The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 10, 1907, Page 11, Image 13

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MAY 104 1007
The Commoner
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xiing or running any material, Instead
of pinning the fabric to one's lap, as
every woman. Is tempted to do to make
tlie work go easier, put the material
in the bird's bill, which opens by
means of a spring, and holds It firmly.
Elastic belting studded with steel, in
belt lengths can now be bought, and
the belt can thus be worn with dif
ferent buckles. The belting comes in
several colors and black and white,
and costs from 49 cents up to $7.00 per
belt length, according to width and
quality of material.
The abnormally large arm-hole is the
height pf fashion, and is often the one
touch which makes this year's sum
mer frock seem different from last
season's. To give a last year's dre3s
a wide armhole effect, use a band of
either ribbon or lace insertion, and
sew carefully around the seam of the
sleeve at the shoulder, letting it reach
about four Inches below the shoulder
seam at the back and front Then ex
tend the baud about four Inches down,
ou , the waist In front, continuing Jit
around so that It will give a. good
curved line at the .back. Woman's
Home Companion. ,
hby the pattern. Baste the insertion
through the center to the right side
of the material, and stitch the edges
by the machine on each side; then cut
the material from underneath, leaving
about an eighth of an Inch on cither
side to be turned back and stitched
down to prevent fraying.
Care-must be taken In putting the
parts together, giving due attention to
both collar and belt. The fullness
should fall In straight lines from the
shoulder to the waist line, whether the
figure is stout or slim, Do not bring
the fullness to a very narrow space
either at 'Center back or front. Keep
the waist smooth under the arms, with
an easy fit that does not pull when
the arm Is raised. Distribute the front
nnd back fullness so as to keep the
straight line of the goods from the
shoulder down, and pin the band to
the waist at intervals of two inches.
The collar band is made of a double
fold of the goods threequarters of nn
Inch wide. Long or threequarter
length sleeves will bo worn; tailored
waists should have the long sleeves
and narrow cuffs two and a half Inches
For the Home Seamstress
The broad-shouldered effect is given
to the shirt-waist, not by cutting the
shoulder seam extra long, but by giv
ing the correct line of the shoulder
seam; otherwise, the sleeve can not
be properly put in, and will droop
over the arm, giving an ill-fitting ap
pearance to the waist. It will be best
to get a plain, up-to-date pattern of
the proper .bust measure and cut from
In most cases, variety Is given by
different arrangements of trimming,
rather than differences In shape of gar
ment. In cutting, the "grain" of tlie
material at both the center of back
and front must run the same way.
Even with a well-fitting pattern, it Is
almost always necessary to make some
adjusting alterations, as the individual
measurements of different persons
vary in some particulars.
When tucks are to be used, no mat
ter how shaped or grouped, the lengths
of back and fronts of the waist should
be torn from the material and the
tucking done on these straight pieces.
By so doing, the possibility of the two
sides being unevenly spaced is done
nway with. If insertion Is to be used,
In order to avoid the waste of inser
tion, it is better to cut tlie material
Works Wonders in Health
It is worth knowing that a change
In food can cure dyspepsia. "I deem
It my duty to let you know how Grape
Nuts food has cured me of indigestion.
"I had been troubled with it Cor
years, until last year my doctor rec
ommended Grape-Nuts food to be used
every morning. I followed instruc
tions and now I am entirely well.
"The whole family like Grape-Nuts,
we use four packages a week. You
are .welcome to use this testimonial
as you see fit."
The reason this lady was helped "y
tlie use of Grape-Nuts food, Is. that it
is predigested by natural processes
nnd therefore does not tax the stom
ach as the food she had been using;
it also contains the elements required
for building up tlie nervous system.
If that part of the human body is in
perfect working order, there can be
no dyspepsia, for nervous energy rep
resents the steam that drives the on-
When the nervous system is run
dowp, the machinery of the body-works
badly, Grape-Nuts food can be used
by small children as well as adults.
It V perfectly cooked and; ready for
instant use. . . . t w . , , '', , '. -
Head, ."The Roaclo Wellvine'Un
pkg's. "There's a reason." - ;
Lingerie Waists
To prevent tlie lower portion of tlie
shirtwaist "bunching" below the waist
line, put tlie garment on after it is
otherwise completed, and adjust a
strip of tape about the waist-line. Ar
range the waist carefully at the back,
the sides, and particularly tlie front,
making the fulness at the front lie In
a becoming manner. D6 not draw 't
too closely to tlie center-front, and do
not draw it down too tight The loose,
blouslng effect is no longer good style,
buj; when the skirt-belt and the out
side fancy belt are fastened, they will
take up some of the length, and tlie
waist, to look well, and to feel com
fortable, must lie in an easy line from
the neck and shoulders to the waist
line. Pin the tape very carefully; re the w.ajst, and,, with a .cplor.ed
thread, mark at each edge of the tape,
where It crosses the fulness In front.
Measure on the tape the exact width
into which this fulness is confined, re
move the tape and gather along each
of the colored thread-lines, drawing
the gathers to the same width as when
held by the tape. Cut the lower part
of the waist across tlie gathered sec
tion, cutting one-quarter of an inch
below the lower row of gathers and
making the cut as far toward the un
derarm seam as these gathers extend:
straighten out the cut portion and
seam it to the gathered section;
it will be very much wider than the
hitter, so cut off the extra width, on
a line with the front part of the waist.
Bind the seam just made, or face it
to cover the raw edges, the facing
forming a narrow stay-piece under
the gathered portion to which it Is to
he hemmed. Hem the front and low
er edges of the seamed-on piece; this
little piece prevents the front from pul
ling up. A stay-piece may be stitched
across the waist-line at -the back, hold
ing tlie fulness to the same width as
did the tape; buttonholed loops or cov
ered rings may be sewed to this stay
niece to receive the hooks sewed on
the skirt-belt at the back. Tills will
keep the skirt and waist together.
-Ladies' World.
Query Box
"M. C." Wishes to know, how to
clean panama hats.
. Ella lt.-r-Match the color of your
eyes and hair.
T. D. "Rev. Doctor" is good usage.
Mrs. C. W. P. Tour sunny letter
appreciated. Say to tlie "rascal" that
he is forgiven, thanks for recipes.
Mrs. 0. E. T. Thanks for kind
words, also for tested recipes. It is
claimed the colors -are "fast," but I
do not know.
"Ignorance." Complaints i-nnd sug
gestions regarding rural route should
he sent -foonrth assistant postmaster
general, Washington, D. C. , -'-
Mrs. L. Castile soap, c-ven of tlio
best, does not agree with all skins.
The drawn, stiffs feeling nlay be re
lieved by wetting In vinegar, aud using
a little cold cream.
L. Equal parts of' table salt and
baking soda tied up In a thin cloth
with which to rub tlie teeth, will usu
ally take off the dark spots. The salt
will harden the gums, aud the soda
will act upon the acids. -
T. D. The iron stains may be re
moved from marble by using equal
parts of fresh spirits of vitrol and
lemon juice shaken together in a bot
tle. Wet the spots with this, and In
a few. minutes rub off wllh a soft lin
en, polishing with chamois skin.
A F. A good tooth brush powder is
made by combining one ounce each of
powdered orris root, myrrh and arrow
root with five ounces of prepared chalk.
Or, take two parts of orris root and
one part each of prepared chalk and
powdered castllc soap. Rinse tlie
mouth well after using.
John C. To sweeten the water Mi
the cistern, tie broken bits of char
coal (not pulverized) in little cheese
cloth bags holding a pint, and drop
half a dozen of these into tlio water.
This will not discolor the water, and
when the water in tlie cistern gets
low, tlie bags can be fished out and
fresh ones dropped in. They are good
for one or two seasons, aud can oe
removed as often as desired.
Old Fashioned Blood Purifier
For this season of the year, the old
fashioned "sulphur and molasses"
treatment Is recommended by many ns
having a marked effect in clearing up
the complexion. Take of cream of tar
tar and flowers of sulphur, one ounne
each; rub thoroughly well in a teacup
to crush all lumps; to two tablespoon
fuls of tills mixture, add six teaspoon
fuls of syrup or molasses, mixing well
together. Of this mixture, take eacli
morning before breakfast, and each
n'ght before retiring, one teaspoonful,
for thred consecutive days; then omit
three days, repeating the dose on the
next three, skip three days, and take
for another three, making nine days
that you have taken it. - This Is usu
ally, enough. Be careful about getting
wet while taking the sulphur. Eat
plenty of lettuce, onions, old-fashioned
salads and "greens" for clearing the
Tuberoses bloom but once; after
that, it is as well to throw the bulb
away. Tlie bulbs should be started
early in the season; cut the old dry
roots from tlie base of tlie bulb, and
put them in pots of rich, sandy soil,
and give plenty of water and sunshine
after they begin growth. They bloom
in October, and the fragrance is delightful.
Things to be Done Now
At the changing of tlie season, theve
are so many things that should no
looked after before they are absolute
ly needed, that it is well to begin in
time. In looking over the screens for
doors and windows, replace all torn
and rusted wire with new, and paint
tlie whole thing netting and frame,
looking after the fastenings and get
ting everything In, . readiness for put
ting them up.
An excellent way to screen windows,,
both upstairs and down, is to make
the screens the size of the whole win
dow opening! and by this you can
raise or lower either sash, as you
please. If it is not practicable to
make frames for the screens, tack the
wire Over the whole window frame on
the outside. This will prevent 'things
being thrown out of the window, which
is often-the cause of an untidy condi
tion of tlie grounds around the house,
especially under the windows.
To hold tlie screen doors shut, aut
omatically closing It against tlie wind,
use.ri wheel lock, to be. had of your,
merchant At night tlie screen can be
locked as usual. Screen doors and
windows are not to bo classed as lux
uries, for they protect tiro famtjy
against the filthy house y arid lho
mosquito, to say nothing of the bugs
and moths which annoy one uhprotoet
cd after lampllghtlng.
Do not allow water to stand Di pools,,
or other places about tlie house. IC
tho "rain-barrel" Is "kept, see tllaT'Ifr
is well covered, so no tnosquitos cat?
breed in It Old pots, old pans, buck
ets, kegs and the like in fact any
thing that will hold, water should oc
looked after and emptied. Fight tlio
files and the niosqultos.
Muni all old rags, bones, shoes, old
straps, pieces of ropes, and other uif
stalitly litter Hint lodges about the
house. Put everything In either tlio
garbage can, kindling pile, or on the
manure pile at tlie stables. Use plenty
of fresh lime, copperas, and other dis
infectants, plentifully about the prom
ises, and especially about the house
and house grounds. It is easier to
keep healthy than to -bring on sickness.
The Natural Functions of the Body
May be Restored Without Re- '
sort to 'Tonics" or
Other Drugs
Persons who are addicted to tlie
"medicine habit" will be surprised to
learn how easily tlie natural functions
of the body may bo restored without.,
resort to "tonics' 'or other drugs. The
road to health and strength is through
;i natural food that combines in well
balanced proportions all the elements
that are needed for tlie complete nour
ishment of the body prepared in a di
gestible form. Such a food is Shredd
ed Wheat. It contains all the strength
giving elements In the whole wheat,
made digestible by steam-cooking,
shredding and baking. It Is the
nurse's favorite an ideal food for con
valescents and those who are recuper
ating from wasting diseases.
Here is unsolicited testimony from
far away England showing that
knowledge of the cleanliness and nu-'
tritive value of tills food Is not con
fined to tills country where It Is made;
but that it has a world-wide fame as
tlie best of all cereal foods:
"135 New Kings Road,
Fulliam, S. W.,
London, England, Feb. 20, 3007.
"To the Shredded Wheat Co.
"Gentlemen: It gives me Very great
pleasure to say how very highly I es
teem your Shredded Wheat Biscuits.
I consider them to be an ideal and a
perfect food. I have found them per- .
sonally very valuable when sufifering
from indigestion and unable to digest
starchy foods. I find them also ex
cellent as a baby food my youngest "
little daughter for some tjme ate noth
ing else; in fact, refused all other kinds
of food, and we have now in our home '
a baby son aged nine months who is
fed entirely on Shredded Wheat and
milk. wn called him the Shredded
Wheat baby, and he is a particularly
healthy and amiable child. Everyone
who sees him remarks what a very
fine baby he Is. I am sure all moth
ers would do well to bring up their
babies on this splendid food. You are
at liberty to use tills In any way you .i.
wish." Yours truly,
(Signed) A. F. Whitmore." ,
Shredded Wheat Biscuit and Trls- -cult
are sold by all grocers. The. Bis
cuit is delicious for breakfast or for
any meal In combination with f.ruit
l'rispult is the Shredded Wheat wafer,
used as a toast with butter or cheese.
Triscuit Is the favorife food for lunch
eon, for campers, for picnics and for
(excursions on land or on sea.
Shredded Wneat products are man
ufactured by the Natural FoodrCom-
Ipany at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Your '
grocer sells them. .
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