation as. an
end in itself. If America is to stand
simply for the accumulation of what
tells for comfort and purity, then it
will stand for little, indeed, when
looked at through the vistas of the
ages. America will stand for much
provided only that it treats material
comfort, material luxury and the
means for.acquiring such as the found
ation on which to build the. Teal life,
the life of spiritual and moral effort
and achievement"
William A. Brewer, jr., former pres
ident of the Washington Life Insur
ance company, was sentenced in New
York to pay a fine of $500 for making
a false and fraudulent report to. the
state superintendent of insurance in
regard to the financial condition of that
company. He paid the fine.
A New York dispatch of May 3 says:
"All records for the number of emi
grants arrivinc at the nort of New
York in a single day has been broken-
o?eloclc tonight. By that hour fourteen
steamship will have brought into the
harbor since 3 o'clock last night 20,729
omigrarits from nearly erery section
of the civilized world. This exceeds
by fully 5000 the largest number ever
landed here in a single day. From
Naples five steamships brought 8,287
steerage passengers. The steamer Bul
garia alone had 2,734 passengers in the
Arthur McEwen, chief editorial
writer of the New York American,
died of heart failure in Burmuda.
he Harrisburg correspondent for
the Philadelphia North American says:
"With only gang representatives from
Philadelphia against it, the North bill
giving the voters at large the power
to nominate United States senators
passed the house finally tonight by a
vote of 129 yeas to 16 nays. The sen
ate, which killed the McCord bill, must
face the issue once' more."
A dispatch from Puerto Cortez says
that the chief of police and several
Nicaraguan officers were arrested and
placed aboard the American giin boat
Pnducah. These officers were "arrest
ed for making a murderous, assault up
on a Louisiana negro, named General
Davis. An Associated Press dispatch
says: "Commander Fullam says If
Davis dies the perpetrators will be
tried for murder, presumably by court
martial and the guilty ones hung at
the yard arm In front of the port. The
Paducah was ready 'to sail forCeiba
and Truxilla, but will remain here for
the present. Captain Fullam has
placed Captain Winterhalter in com
mand of the land forces and he is con
ducting a vigorous investigation of. all
the details of the Davis affafr."
General Joseph K. Hudson, fori years
editor of the Topeka,Kati., Herald,
uieu at nis Topeka nome.
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A London cablegram to the New
York World says: "Tho Standard tills
morning says that among the aspira
tions in the will of Cecil Rhodes, to
which Earl Grey, governor general kof
Canada, referred in his speech at the
national arbitration and peace con
gress banquet, in New York, April 17,
were the ultimate recovery of the
United States by Great Britain, Brits
ish occupation of the whole of Africa
and South America, and of the sea
board of China and JJapan."
President Roosevelt delivered an afl
dess at tho unveiling of tho General,
George B. McOlellen statue at Wash
ington. He said that he would have
none of the so-called peace if it
were merely "another name for self
Indulgoneo, for sloth, for timidity, for
tho avoidance of duty," The man who
would do the best for the country In
peace, the president declared, Is the
man who at need will do hi war.
"Seek the peace that comes to the just
man armed," ho said, "who will daro
to defend his lights if the need should
arise. Seek tho peace granted to lihn
who will wrong no man and will not
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X: ssWAaSB i
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The Navy
In every community there is some young
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writing to the Bureau of Navigation, Navy De
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offers a future to American boys and young men. Appli
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